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open Dead Awakening [Equestrian Zombie Apocalypse Roleplay]


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Ponyville Residential Area


"something doesn't, add up giants exploding from trees?" Chrome returns "whats this about giants and trees?" "that zombie you just killed.... something just doesn't add up zombies are just corpses who were infected or just came back to life" "Yeah?" "so where did this giant come from? I'm pretty sure giants don't exist.... well to my knowledge" "what are you saying" "there might be a bit more to this outbreak then the three of us think but that's just a theory" "a game theory" Chrome chuckles "this isn't the time or place for jokes Chrome" Snowflake looks at Frank who is panicking "you shouldn't panic like that otherwise it won't be long before you die too.... I'm Snowflake and this is my friend Chrome"


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In Proper Residential Section Airspace: Ponyville


When Syannax realized what just happened she looked at who she got picked up by. She had blinked and calmed her self down before screaming bloody murder. "I... I'm okay... Uh... Thank you?" Was all she could really get out and then looked to the ground and acted frighten "C..can we land... Soon? I...I'm s..scared of Heights..." Peachy had said looking down with wide eyes.

(OOC: Note: When ever I switch back and forth between names, I'm mimicking voices. Peachy Solstice is Syannax's personal forum, There is nopony else that she knows of by the name of Peachy Solstice, And she uses a different voice for her forum)


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Above Ponyville Residential


I nod and angle toward the ground. After a few moments of silence I backwing neatly and land on my back hooves. I place the filly down before landing completely. I partially fold my wings and allow the feathers to slow their vibration until it is a barely audible hum. My senses are confused by the filly before me but I don't allow my expression to change. She is heavier than should be normal and her resonant profile is all wrong for simple flesh and bone. It is higher pitched than I expect it to be and she triggers ghostly sensations of damp and spider webs around my ears, nothing at all like any unicorn I've felt before.


I file her unique signature away for later. We are temporarily safe here on the other side of town but there is no guarantee that those necrotic ponies will not find us.


"What has happened here? Where are we? Where is the nearest Endoc Station?" I fire my questions quickly but try to soften my tone to avoid startling the filly.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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When she was set down she looked around to make sure none of those Zomponies where around.

"Sorry, the only thing I know of is that it happened too quickly. And this is Ponyville... and what is a En..dock station thing?" Peachy asked looking up at him with a curious nature to what of his wings are and whether to consider him a Earth Pony or a Pegasus or a thing. She is looking at the wings more than at him, seeing a metal in replace of feathers. "Who are you? And... What are you?" Peachy asks the second and third questions quickly after the first one.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Ponyville Outskirts: Train Station, Boutique, Crossroads


I raise an eyebrow. Ponyville? Isn't that supposed to be a megatropolis? I take a moment to consider everything now. The necrotic ponies and this primitive version of Ponyville really have no rational explanation. I am shocked at her last question. Something is very wrong.


"You don't know what an Endoc is?" I feel an icy feeling of unease. This isn't my world. It can't be. My warpony mask and indoctrination rise up and crush my building panic before it can control me. I don't know what my expression was but the abrupt transition to emotionless mask can't possibly look good to a child. I try to cover up my slip.


"I am Broken. Broken Physicality. I am a Pegasus of the Diarchy's Deep Space Combat Division."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Ponyville Sugarcube Corner


((My color could be blue if its ok))


Storm Rider was watching outside of the window. He then decided he has to go find survivors or help, since it is unsure can he survive his own. He disguised as pony, took one knife with him, if he needs to protect himself and very carefully opened and closed Sugarcube Corner door. He then begun making his way to Ponyville Residential.


"I will go to find survivors. If there are no-one else here, I will go to Ponyville train station. If its empty as well, I guess i'll have to survive my own." Storm Rider thought while trying to stay out of zomponies sight.

  • Brohoof 1
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She raised a brow looking at him wondering more about what a Diarchy Deep Space is but she disregards it. "No, I don't... And nice to meet you Broken? That's an odd name... But anyhoof, my name is Peachy, Peachy Solstice" She held a hoof out for a hoof shake not trying not to get her head to wrap around what he is other than a Pegasus with metal wings.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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I take the filly's hoof and shake it. My expressionless mask doesn't show my surprise that it doesn't feel like a normal hoof. Sure, the sensation of touch is the same, but magically it feels lie walking on a cloud. Like there is an invisible boiling of magic just below the surface of the filly's skin reacting to the inherent cloud-walking ability of a pegasus.


