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open Fallout Equestria: Endeavor

Defender of Tomorrow

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Chip nodded to Anna understanding her situation. "I understand, being the fact the stables had hydroponic farms." He said levitating the jerky partially back into his bag until he snapped his attention to Dyna who was on the other side of Anna. "Dyna, are you hungry if so you can have some jerky."


Chip kept his hoof on Anna's shoulder gently massaging her trying to keep her comfortable.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dyna looked over to Chip. "Sure, if you are offering. I can't remember the last time I had jerky, I have been stuck eating some lame meat that the ponies I was formerly accompanying served me. If it is really like something I have tasted before, I would be delighted" she said, smiling intensively. 

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Dashia places her bags next to chip. "I have more sky rations in my pack. Give her those."


Dashia then gets into the harness again and makes ready to fly.


Dashia runs through a preflight checklist to make sure Everypony is safe and the Sky Wagon is good to go.


The last thing she asks for on her mental Check list is, "Flux Regulator?"

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Chip levitated the jerky over to Dyna and smiled at her. "Here you go eat up and enjoy." He said as another bad was dropped near him. It was Dashia's and she was willing to give up more sky rations.


Chip levitated a piece of a sky ration and offered it to Anna. "Here you go Anna this stuff iwill be best for you." He said softly still trying to make sure Anna was as comfortable as he could help.


"The Flux regulator is in place, just we didn't have a rivet gun to be able to keep it tight in place. All that's holding it is the Flux couplings." He said to Dashia.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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I winced in disgust as the pegasus pulled out another ration bar. Those rations were what I presumed military grade nourishment, and that meant it tasted like crap. Seriously how did they manage to pack all the necessary nutrients into that thing but not add some decent flavor. Chip magically took the bar and offered it to Anna as he was massaging her, he also took the time to mention the flux regulator that hung loosely at the bottom of the wagon. The chance of falling to our deaths was left in the hands of loose wiring, may the gods save us all. "Alright I'm ready whenever you are lady, you just direct me where you wanna go," I said as I made sure my harness was put on correctly.

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Dashia nods. "If we go at half standard speed for this type of sky wagon max, which is still pretty fast, we should be there in about and hour or two. Follow the valley itself. When you see a downed Enclave war ship we have arrived. Not it is not part of the enclave. We are not liked by the enclave. They call us traitors for desiring to help the surface dwellers. Let's go."


Dashia flaps her wings, taking off. She knows thst she should be able to keep the regulator from coming lose and falling out as long as they keep the pace slow. "If it was just me or our Griffin acquaintance here, the regulator can't fall out. But sense their is the two of us flying, if we go normal speed, it will so let's keep it slow."

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Following the mares pace I flew at a steadier pace then what would be expected out of a griffon. A two hour flight would usually be a bit tiring but from my conditioning, power armor, and the mares help it'll be like nothing. The mare explained we'd have reached our destination when we see a downed enclave ship. Considering it could fit a settlement the only ship big enough would be one of the massive thunderheads the Enclave owned. How a ship as important as a thuderhead be ignored by the enclave for so long is a question in its own right. It's best to ignore it, thinking about it will just give me a headache. I let off a sigh as I braced myself for the long haul.

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"I think that we should rest up, we've been traveling with hardly any good sleep, maybe for once I won't need to keep my eye open or get up to take watch. I'm pretty sure our 'friend' here will be able to arrange for whatever we need." Aile spoke loud enough for them to hear and glared at the cyberpony, however, he paid no attention to it. 


"The doctor had already taken the assumption that you would want to rest already, so we already have a place for you to stay, so if you would follow me again." Xerath said as he opened the door of the armory and lead them to a nearby small house with small windows that was still in construction. Opening the door he quickly went through the dark house and lit a few lamps that were placed strategically to light up important areas of the house. "Unfortunately, we haven't been able to wire electricity through here so be-careful with the lamps, it would be a disaster if you started a fire. Also, there is already food set out in the dining room, I believe its several pieces of bread, carrots, and apples. We are able to grow our own food thanks to some of the sun-lamps we collected through our scavenging trips" Xerath said his last sentence with a little bit of pride in his voice as if he had something to do with that. "Also, there are only two beds, so you're gonna have to make due with that, it's all we can spare. I'll be here early in the morning to see you on your way so don't go on anywhere, the doctor wouldn't forgive me." Xerath had said as walked to the exit and left the building, and made his way to his own building which was across the pathway. 

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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Crackshot double-checked his gear as he entered the rather shabby house the group would be using for the night. A bit homely, but he'd slept in much worse.


He let out a small snort from hearing that this community could grow their own food. These ponies were more fussy about technology than the frigging Steel Rangers, apparently.

Maybe they're a split sect of them or something.


He raised an eyebrow overhearing that there were only two beds, since there were three ponies.

"Looks like either one of us sleeps on the floor," He muttered, "or two of us are sharing." He glanced over to Ezekiel, getting the feeling that his rather chummy attitude would mean he'd be all for the latter.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I don't need much to rest my head, you can have the softer bed." Ezekiel laid Khalid down next to him and began to make himself comfortable on the floor. He did take advantage of using a small tire that was lying around as a makeshift pillow at the very least.

