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Fallen Valkyrie

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"Dont wory" Tybalt started "At outpost we got evrything you need." Than he start scratching his head "And about your Legend.he-he.uuuu..." Tybalt looked at ground "It will be onli know in order,and maybi princesses.We cant spread mayhem or fear across equestria,we will try to hush this assault with bits as best as we can.But stil you will be remembered in order history like Hero of Hoelbrak"...

Couple minutes later they have reach outpost
"So this is it." He pointed at outpost "Here are oreder agents and vigil soldiers.Your tents are in back and evryone have his own so you dont need to argue or annything." He than turned back to city "And if you need annyanithing just say put it on Lightbringer Tybalt account.Just dont go too much crazy with spening my mony.Hahahah.Just kidding go crazy!!" He than started to gallup back to town "I'm going to  flush rest of molten army from city.Cya......" And just as he finished this he become shadow and despaired.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Icarus watched as the pony melted to shadow and disappeared. he walked past the other two ponies and went towards the outpost. It seemed like it could house the group for a few days, given provision and heat were not in short supply. For a bit he only stood and thought untill he heard a comment from Tyra.




 hopefully somepony who can repair burned clothing.

"If no pony else will, I can attempt to repair it. I know some spells meant for repairing clothes, but I am not well skilled with them, so I would not be able to promise anything" Icarus said to the tribal pony. 

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Blizzard looked around, he had heard Icarus come by and leave, "Well that just leaves Caliber, I hope he gets back here soon. Because I don't wanna leave him out here all by himself, especially since he may be hurt or worse!" But then he calmed down, "Ah I'm sure he'll get back here, Cal's not only a legendary swords pony, he's my friend. And I won't leave him behind! I'll wait all day if I have to! But I'm not leaving him hanging!" Blizzard then sat back down under the tree with his magazine and waited for Caliber.

Waiting BGM:

Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Radiant walked to the back.of the outpost finding a tent with sign on it that has his name on it. "Been a while since I've been in an outpost, definitely brings back memories.of one of my first voyages." He said to himself going inside his tent.


Once inside he saw.there were base supplies already set out, such as water and trail rations. Radiant grabbed some water and rations with his magic and sat on his bed roll. He took a bite of the trail rations nearly spitting it out. He swallowed and chugged some of his water "wow I forgot how bad trail rations taste, guess I've been spoiled by canterlot.cooking." He said taking another bite of the ration.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Icarus sighed and entered a vacant tent. He sat down and decided now was a better time than ever to rest. Unsealing his mask, he gently put it aside, closing his grey eyes and and letting his scarred tan face feel fresh air for the first time in awhile. Similarly, he removed his cloak, and laid down to relax. He had many scars and patches of missing fur all over his body, but he had gotten used to them. He stared at the ceiling of the tent, and drifted in his own thoughts.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Tyra smiled up at Icarus and took him on his offer, giving over her tunic and harness to him.

"Any help you can give will be appreciated," she said, taking her axe up in her mouth and walking over to her own tent.


With some alone time, she took a while to check her burns. They had numbed and become nothing but red patches of skin; hopefully those would heal and the fur would grow back. As much as she liked having scars to show, burns were not really as pleasant.


She collapsed in the bedroll with a deep sigh. She would certainly need this rest...and something to eat, for that matter.

Near her was a box, which when propped open, was revealed to be stocked with small hoof-foods. She gave them a sniff, upturning her nose at the not-exactly-pleasant smell.


And with a shrug of the shoulders, she swallowed the lot. Food was food, right?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Radiant ate the rest of his ration and it sat heavily in his belly. As he sat on his bed roll he looked over the many burns on his body "I should have Icarus look at these, make sure they don't become septic" He said to himself standing up and leaving his tent.


As he was outside he noticed the tent that had icarus' name on it was right beside him. He walked up to the tent letting himself in. "Icarus sorry to barge in on you but can you take a look at my burns, I just don't want them to become an issue." He said he saw icarus sit up and realized why he stayed hidden behind a mask and cloak.


