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open Fallout Equestria: Endeavor

Defender of Tomorrow

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"Crackshot?" Aile questioned softly at the silhouette several feet in front of her, she kept her shotgun steady and aimed as it remained motionless. Her ears perked up at the sound of multiple hoof-steps closing in quickly behind her, but before she could react her shotgun was kicked out of her magical grasp and a beaten down vegetable sack was put on her head rather aggressively. "You monsters let go of me! I'll kill every last one of you if you do-" Before she was able to finish her sentence she succumbed to a deep sleep, her body going limp as she was now being dragged to somewhere.


Two silhouettes stood at the edge of the fog before Crackshot and Ezekiel. "If you want to see your friend alive again, you will not attack us and comply with our demands."  One of the ponies spoke, a stallion, but something was not quite right with his voice, it was modified, not by magic exactly, but by machine. This was only noticeable to those of enhanced perception [8]

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Crackshot perked up as he heard Aile's cries to be let go. He swung around to look her direction, but only a pair of silhouettes stood.


Never a good sign in a fog.


He pointed Persuasion in their direction, and listened to them.

"As soon as you tell us who the fuck you are," he demanded.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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(Group 2)

The vicious storm and the frenzied hell-hounds had finally calmed down some, however, radio communications would still prove poorly while inside the cave and the storm did not appear to let up anytime soon. A thunderclap had struck somewhere further along the cave causing the whole place to shake, stalactites teetered on the ceiling, and many of them groaned as they snapped free from their holdings, falling rapidly down to the cave floor. Unfortunately for the guard pony, that was suppose to keep watch, was too slow and one of those pointy-rocks had it in for him. The rest of the ponies had done well to dodge and use magic to save themselves from the death-rocks.


"D-dyna? Where is DYNA!?" The mare shrieked from her encampment as the pointy rocks fell down, running around frantically to dodge them and look for the filly simultaneously.

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Having been keeping watch over night Chip heard a massive thunder clap from outside that managed to shake the entire cave they had taken refuge in. The overhead stalegtites begun shaking above his head and he pull down his goggles to keep dirt and rock from obstructing his view.


Chip stood up nearly pushing the mares off of him and he stared straight up using his magic to redirect any of the falling stalegtites from landing on him or the two around him. "Just stay put you two." He ordered since it would be easier to redirect the falling stalegtites over an area of a few feet.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dashia snapped awake with the thunder and moves Dyna closer to her.


She looks around. "I guess I ain't getting anymore sleep. Let's get moving. It should be safe to travel."


She sets Dyna on her back, with her wings, and looks out of the cave. "Ok, things have calmed down but we need to move quickly. Once outside I should be able to radio home." She says to Chip.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Dyna was woken up by surprise, after having fallen a sleep, when the cave shook. She was a bit afraid since she feared that she would be buried alive inside the cave. However, Dashia and Chip were keeping her safe. When Dashia put Dyna on her back, Dyna held on to Dashia with a firm grip. 

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Chip chased after Dyna and Dashia with his light spell active and continues to keep an eye on the ceiling of the cave for anymore falling stalegtites.


"Just keep your head down just in case otherwise I'll catch what I can if anymore fall from the ceiling." He shouted at Dashia continuing to dash after her.

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dashia looks out the cave opening. "Don't worry Dyna. Big sis Dashia has ya. She looks around to see if the coast was clear. 'I don't want to leave them, but for now we need to move. I hope they fair well untill we can get supplies to them.'


She looks around just inside the cave opening, not wanting to venture further. She also checks her pipbuck to see if the signal was strong enough to contact home and or the party.

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Chip caught up to Dashia, his breathing was a bit more rapid then earlier. He caught his breath and looked around outside the cave. It was nice to see outside once again, even though they were still in the entrance of the cave. He looked back over his shoulder wondering if the others were okay. "Is every pony alright?" He asked walking closer to them both to.make sure neither of them were injured.

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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(Group 1) "If you fire at us, even just one shell, you'll never see your friend. You will get your explanation once you cooperate with us, now put your weapons down, please." The stallion rose his commanding voice to let Crackshot and Ezekiel that he wasn't fooling around one bit. Hoofsteps coming from the other side of camp could be heard and two new figures appeared at the rear end of the camp, just at the edge of the encampment. 


