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"Wait, you are eating the--" Caramel sighed abruptly, stopping herself when she heard the they had food beyond the fish. "No, wait, never mind. Just... just give me something. Anything. Not the fish, though. Dear Celestia, I am hungry." She sat down next to the fire, not seeming to notice that she hadn't asked permission. "Oh, this is nice. I didn't realize how cold I was until... well, until I wasn't. I'm Caramel," she added when Ice introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, Icesius Blizzard. So, you seem like a fairly warm guy. Relative to your name." She chuckled at her own joke.


She blinked at Caliber as he spoke. She hadn't noticed him--he was a little ways away and being quiet with his book, and now she frowned. She didn't like being seemingly passed off in his manner... but no, he was clearly part of the group, and no way was she picking an argument with her saviors. "Well, what's your name then, Mr. Egghead?" she asked him, managing to hide her irritation, which was partially brought upon by her empty stomach.


(My mention isn't working for some reason. Srry.)

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caliber closed the book. "caliber, the wanderer, fourth strongest swordspony in equestria, a member of the order." he rattled off.


he put the book back into his bag. "now...you could call me egghead if you want, i really dont care." he said, getting up.


he walked to the group. "so, whats to eat?" he asked.


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"Never mind, totally not out. Hello, you cute doggy," Caramel said, patting the giant wolf, abruptly not intimidated in the slightest. She grinned as Blizzard licked her face. "Aww, friendly doggy. Whose a cute puppy? Cute, giant puppy? Is he yours?" she asked Tyra. "Because I totally want one. Ohh, the fish must be for him," she realized, and chuckled. "Luna, I screwed that up. So, do you guys have some actual food?"


Blizzard happily accepted Caramel's patting, wagging her tail and nuzzling against her hoof.


"Aye, she is mine," Tyra smiled proudly, "She does enjoy fish, as do I!"


Upon hearing her name, she put a hoof to her chest. "Well met, Caramel. I am Tyra Shatterhoof, of the Frozen North's Shatterhoof clan!"


She tilted her head at what Ice called 'marshmallows'. She sniffed at the package of them. "What are these mallows...?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard took out his cooking supplies and turned to a recipe sction of his grandpa's book. He took out the packs of hay and grass as well. "We got the fish I'm cooking up. And the hay that I plan to sautee as well for a grass garnish. Very simple dish my grandpa would always cook, and so do I."


"And Tyra, thos marshmallows, are soft, squishy, and lovley sweet puffs that are yummy when roasted over fire."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"caliber, the wanderer, fourth strongest swordspony in equestria, a member of the order."


Caramel blinked. It took her a moment to process Caliber's statement as he closed the book and came over. "Wait... wait, what?" she asked blankly, realizing she had just insulted a very, very dangerous pony. Except apparently he didn't care. She edged closer to what seemed to be the friendliest creature in the group, just in case. "Hi, good pup. Please protect me from the terrifying egghead swordspony," she added in an undertone.


@@Unicorncob, @


"Sounds delicious," Caramel said upon hearing Ice's plan for cooking, a little too loudly as she was still quite worried about Caliber's introduction. "I like stallions who can cook. It's great. You're great. Heh. So, you're from the north, huh?" She asked Tyra, weakly attempting to change the subject as she very purposefully did not look at Caliber. "I hear it's really... intense up there."

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Blizzard took out his cooking supplies and turned to a recipe sction of his grandpa's book. He took out the packs of hay and grass as well. "We got the fish I'm cooking up. And the hay that I plan to sautee as well for a grass garnish. Very simple dish my grandpa would always cook, and so do I."


"And Tyra, thos marshmallows, are soft, squishy, and lovley sweet puffs that are yummy when roasted over fire."


She edged closer to what seemed to be the friendliest creature in the group, just in case. "Hi, good pup. Please protect me from the terrifying egghead swordspony," she added in an undertone.


"Sounds delicious," Caramel said upon hearing Ice's plan for cooking, a little too loudly as she was still quite worried about Caliber's introduction. "I like stallions who can cook. It's great. You're great. Heh. So, you're from the north, huh?" She asked Tyra, weakly attempting to change the subject as she very purposefully did not look at Caliber. "I hear it's really... intense up there."


Tyra tilted her head, giving the package another sniff. "I see...could I possibly try some...?"


Blizzard nuzzled Caramel happily, wagging her tail as she whispered to her. Obviously the two were becoming fast friends.


"Aye, with the attacks from the Molten Alliance, I was fearful for my home's safety," Tyra admitted to Caramel, frowning, then a grin appeared right away, "But I received a message, telling me that everypony is safe!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard swiped the bag away from Tyra, and put it away, "Sorry axe girl, don't wanna spoil your appetite before you try my dish do you?" he said as he began to cook the hay, "I'm making Sauteed Hay...uh wiith a Lemon Squeeze," he said as he squirted lemon juice over it, "with a Hayseed & Grass garnish. My grandpa would make this for me and my mom when he visited, and it was delicious! It'll be done in a few minutes."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber eyed all the food. "i think ill get my own food." he said, "dont get me wrong, looks great, i just wanna...talk a walk." he got up, and started walking off.


"dont wait up, im just taking a walk..." he said. "ill be back in a bit. maybe collect some herbs...who knows?"


he went in the opposite direction of the explosion from earlier.


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Red watched Caramel silently. She seemed friendly enough. Would Caramel really be another ally? She watched the others and how they interacted with the new mare.


