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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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Lordy fired and hit the beast somewhere on its hode. He was unsure if the shot had passed through the monsters thick scales but he quickly reloaded and fired again. "Screw this!"

He dropped his musket and rushed underdeck to help Wilhem with the cannons.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Violet had already tied up the sails, and when the monster appeared, she put on her brass hoofs. "Lets go!" she said, as she flew around the monster, landing blows that left decent sized craters on it's skin. "Come on!" she wished caliber were here. He's more suited to fight this kind of thing. But she can't think about that. She had to focus on winning.


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Caramel flapped her wings, ignoring the fact that one of them was still broken, flying towards the monster so that she could help Violet and the others. She saw the punches violet was giving the monster. All thou it left some huge craters, the monster did not seem to care. It was more focused on the ship then Violet. Caramel sped up as she crashed against the monster as a way of damaging him. It almost seemed impossible to defeat it since it was at least 100 times bigger than her. 

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In that moment, Rave grabbed the wheel. He started steering the ship away from the monster, however, still keeping it in a line of fire for the cannons. He started to picture the maps he had been looking at in his head, to try and remember the way out. "We are getting out of here, that is for sure". 

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Shrieking a war cry, Tyra galloped toward the creature and leapt over the rail to reach it. She used her axe to stab into the beast, and began using it to slowly climb up its large body, while creating as many stab wounds as possible.


"Fear, the wrath, of the Frozen North!" She yelled, taking pauses to pant and breathe while she climbed up toward its head.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave saw and now yelled as Tyra jumped. "You crazy pony, what are you doing? It will kill you the instant it decides to pop its head back into the sea". Rave brought forth his black crystal shard and started focusing on Tyra, starting to chant with a low voice. 

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Violet looked at rave to see how he was helping, when she saw him with a dark Crystal, chanting. She followed his gaze, and saw he was aiming for Tyra. "Okay, that's it," she said, as she flew back to the ship. Ready to punch his lights out, she said "just what do you plan to do with that?"


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Rave looked at Violet with anger in his eyes. His horn glowed and a shield appeared in front of him. "You aint hitting me again" he hissed. "I am keeping her from killing herself. That is what I am trying to do. Tyra has a good heart, do you know what it would do to the crew, to me, to the captain if she died? I can't let that happen. No one has to die. This is not a monster slaying competition". He started focusing on Tyra again, keeping one eye on Violet though. 

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The monster turned it's attention away from the ship and towards Tyra and Caramel. "Oh sweet Celestia! Let's get out of here!!!" Caramel grabbed Tyra as she tried to go back to ship as quick as possible. "I'm sorry Tyra, I know ye wanna fight but we gotta get out of here." Caramel yelled, her mane still glowing. She dropped Tyra on deck but for Caramel it was already too late as the monster got to her. She was gone before she even knew it. Taken towards the deepest part of the sea, below the ocean.

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"You are the one dangering people's lives. You take out Tyra, there goes our strongest fighter." she raised a hoof, preparing a power punch. "She has experience. I'm sure she knows what she's doing." if this guy didn't lower that Crystal, she was gonna have to break both his shield and him. Somehow


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Rave dropped his black crystal and jumped after Caramel. "CARAMEL" he yelled. He didn't care that Violet was nearby and he ran past her, nearly crashing into her, only bumping into her. "I'm coming, don't worry". He jumped into the ocean, lighting his horn to try and see in the dark. He conjured forth a spell that created a oxygen bubble around his muzzle so that he could breath. He was starting to summon forth dark magic to aid him. 

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Tyra suddenly felt herself getting pried off the monster by Caramel and slammed onto the deck. "W-what are you-?!"


She gasped as her captain was taken by the monster, and it dragged her below.

Instead of fearing the worst, anger grew inside of her. Her fiery warrior spirit blazed.


"No. It will not end this way."


She grabbed her axe and followed Rave into the ocean, following the light of his horn deeper and deeper into the abyss.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Violet picked up the Crystal, and threw it overboard. Then, she dived into the ocean, using her wings to motorboat her way faster than normal. She was neck to neck with rave. 'Caramel...' she thought. She looked at rave with a look that said 'ill help you once'. She grabbed his shoulders, and threw him as hard as she could, which was a lot. He shot like a bullet towards the monster. She watched him go down, and swam after him

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Rave saw Tyra approaching him. He swam towards her and his horn glowed a little bit brighter as he placed an oxygen bubble around Tyra's muzzle. He made a gesture with his hooves in the direction he had seen the monster take Caramel. He was the one with the light though. He started swimming in the direction the monster had gone. He could feel dark magic pumping in his veins. Rave was mad. 


Rave felt something grab him and he was suddenly thrust in the direction the monster had gone at great speed. "I'm coming" he thought

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Tyra blinked as the oxygen bubble appeared around her muzzle, and nodded as Rave motioned her to follow. She swam after him, following his light.


Even Violet had joined the rescue. She nodded at her; more hooves meant more help.