(Group 2) The sky was leaden with overcast, radioactive and acidic drizzle blanketed the wasteland. A lone hellhound was walking up the beaten and moist trail that would lead to the cave, it hadn't made enough distance to spot chip and rest but surely would find its way into the cave if not killed or distracted. It slowly sniffed the air as it came up closer to the cave, its nose picking up the scent of pony. There would still prove to be radio complications as something was still interfering with the radio.

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Chip pulled his rifle from his back and levitated it in front of him with his scope pressed against his eye. He narrowed in his sight on the hellhound's head. "When you're, give the word." He whispered to Dashia ready to fire when Dashia was ready to fight.


Chip would need her to provide close range combat on the hellhound so it doesn't charge toward him or Dyna.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Crackshot growled and weighed his options, which he had little of. Stand down, or risk Aile's life.


He glanced behind him and saw two more figures approach the camp. Now they were outnumbered.


He sighed and shook his head. Persuasion returned to his back.

"Zeke," he called out to his partner, "put away your sword. We're outnumbered and they'll take Aile out if we try anything."


He turned to the first figure. "I've cooperated, now it's your turn. Who the fuck are you?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Chip pulled his rifle from his back and levitated it in front of him with his scope pressed against his eye. He narrowed in his sight on the hellhound's head. "When you're, give the word." He whispered to Dashia ready to fire when Dashia was ready to fight.


Chip would need her to provide close range combat on the hellhound so it doesn't charge toward him or Dyna.

Dashia says, "Still no ho with the radio. I will distract him. Dyna, Chip take shots when you get openings. This us going to hurt."


She can't stay grounded because of her leg. Missing that knee joint will make this harder but she will fly none the less.


She sets Dyna by Chip. She then bolts past the hellhound firing her Recharger Rifle as she passes. This gives both their first opening. "Hey Fur face. Follow the leader." She says to it.


((20 AP 10 FP. Expert Pegasus Tricks, Flight level 3, agility 8 because of knee joint. Battle saddles and magical energy weapons skills.))

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Dyna looked confused and a bit scared at Chip. This was the first time she encountered a Hellhound. "Take shots? But I don't know how to use guns, I am actually afraid of guns. I only know how to use explosives". She looked to where Dashia was and hoped that she wouldn't get hurt. She started to ready the few dynamites she had in her bags. She had heard that Hellhounds were extremely tough. 

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Chip glanced at Dyna with his eye that wasn't pressed on the scope. "Don't worry we should be able to handle this, if you do throw any of those make sure to let Dashia know." He said refocusing his attention on the hellhound


Chip exhaled and took a shot at the head of the hellhound with his laser rifle. (At friends so don't have char sheet for info, so I'll leave attack open if you want to make the call of the shot defender)

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Crackshot growled and weighed his options, which he had little of. Stand down, or risk Aile's life.


He glanced behind him and saw two more figures approach the camp. Now they were outnumbered.


He sighed and shook his head. Persuasion returned to his back.

"Zeke," he called out to his partner, "put away your sword. We're outnumbered and they'll take Aile out if we try anything."


He turned to the first figure. "I've cooperated, now it's your turn. Who the fuck are you?"


Ezekiel sheathed Khalid and allowed his friend to open negotiations. He would step in if he had to, but Crackshot was the more experienced in dealing with Wasteland parties and had shown he equipped himself well with his words as well as with his weapons when dealing with Ricto.

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(Group 1)

"I must have said something wrong on wasn't clear enough, you have to relinquish your weapons to us, but seeing as you have not had a problem with us so far I will answer your question. We are members of an exclusive society, and our leader has taken quite the interest in your friend. For the safety of our people, we will ask again for you to relinquish your weapons."  The stallion had spoken firmly, yet respectfully to Crackshot and Ezekiel, for now, he was not going to give any more information to them. The only ponies hadn't moved an inch and stood there, waiting, patiently for their response. 


(Group 2)

"Follow leader? What you think I is? Idiot?!" The hellhound laughed hysterically and continued walking up the trail, using his hands and claws to shelter his head from the recharger rifle and immediately took notice of Chip aiming at his head, dodging to the side with incredible agility and abnormal prediction, the shot missing completely "I think I follow scum that try shoot my head!"  With that, he charged up the trail, his claws extending to his maximum wingspan and readying his attack on Dyna and Chip. Another hellhound had taken notice that something was amiss and was lingering at the base of the trail, uncertain whether or not to go up or not. 


