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open Fallout Equestria: Endeavor

Defender of Tomorrow

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Chip didn't realize she was upset which made him feel bad about not realizing it. "Hey hey, everything alright?" He asked setting a hoof around her shoulders trying to console her. "You need to talk about it Dyna?" 


Chip looked down to her with a small smile to help ease her pain.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dyna thought for a while. "It is nothing. You got real problems to worry about, your friends. That mare with the baby, she is going to get it killed if she continues wandering the Wasteland". "I know from experience what it is like to be a part of a family" she thought about saying, but kept that away. She kept on tossing some rocks and moved away from Chip's hooves. 

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Chip felt that he realized what was bugging Dyna, he still wasn't sure why she was so upset at the rocks but he realized she once 'had' a family and became orphaned which is why she was with those in the cave. He scoot closer to Dyna ignoring her attempts to further herself. "That's what I'm doing, some pony over here is upset so they are worth my concern... Dyna I'm sorry what happened in the past but you have Dashia and I now, we are your family and we will be here for you." He said putting his hoof on her shoulder. "I do not know why the rocks have you upset but Dashia and I will be here for you and that I promise."

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dyna stood up. "Get away from me. I have no family. You will just die as well, I will mess up, I always mess up. First it was my parents, then my sister and then the ponies that were with me in the cave. Everypony I come near ends up dying. And it is always my fault, don't you get it? My fault. So back off mister" she ran away. 

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"Dyna!" Chip called to her and begun taking after her. 


"Kids..." he muttered to himself as he figured the chase shouldn't last long otherwise they might attract some unwanted attention from predators. 


Chip used his magic to envelope Dyna levitating her into the air and back to him. "Come one Dyna we will be here for you. Dashai and I have already taken out a tank with a deadly virus and we're still here. On top of that actual soldiers in an air ship attacked us and yet here we are. We will not leave you and will fight for you." Chip assured the filly finally levitating her back to him and he wrapped his hooves around her in a sincere embrace. 

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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She started crying in his embrace. "You.... have... no... idea... what I... have done" she kept on crying. "I have done some bad things, messed up badly, it really is my fault they are all dead, be it by stupid decisions, tinkering or not being able to be quiet. I have done some bad things that will haunt me forever".  

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Chip continued hugging the filly caressing the back of her to console her. "It's alright, we all have our own burdens. That's why we should find someone in our lives to help us carry those burdens." He said attempting to console the mare. "I have quite a heinous act in my past as well, so you are not alone. When I learned of what I did I fell low and Dashia saved me from myself, so let us be here for you."

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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The thunderous noise that echoed through the ship was easily heard from our position. I turned to look at the large figure of the ship in an attempt to find out the cause of the explosion. I couldn't find anything but the decaying metal hull so it must have come from the inside. Before I could say anything Dashia dismissively stated it was the ships local super sentinel. Worry flooded my mind on how we were going to take out a super sentinel and why we weren't taking any action! My tension was broken as Anna requested some alone time with her new born foal. 


 I calmly assured out the skywagon and pondered on how we were going to deal with this. Looking around I found Chip spending some time with Dyna. It looked like they were having a moment so I didn't try bothering them about our problem. I looked back at Dashia who was spreading her wings in an attempt to give Anna more privacy. Dashia, what kind of sane enclave officer would name their daughter after the enclave's most hated individual. "Dashia, if that things roaming around down there your family and our objective are in serious danger. We need to deal with this thing now or we'll regret it," I said as I gripped my rifle. I've fought a super sentinel before in a ministry ruin, it killed most of my team before we had to retreat. I don't know how our under equipped group was gonna fight that metallic monstrosity.

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(Group 2, at the thunderhead)

The few pegasai that were stationed at the first makeshift fort were tossing empty cans at the ceiling turrets, the cans were promptly shot at and disintegrated into dust, however, with every can thrown they were able to get two shots in at the innermost turret. "Hey does anyone else hear that?" One of the pegasai interjected as he held a can in his hoof. 


