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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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  On 2015-03-25 at 4:17 PM, Pucksterv said:

"Okay everypony listen carefully. I have decided that it's time to set sail. Rave and I have been discussing our destination, which will be The Cargo Wreck Isles" Caramel said with a loud voice so that everypony could hear her. "On this island there is a shipwreck. Legends say that this shipwreck contains a lot of gems and gold, but this legend also says that this ship is haunted. So if ye want out, please do it now."

The thought of all that treasure seemed appealing to Spellbind, until she remembered that no amount of cash in the universe would snap her out of the depression she constantly found herself in.


Not to mention the ship being haunted. She didn't accept nor deny the existence of ghosts, same went for other things.

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(forgot to include flare!! o.0  mind if i include him from now on??)


violet accepted the gold, and walked around for a while. she purchased some phoenix food, and was walking back, when a pair of brass hoofs caught her eye. she walked in, and said "give me your best pair of those!" she pointed at the brass hoofs. she got them, and immediately hit the ground outside hard enough to cause cracks in the cement. "wow...stronger than the others..." she said. she ran back and gave the gold back.

  • Brohoof 1


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Wilhelm, having already picked up vials of blessed water from a antiquities and rarities seller, several iron-based explosives, and a silver cavalry saber, was in the old section of the city. Pushing aside a beaded curtain, he stepped into a place where not may people ever go. It's a black market of books, banned by the Princesses or simply extremely rare. With the help of the elderly caretaker-a unicorn doubtlessly more formidable than she appeared- he found a section of banned, ancient books. Wilhelm picked up a certain one, blew the dust off the cover, and held it to the weak candlelight. It glanced off the bloodred cover, highlighting embossed gold letters. "The Ars de Magicum et Diablum. The premier demonological text in all Equestria," he breathed. Handing a good portion of his remaining gold to the old bookseller, he tucked the book under one arm and headed back to the ship, sword clanking against the bandolier of hoof grenades.

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Caramel wandered threw town, looking for medical supplies and a bunch of food. After she got everything for the trip she walked back to the docks. But before she went back to the ship, she went into the prancing parrot for a special order she made. She walked into the inn, straight to the bar. She looked at the bartender, he looked back at her. She nodded and received a package. After that, she returned to the ship, waiting for the others.

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After having wandered a little bit, Rave came across Wilhelm walking from the old bookstore. He immediately recognized the store. He had come here once, looking for a 'special' book, that they did not of course have. "What would a pegasus want with that kind of a book store?". He decided not to think about it because he did not really care. He went back to the ship, finding Caramel and handing her back her gold. 

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"Thanks" Caramel said. "I got all the stuff I need. I got some medical supplies, rum, cider, bread, fish but most of all, a lot of cookies." She said with a big smile. Did ye find anything interesting? Maybe some old books or maps?" she asked Rave. "I hope ye did, cause there's no going back at this point. Well I didn't mean it like that. It's not that I'm pressuring you into anything, I mean ye can make yer own choices, I...I mean...I....... I should shut up, I should just stay quite now." Caramel said blushing.

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Rave gave her a kind smile. "No, there is nothing more for me to do on land. I think I've got everything for the journey". He looked behind him, to see if the others were coming. "Soooo, what now? I mean--- emhrm... you know--- while we wait--- is what I meant to say" he said, he himself blushing a little bit. He thought for a while. "I'm sure you have other things to do" he started walking away. 

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Once Tyra had secured the training dummy nice and tight on the deck, she trotted back to Caramel and grinned widely.


"If we have plenty of food and drink, I say we are plenty prepared for the voyage!" She declared, puffing out her chest with pride, "and I have my training figure ready to go, should I or anypony else need it!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"ah yes Tyra, yer the pony I was looking for, yes" Caramel said still a bit red. "That dummy looks great, where'd ye find it...uhm.. It doesn't matter, don't answer that. Anyway, we be leaving as soon as everypony returns. I bought a lot of food for a view month. After that, if we don't return we'll just have to start fishing I guess." she said with another big smile. "Let me know if the other return"


She quickly ran after Rave. "Rave, I still need to talk you, we need to discuss our plans about the trip, how many days and such." She quickly gave a grin as they walked below deck.

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"Oh" his face went a little bit red. "Uhm yeah, sure". Rave remembered that he had already told her how long it could take to sail all the way to the Cargo Wreck Isles, however, he liked having some company, so he walked below deck towards his room with Caramel by his side. He sat down on one of the chairs within the room. 

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Caramel walked after Rave in to the room. Settling once again for his bed even thou there was a perfectly fine chair next to Rave. For some reason his bed was very comfortable. "I hope I don't fall a sleep this time.'' she said with a smile.


''Now about the journey, I'm not sure about the long days. We might spend a lot of time on that island and the shipwreck. So that will take a view days, maybe a week. And I also thinking of sailing some where else than Horse shoe bay after we're done with the shipwreck and all. But I don't where to go yet. Anyway I'm just kinda worried about the journey. Which is silly cause I've been traveling for a long time now. Why should I be nervous, I mean......I.....I should stop this rambling, sorry." Caramel said with a guilty smile. "Well anyway, I'm off to bed. I know it's a bit early but if you guys are hungry, just take what ye need out of the kitchen. Goodnight"

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Meanwhile, Wilhelm was peacefully sitting on the foredeck, enjoying the sea breeze and reading the book. He flipped open a notepad and began to write, translating it from Ancient Equestrian Latin as he went.

