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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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Violet saw Tyra chatting with spellbind. She didn't know how to incorporate herself into the conversation, so she just left. She wandered around, looking for something to do, when she found herself downstairs, in the sleeping rooms. She started poking around, looking for a room for herself, walking in on rave, Wilhelm, and caramel before finding an empty one. Settling in, she fell into a deep sleep.


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Rave woke up from a dream. "Come back, I'm not finished with you!". He looked around, it was still dark. "Must be the middle of the night" thought. He got out of bed and went above deck. He looked out over the dark waters, they were quite still. It was a very calm night. He looked up, at the stars. He sighed. His mane was now its normal color, brown and white. 

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Caramel slept for a while but had quickly woken up since she couldn't really sleep with all these nightmares. It seemed pretty dark outside but Caramel knew it was almost morning. "Probably some clouds from Deadmares cross floating above us." she thought. She walked above deck. It was really dark, it looked like she was alone but she wasn't sure since she really didn't see much. She pulled up the anchor and climbed up the main mast so that she could release the sails.

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Rave looked up, he could see Caramel working. His magic seemed to have returned, but was weak. He helped her by using his magic releasing the sails. He smiled as he thought he was being of use now. He did not think that Caramel has noticed him though. He was ok with that. 

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Caramel startled a bit when the sails suddenly unleashed without her even doing so. She looked down, she saw Rave standing below her. "Aah That explains it." she thought. She then gently flew down, landing next to him. "Good morning, how are ye today?" Caramel said with a big smile on her face.

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Rave smiled as Caramel approached him. He felt better seeing her. "I am better captain, better than I was before. How are you doing? I imagine nearly dying is quite shocking?". He had a little bit of a concerned look on his face. He awaited Caramel's reply to him. 

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"Nearly dying, it was okay. I mean, I nearly died several times on this ship so it's not such a big deal." Caramel said trying to act tough. "yeah, I got a view scars left from these journeys." Caramel said with a smile. "Glad to see yer doing okay too." She said with a smile. She ran off, climbing the front mast, so that she could release those sails as well. Only two mast to go!

Edited by Pucksterv
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Rave kept on helping her, using his magic to release the sails. "Scars..." thought. "We are all scarred in someway". He thought about his time in Canterlot, when he had been allowed to be there, in the School for Gifted Unicorns. When he was kicked out and banished from Canterlot, only to become later wanted by the government. 

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"Could you start steering the ship" Caramel yelled at Rave. She had to yell pretty loud since she was sitting really high up the mast. She then flew over towards the crowns nest. She expected Violet sleeping there since she has been sleeping there ever since the beginning of this journey. "Guess she found herself a bed. She sat down as she found a bit of cider left in the barrel from the night before. She drank a bit while she looked at the shimmering sea. The sun was finally shining bright again.

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Rave took the wheel and started steering the ship. He knew where to go, he remembered the maps. He started steering through Deadmares cross, slowly. The weather was calm. "Cargo Wreck Isles, here we come". He thought about all the treasure they would find.

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While the sun was rising, Assassin woke up again, confused what was going on. She went everywhere to find the captain, until she finally found her captain drinking. She leaped to her and shouted, "What are you drinking?! Let me have some!". After she shouted, and lowered her volume and spoke again, "Sorry, I was out of mind. Everyone was talking about monsters and stuffs that seem dangerous.. what was going on?"


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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"Caramel looked down from the crowns nest, where she saw Assassin. She yelled something but Caramel didn't hear anyhting since was a lot of wind around her. So she flew down, landing right next to Assassin. "What did ye say? I couldn't really here ye up there with all the wind."

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After what the captain said to her, Assassin spoke again, louder than before, "Everypony was talking about monsters and stuffs that seem dangerous.... I wasn't there and sorry about that. What happened?". Assassin shouted, expecting the captain to listen. 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Tyra let out a long loud yawn once she'd regained consciousness, stretching out her limbs and smacking her lips. She was laying on something hard and flat, not like the hammock in her quarters...


"...how did I get on the table?" She muttered lethargically, blinking at the empty cider mug on her hoof, "Oh. That's how."