She hoped Caramel was safe. This was partially her fault, but this rescue would help fix that.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"People say that before ye die, ye see yer life flashing in front of yer eyes, but I don't know if that is true, I think ye just close yer eyes." Caramel remember the words her sister once told her as the monster was dragging her down deeper. She did not see her life flashing in front of her eyes. She saw three ponies coming after her. These were her friends."I'm not ready to lose them in such a short time." Caramel though as the tried to free herself from the monsters grasp. Caramel tried using all her strength but it wasn't enough. No air, No oxygen, Only water slowly filled her lungs.

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Violet's boost had really helped. He was getting closer, yet the monster was starting to cover a lot of distance again as he lost momentum. "No, I will not allow you to take her" he thought to himself. His horn glowed a little bit dark for a moment, cutting off the light for a few seconds as he started using dark magic to push himself towards Caramel. He felt a lot of magical strain as he felt deformation starting to spread over his body. He could feel his teeth, his eyes, his coat and mane starting to get itchy. He was a few meters away from her. He started to conjure forth a oxygen bubble. 

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Tyra continued to swim after Rave, blinking as the light began fading. All she had to go on was the slightest silhouette of the stallion, until the light came back on.


She could tell he certainly felt strongly about Caramel, and she would do anything in her power to reunite the two, and make sure their captain got back safe.


But first, that beast needed to be slain.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Wilhelm rushed around the cannon deck in a frenzy of activity, preparing the cannons for their next volleys. The first one, fired as the monster surfaced, mostly went wide, but many of the special cannonballs penetrated its hide, carving roughly five furrows and craters into the creature's flesh. Seeing Lordy come belowdecks, Wilhelm wordlessly handed him a rammer and pointed in in the direction of the other side of cannons, shouted instructions mostly muted by the roar of cannonry. After the monster took Caramel, Wilhelm took the wheel in Rave's place, fighting to keep the ship steady in the boiling waters. The ship itself was beginning to drift towards the side, and he heaved in the wheel with all his strength, the ship keeling over as it attempted to avoid the rocky cliffs the current seemed to wish them to impact against- something that would result in certain death.

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"I dont think the grape-shot is going through!"


Lordy yelled...


"U try chain, ill go round... that thing has one thick skin!"


Lordy loaded a round cannonball and fired, it hit the monster where its neck was supposed to be. He quickly loaded another and took aim again.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Rave did not feel right, he felt twisted. The dark magic was starting to take toll on him, however, he pushed on. He grabbed Caramel as he managed to reach her, the monster pulling him as well at that moment. He conjured forth an oxygen bubble and placed it around Caramel's muzzle. He then tried to use his dark magic on the creature to make it drop Caramel. It certainly did some form of damage, but at the moment, Rave's offensive magic was weak. He needed Tyra's ax. He needed Tyra. "You know dark magic works a lot better when infused with hatred. By trying to save 'her' you are only fueling it with the wrong source". Rave did not listen. He looked in the direction of Tyra. Although he could not see her in the darkness. He used whatever magic he had left to pull any objects to him. He pulled both Tyra and Violet in his direction at great speed. They had nearly reached him when his horn went out, everything going dark. He reached for his mane and pulled out a silver crystal shard and it started to illuminate everything around him. 

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Tyra swam after Rave as quickly as she possibly could; living in a village near the water meant it was practically mandatory to know how to swim. Though she had to admit, this water is a thousand times warmer.


With her front hooves free, she was able to hold the hilt of her axe with them while her hind legs kicked. A practice she did not get the chance to use often, but it was effective for fighting creatures underwater.


Such as this demon that had taken her captain.


She felt something pulling on her hard, and she found herself next to Rave, and face to face with the monster clutching an (hopefully) unconscious Caramel.

Everything went dim for a few moments, but that made no difference to her; it was in her sights, and she was ready to fight it.


She gave her axe a heavy sidewards swing, striking at the part keeping Caramel clung to the monster. Hopefully it would get the message and let her go.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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violet started kicking at the monster, aiming for vital spots, trying to make it let go of caramel. 'an air bubble would be nice' she thought, 'but i got about another two minutes left, so im good,' they were all yanking on caramel, trying to free her, and violet was starting to get the smallest doubt they might not free her.


(im guessing the worms got her leg, or something? in its mouth?)


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Rave had burned out his magic. The monster didn't want to let Caramel go. However, neither would Rave....


Rave looked at where Violet was at it, she did not have an oxygen bubble. Rave wished he could conjure forth another one. They were running out of time. The oxygen bubbles could not last forever. He was filled with hatred. "Yes yes, feed of the anger, feed of the hate". Rave felt his teeth becoming strange, his body vibrated a little bit. His horn flared red and he blasted a big hole in the hide of the beast. "Let her GOOOOOOO" he yelled within his own oxygen bubble as it burst. 

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Tyra blinked and shook her head with surprise as Rave had suddenly shot a huge hole through the monster with just his magic.


She looked over to him. Obviously some kind of dark powers were at play here...


She shook her head again; no time for that. With the monster definitely weakened, she took the chance to hoist Caramel out of its grasp, and gave her over to Rave.

"Go, save her!" She yelled through her oxygen bubble, motioning for the other two to get to the surface.


She turned and gave the monster a few final swings of her axe into its head, for good measure, before she followed them.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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