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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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"No, I have not, that is exactly what I am saying. By wanting this battle you are trying to prove something. You are trying to prove yourself as a Shatterhoof". He shook his head again. "The one who pretends to not know fear, is only fooling himself when death finally comes knocking on their door". He looked back at the rest of the crew. "Are you willing to risk everyponies lives here, just so that you can prove yourself? Do you think that everypony here is seeking to kill this creature for glory? Don't you think some of us just want to live on?". He gave Tyra one last cold stare. "The one who is excited for battle, is the one who either enjoys hurting others or seeks death". He walked away from her, he was done. If she really wanted to throw herself at this creature and be willing to risk other ponies lives to do so, then so be it. 

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Tyra let out an indignant snort, obviously not moved or amused by Rave's speech.

"If you wish to feel this lowly about our chances of victory, then so be it," She called out to him, stomping away in the opposite direction, "I shall be busy preparing for the battle."


She travelled to the lower deck and grabbed her axe, proceeding to swing it around at thin air. Just because she enjoyed battle, did not mean she meant to throw her companions in harm's way. She had no qualms about hurting herself in battle, but protection of her friends came before it.


This is what she would do; help protect the ship and everypony on it. And she would certainly prove Rave wrong.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave hated to do this, but if Tyra intended to do anything foolish, he was prepared to stop her. "You are forcing my hooves Tyra" he whispered to himself. "You are willing to sacrifice everypony for your own personal glory. No pony seeks battle unless there is a reason behind it. Seeking to battle an unknown foe is the mark of seeking glory". He went below deck and entered his room. He looked for his saddlebag and found it. In it was a little black crystal shard. "Don't do anything foolish Tyra" he said to himself. 

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'where was that pony?' violet was walking around, looking for rave, 'i wanna say sorry for punching his eye...' she went below deck, and saw a quarrel with him and tyra, and then he went downstairs. 'oh, he must be getting some supplies!' she went down after him, and saw him pick up a black crystal, 'that crystal...im pretty sure i heard caliber say something about it, once...' she was getting frightened, "rave? whats that?" she said, ready to dodge, if needed.


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Rave looked up surprised. "Oh, Violet. What are you doing here?". He quickly removed the Crystal, hiding it within his mane. "I was just, erhmm, checking my maps.... we are about to head out into dangerous waters..... can never be too careful. Am I right?" he laughed nervously. 

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"i...just wanna say...sorry." she said, still a hint of suspicion. "hope ya forgive me..." eyebrow still raised, she moonwalked out of the room, and went over to tyra. "hey, not really sure, but i think you should watch out for rave." she said, concerned, "watch your back around him, ok?"


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Tyra, angered by Rave's words, kept swinging her axe this way and that on deck, sharpening her skills for the impending fight.


Upon hearing a voice she quickly turned her head, stopping as her axe's blade was inches away from decapitating Violet.

"Oh, Violet," she gasped between her teeth, and returned her axe to its harness before continuing, "how may I assist, my friend?"


She listened to her warning about Rave, and glanced toward the dark waters.

"What does a map maker know about fighting?" She grumbled, eyes narrowing, "He seems to think my willingness to take down this creature will put us all in danger."

She looked back up to Violet, glare softening. "I only wish to help protect this ship by bringing down the beast! My pride may come after I have helped ensure our safety!"


She let out a sigh, and a smile. "But, my thanks for your warning. I will keep it in mind."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave started thinking about what Violet was doing in his room. The voice entered his mind once again. "She was spying on you. You two did not have a good start. She doesn't care about you. Why would she? She has no reason to do so. She was snooping around". This time, Rave did not dismiss the voice, he did not suppress it, but listened to it intently. "Go on..." Rave thought. 

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Caramel looked at herself in the mirror as she was putting on her gear. "You can do this, yer ready. This time I wont lose anyone, this time everyone survives." she said to herself, trying to calm herself. She walked above deck again, the sun was almost gone as the ship was sailing further in the jungle surrounded waters. "Okay everypony, the time is near. Get everything ready!!! I want some pony taking down the sails, those are not helpful in this particular situation. Everyone else,   get ready to fight." Caramel said as she put herself behind the wheel. 


(OOC: I'm a bit better, lets go everypony!)

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Tyra paused her training and looked across the deck, smirking as she saw Caramel emerge from below. She looked upward as the sun began to disappear behind the dark clouds, bringing a foreboding sense of tension.


Assuming Violet would be set to take down the sails, she trotted up to the helm, and faced her captain.


"It is good to see you rising to lead the charge," she grinned, sheer determination on her face as she put a hoof to her heart, "as a Shatterhoof, I vow to help protect this ship, and everypony on it, with my life!"