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"You don't need to sleep on the floor Ezekiel, I don't mind sharing as long as whoever goes with me stays on their side of the bed." Aile suggested as Ezekiel grabbed a worn and useless tire for a pillow. Instead of waiting for a response she set her own equipment down under the first bed that she claimed for herself. "Seriously, I don't mind it at all, we all deserve a good rest and who knows when we will be able to rest on a bed with food again."

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"You take the bed," Crackshot muttered to Ezekiel, nodding toward the beds, "I'll take the other, or sleep on the floor. I've slept on much worse, believe me."


He rummaged through his saddlebag, sighing with relief as he spotted a bit of whiskey left in a bottle.

His sleeping medicine.


He gave the floor a tap with his hoof. "I've slept on beds that look shittier than this, so it's cool."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ezekiel conceded to his friend's point and he climbed into his side of the bed. "Thank you, good night my friends." He raised his hooves upward over his head and brought them down to his heart, muttering a prayer under his breath.


"Crackshot, wake me in a few hours. You deserve as much rest to restore your power."

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The skies of post-apocalyptic were what could only be described as depressing. Dull and dirty shades of brown,black, and mostly green greeted the eyes of those who bothered to look. The cloud cover forever sealed shut by the pegasi two hundred years ago mocked the desperate wastelanders down below. Up here in the sky there was nothing but the clouds and wind, no struggle or anything out to kill you. It was no wonder the pegasi didn't bother coming back here, I was envious that they didn't need to face what we faced everyday.


 The distant sound of gunshots were the only thing telling me I was still in Equestria. Dashia seemed to let the simple motion of flapping her wings take over, leaving her with nothing to do but stare at the horizon. Taking a look back in the passenger all of my companions quietly sat waiting for our destination to be reached. Turning back around I saw Dashia struggling against my wings in an attempt to descend, after a bit of urging I soon followed her example. Steadily flying down from the sky, the clouds cleared and the wasteland was visible once again as we slowly descended. "Were almost there, keep it steady and we'll be there in a couple of minutes!" Dashia informatively stated as we flew closer to the ground.


"Yeah I'm not seeing anything are you sure we're in the right...." I was cut off by the appearance of something massive. If you weren't told otherwise you wouldn't have been able to tell the ship from any other mountain. It's metallic hull laid against the earth, large rusted pieces of its bulwark were scattered around it. Once a war machine built to withstand all attack was now part of the Equestrian landscape broken and split in half. Many structures and other remains of various constructions pocketed the ground near the cloudship, perfect hiding places for the supposed hellhounds located there. The terrain was generally rocky with the occasional hill, it would have been hell to try and scavenge from this place. From the rumors and general location Dashia's home was a good place to stay isolated.


  My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud pop followed by a hissing noise. "Uh...lady we got a problem," was all I could say before the tubes holding the flux regulator in place failed at once. The engine groaned as its parts fell apart and slowly tore away from the bottom of the skywagon. The sudden heavy weight of the wagon pressured against Dashia and me as the cloud engine began to falter. We couldn't hold the wagon steady any longer as the old flux regulator ripped out from its holding and flew off into the distance as we were going down. I ripped off my harness as we were falling, the weight I once carried now fell on to Dashia causing the wagon to go down even faster. I quickly flew over to the side of the wagon and gripped the bottom and front of the vehicle in an attempt to slow it down."DASHIA GET OUT OF YOUR HARNESS AND HELP ME SOFTEN THE IMPACT!' I screamed as my power armor groaned at my attempts to hold back the wagon.


 We were at ground level now, with the help of my power armor Dashia struggled to keep the skywagon above the rocks below. Sparks flew off the vehicle and Dashia's boots as we were going down. Before Dashia could heed my warning her harness split off and she was dragged down underneath the crashing vehicle. Before I could of said anything the metal I was holding on to gave away and I was suddenly torn off the speeding vehicle sending me slamming against a rock. With a loud crash everything went dark.

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     Anna took the ration and ate it. At least this was much better than meat, since she never ate meat she'd probably get sick. The ride was alright, she had plenty of ponies offering to help her, which she liked for once. Out in the wasteland she was so alone, and though she could handle the silence, she sure didn't prefer to stay in it for long. A team of ponies helping each other through the wastes in order to survive, which Anna found beautiful, and how it was meant to be. She just hoped she could be useful. This remembered her of her old group of scientists, as much as she could somewhat hate them, they worked so well together before ripped apart. That was more so where Anna belonged, there was still a chance she could be backstabbed here. Was that still a  possibility?


    The only problem with the pegasus was the fact she was feeling very sick. Feverish almost, and extremely fatigued. It happened sometimes with the baby, but this was beyond what it usually was. When the skycart came falling, Anna was the first to go. The blanket on her flew out of the carriage with the wind, and a bump sent her up and out a window. 


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Right before the snap, Dashia collapsed her wings. Despite the impact, Dashia's armor took most of the damage. She tries to get up but her leg brace made it very hard. Her prototype light flight power armor was ruined and the makeshift brace was badly damaged and without power.