"It is a pleasure to meet you, miss Peachy. Perhaps we should find shelter or survivors? I saw a unicorn fighting a giant earlier. Perhaps they survived?"

  • Brohoof 1



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Ponyville Residential Area


"you shouldn't panic like that otherwise it won't be long before you die too.... I'm Snowflake and this is my friend Chrome"

"Oh, uh, hi you two. My name's Frank, and it's all this 'panicking' that's kept me alive so far. And since it's the end of the world with ponies coming back to life and giants exploding from trees, I thought I was entitled to screaming my head off while running around like my mane's on fire!" Frank replied. "Look, I have no idea what's going on here, and by the looks of it, you don't either. My plan was to go to Canterlot and see what's happening there, but now that that... thing is dead and I've met you, maybe we can go togetherrrraaaaAAAAAAH! THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!"

Dakon, Frank, Simon, Holly


Nothing is eternal, for everything has a beginning, and as such, everything has an end.

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just outside ponyville


caliber stopped and looked at the town sign. "welcome to ponyville, eh?" he said. "best go in, see if i can find anything..."

he walked in, to find some zomponies about. naturally, he dealt with them. caliber had disovered by hacking them to bit-size pieces, they couldn't hurt anyone. caliber didn't know that a simple slice to the head would be enough, so he just hacked and slashed. he found a market, and was about to see if anything was in there when he heard a scream "rrrraaaaAAAAAAH! THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!" he ran towards the sound and saw a pony screaming, his companion, who was sitting near him, froze the zompony. "thats some magic you got there" caliber said. he looked over to the ponys. "hiya!" he said with a wide grin.

Edited by Peytonjay


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Snowflake turns around and freezes the zombies "these zombies are attracted to sound so the more you scream like a little filly more of them will just keep coming" Snowflake observes his surroundings "we aren't alone here and I don't mean just the zombies if you look up in the sky you will see a few pegasus having conversations.... hehe they're more cowardly then you Frank, at least you have the guts to stay on the ground.... actually I don't even know if that matters I haven't observed Pegasus zombies close enough so who knows if the sky is safe or not"


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"I think shelter would be best right now... We'll find survivors I'm sure but right now... A place to sleep would be nice right now." Peachy said and looked around for a building that hasn't collapsed or is on fire or at risk of burning down. "Do you think it would be a good idea to sleep in the train station?" She asked looking up at Broken wondering if she could possibly feed on him soon... 'When he is asleep of course' she thought to her self.

Edited by Queen Syannax


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Broken considers Peachy's question for a moment. He snaps out his wings and starts walking toward the train station. His senses expand outward and he examines the building. There are two necrotic signatures outside and three within. His indoctrination quickly pulls up suppressed hand to hand combat techniques for unarmed pegasi. He thinks they can handle the five dead.


"There are five contacts in the train station. We should be able to take them silently. Once we have secured the building and I have sweeped the area, I will take first watch and allow you to sleep peacefully." Broken bites off each sentence in a monotone voice. His warpony mask is secured more strongly in anticipation of a fight.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Just Outside Ponville Residential (I'm guessing)



"Holy crap!" Little Wind said after being picked up. "If you gonna do that I'm gonna have to get you a saddle!" She stopped in front of dorm cyber pony and began taking to it. Saying that he had a safe place. 'Well I guess I do, but for how long? I don't know.' But put the corner of his eye he saw a commotion. He looked like he went through some tough times. 'But who isn'?

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"I think so..." Peachy replied looking up at Broken then back at the doors. She pulls out the Switchblade and levitated it in front of her. She walked in slowly peaking inside to see if any zomponies where there in the main room. Knowing there where five she spots one just staring off to a door way wavering back and forth. She sneaks over there and sticks the zompony in the head with the switchblade. Killing it, and making sure there is none walking over to her immediately.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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While Peachy is dealing with the three inside, I cover her back and gently leap up to the roof. From here, I can see that one is close to rounding the corner toward her. I take off for a moment, climb, then dive into a controlled spin. At the last moment, I snap my wings open and use my stored speed to slice through the zombie's foreleg. It goes down with a quiet thud and begins moaning. I flip around and flap back toward it before planting a hoof and using it's stability like a fulcrum to whip my wing around and decapitate it.


