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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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When Tyra asked about salmon and how to acquire it, Spellbind seemed very upset. "Why do you want to eat animals? They have feelings just like you and me. There are plenty of things you can eat that don't involve taking the lives of innocent creatures."

"Cause salmon is delicious." Caramel said interrupting Tyra's and Spellblind conversation. "I understand ye dont like eating other animals but don't force ye way of living on somepony else my dear." Caramel said with a little smile. "There should be some salmon left, in the food storage, underneath the kitchen.

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violet flew down next to spellbind and tyra.


"i dunno, spell. i mean, have you ever tried it before? its pretty delicious." she grinned a bit. "some of us are just more...primal then others." 


caramel said her part.


"yeah, what she said." she added, "shall i get the salmon, or will someone else get it?" she asked as she started to go find it.


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"Cause salmon is delicious." Caramel said interrupting Tyra's and Spellblind conversation. "I understand ye dont like eating other animals but don't force ye way of living on somepony else my dear." Caramel said with a little smile. "There should be some salmon left, in the food storage, underneath the kitchen.


violet flew down next to spellbind and tyra.


"i dunno, spell. i mean, have you ever tried it before? its pretty delicious." she grinned a bit. "some of us are just more...primal then others." 


caramel said her part.


"yeah, what she said." she added, "shall i get the salmon, or will someone else get it?" she asked as she started to go find it.


"FInally! Ponies who understand!" Tyra squeaked, hopping on her hooves, "I would love to have some, thank you!"


It was not often she found ponies in Equestria who ate meat like she did; they all seemed to be vegetarian. But now, two ponies who love fish just as much as she!


"I would be happy to retrieve it!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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violet shrugged. "ill cook it, here, unless you wanna do that, too." she said, as she fired up the stove, and got out the pans and whatnot.


"so...did the mast get fixed?" she asked, "cause i left before that whole thing got decided..." she shrugged. "ah, im sure y'all took care of it..."


she blinked at spellbind's outburst. "that...was uncalled for."

Edited by PeytonJay


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Spellbind looked down at the ground in defeat. She was even more angered by the condescending way Caramel had replied. "Fine then! Fine!" she snapped at them. "Just don't expect me to help break you out of jail, Caramel! Or should I say murderer!"


She stormed off.

Caramel was shocked after Spellblind's reaction. "I....I'm so...sorry...Spellblind, I didn't mean to..uh...never mind...Yer right...I am a murderer...best I be out of ye way.....I'm going to go to my room....I wanna be alone for a moment." Caramel said hiding her tears and running off below deck. 

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At the moment that Caramel was running, Rave appeared above deck with a bag filled with cookies. "Hey Caramel I ha--" she ran past him. He saw that she was a bit upset. He looked to the others. "Uhm.... wrong moment?". He did not really wait for a reply and immediately resumed to pursue Caramel. 

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Spellbind looked down at the ground in defeat. She was even more angered by the condescending way Caramel had replied. "Fine then! Fine!" she snapped at them. "Just don't expect me to help break you out of jail, Caramel! Or should I say murderer!"


She stormed off.


"Aye, I agree," Tyra snorted, siding with Violet, "Many griffons and minotaurs rely on meat to survive. Are they murderers also?"


She stepped forward toward Spellbind. "We do not have many vegetables at home, unlike in Equestria. We rely on fishing and hunting to survive! How can you fault us for living on the only food we can get?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Then grow some more!!" snapped Spellbind. "There's no reason animals should have to suffer so that you citizens of Trotsheim (is that the name?) don't have to get off your lazy butts and make some more vegetable patches!"


She turned from angry to sad. "I thought you were nice people."


She turned around and left.

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Caramel passed Rave on her way down as she ran off to her room. She opened her door and walked over to her bed. "That hurt but she's right, Spellblind is right." Caramel said to herself as she whipped away her tears with her hoofs. "I just need to calm meself down." Caramel thought as she was ready to grab a bottle of rum.

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"its survival of the fittest, spell, when your in the frozen north. iv been there. its way too cold to grow anything. if you go there not prepared to hunt to eat, you'll almost surely die." violet was right beside tyra when she took a step forward.


"im sorry if you feel that way, but it was do or die, for tyra. and she happened to develop a taste for it."


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Rave ran into Caramel's room, the door open. He saw Caramel by her bed. He approached her slowly. "Caramel..." he came closer. "What happened, what is wrong? Please tell me so that I can help you". He placed a hoof on her shoulder. He was still levitating the bag of cookies that he had made with Spellbind and Tyra. 

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"Then grow some more!!" snapped Spellbind. "There's no reason animals should have to suffer so that you citizens of Trotsheim (is that the name?) don't have to get off your lazy butts and make some more vegetable patches!"


She turned from angry to sad. "I thought you were nice people."


She turned around and left.


(Close; Trotstheim :P )


One thing to learn about ponies from Trotstheim, especially of the Shatterhoof clan; as humble as they are, they are still prideful, and you would be wise not to insult them or their culture.