(OOC: Good to see you're feeling better! :yay: )


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave heard Caramel's call and arrived above deck. He was done thinking and was now ready. He looked around, seeing where Tyra was. He would keep an eye on her, that was for sure. He walked over to where Caramel was. "I am ready to lend my magic to hold off any creature that attacks and defend everybody on board the ship". 

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"Alright lads. One thing we definitely need is light. Does anypony have a magic spell for that. It would be really helpful." Caramel said blinking her eyes in the dark. It was now pitch black, not a single drop of sunlight was visible as the dark clouds were surrounding the ship. "I have a feeling this gonna go bad real soon." 

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Rave's horn started to glow. Little magical balls of light started to burst from his horn as he sent them around the ship, providing light. "Good thing I remembered that one". The light from the magical balls were not strong though. They seemed to provide the same kind of light the moon provided. 

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Tyra snorted as Rave literally worked his magic, illuminating the ship and a good area around it.


"I am sure that comes in handy for map-reading in the pitch blackness," she snarked, a soft scowl on her face.


She did understand that he was trying to help, and that it would certainly do good to see around the ship a bit more, but there was still bad blood between the two ponies, as she could tell from the glare he'd given her on his way up.


The clouds around the ship did give her a feeling that the battle was going to begin, and an excitement began to well up inside her.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Wilhelm yelled up through the speaking tube near the other ponies. "Fire support here, your cannons are ready! Whichever monster is here will have a big surprise today!" In a uncharacteristic act for the serious stallion, he actually did a little dance belowdecks, where, thankfully, no one could see him.

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"Aye, thanks lad!" she shouted back at Wilhelm. Caramel heard the teasing tone of Tyra towards Rave and she also saw the looks Rave was giving her back. "What going on between you two?" Caramel said with a strange look. "Did I miss something, cause we need to be able to work together when the monster strikes."

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Rave dismissed Tyra's snort. He did not care about Tyra's personal opinion about himself. He looked at Caramel. "I'm sure there is some misunderstanding between us, a certain problem, but right now, this problem could be a threat to the safety of everpony aboard this ship". 

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"It looks like we agree on something," Tyra nodded, a stern face pointed at her captain and crewmate, "We have a much larger problem to worry about now. We will slay this beast that dares bring harm to this ship, and then we will settle any differences."


She glanced toward the dark horizon, thinking of the impending battle. She would help bring down this beast, and everypony here will be safe and sound.


She'd prove Rave wrong. That she wasn't about to put her companions' lives at risk for her own pride.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Alright, just don't let yer disagreement come in the way of good friendship." Caramel said still a bit confused about what exactly happened. The haze and smoke coming from the water was getting thicker as the ship went deeper into the darkness. The temperature was rising as if the ocean beneath started boiling. "It is here" Caramel said looking at the endless darkness.

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Lordy grabbed his musket, filled it up and got up on deck. He had his bayonet fixed and looked down at the water.

"I really dont see anything that might cause that much trouble... if you dont count the mosquitos..."

He slapped one that landed on his neck and regrabbed his weapon with both hoofs.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Tyra glanced over the rail to the waters, noticing that indeed the ocean was beginning to bubble and boil.

A smirk came over her face, and she stood by Caramel and Rave, drawing her axe and awaiting the upcoming battle.


"If anypony cannot take the heat, they are welcome to hide below deck," she teased playfully, lowering herself down as if preparing to pounce something.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Or we can try to avoid the monster the best we can. There is no need to try to put everypony at risk when battle is avoidable. It is always an option to try to get everypony safely away". Rave turned to Caramel. "You don't actually believe that fighting this... creature is the only option? Of course we will need to defend ourselves, however, this creature seems to be bound to this place. If we can get out of here, it won't follow us". 

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"Just wait and you will see, but in this case fighting is the only option" Caramel said looking at Everypony with a serious look. The water underneath started to become wild as the fog got worse. Caramel quickly focused herself on the darkness in front of her. A loud roar emerged from the waters. "This is it" she thought. Coming from the deepest part of the ocean, the creature finally showed itself. Once again, Caramel's eyes turned into fear while her mane turned glowing blue. "Everypony ready? Let's go!!"

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Lordy's hoofs jumped off the barrel at the roar but he quickly caught it and aimed blindly towards the direction of the sound.

"Umm... Please tell me that was just my stomach... " he mumbled silently as he made a quick cross with his right hoof before re-holding his musket. He had faced lines of enemy soldiers without a problem... But this might've proven a bit too much.

"Go... Where exactly? Cant see a god damn thing..."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Tyra grinned uncontrollably at the roar, knowing full well what it meant. The monster finally reared its head, and she glanced up with wonder as it prepared to protect its domain.


"The monster is upon us!" She bellowed, waving her axe in the air with her hoof, "Let us show it our unyielding fury!"


She shoved the hilt back between her teeth, smirking with sheer confidence as she stared at the creature.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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