She removes from her pipbuck, which survived the crash without a scratch, the enclave power armor with the Dashite mark her father gave her. She put it on and did her best to repair kit her damaged leg.


She got it to work again but the locking clasps were damaged in the locked position. She would have to have it cut away and replaced.


She looks around and says, "Is Everypony ok? I hope we are close."


(okay I am back.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"I seriously don't get what the deal is with sharing a bed." Aile subtly protested as she situated herself into her bed, and glanced over to see Ezekiel getting comfortable into his own bed. "I mean, it's not like we need to keep watch for tonight, but if you seriously want to sleep on the floor then I guess I can't stop you."

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"Sharing a bed is for somepony special, a true soul mate. I like Crackshot quite a lot, but as a friend not a mate." Ezekiel explained as he finished his prayer. He adjusted himself before settling. "Yes I know I rhymed the same word twice. Cut me some slack, I need some rest that is nice."

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Crackshot snorted at Ezekiel's comment about being a friend rather than a mate.

"Aww, you're breaking my heart here, Zeke," he snarked, a slight smirk crossing his face as he cracked open the whiskey bottle, "Though you're right, we should probably have dinner before sharing a bed, huh?"


He chugged down the remainder of the alcohol, waiting for the zebra's reaction. Knowing his slight naivety, he might just take the joking comment seriously, the poor guy.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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     Anna of course, was a pegasus. As she was thrown out of a broken window in the sky cart, she quickly regained her center of gravity, opened her wings, and started gliding. She could only really glide, which even that was iffy with the extra weight. They say that if flying is still easily achievable though pregnant, there was a large possibility that the foal was a pegasus. That'd make sense since Anna seemed to be flying pretty good now, she even flapped her wings a few times to keep up with the falling cart.


     The cart hit the ground and seemed to have a pretty bad crash. Anna tried to land right by the wreckage, but that's when she noticed she was going a bit too fast. She was too tired to slow down in time, and instead had a crash landing of her own. It wasn't bad, actually, she just hit and dragged across the ground. Maybe a couple bruises at most, but that's not what made Anna gasp. There was a large release of tension, like a cable snapping in her backside. Her eyes widened, for now she figured out why she felt so sick.


     Anna got up, her legs wobbly as she stood up. She couldn't say anything to the group... things seemed bad enough as is. She was a tough mare, she could fight through it... maybe.

Edited by Star-Lord


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Before the impact Chip had taken Dyna in his magic and dropped her out of the window only a short distance above the ground. Being so focus on helping Dyna he didn't have time to get out of the Skywagon in Time.


As the wagon hit the ground the metal caved in around him as he bounced around off the metal surfaces. His light armor wasn't much against the sharp metal shard that found their way into his flesh cutting into him.


After being thrown around Chip couldn't move easily without a lot of pain, blood was dripping from his wounds as he laid there looking at the small gap in front of him.


(Sorry for the late post I went to bed early last night)

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dyna rolled on the ground after being dropped there, only getting a few bruises. She was in shock with what was happening. She had been enjoying herself up there, however, everything seemed to be getting out of hoof. "CHIP!!?" she called, knowing that he was still in there. She started running towards the crash site. 

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Crackshot snorted at Ezekiel's comment about being a friend rather than a mate.

"Aww, you're breaking my heart here, Zeke," he snarked, a slight smirk crossing his face as he cracked open the whiskey bottle, "Though you're right, we should probably have dinner before sharing a bed, huh?"


He chugged down the remainder of the alcohol, waiting for the zebra's reaction. Knowing his slight naivety, he might just take the joking comment seriously, the poor guy.


Which he did. Ezekiel coughed to mitigate the awkward feeling.


"How a pony lives there life is their say, my barn door simply doesn't swing that way." Ezekiel then adjusts to make himself comfortable and tries to fall fast asleep. Not out of dismissal, but because he really was tired.

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(Group 2)

As the dust and the mist cleared from the crash site it was apparent that a small portion of the skywagon had detached during the crash and was lodged into the hill which was covered by healthy green plants. However, instead of sticking out of the hill, the piece of the wagon had severed a large portion of the plant vines and revealed a small tunnel that seemed to go descend and go deep into the hill. A chilly gust blew from out of the corridor, shaking some of the lamps that were scarcely placed in the unnaturally carved tunnel. Some of the lamps had detached from their installments from the gust of wind and fell to the ground, their frail glass cracking, the sharp noise of it echoing deep in the tunnel. A small sign, still covered by the vines and leaves of the plant was still mounted outside the tunnel and it read 'NO ENTRY' [PER 7]

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After lying still for shirt duration Chip managed to pulled himself from the wreckage of the skywagon. Once he was clear of the wreckage he managed to stand, legs shaking as he attempted to take a step. Several wounds were visible across his body each dripping blood along with an impact wound on his forehead.


Chip chose to sit down in his injured state and rummaged through his saddle bag unable to find any health potions. He had given up his last to help another pony he came across a few days back.


Chip sat on the ground in quiet contemplation, mulling over the events that he just caused. It was his fault the part came loose and it was his fault that everyone was injured.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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