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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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"Me.. sail the high seas? I must admit i got used to land... and surviving on it...but i guess there is no other alternative." he chuckled, "hunger makes great thieifs indeed. Alright, i shall join. And if iterested, i heard something about training. I caould help with firearms as they are.... my speciality.... "


(Keeping the cooking for later)


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"Alright then, I'll go tell the crew that yer coming with us, that will be a lot of explaining. However I'm not such a big fan of guns and fighting, but if it's necessary then its okay. Why don't ye have a look around the ship, try to find a room with unoccupied bed. I'm sure there is one around here.''


Caramel turned around and started to look for the other crew members.

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Rave was reading a history book. He looked towards where his saddlebag. "Should I?" he thought. After seeing Wilhelm in the bookstore, he had started to think about his own book with dark magic. "Do it, read it. Use it. Bec---" "Away with you, you voice of evil. I will not fall under the influences of extreme dark magic. I will not hurt another pony. I will not rob another pony of his life" he thought angrily to himself. The voice stopped. He kept on reading the history book. 

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Wilhelm woke up from his nap and trotted over to Rave, peering over him at the history book. "That looks interesting....but it's not why I'm here to talk to you." He held the book up in front of Rave. "You see, because of your......history...and the fact that you're a unicorn experienced in magic....I wanted to talk to you about this." Wilhelm sat down next to Rave. "So, I am a Pegasus. Despite my research into this topic and my experience dealing with certain phenomena, I am unable to perform the correct spells. That's where you come in." He flipped the book open to a group of pages he had put bookmarks in, one at a time. "These are the spells I'll need you to perform. If you're up to it, and you want to, of course." Wilhelm shrugged. "It, of course, depends if you want to do it or not. I think I can ask Spellbind, but she's not....reliable with spells."

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Rave turned his head slowly towards Wilhelm, giving him a dark look. "Do it, read it. DO IT NOW". Rave shook his head. "Get out of my head". The voice fell silent. He focused on Wilhelm again. "Oh, so you think you know something about my family? Or were you perhaps referring to myself? I didn't know that what happened in Canterlot is now publicly known" he said rather coldly. "Dark magic is nothing to play with. It is for those who are ready to sacrifice. Each time you use dark magic, you sacrifice something. It is more costly than regular magic. That is the difference. Regular magic is cheap". 

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Wilhelm was taken aback. "I was talking about your history as a exceptional magic user, not about dark magic. In fact, it's more likely we'll have dark magic used against us, and that's the only time your knowledge in that particular area would come into play. And as for dark magic, I know full well the consequences. I've done research on it in the past. The user's permanent soul becomes irrevocably tarnished at an exponential rate with each use of dark magic, severity and area affected growing depending on the strength of the spell used." He glanced at Rave's saddlebag with a short eye movement and looked back quickly. "But none of that matters. I'm not asking you to perform any such spell. It's reasonably advanced containment and banishment magic, nothing more." He decided not to mention the Canterlot incident he spoke of, and instead do deeper research into the issue by himself. He had certainly not heard of it before.

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Rave started to grow angry. His eyes flared for a moment. "Oh, you have studied it? What, you've read books? Just checked some letters that tell you how it is? You think that is enough to understand? Want to know my opinion? I don't think that is enough. I can help you understand it though. I can help you feel it". He stood up and started walking slowly towards Wilhelm. "I can help you feel the pain. I can help you feel my pain. Do you have any idea how much dark magic I've used? How much corruption I've been exposed to? Dark magic does not only shred the soul, it deforms you". "How dare this pony coming in here, thinking that he can get such help from me. He doesn't even know me, he isn't even my friend. I owe him nothing..... except for a cup of coffee maybe... perhaps". His horn was starting to glow darkly. He watched him silently for a moment. "Get out. Get out now" he said very slowly and coldly. 

