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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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Assassin went up to look at the sea. As she tried to look, she saw the captain and a pony who was steering the ship. She indicated them as a couple. She laughed a little as she thought of it. "Hey, sorry if I interrupted your.. time together. Pft.. sorry nothing bad, No offense, don't care about it. I really hope your.. special pony can steer ships well, because I'm scared. Continue your.... time.", Assassin said as she left, giggling. 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Caramel looked a bit confused. "Special somepony, what's she talking about." Caramel thought. Caramel looked at Rave and saw his blushing face. "Never mind." Caramel thought rolling her eyes. She stood up and walked after Assassin. "Hey, what was that all about? He can steer the ship just fine, ye don't have to be scared." she said with a teasing tone. "How are ye feeling, is yer leg doing any better, it sure looks like it."

Edited by Pucksterv
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Assassin smiled and said, "You really have no idea? Never mind then, time will come and you'll know what I mean. And.. my leg is pretty goo..". After she tried to jump hard, she fell again. "I mean.. it's better than before. I just need more time. I want to do at least something.", she said. She continued to go to her bed but she stopped, turned around and said, "Ask your spe pff..cial pony what special pony is, you two ponies are pf.. a good match.".

Edited by Simon the Salem


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Rave felt the wind in his mane. He was steering an entire ship. He felt he could take on the world. This journey was certainly making him more happy than he had ever been. He felt that he had made the right choice joining Caramel's crew. Out here, he could do anything. Out here, he was free. He smiled. 

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"Have a good rest." Caramel said still a bit confused and blushing a bit. "Rave as my special somepony, that would be weird, right? I don't know. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad." Caramel thought with a smile on her face. She shook her head "get yerself together, think of something else. Where on earth did Spellblind go? I haven't seen her in a while." Caramel walked around the ship, looking for her.

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"Aww," Tyra frowned, ears drooping as she hopped off the wheel. She was really enjoying sailing the ship, but Caramel was the captain, so what she says goes.


She looked back to the helm and watched Caramel and Rave talking. Rave seemed rather nervous about steering the ship, but it really wasn't that hard. Not for her at least.

Then Assassin turned up and had some words with Caramel, who began glancing to Rave and blushing. A smirk crept on her face; she knew that look.


But for now, she'll keep quiet about it.


Then again, some training did sound like a good idea. She walked up to the dummy she'd set up on deck and took out her axe, proceeding to strike at it, letting out loud grunts with each swing.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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(Yah... Am a bit late today =p

You wouldnt understand... Even if i told you.

Lordy told himself. He spotted Tyra hitting the dummy. It was some time since he last ised his musket...


"Mind if i have a shot? Havent practiced in weeks." Lordy asked as he picked up his musket, cleaning it with a piece of cloth.


(Also deserters dont have to be cowards... Maybe they just had enough =p)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Tyra's ears perked at a familiar voice, and turned to see Lordy. At first she was shocked that he was walking around free, but then if he was, then it must mean Caramel must have let him join? She would have spotted him at this point if that weren't the case.


She nodded with a grin. "But of course!" She took her axe off the dummy and stood back, allowing him his turn.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Lordy stepped back to have a considerable distance between him and the dummy. He raised his musket and took aim. He breathed slowly in order to minimise his heart beats effect on his aim. After slowing his pulse he pulled the trigger and the flint struck the gunpowder emiting a spark. The bullet went straight through the dummies 'head'. He lowered his gun and threw it as a javelin. The bayonet, again, struck its mark.

"Good to see some things cannot be forgotened."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Tyra blinked as she watched Lordy finish his attack, rather impressed by its effectiveness. His weapon took the dummy's head clean off!


She trotted over and removed the weapon from the dummy to inspect it closer.

"Amazing," she gasped, peering into the barrel, "it is just like the ones the soldiers in Braytain have!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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violet needed something to do in the crows nest, so every few minutes or so, she would fly down, look for something, like a stick, or a rag, and fly back up. she was making her own training dummy. "ok, just a few more sticks for the head...and a rather large stick for the shin...uh-huh...how does it look flare? is it done?" the phoenix nodded. "ok!" she heard the sound of her captain, asking is she saw anything. she flew down with the dummy, and walked up to caramel. "i have seen nothing since we set sail!" she reported, "and i made a dummy!" she walked over to set it up, and saw tyra and lordy tearing apart another one. 'i think ill train with my dummy, too' she thought. she set it up, and kicked it in its chest, which caused it to make a crunching sound, and aimed a punch at its head, which, again, made it make a crunching sound. "argh...dummies cant stimulate real-time combat" she complained out load. in her frustration, she punched it in the chest, and it went flying into lordy. she flew over, "oh, im sorry! i didnt mean to!"


(remember: if you want violet to see something in the crows nest, just say so)


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(I prefer calling it just 'The Empire')


"Well, that is since that musket was produced there. It was their army in which i served before... But anyway... I made some personal... Modifications. The flint is now protected by that little metal piece that means a more secure ignition... Even in rain. Also i modified the muzzle... Its a lot more accurate"

Lordy said with a smile

The dummy hit lordy, causing him to fall over with his musket. It missfired, almost hitting a box of gunpowder.

"By sain... I mean, good lord, that was close. He stood up, cleaning his uniform.

"No problem, you better be more careful m'am, that couldve blown up half the deck." But i must say... That was one strong kick."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Rave saw where other ponies were training. He laughed as he watched. But as soon as Lordy fell and he heard that half the deck could have blown up, he was no longer amused. "This strange weapon... it is almost as strong as an attack spell" he thought to himself. He began focusing on steering the ship again, trying to push the thought of the musket out of his head. 