Radiant's expression didn't change when he saw Icarus, he had seen many injured ponies Before. "So what says you Icarus would you.mind assisting me?"

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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"Ah yes. What can I help you with ?" Icarus said, looking Radiant over.  He seemed to have several burns over his body. They all seemed to be bad, but not lethal. though that did not mean they could not get infected. "Your burns..... Yes..... please, take a seat and let me take a look" Icarus said, standing on his hooves and looking at the burn wounds more closely. They would require a good healing spell and some disinfecting.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Tyra tossed and turned on her bedroll, the burns all over her body irritating her. Normally, her high pain threshold, burns like this would be more harmless ticklish feelings. But this, this was different. Some kind of dark magic was at play, and she did not like it, not a bit.


Not that she didn't like all unicorns or magic users; she just didn't like magic being pointed at her. She didn't deal with it very well.


With an aggravated groan, she sat up and went back outside, in an attempt to look for Icarus' tent. Thankfully it was easy to find, since it had his name on it.

She pushed her way inside. "Icarus, if I may trouble you for anothe-"


She paused, spotting Radiant along with...another pony, whose face was littered with scars and stitches. Patches of fur were missing from his face.

Was this what Icarus looked like beneath his mask?


After a tense moment, a smirk appeared on her face. "Now that is the face of a warrior!" She said, obviously not thrown off by the reveal, and her trademark grin returned, "As I was going to say, perhaps you could help me with my burns? I do not know why, but they are really bothering me."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Icarus was taken by surprise when Tyra shouted. "The face of a warrior" she had called it. If only she had known were these wounds had come from. " Yes, I can help you both with your wounds. They seem like magic burns, similar to a chemical burn. They are an easy fix with the right care" He said, looking at the two of them, " Please, Tyra, join us in the tent and I will begin treatment right away."



Usually other ponies were scared when they saw the many traces of wounds on his body. But luckily these ponies thought nothing much of them, and seemingly one admired them. It was fine by him, as long as he could keep them all healthy he would be content.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Radiant sat down near Icarus to allow him to work on his burns. Being a magic user Radiant was a bit more resistant to the magical sting of the burns but he definitely felt its presence. Tyra just like Radiant helped herself in, once she saw Icarus she made a comment calling his look that of a warrior. 'hmm... Tyra thinks those wounds are from battle. No i've seen battle scars far too often, there are a few among all the scars but the majority are from something else. Perhaps a secret past, oh well that's business all that matters now is he is helping us protect innocent ponies.' He thought to himself as Tyra joined them.


Radiant looked back at Icarus "Go ahead and treat Tyra first, she seems to be highly affected by the magical taint on her burns. I have no pain from the magic, I just merely feel its presence. As to the pain from the burns, it's minuscule so easily ignored" he insisted returning his view forward.

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Tyra did as she was told and sat by Radiant, waiting her turn to be looked at. From observing Icarus' treatment of the other unicorn, the process didn't look painful, but she never knew with magic.


Speaking of which, the prickling sensation from her burns caused her to wriggle a bit in discomfort, trying her best not to scratch at them and make them worse.


"Nonsense, I can wait," She insisted, forcing a grin on her face, "You were here first, and you took the most blows in the battle."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard was now getting worried, "Ok, I've been waiting too long, something must've happened to Caliber. I gotta find him! He could be anywhere! Alone, hungry, cold, oh no wait being cold is a good thing. Either way, I'm gonna start looking. I can't leave my friend out here alone. I'm comin' for ya buddy!" Blizzard then begins to search what was left of their sectors to find Caliber.

Looking for Caliber BGM:

Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Radiant looked at Tyra with a stern look on his face "I can see you gritting your teeth Tyra as well as your body language appears that you're ignoring ants in your fur. So just allow Icarus to look at you first, besides just because i'm from Canterlot doesn't mean I can't handle a little bit of pain." He said turning his head forward with a little smirk on his face.