"The study of modern Equestrian demonology began during the rule of Princess Celestia, two thousand years ago as of this writing. During that time, there was a noticeable thinning of the Veil(see pp.57-108) between the world below and Equestria, leading to a outbreak of disease and pestilence, as well as problems with polterspirits(see pp.300-379: Poltergeist Banishment, Containment, and Behavior) in the locality around the Everfree Forest. Due to the superstition nature of the locals, such behavioral patterns were easily explaine by the magic of the forest- until colts and fillies began disappearing. Celestia, aware of the risk and forced by public outcry, formed the Department. The Department was made up of special operatives, learned scholars, and the rare zebra shaman/shamaness or the uncommon Saddle Arabian genii specialist, in the hopes that they may be able to transfer their knowledge to this new threat. However, a certain amount of years after the Department was formed, during the research stage of the threat, the Veil, weakened by the passing of the demons through it, broke completely all around the center of the Everfree Forest. (See pp.866-980: Veil Rupture Events). This caused a massive outbreak of demonic activity in the area, leading to many deaths and parts of the forest becoming completely uninhabitable. The Department was deployed to deal with the threat, attempting to hold it long enough for them to be properly equipped and to evacuate the civilian ponies from the area. They nearly failed. However, at the last minute, a group of ponies united, and used the power of friendship against demonic and ghostly presence for the first time in recorded history. This destroyed a good portion of the attacking horde, and while the defense force and the ponies lost their lives in the ensuing counterattack, they bought the armies of Canterlot enough time to properly equip. Due to the..." Wilhelm sighed and put down his pencil. There was only so much he could transcribe in a day, after all. He put his head against the mast and decided to take a nap.

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"Excellent, I love fishing!" Tyra grinned toothily, then gave a salute to her order, "aye Captain, I will let you know as soon as everypony returns!"


She hoped they'd get to fish, it was one of her favourite hobbies as a filly. Plus, salmon was her favourite food!




Her grin quickly turned into a look of confusion, tilting her head like a dog as she spotted Spellbind, who looked rather down.

She decided she'd do what she thought was the right thing, and trotted over to the unicorn with a friendly grin on her face.


"You seem troubled, my friend," she said, her voice much softer than usual, "perhaps I can help?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Assassin heard what the captain said, she immediately tried to get out of the bed. She wandered around for a long time until she found the captain's place where she was sleeping. She tried her best not to make any sound and spoke to her, "I think I heard you're leaving with your crew.. maybe I can join?". 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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(I don't like posting this here, but @@Orion Caelum, please check the OOC). 


Rave nodded as he checked the maps more. "Aye, I will check the maps more intensely. Won't rest until I'm sure I can remember it in my own mind". He looked at her. "There is no need to be nervous, I'm sure everything will be fine. Sleep well, Captain". 

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"Of course ye can join me crew, I'm always looking for more members. But I'm afraid can't really do much around here until yer legs is better." Caramel said. "Well except drinking, every one can do that.'' she said with a smile. "If ye don't mind, I got some other things to do, private things. Take a look around the ship and get to know everyone." Caramel walked to her desk and started working.

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Assassin tried to walked up to a pony who looked after her, even though she kept on falling. After she was able to get to the pony, she said, "Hey.. thank you for caring me.. sorry if I interrupted you.. Anyway, the captain told me that I can join her crew and to know everypony here, even though I can't do anything with this.. leg." 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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@@Littlecandylulu903 @


"You don't seem like everything is fine," Tyra tilted her head, not trying to sound rude but simply making a genuine assumption, "I will be happy to help in any way you would need me to!" Her toothy grin returned.


She noticed another pony limping up to them, and after hearing her speak, she grinned widely up at her.

"You must be the pony who was nearing death! It's always good to have another companion!" She put a hoof over her heart, smirking with pride. "I am Tyra Shatterhoof, of the Shatterhoof Clan of the Frozen North!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Nearing death? I just tried to land o..", Assassin stopped talking before she could tell Tyra that she failed to land on a pile of haystack because it was embarrassing for her. "Never mind that, you can call me Assassin.", she said. She tried to move her hoof to shake hooves, but she fell again.  


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Spellbind turned to the unconscious (but now conscious) mare from earlier. "Don't mention it," said Spellbind. "Doing that for you must have added a tiny bit of meaning to my existence... and no, you didn't interrupt anything," she went on.


She turned to Tyra. "Thanks, but I'm okay."

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@ @@Littlecandylulu903


Tyra blinked as this 'Assassin' collapsed, and she took it upon herself to help prop her back on her hooves. An act that probably looked amusing coming from the tiny earth pony. 


"Should you not be resting that leg?" She inquired, looking down at it, "it looks rather bad..."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As Caramel finished up at her desk, she wondered about the prisoner from earlier. "Maybe I should check on him, see if he needs anything" Caramel though out loud. She stood up and walked toward the prison cell. To her surprise, it was empty. And the door was also broken. "What have those idiots done this time and why hasn't anyone noticed this yet" she thought as she put a hoof to her face.


As she was about to walk away she heard some noise coming from underneath a barrel. As she opened the trapdoor that was hidden underneath the barrel ,the panicking pony jump right out. "Why on earth were you stick there? Oh and are ye okay?" Caramel asked, recognizing the troublemaker from before

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Lordy looked up. He could barely breathe down there.


"Oh, just great...I am trapped here for ages... Must say, i had more pleasant experiences." Lordy said sarcastically.


"What are you planning to do with me. At least i wish to know if my end is near."


He stood up.


"Well, back to the cage i guess."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"No I wanted to talk to you, when all the others where gone." Caramel said with a serious look on her face. "I don't like the fact that you stole from me, but I must admitted that yer a great thief. Also, we pirates steal the occasion thing too so we mustn't judge ye too much. We do what we need to survive is what I say. How about I make ye an offer, you become part of this crew as a way of paying for the trouble ye costed. Someone with skills like ye are hard to come by and would be really helpful around here I must say. So what do ye say?" Caramel asked with a friendly smile.

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