Tyra scowled darkly and stomped up to the unicorn.

"Perhaps you missed that I am from the Frozen North, where it is incredibly difficult to grow plants of any kind," she snapped, getting right in her face, "If we had the means to make vegetables that were actually healthy, then we would be off our 'lazy butts' more often, yes?"


"Salmon and other meats are a common food source there, and we have naught else to live on. What else are we to do but starve?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Caramel looked up, looking at Rave. "Hi Rave, it's okay, I'm fine." Caramel said trying to smile. "I'm just a little upset but it will pass with time." Caramel said sniffing as another tear dropped. "Just some hurtful things Spellblind said to me. But it's okay because she is right."

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Rave looked at her. "It is not alright, I can see that you are in a lot of pain. I am guessing that Spellbind had an opinion of you. I just want you to know that it is nothing but an opinion. Do not beat yourself up like that". He hugged her. "I want you to be happy, and I will try everything I can to make you happy". 

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Tyra's explanation made Spellbind feel a bit bad and guilty, until she came up with another rebuttal to Tyra.


"Surely there are some unicorns where you live!" she said. "It wouldn't be difficult for some of them to learn a bit of magic each, and if they combined their skills, they could grow some vegetables in better condition!"

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Rave looked at her. "It is not alright, I can see that you are in a lot of pain. I am guessing that Spellbind had an opinion of you. I just want you to know that it is nothing but an opinion. Do not beat yourself up like that". He hugged her. "I want you to be happy, and I will try everything I can to make you happy". 

"I know but Spellblind is right. She called me a murderer and said she was not going to hlp me out of prison. Which is true I totally understand. I understand her angry feeling towards me, it just hurts still. So I just needed to go away form there for a while. I'm okay now, thank you." Caramel said hugging Rave.

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Tyra's explanation made Spellbind feel a bit bad and guilty, until she came up with another rebuttal to Tyra.


"Surely there are some unicorns where you live!" she said. "It wouldn't be difficult for some of them to learn a bit of magic each, and if they combined their skills, they could grow some vegetables in better condition!"


"There are two unicorns in my village," Tyra explained, more even-voiced, "The wizard and his wife, the alchemist. The wizard advices the Chieftain, my father, on how to deal with magic-related problems and attacks. The alchemist provides medicines and remedies."


She glances down. "She has been working on a solution to our farming, but so far she has seen no success."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"My definition of a murderer is if you don't regret killing someone unlawfully. I can see that you harbor a lot of regret. I understand you wanting to get away for a little bit. Don't worry, I will stay here with you, comforting you until you can go out again" he said hugging her tighter. "I love you, I will never forsake you". 

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"My definition of a murderer is if you don't regret killing someone unlawfully. I can see that you harbor a lot of regret. I understand you wanting to get away for a little bit. Don't worry, I will stay here with you, comforting you until you can go out again" he said hugging her tighter. "I love you, I will never forsake you". 

Caramel let go of Rave so she could whip away her last tears. "I'm okay now, I think I want to go back on deck." Caramel said smiling again while she stood up from the bed. "Unless ye wanna stay here for a little while longer of course." Caramel said, turning around to look at Rave.

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Rave really wanted to stay longer with Caramel, however, he did not want to be a bother so he just gave her a warm smile. "Whatever you want. If you want to go back on deck, then sure. I will gladly join you by your side. I hope that we can settle the differences between us". 

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"Well... well..." Spellbind was fumbling with her words, but she was determined to win this argument and not end up apologizing to Tyra after she had supported the emotionally troubled unicorn so much during the course of their adventure. "Why didn't anypony ask for help? There's a million things you could have done. Ask Celestia to alter the sun's position every now and then... find some more unicorns to inhabit the village..."

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Rave's look on his face told Caramel that he wanted to stay. "Staying it is then, but only if ye give me some of those cookies yer holding there." Caramel said with a smile as she closed the door. She sat down on her bed again. "Cookies please." Caramel said, giving Rave her best impression of puppy eyes.


(now I'm gonna go watch Netflix with my mom, bye :P)

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"Well... well..." Spellbind was fumbling with her words, but she was determined to win this argument and not end up apologizing to Tyra after she had supported the emotionally troubled unicorn so much during the course of their adventure. "Why didn't anypony ask for help? There's a million things you could have done. Ask Celestia to alter the sun's position every now and then... find some more unicorns to inhabit the village..."


"Because it is just that easy, yes?" Tyra snapped, seeming to get angrier by Spellbind's constant excuses, "The Princess would not adjust the world's balance just to suit one village's needs. And how do you propose I entice unicorns to move away from their homes and to the North? Ask them very politely?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave blushed hard as he remembered he was still levitating the bag with the cookies. "Oh, yeah. How did you kno---- why am I even asking? You are an expert on cookies". Rave sat beside Caramel and levitated the cookies out of the bag. "I, with the help of Spellbind and Tyra made this for you" he said blushing more. "I hope you like them". 


(Have fun).

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