"Hear what? I don't hear anything, you're just haluc-" Just as the pegasai holding the laser rifle was about to suggest his friend was losing it, a robot with treads and a clear dome with a brain inside of it wheeled into the room, giggling all robotically "Hehe! I don't think you're authorized to be in here, Dashite scum!"  the robo-brain twisted its flexible arms around until it pointed it at one of the pegasai's peeping heads and fired a lazer at him, fortunately for him he ducked down quick enough to only get some of his ear grazed. 


"See! I fucking told you I heard something!" The other pegasai retorted to his friend as he watched the tip of his ear sizzle. 


"Oh calm your shit, it's just a robobra-" Before he could finish his sentence, a faint wheeling sound was heard, a large figure was coming into view, the Ultra Sentinel. The massive robot barely fit through the primary corridors of the ship and situated itself next to the robobrain, scanning for thermal signatures. "Hostiles Identified (3)!" The sentinel stated, as if he wanted the pegasai to know he detected their presence. Since its prismatic core was already online and primed, it didn't need to wait and fired immediately at the thermal signatures, instantly obliterating the cover, exposing the crouching Pegasai, their eyes beholding pure terror.


They dropped their weapons and screamed as they ran away from the sentinel as fast as their little legs could carry them, the sentinel merely stood in place as it locked them into its targeting systems and fired one missile at each, two of the missiles were direct hits while the other detonated beside the armored pony, sending him flying out the window that was open. 

"No hostiles Detected!" The sentinel boomed triumphantly as two more robo-brains, painted in enclave colors made their way to the center room.

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Dyna seemed to be calming down. "I won't ever tell you what happened. I can not. It will remain with me forever". She pushed herself away from Chip. "I am fine, I feel better" she put on a smile. "See, smiling" she giggled to herself and then jumped away. "It hurts my cheeks to smile so fakely" she thought to herself. 

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Chip could tell the filly was lying to him as she pushed away from him, he let a sigh slightly hurt that she wouldn't trust him. Earlier she treated him as if she really appreciated his company and now she acts like he had wronged her in someway. "Fine Dyna you can have your space..." He said to her with sorrow in his voice. "Just... stay close okay? Dashia and I don't want you getting hurt." 


The unicorn returned to the others and walked up to midnight making sure he saw nothing but her and her wings. "Hey you still got that blanket? I can hold it up with my magic for Anna, I think maybe Dyna will benefit from talking to you since she seems to bond with you best." He suggested concerned for the filly.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dashia nods and says, "She is a filly. Emotions hit harder on her then those of us who have had to deal with them longer. Especially if we are the ones who created our problems. I will talk to her but not about those emotions."


Dashia let's him hold up her blanket, to allow the mare privacy with her newborn son.


She then goes over to Dyna and sits. "You do know hiding your problems will only make them wear you out. I am not going to try and make you tell me but I will offer to listen if you need somepony to talk to. If you need anything let me know. I won't leave my friends hanging." Dashia waits and lets Dyna come to her.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Dyna starts coming, but then stops. "I will only end up getting you killed.... like my sister. Or I might be an absolute failure and a mess up like I am, again and just blow you up like I did with my parents" she started to back away from her, tearing up. "I only hurt the ones close around me, please don't". 

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Dashia says, "My parent once told me to learn form my mistakes. Explosives are a dangerous tool. But when used right, they can save many a live. One well placed dynamite and a sky wagon core and boom no more feral ghouls. I should know. I was once in a Tartarus called, The Pitt. In there, it was fight or die. A memory I could share, if we had some blank memory orbs and one of the machines for them."


Dashia slowly moves closer. "If I get hurt, never blame yourself. I chose my actions and those choices would be what got me hurt. Never give up hope. Follow your cutiemark. It is your future."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"That is not the worst part...." Dyna looked away, she was tearing all up again. "I did it on purpose.... I never liked my father... he was not a.... good pony, so to say. He wasn't really nice to me or mom. He did things to me... to my sister.... and to mommy. So I tried to put an end to it.... mom wasn't supposed to be there" her voice was trembling. "I messed up" she started crying and lied down on the ground. 