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Rave started to grow angry. His eyes flared for a moment. "Oh, you have studied it? What, you've read books? Just checked some letters that tell you how it is? You think that is enough to understand? Want to know my opinion? I don't think that is enough. I can help you understand it though. I can help you feel it". He stood up and started walking slowly towards Wilhelm. "I can help you feel the pain. I can help you feel my pain. Do you have any idea how much dark magic I've used? How much corruption I've been exposed to? Dark magic does not only shred the soul, it deforms you". "How dare this pony coming in here, thinking that he can get such help from me. He doesn't even know me, he isn't even my friend. I owe him nothing..... except for a cup of coffee maybe... perhaps". His horn was starting to glow darkly. He watched him silently for a moment. "Get out. Get out now" he said very slowly and coldly.


Wilhelm stared at Rave for a moment, a variety of emotions playing across his face too fast to follow. "I have watched ponies die to dark magic in the war....I have watched ponies commit suicide because they can't stand the voices in their head any more. One of those ponies was...was.." His eyes flared for a brief second and then settled. Without another word, he gathered up his book, but left his notepad with his translations behind, just by mistake. Then, he was gone, no other words said.

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When Wilhelm was gone, Rave became mad. "How dare this pony. He thinks I really care that he lost some stupid friends of his. Everypony dies. That is how it is. It doesn't matter. Everypony will die, hahahaha" he laughed madly, his eyes filled with madness as dark magic surged, purple smoke leaking out of his eyes. "Sombra will rise again, when he does, this pony will get to know real war. He will see Blackforest Darkmane in his full glory again, crushing enemy armies, nothing wi--- aughhssssss" "Get back in there. This is my body. Begone". He darkness within Rave subsided and he calmed down. He was tired. "One day, one day you won't be able to continue on. One day you will give up and I will take control. You just wait, you just wait. I'll be there waiting patiently, ready. Your brother has already fallen into darkness". "Don't bring up my brother" he thought. The voice went quiet. If there was only some pony that could actually help him. He hoped that this journey he was going on might help him a little bit. Settle his mind. 

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"It is bad? Guess I'll just meet one more pony here and I might rest.", Assassin said. She started to wander around again.



A pony wandered around until she found a pony she never seen before. "You look.. dangerous.", she said. Assassin turned on her eagle vision, her talent and found out that a pony was a prisoner. "You..you're a intruder?!", she shouted as she took out her blade for self defense, and immediately collapsed. "Intruder!! Help!!!", she shouted. 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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violet rushed downstairs, to where she had heard 'help' she identified the intruder, and the new pony. "should i break his cranium?" she asked assasine. "or just really beat him up?" he cracked her neck, ready to fight


(ya never told me. could i include her phoenix?)


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(Ooc: you can include the Phoenix)


@@Lordav @ @


"Everpony, calm down. This is thief or the intruder from before. Don't fight him, he's on our side now. He's gonna join the crew as a way to pay for his dept and the trouble he caused. I know ye don't like it, but thats the way its gonna go." Caramel said.


"I want everypony above deck now!" Caramel shouted hard enough so that the ponies below deck could hear her too.

"It is time to set sail! Violet, I want you to take down all the sails. Assasin, I want you to get all of the crew members above deck! Lordy, I want you to raise the anchor!

Let's go everypony, I need all the help I can get!''

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violet flew up, and began untying the sails, flare helping by holding the ropes, and drew out the sails to catch wind. she flew around the mast a couple more times to make sure she didnt miss one. then, "sails are out, captain!" she flew back to the deck, and waited for the ship to set sail


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Tyra's face practically illuminated with excitement at the news. The voyage was getting underway at last!


She listened as Caramel gave orders to various ponies, then practically galloped up to the captain with a wide grin.

"How may I assist getting the ship prepared?!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave trotted silently above decks. He had managed to fully calm down. "It seems that we are finally setting sail" he thought. He looked to where Violet and her phoenix were untying the sails. "Rather efficient" he said to himself. He trotted over to Caramel. "How may I be of assistance?". 