I quietly trot back to Peachy to help her clear the building. It didn't seem like the other zombie was close to walking around the building to our side. I gently pat her back to signal I am back and ready to help.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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caliber had heard a scream, then some ice magic being cast. he darted over to the source to find three ponys. 'one of them cast the ice magic, i know that much. but at the same time, one of them panicked.' he thought. he decided on his age-old approch. 


"hiya!" he said with a huge grin. "how are ya?"


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Snowflake turns around and sees another survivor holding a familiar weapon "hmm either you came from the future or me and Chrome came from the past because that weapon.... either way is possible.... well met friend I'm Snowflake and she is Chrome" Chrome gives a big grin "hi" "and this scaredy foal is Frank...."


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"well, i heard some high-level ice magic being cast. naturally, i was intrigued, and came to find the cause. good thing i did! i haven't seen this many survivors since that camp." caliber beamed at them. "oh, the camps no more. they tried to take my sword. anyways, i could hang with you guys!" he sat down right there in the zombie-infested town and looked in his bag. "ya got any food? if not, i got some chili...?


'huh. a machine? thats some high-tech stuff right there.' he thought upon noticing that chrome didnt have an aura 'but those other two could be useful friends!'

Edited by Peytonjay


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Ponyville Residential Area

"and this scaredy foal is Frank...."

"I agree with that completly." Who is this guy? I don't think we should trust him. "Uh, hey, listen, maybe we should get out of here. Find a building that isn't completly destroyed and stay in it awhile? I'm not exactly comfortable being exposed like this."

Dakon, Frank, Simon, Holly


Nothing is eternal, for everything has a beginning, and as such, everything has an end.

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The Place at the thing


Ponyville Residential Area


"your pretty sharp there not many have taken notice" "heheh I didn't even know she was machine till she told me... but yeah Frank is right we shouldn't be standing around here we need to find a place to scavenge and maybe hold off... any ideas? " "isn't there an Apple Orchard somewhere around here?" "yeah there is... what do you two think should we go there or do you have any better ideas?"


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She jumped not expecting him to do that, she turns and blinks then looks back at the remaining zomponies. She walked over slowly and stabs one zombie in the back of the head, sticking it so hard that it actually gets stuck. "Uh..." The second zompony turns looking over at her and starts to come at her. She looked around and picks up something heavy in her TK and readies to smash the one zompony in the head with it. She looked up and had dropped it and started to run away from it because it was far to close to her "Help!" She ran past Broken.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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I calmly step forward and shoulder check the zombie chasing Peachy. I follow up by snaping out a wing as it stumbles back and I spin to slash it across the legs above the knee joints. It falls to the floor with a thud and I stomp on it's face a few times until it stops moving. My senses relay the general direstion of the final zompony and I walk toward the signal. It is on the other side of the door. I kick it in just as it surges faster than I expected and tackles me. It screeches as it stomps down on my wings that have protectively wropped around my barrel.


My emotionaless mask remains is place and I call out in a disinterested tone, "Assistance would be appreciated, filly Peachy."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Ponyville Residential Area

"yeah there is... what do you two think should we go there or do you have any better ideas?"

"I have a better idea. How about a place where we can actually hide?" I'm not gonna get left behind here. "I've seen that place before. Trees, a barn, but not much else. Not the best place to hide, I don't think. We need to get high. Like an observatory or tall building or something like that. I mean, I noticed how these things move. They can walk, but other than the tiny ones, they can't climb very well."

Dakon, Frank, Simon, Holly


Nothing is eternal, for everything has a beginning, and as such, everything has an end.

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"why are ya so scared?" caliber asked frank. "the're just zombies." he turned and saw one. hacking it to pieces in 7 seconds flat, he turned back to frank. "see? that easy." he looked at the others. "and ive got an idea. i draw all the zombies towards me, and y'all find a good place to stay, when ya do, open this chili. i'll smell it, and teleport over. sound good?" he asked


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