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(Group 1)

After having navigated through the darkness and the dense fog, the ponies had tirelessly traveled through the wasteland in hopes of regrouping with their comrades. Of course, the cyberpony, Xerath had joined in for the ride. While no pony had said anything to him yet, it was apparent that their still was mistrust between the pony and the group, despite having fought beside them against menial opponents such as sprite bots. As they traveled, they went through their supplies rather quickly, however, they encountered a traveling merchant that had a surplus of food and restocked with them for much cheaper than they anticipated. While they did not know where Dashia's home was at they did their best to track their hoofprints that were still embedded into the wet earth, and with the help of the corpses of hellhounds at least knew what direction their friends had gone.


It wasn't long before a disgruntled spirit had presented themself before Ezekiel, and once again, the majority of the group had watched the zebra talk to air. The spirit had not been happy that his friends had crashed and made a ruckus in his domain, it had frightened the little critters that lived in the area. Ezekiel, with his silver zebra tongue of his had negotiated with the spirit well enough to inform him of how to get to his friends and promised that they do their best to seek shelter and not make any more loud noises. The spirit had agreed to his terms and set him on the most direct and safest path to rendezvous with his companions, though what they did not know was that there were new additions.

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I grunted in annoyance at my companions complete lack of interest in the large killer death machine, which was possibly slaughtering the pegasi that made their home in the thunderhead. Nooo don't mind us fellas we're just having a great time getting turned to ash while you sit around complaining about your lives. I made a yapping gesture with my talons as I flew off to ease my boredom in the horrible drizzling acidic rain. I circled an area not too far from the crash site in search for possible threats. Mainly the rumored hellhounds that might be lurking around. I was about to fly back after I found no traces of large beast. Before I saw the outlines of movement up ahead. I readied my rifle as I flew in closer. I highly doubt ponies bother to look up for threats much compared to griffons.

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"That is not the worst part...." Dyna looked away, she was tearing all up again. "I did it on purpose.... I never liked my father... he was not a.... good pony, so to say. He wasn't really nice to me or mom. He did things to me... to my sister.... and to mommy. So I tried to put an end to it.... mom wasn't supposed to be there" her voice was trembling. "I messed up" she started crying and lied down on the ground.

Dashia curls up with her comforting her. She says, "Your knowledge of explosives allows you to use them. My knowledge allows me to stay safe when your using them. We will keep you as safe as any other. We will need your help though. A trouble has befallen my home. Will you help me protect it?"


She comforts her till Dyna stops crying. "Chip, can you make sure to keep the mare safe. I would like to do a fly over and make sure it would be a good idea to reclaim the bot. You and me together can reprogram it."


(Group 1)

After having navigated through the darkness and the dense fog, the ponies had tirelessly traveled through the wasteland in hopes of regrouping with their comrades. Of course, the cyberpony, Xerath had joined in for the ride. While no pony had said anything to him yet, it was apparent that their still was mistrust between the pony and the group, despite having fought beside them against menial opponents such as sprite bots. As they traveled, they went through their supplies rather quickly, however, they encountered a traveling merchant that had a surplus of food and restocked with them for much cheaper than they anticipated. While they did not know where Dashia's home was at they did their best to track their hoofprints that were still embedded into the wet earth, and with the help of the corpses of hellhounds at least knew what direction their friends had gone.


It wasn't long before a disgruntled spirit had presented themself before Ezekiel, and once again, the majority of the group had watched the zebra talk to air. The spirit had not been happy that his friends had crashed and made a ruckus in his domain, it had frightened the little critters that lived in the area. Ezekiel, with his silver zebra tongue of his had negotiated with the spirit well enough to inform him of how to get to his friends and promised that they do their best to seek shelter and not make any more loud noises. The spirit had agreed to his terms and set him on the most direct and safest path to rendezvous with his companions, though what they did not know was that there were new additions.

Not far but far enough to be faint Dashia then heard movement. "Hoof steps. Causious and alert. Chip watch these two. We got company."


Dashia then gets up and follows the sound. She says a silent prayer that she have the strength to protect her friends old and new.