Outside he showed no sides of discomfort but he was suppressing the pain and agitation trying not to show it. He prefer his allies be helped before himself. "So Icarus assist Tyra before me, she could use it more then I." he insisted again.

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Icarus worked on Radian. He applied an ointment to the burns, and used another healing spell on them. Soon after that, he put a bandage on and gave it a good pat to make sure it was on. " Remove the bandage in 24 hours, OK ?" Icarus said. HE moved on to Tyra, doing the same thing. " There, you both seem pretty good now, be sure to to not remove the bandages or apply pressure, magic burns can be very sensitive. " Icarus informed them.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Tyra snorted, her hard-headedness just bouncing off Radiant. She noticed the smirk, and returned it, twitching uncomfortably from the burns. She did want to get treated as soon as possible, but it was only right the one who took the most damage get the soonest treatment.


That and her pride was possibly telling her to tough it out.


Icarus moved on to her, and although feeling reluctant at first, she let the doctor literally work his magic on her. He applied ointment and some kind of spell to her, followed by some bandages. They reminded her of when she used to scrape herself a lot while playing, and her mother would apply a nice colourful one while she would try her best not to tear up.


"My thanks, I will heed your advice," she bowed her head respectfully, and slowly made her way to the tent opening before turning back, "and any help you can provide for my things would be greatly appreciated. I will owe you a favour." She grinned proudly, before taking her leave.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard kept searching, but was kicking up nothing but dust, "Come on dude, where are you?! Ugh!" Blizzard then knelt down, "*kicks over some rocks* *sigh* Come on Blizz think where was Caliber sent to? Let's see, I was Northeast, Tyra and Raid had mid, so that leaves...Northwest!!! Hold on just a bit longer bro I'm coming!" He then skates as fast as he could to the Northwest part of town to find Caliber.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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After Icarus had finished working on Radiant, he stood up looking back at Icarus "no promises on the bandages, but thanks for the help Icarus if you are need of assistance feel free to let me know." He said as he slipped out of the tent.


Radiant returned to his tent, once inside he grabbed another ration and another helping of water. He sat on his bed roll and began to relax as he ate.


As he was eating he took a sword from his bag manifesting the blade, he begun levitating it slashing the air as he begun to feel bored. He wanted to return to help fight for the city but here knew he had to recover, he took too much damage in the earlier battle and still has yet too fully recover his strength.

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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The other swords pony laid dead. When the reinforcments reinforcements had arrived, caliber had said 'i want to take this one!' the other dark magic user had been a worthy foe, one to go full out on. The battle had even taken to the skies! But caliber won, and now, he was walking ever so slowly towards the tavern. Dragging his sword through the ground, he saw ice blizzard. 'Heh, I must look like a walking corpse' caliber thought, before yelling as loudly as he can. "Yo! IB! Halp!" calibers body was riddled with burns, cuts, and scraps. And then there was the internal damage the dark magic had done. His muscles felt like they were on fire. When he saw he got IB's attention, he promptly collapsed.

Edited by Peytonjay


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"You are welcome, hopefully you both feel better soon" Icarus said, laying down on his back and slowly eating a ration. These ponies were very strong, but like anyone, they did get hurt. Luckily Icarus was used to traveling with such a group, but hopefully these ponies would be less dependent on him. And hopefully no one would become a fatality like many have before. Icarus may be good, but ponies were still mortal.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Blizzard saw his friend go down, "Caliber? Caliber!!!" He then skated over to him, "No no no!!!! You are not dying on me! You hear me you aren't dying today! Come on I'll carry you on my back to the outpost. Just keep yourself calm." He then picks up Caliber, puts him on his back and trots to the outpost, "Don't worry friend, you're in good hooves, I'll get you to help." He then sheds a single frozen tear and asks, "Are you ok?"