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Wilhelm, meanwhile, was belowdecks, running in the cannon and tying them down, so that they wouldn't slip and slide all around the cannon deck and break things. He took all the cannonballs from the pyramids they were stored in and put them next to the cannons in specially-made slots, something like what you would see in a bowling alley(minus the ball returner). Then, he went back up deck to report and ask for any other duties.

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@@JonasDarkmane @@Unicorncob @ @@Littlecandylulu903 @@Orion Caelum' @@Lordav @


"Alright Rave, there's nothing much ye can do except maybe finding out a bit more about the island and shipwreck we're going. If ye find anything let me know and otherwise ye can just relax, watch the sea and just tell me when I'm going the wrong way." Caramel said with excitedment.


"Wilhelm and Lordy, same for you. Just sit and relax a bit."


"Assasin, ye should rest. In bed or above deck, yer choice''


"Spellblind, if ye want ye can look for rum so that everyone has something to drink."


"As for you Tyra, I got a special job for ye. First I want ye to get the anchor out of the water. When yer done, come back to me and I tell ye more details." she said with a smile


"Violet, I want ye to keep look out from the crows nest, check on enemy ships and keep Rave informed about the stuff ahead, since he is the navigator after all."


"Okay, ponies!, let's get back to work!" Caramel said with a big smile. There's no way turning back now. She walked towards the steering wheal, ready to set sail!

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Tyra nodded and gave a salute, a confident grin on her face, before trotting up to the bow of the ship. She peered over the railing and spotted a chain reaching from the hull down into the water, recognising it as the anchor's chain.


With a smirk, she grabbed the chain in her teeth and slowly reversed, grunting and slowly pulling the anchor up in small bursts.


In not too long, the anchor had been raised and was hanging by the hull, the chain rolled around a thick pole.


Pleased with the job she did, she reported back to Caramel.

"The anchor has been raised!" She declared proudly.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Woh, ye did that pretty fast, my compliments. Now for the special bit. I want you to try to get this ship out of the harbor. In other words, ye can steer for a while. It's a pretty important job, so don't mess it up." Caramel said with a wink. "Don't worry, as soon as we're sailing on big waters, I'll take over. So would ye like to try?"

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Tyra let out a little gasp, her braided tail swishing around excitedly. Now she got to sail?! It was just for a little while, but still!


"Aye, captain!" She squeaked, nearly galloping to the helm and propping herself up on the wheel. An amusing, if not cute image considering her small stature, as she could just barely see over the wheel.


Nonetheless, her confident smirk stayed as she punched a hoof in the air. "All hooves, let us make sail!" She bellowed, already having fun with her temporary position.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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(I never actually said my name =p)


Lordy, still not feeling very secure on the ship decided to go underdeck, and see the ships armament. He was also looking for his musket, which was confiscated during his capture. He saw wilhem messing with the cannonballs.


"So, ur the guy who trapped me down there..."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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voilet had finished with the sails, and was in the crows nest, looking for land. being alone, she talked with her phoenix, flare. "we're really gonna have an adventure, huh?" the phoenix cooed. "yup. if only caliber were here. he loves adventures. but im the one here." the phoenix cawed in agreement. she looked across the wide open sea. "i wonder what we'll find..."


(if you want her to, say, see an enemy ship, just say so)

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(, I'll let ye know in the OOC if I want some spicing up]


"Alright everypony, let's get this ship sailing!" Caramel flapped her wings, flying towards the sails. She created a bit of wind, not much but enough to get the ship moving. Caramel landed back on her hoofs next to Spellblind. "Finally sailing, I can't wait to watch the seas again! Thanks for the drink by the way, really needed some. If ye want, you can have some too." She said with a big smile.


"I hope ye don't mind me asking but whatever happened to yer horn?" Caramel asked curiously.

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Spellbind sighed. "I was born with it," she said. "Apparently what happened was that there was Unicorn blood in my two Earth Pony parents, but not enough for me to get a full horn."


"My parents suggested getting it surgically removed, but I don't want that. I think someday I'll be able to do magic. But I don't have the willpower to try it..."

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