@@Steel Accord

Ezekiel sees that sprite friend of Dashia's as they get closer. It lands on his shoulder. "Did your task go well? We did what we could but the sky wagon was to heavy for us. They crashed no far from here. There is a Griffin somewhere around and a mare with a foal. She is from a stable by the pipbuck on her hoof and her basic understanding of survival in the wastelands." The spite says.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Ezekiel sees that sprite friend of Dashia's as they get closer. It lands on his shoulder. "Did your task go well? We did what we could but the sky wagon was to heavy for us. They crashed no far from here. There is a Griffin somewhere around and a mare with a foal. She is from a stable by the pipbuck on her hoof and her basic understanding of survival in the wastelands." The spite says.


"Our friends are nearby and we have new companions as well. Let's rejoin them at last, I'm sure it will go well." Ezekiel said (seemingly) out of the blue. Again, it didn't occur to him that he was the only one that could see the spirits. Even if they knew he could do it in general they obviously weren't aware when one was about.

Edited by Steel Accord
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The sprite says, "Dashia is coming. She left an explosives expert of a filly and the mare with Chip. The mare has a newborn. But there is problems. Dashia's home is on lockdown. There is a super sentinel moving around and the Pegasi and other inhabitants of New Cloudsdayle are having to fight for their lives. Dashia was torn on weather to help them or to get what they needed yo help the mare. She chose to help the mare because if she didn't, the mare would have possibly died." The sprite heads off in the direction of Dashia. "I am going back to her she needs to know it's just you."


Dashia was getting closer. She felt that familiar presence and it made her calmer and more collected. As she approached she saw the usual glow of Ezekiel's pendant. She trots forward. "Ezekiel is that you? But I thought we weren't going to meet up for a while longer?"


She steps into view as she speaks her weapon in a non threatening position. Yet it was still drawn out of the Need for caution.

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"We brought what we needed to the ponies that required it. The plague our enemies spread, none in the Wasteland desire it. It's good to see you and be united again, I've been told though things are not well by our little friend." Ezekiel pointed to the sprite.

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"Our friends are nearby and we have new companions as well. Let's rejoin them at last, I'm sure it will go well." Ezekiel said (seemingly) out of the blue. Again, it didn't occur to him that he was the only one that could see the spirits. Even if they knew he could do it in general they obviously weren't aware when one was about.


Crackshot perked up upon Ezekiel's sudden declaration. The hell did that come from?


...oh right, he can talk to spirits. Kept forgetting about that.


"Least it sounds like they're all alive," he muttered, though those with some decent perception would detect a hint of relief in his tone.


He gave Dashia a nod of greeting as she approached, then his eyes widened at her update.

"Wait...you have a mother and her foal with you?" He repeated.

Edited by Unicorncob
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"We brought what we needed to the ponies that required it. The plague our enemies spread, none in the Wasteland desire it. It's good to see you and be united again, I've been told though things are not well by our little friend." Ezekiel pointed to the sprite.

"Yeah. We currently have a mother with a just born foal. Home is on lockdown and my family and friends are fighting for their lives. We made use of a sky wagon but the main component for keeping it aloft broke loos and we crashed. I will need to build a new light flight power armor. Am currently stuck with my old armor for now. At least my rifle made it."


Dashia smiles at seeing them. "This way. Also there is a Griffin somewhere around here. I will take you to the others."


Dashia begins to guide them back to their makeshift camp. If Dyna is still upset with herself, Dashia acts as the big sister again and holds her, covering her partly with a wing.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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I looked through the scope of my rifle, ready to turn whoever these ponies were into a bonfire. I put my talon on the trigger as I followed their movements. However there movements were calm, friends of Dashia perhaps? My suspicions were answered as the striped chum started talking with Dashia. To be honest those two just talking to each other was a joke in its own right. They seemed friendly enough, might as well say hello. I stowed my zebra rifle and flew over to them. Landing behind them, I highly doubt a griffin in my heavy equipment would go unnoticed. "It seems we have yet to be introduced. Vice Whitetip Talon for hire and current guard of this little entorouge."

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It sounds like they had come back none too soon. At the mention of their new friend, he made himself apparent and introduced himself. Ezekiel smiled.


"Greetings and good to have you as we traverse this dangerous terrain, allow me to introduce myself, Ezekiel is my name." The shaman lifted his leg and bowed his head to the newcomer.

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