Friends Reunite BGM:




Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Pain...I'm good otherwise." caliber cuffed him as hard as he can, which really wasn't that hard at the moment. "And who gave you the idea that caliber the wanderer can die?" caliber smiled. "I just pushed myself a little too hard. That's all." caliber knew as soon as he hit a bed, he'll probably slip into a coma.'I hope icarus good with medicine as I am with swords' he thought

Edited by Peytonjay


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Blizzard laughed, "haha, well I'm glad you're ok. Don't worry you're gonna be ok."

Blizzard hoofed all the way to the outpost, it wasn't that far, but he had to trot slow to keep Caliber on his back. After almost an hour of walking, Blizz had made it to the outpost tent where Icarus was, "I found Caliber." *puts him on a bed* How does he look doc? Will he be ok?" Blizzard knew his friend was capable, but he couldn't help but worry about whether Caliber was going to be his old, awesome, self.

Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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After a while Radiant was now levitating all four of his swords in the air, as if he were practicing a new sword formation for a single foe. Being a guard of Celestia during the day, he is trained to rise with the sun so he found it impossible to sleep. Radiant stood up dispelling his swords sliding them into his bag "I can't take this I need something to do," He mumbled to himself leaving his tent and walking through the outpost.


Radiant still knew he should refrain from combat so he walked around looking for something to do. As he was walking he realized they were still setting up tents for the increasing amount of refugees. Radiant noticed they had earth ponies putting up the tents and they were struggling to do so. Radiant walked up behind them grabbing the top of the tent with his magic pulling it up making it easy for the earth ponies to put the support rods in place. "Thank you sir... wait aren't you one of the ones that fought through the night protecting the city?" One of them asked anxiously. 


Radiant nodded his head and the pony looked at awe at Radiant. "No need for excitement, i'm here to help. How many more tents do you need to setup?" Radiant asked the pony wanting to help.


The pony blinked still looking slightly at awe "We still have plenty to setup, it would definitely help if you could lend a hoof." He said leading Radiant where they had many tents lying on the ground with the rods set aside them.


Radiant begun helping them start setting up the rest of the tents to keep himself preoccupied.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Tyra sat outside her tent, admiring the bandages around her body. She'd certainly taken a thrashing in the city, but she felt like she was recovering already. She stood up and stretched her legs, feeling a satisfying click in her limbs.


She began walking around the camp, watching everypony work and make themselves useful to house the refugees. With her helmet still on her head, she'd be recognisable to anypony who'd watched the conflict in the city, and she felt a pride well up inside her as ponies pointed to her and muttered.


A couple of foals ran up to her, and she recognised them right away; she'd helped them and their parents get to the city!

"Ah, hello my little friends," she smiled down to them, "It's good to see you are both well!"

"I heard you fought all night long to protect the city," the colt claimed, with wonder in his voice, "with just your axe!"

"And you were all alone!" The filly interjected, just as excited.


"Oh, well I was not entirely alone," Tyra smiled, and nodded toward Radiant, "it was me, and that stallion there."


A few more young fillies and colts began approaching, overhearing the conversation, and Tyra was having a flurry of questions thrown at her.


"Tell us what happened!"

"Did you get any scars?"

"Can we see your weapon?"


She could only chuckle, being reminded of the young foals back home who would often ask her to tell what happened when she accompanied her father on a trip, or went on a small one herself.

And who was she to deny these kids' wishes?

"You wish for a story? And to see the blades that vanquished those beasts?" She smirked down at the small sea of faces, which all nodded excitedly, "Then come, and I shall tell you!"


She led the kids back to her tent, having them wait outside as she grabbed her axe, and returned with it in her teeth. The kids gasped with wondrous faces as she embedded the tips of the dual-blades in the grass.

"You may touch it, but I warn you, the edges are sharp," she warned with a wink. While a few kids dared to venture closer to the battle-worn weapon, its owner sat beside it and regarded the rest of them.


"I shall begin with my name," she grinned proudly, with a hoof to her heart, "Tyra Shatterhoof, of the great Shatterhoof Clan of the Frozen North..."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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