"Buckshot? I can't find Dyna and the ponies from earlier are gone. A-and...Barkin....well, he's dead from the rocks..." The mare had gotten emotional and was on the verge of breaking down, she held a hoof to her face to wipe away some of the tears.


"Did you guys hear that?! I could have sworn I heard a lazer shout from outside!" One of the stallions shouted and began running towards the entrance of the cave, the rest of the group following closely behind him.

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Dashia turns sharply. She flies past and lands bringing her tail blade down before the hellhound. "Be nice or you will have a problem. There is more then just us here." (perception 8) She then says, "I can hear them coming. It would be wise to turn away before they get here."


((Melee = 30 AP. FP 10. Plus others that gm deems needed.))

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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The Equestrian wasteland, you couldn't find anything more depressing and full of sin. Two powerful factions waged war unexpectedly leading to the destruction of both. Leaving a horrid mutated war in which the inhabitants commit the most vile of acts. The skeletal and charred remains of the buildings were there to set an example of the carelessness pony and zebra kind. Well it would have if I could fucking see in this horrid rain!

    I sighed as the acidic rain pounded against my armor repeatedly making that same annoying pitter patter sound over and over again. Being fortunate enough not to be struck by lightning from a stray cloud I kept my pace trying to find any sights of interest. I could barely see the outlines of the hellhounds scurrying down below, feeling a whole lot better due to my large fluffy wings keeping me from their ferocious reach. "It had to be hellhounds, sure it could of been raiders but nooooo the wasteland decided to fucking throw me those freaks of nature." Thinking back on that quote I take it back considering I was a griffon. 

     Luckily the rain seemed to die down as the loud constant pitter patter slowly turned into nothingness. Finally being able to see the ground again there didn't appear to be any hellhounds in sight. Fluttering down onto the lovely irradiated soggy earth I shook off any water on my person. Squeezing the water out of my wings I took the time to scan the area only finding moist earth, pieces of rock, and the occasional skeleton to brighten up the mood. After drying off the best I could I took out my zebra rifle I named Agony due to the gun enchanting its bullets with incendiary properties effectively making sure your target died in pain if your first shot didn't kill him. Remembering the hounds from earlier I swapped out its current magazine and chambered armor piercers. With the satisfying sound of cocking the rifle I followed the trail ahead of me.

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"I must have said something wrong on wasn't clear enough, you have to relinquish your weapons to us, but seeing as you have not had a problem with us so far I will answer your question. We are members of an exclusive society, and our leader has taken quite the interest in your friend. For the safety of our people, we will ask again for you to relinquish your weapons."  The stallion had spoken firmly, yet respectfully to Crackshot and Ezekiel, for now, he was not going to give any more information to them. The only ponies hadn't moved an inch and stood there, waiting, patiently for their response.


"Hand over our weapons to a group of ponies in the middle of a fog who are more than likely armed?" Crackshot asked, curling his upper lip in a scowl, "Good idea. While we're at it, why don't we just put signs around our necks that say 'Free target practice'?"


He lowered his head down to glare at the figures ahead, his hooves not budging an inch. "Here's the deal; we all get out of this fog so we can see each other clearly. Then we'll start making deals, got it?"

Edited by Unicorncob
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As the hell hound charged at them Chip stood between it and Dyna, he didn't want to see such a young pony injured. Dyna seem rather afraid of what was happening and she didnt seem like she has ever really seen com bat before.


With the hellhound so close he didn't bother putting the rifle up to his eye, he fired at the hellhouND hoping to land a hit on it.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dyna hoofed out a dynamite from her saddlebag. She was not quite sure what she was doing, but she wanted to help. She lit up the dynamite and tossed it towards the Hellhound. "Look out, we are going to have a little blast" she yelled the warning to Dashia and Chip. 

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Hellhounds, the result of a battered yet enduring race and the effects of taint. It came to no surprise they turned out to be the killing machines they were today. The sight of them here made me remember the first time I physically encountered one of them. It was a job in Fillydelphia from the Red eye slavers to successfully secure a factory the steel rangers occupied.