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"yeah...hours and hours of training, right?" violet said sheepishly, "i mean, you gotta be strong if your gonna be an adventurer. right, flare?" the phoenix had flew down from the crows nest and cawed happily. "i think im strong enough to kick a hay bale around twenty miles. but your weapon seems legit, too."


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"Oh..." He polished a few scratches off the muzzle' "brown bessy here is one fine gun. Been with me for 12 years... Saved my life countless times. I mean... Modern army training relies less on personal strength... And more on skill and coordination. I could show you how to fire it if ur curious"


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"I see..." Tyra muttered, sticking her eye inside the barrel and feeling the tip of the bayonet against her cheek, before Lordy claimed it back.


She jumped as...what looked like a rag and some sticks, smacked Lordy square on the head, sending a booming shot across the deck and narrowly missing the barrels of gunpowder.

"By Sleipnir's mane!" She yelped at all the commotion, and trotted to Lordy. "Are you well, friend?"


(Fun fact: Sleipnir was Odin's steed in Norse mythology :P)


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I am fine, thank you very much." He scratched his head and put on his shako, which flew of during the impact.

"Oww look... It scratched the bayonet..." Lordy looked at the gun.

"Oh well. Now do u use anything except that axe? As on a ship... You would have to fight the enemy from the distance first..."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Wilhelm was mainly just sitting on the deck in a location where no one could really see him, moodily watching everyone else train. He sighed, barely audibly. "Way to go, Wil. First people you probably could have connected with, and you have to mistakenly insult one and nearly shoot the other." For a brief moment, he considered simply locking himself in his cabin for the rest of the journey, and then decided against it. That was what got him here in the first place. Instead, he would attempt to make himself useful....needed...and repair his reputation with the rest of the crew. Admittedly, it did sound like a fool's idea, but what other choice did he really have? That is, unless he wanted to spend the rest of the journey alone and friendless. He shrugged to no one in particular, and raised the flintlock from his flank. He loaded the powder, put in the ball and the wadding, rammed it down, and the held the gun with two hooves to keep it steady. He aimed at the "eye" of the initial dummy, held his breath for a moment, cocked the pistol, and fired once. The bullet went straight through the dummy's eye, moved through where its brain would be, exited, and then hit the wood behind it, making a noticeable hole. "Huh."

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Tyra smiled at Lordy's being alright, though when asked about other weapons, she gave a puzzled turn of the head.

"Uh, well," she glanced around, followed by a nervous smile, "truth be told, I only ever learned to use an axe. I could never pick up on using a bow properly..."


The sudden gunshot made her perk up in surprise, and she noticed the dummy had a considerable hole where one of its eyes would be. She looked around, face full of fight-ready determination as she readied her axe.

"Another intruder?!" She growled.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Caramel had looked everywhere around the ship but couldn't find Spellblind anywhere which made her a bit worried. She wanted to continue searching until she heard a gunshot and a loud boom. After that another gunshot"That's not good, are we getting attacked." Caramel panicked and ran above deck. "What's going on here? Did I miss something, are we getting attacked?"

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Wilhelm gave Caramel a friendly wave. "Nope. We're kind of just maiming Tyra's training dummy." He laughed slightly and shrugged. "It's enjoyable to some degree...and it's also interesting seeing how Lordy shoots. Me personally? I think he's excellent at it." He peered at the musket. "Although I do see some improvements that could be made, but I could do those in my free time with the right tools...if Lordy lets me. We soldiers often get a inordinate attachment to our guns."

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Tyra looked up and noticed Wilhelm's waving, calming down as he claimed responsibility for the shot. She put her axe away and pouted at her dummy, which wasn't exactly in prime condition anymore. She had hoped to get at least a week's work out of it, but it hadn't even lasted a few hours!


"I spend a lot of money on that," she pouted quietly, sulking much like a foal when asked to share their favourite toy.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Unicorncob @@JonasDarkmane @


"It will be okay, Tyra. I'm sure I have a dummy laying around, but why don't ye get downstairs, get a drink and get drunk. Almost time to go to our quarters since we gotta get up early in the morning" she said rolling her eyes. Caramel towards Rave. "enough sailing for today, it's time to get some rest. Could you drop down the anchor for me?" she said with her most possible cutest begging smile ever.


"Violet, could ye fold up the sails, it's time to get a drink and some rest. We got a long day ahead of us." Caramel asked with a smile.

"I'll be downstairs at the kitchen table with some drinks, when ye are all done, ye can come for a drink too if ye want."

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@@Unicorncob @@JonasDarkmane @


"It will be okay, Tyra. I'm sure I have a dummy laying around, but why don't ye get downstairs, get a drink and get drunk. Almost time to go to our quarters since we gotta get up early in the morning" she said rolling her eyes. Caramel towards Rave. "enough sailing for today, it's time to get some rest. Could you drop down the anchor for me?" she said with her most possible cutest begging smile ever.


"Violet, could ye fold up the sails, it's time to get a drink and some rest. We got a long day ahead of us." Caramel asked with a smile.

"I'll be downstairs at the kitchen table with some drinks, when ye are all done, ye can come for a drink too if ye want."

When Rave saw that smile, he just couldn't resist. "Aye aye Captain" he smiled. He lifted a hoof in the air. If the wind would hold, they would arrive at the isles the next day, otherwise it would take another extra day to sail. He lowered the anchor and then headed downstairs for the kitchen smiling, whistling a happy tune. 

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Tyra immediately perked up at the proposition, liking the sound of a good drink.

"Aye, captain!" She grinned, trotting off toward the kitchen and already looking forward to a grand get-together with her crewmates.


She did hope they'd reach the islands soon; she hadn't forgotten those giant crabs Wilhelm mentioned before, and she was really looking forward to fighting them.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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