She sat up, a peculiar hat flopping over her face. "This is not my helmet..." she mumbled, glancing around and spotting Spellbind asleep on the chair she was in the night before, Tyra's helmet propped on her head.

"Peculiar," she simply said, swapping the headwear on both ponies' heads before hopping off the table and staggering outside, the sudden morning light making her squint.


"Sleipnir's mane, it is bright this morn!" She yelped, probably loud enough for anypony on deck to hear.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"You know what happened? We were attacked by a monster. I almost got eaten by that monster. I got saved from that monster, than we got drunk together." Caramel said "No need for shouting, I'm standing right beside you, ye know." caramel said with a smile on her face. She saw Tyra walking up to them. "Good morning to you as well. Ready for an adventure? Or do ye still need to rest a bit before we take off?" 

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Tyra blinked rapidly to adjust her eyes to the sudden light as she staggered up to the crew, still a little out of it from last night. Caramel's cider was surprisingly strong stuff; not as much as the mead back home, but it came close.


She listened as Caramel asked her, and she shook her head.

"Nay, I have rested enough," she replied, with a confident smirk, "I will stand by you all for the coming adventure!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Well then, let's get going." Caramel said excited. She flew back up the crowns nest. This way she could see a lot more. Land, she saw land! "The Cargowreck isles! We're almost here." Caramel said happy. She flew down quickly towards Rave. She landed near him, almost tumbling over from excitement. "Rave I saw the island! I saw the Cargowreck isles!! 

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Rave nodded, spinning the wheel in the direction of the isles. "I got it, let us head for them. We will be able to resupply there, with fruit and water. Also, we can use spare parts from other wrecked ships to repair the ship" he suggested. "Then we can look for treasure". 

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"A grand idea!" Tyra nodded, rearing up to lean her forehooves on the rails by the wheel, "We shall find the most prime parts to repair our vessel, and then whatever treasures are hiding on these isles, we shall take for ourselves!"


Her grin shot toward Rave. "With my strength, I can assist in any repairs we need! You need only say the word!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Spellbind watched the team prepare for their upcoming journey to their next location. She wondered what she could do - she didn't consider herself smart or strong, and she thought it a mystery she had thought she could ever come in handy.


"How can I help out?" her uncertain voice spoke.

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"Watch out for gunpowder...she says... what does she know about it.... ive been using it for almost all my life." Lordy  thought to himself, a bit annoyed at Caramels' comment on his smoking.


"Cargowreck Island.... that sounds.... like a very safe place to sail a ship... doesnt it. I mean if any name says 'DONT SAIL HERE' .... i think its that one." he comments.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Caramel was jumping up and down from excitement. She quickly stopped as she saw everypony looking at her. "Let's keep it professional, ye dummy." she whispered to herself. "Alright everypony, looking at it from this distance we might arrive at the island in about 15 minutes or so. So get yer gear ready! Back up yer back with things ye need for the on land journey. 

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Rave nodded. "Tyra, could you take the wheel? I need to gather my things". He ran below deck and into his room. He retrieved a black orb. "You will come in handy" he laughed. He also picked up some scrolls and ink and then some books. "Something else I need?". "Crystalssssssssssss". "Leave me alone" he said to himself out loud. 

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Tyra hopped around on her hooves herself, just as excited to get going as Caramel, but not caring at all who saw.

She heard Rave's request and nodded, hopping onto the wheel. "Aye, surely I can!"


She had noticed Spellbind asking how she could be useful, and she beamed a grin to her.

"We can work together to find parts for the ship!" She suggested, braided tail wagging excitedly, "We shall make an effective duo!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Since Tyra took over the wheel, Caramel had some time too to get her stuff together. She grabbed her saddlebag, putting in so maps, some bottles of water, a compass and the secret package from before, from Horse shoe bay. She had some room left for some food and treasure that she was sure to find on the shipwreck. She put on her jacket, she put on a hat since the sun might be burning hot along the treasure hunt and she took her sword. "I'm ready" she said to herself with a smile. She walked back above deck.

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