*Tap* *tap* *tap*

I awoke to the familiar smog covered sky of Filly, with the sound of rifle fire then replaced with the roar of heavy weapons fire. "Uugh, what's happening?"I asked lazily.

   "You fell asleep on spotter duty dumb ass now get your shit together and do what you were hired to do." The griffoness in front of me said in a gruff tone as she leveled the massive anti-machine rifle at the factory just ahead. "See anything?" the griffoness asked.

      "Nope," I said as I looked through the pair of binoculars given to me. After what seemed to be two minutes the noises stopped. "Hey...the fighting sounds like it stopped lets go check it out," getting up both me and the slaver transcended down towards the factory. Outside of the factory smoke still lingered in the air from the battle. Looking around we found the remains of the Red eye forces. The result of a frontal charge against steelrangers gave us an obvious outcome. The charred limbs and the beaten shrapnel filled bodies of the slavers were brutally scattered across the battlefield, luckily my helmet had a filter otherwise I would have been gagging over the smell of cooked pony meat. Two rangers were slumped over near the entrance, riddled with bullet holes without a doubt made by armor piercing rounds.

      "I don't like this feeling I'm getting," the griffoness said as she opened the gate to the factory. What we saw were not the victorious steelrangers cheering over their victory. Instead we saw the remains of the would be victorious rangers. There bodies looked like meat being ripped out of a can from the inside out. That's were I saw it, a large bipedal canine that was at least three times bigger then the steel ranger below it. Its claws effortlessly slicing through the armor like paper. No wonder the fighting stopped, there was no one left to fight due to this one monstrosity. The slaver beside me readied her weapon as the hellhound let out a roar leaping at us with its claws extended.


    Turning on my radio I switched on to DJ Pon 3 considering I worked for Redeye listening to this radio station is pretty ironic. The reception was a little fuzzy due to the recent storm but I could hear reasonably well. "Helloooo capital wasteland! It's I DJ Pon 3 and boy do I got some news for you. Apparently this story is about everyones favorite power armored ponies the steelrangers. Either way it turns out these bucket headed jackasses have been driving around in a tank. The tanks not even the worst part, it seems that every town they go to the inhabitants there are getting infected with some kind of nasty killer disease. Now children if ya see any steelrangers put on your hazmat suits and hightail it out of there cause there not looking for toasters today. But wait there's some good news! It turns out a group of wastelanders didn't much take too kindly to the rangers  genocide and decided to fight back. This rag tag group called in the big guns and brought the fight to the ranges even destroying that tank from earlier! These ponies actions today showed that crime never pays and now for some music, this next song is called butcher pete.

     Wastelanders huh, that's pretty vague even for DJ Pon 3 but I guess he has his reasons for not telling names. . Enjoying my tunes I continued along the path bobbing my head to the upbeat music, I was so lost into the music I almost didn't notice the creature ahead of me. A lone hellhound was sniffing around the path, it wore a makeshift armored vest made up of pieces of metal randomly found across the waste. What mostly caught my attention was the energy weapon that was crudely resized to fit in the massive paws of the hellhound." Shit," I muttered underneath my breath as I brought up Agony. After making sure she was combat ready I took a deep breath and steadily aimed the zebra rifle at the hellhound and fired.(Guns 100)


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@@Defender of Tomorrow, @@Unicorncob,  


Ezekiel loosed the strap on Khalid's scabbard and placed it on the dirt.


"We are at a loss here Crackshot, we must obey for Aile, like it or not. To you our captors I'll give fair warning and I suggest you heed it. Speak truth and treat my sword respectfully, or you'll find out why I don't need it."

Edited by Steel Accord
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Ezekiel loosed the strap on Khalid's scabbard and placed it on the dirt.


"We are at a loss here Crackshot, we must obey for Aile, like it or not. To you our captors I'll give fair warning and I suggest you heed it. Speak truth and treat my sword respectfully, or you'll find out why I don't need it."


Crackshot snarled at Ezekiel's response. Not that he was complying, but because he knew he was right. They had no choice but to comply and hope it paid off.


Carefully, he set Persuasion and Reason on the floor, along with the assault rifle. All three weapons were on the ground before him.


"Fine," he snarled, "But you harm one hair on anypony's mane, I'll put all of you down myself. Got it?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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