Caliber mentioned taking a walk and she felt a spike of worry. She decided to give him some space. He had lacked so much energy lately... Did he feel that bad about not defeating Scarlet?


She smelled the cooking fish. It actually didn't smell that bad. The spices made it smell... well, good. And that hay thing Ice was making smelled even better. She didn't like hay normally, she only ate it because it was cheap and easy to carry.


"Tyra, should we leave Caliber alone?" She asked the leader-like pony. "I'm worried about him. I'm thinking I might go after him."

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Tyra perked up and saw as Caliber began leaving the camp for a walk. Where could he possibly be going at this time?


Was he still reflecting about the fight with Scarlet?


She took in what Red suggested, and nodded agreement. "Aye, perhaps we both should accompany him?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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She felt a little nervous about leaving Caramel alone with Ice and Ticktock. She wasn't sure how powerful this mare was.


"You go, I'll stay," Red said, jerking her head at Caramel so Tyra would get why. "Make sure Caliber's alright," she added. A little louder, she said to Ice, "when is your hay going to be ready? It smells amazing," she said.

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Blizzard shrugged when Caliber left and spoke to Tyra and Red, "Eh, don't mind him. He's always been like that. Used to play games or whatever when we were younger? Not Caliber." the pan began to flare up with flames as Blizzard tossed the food in the air and caught it in the pan.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Aye, very well," Tyra nodded, smiling as she got to her hooves, "would you save me and Caliber some food for when we return? I have never smelt hay that actually smelt appetising before, so I would love to try it!"


She trotted over to Blizzard, and petted the wolf between her ears. "You stay here and guard the camp. If anything should go wrong, give me the signal."

The wolf nodded and the two shared a nuzzle before the mare trotted after Caliber.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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caliber was walking through the woods, picking some berries. he was wondering what would've happened, if celestia hadn't come to save them.


would they have won? or would they have been forced to retreat? or die?


he sat down, with a decent amount of edible berries.


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Blizzard nodded when Tyra spoke. He knew that Caliber was just being Caliber, so he had no worries about how long he would be talking, "I'm sure he'll be ok. I'll slow cook the rest of this so they can eat as soon as they come back." he said as he held the pan somewhat away from the fire.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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It did not take long for Tyra to catch up to Caliber. Thankfully, he had just been walking at a casual pace.


He was sitting on the grass, eating berries. Strangely subtle of him.


"Are you well, friend?" She asked as she approached, sitting in front of him, "It is not like you to be so secretive...or eat so little."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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caliber's ear flickered, and he looked at tyra. "huh? oh, im just...thinking." he said, eating a few more berries. "and as for the food...well, i guess im not that hungry. if your concerned about that, dont worry. so am i. it does seem weird for me, huh?"


he smiled a bit. "its nice of you to b e concerned for me, and all, but...im just pondering what would've happened if celestia hadn't appeared when she did."


he sighed. "maybe im just overthinking. or maybe im just paranoid. but, i do know one thing: if celestia hadn't shown up, at least one of us would be gone." he frowned a bit. "i dont get it...why wasn't i strong enough?" he asked, almost to himself.


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The very moment Caliber said that, Blizzard got a severe chill up his spine and nearly dropped everything. But he managed to catch it, "Ug...hh....huh? Woah! Got it." "That was weird. I felt a serious disturbance just then. It's as if my brother Cal is doubting himself. That's impossible. He's the strongest sword I know, and he's my best friend. How could he doubt that? I gotta find him." 


He then set the frying pan to simmer above the flames, while suspended via string. Because of the cool night air, the food would stay warm from the fire, and not burn at all, so he went to find Caliber. He followed Tyra's movements and eventtually found them, "Woah brother are you alright? I felt something was wrong and came to find you."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Caramel had been watching the proceedings with some interest--mostly hunger, admittedly, but some interest. She was somewhat relieved when Caliber left--he had seemed moody, and rather terrifying; she had no doubt he was telling the truth in his titles. The north-pony had gone after him, to her disappointment, as she rather liked this Tyra character. She seemed like a fun type. Especially her wolf. The wolf was adorable.


She was extremely disappointed when Ice left the hay on the fire, leaving after Caliber. She stared after his disappearing figure longingly, weakly lifting a hoof to plead with him to finish that delicious smelling ambrosia, then changed her mind. He seemed to know what he was doing. She didn't want to bother him.


She glanced nervously at Red. The pony had been quiet so far, and she didn't really know what to think of her. "Hi," Caramel said after a moment. "How are you?"

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Red tossed an apple to Caramel. "Fine." She said, a little coldly. "Here, have a snack." She turned away to look after Tyra, Ice and Caliber. She hoped he wouldn't get offended by their worry. Red hated others' pity, and Caliber seemed the type to hate that, too.


She turned back to Caramel after a moment. Might as well get to know the new pony. Hopefully Tyra would comfort Caliber. "So, how well can you use that bow?" She asked casually.

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"Fine." She said, a little coldly. "Here, have a snack." She turned back to Caramel after a moment. Might as well get to know the new pony. Hopefully Tyra would comfort Caliber. "So, how well can you use that bow?" She asked casually.


Caramel devoured the apple that had been tossed to her, noticing Red's coldness towards her but not particularly put off by it. She considered bugging Red--which she usually did to ponies who were annoyed, to make them more annoyed, because that was fun--but decided against it. Red had just given her an apple, after all.


Caramel grinned wryly at Red's question. "You won't meet a finer archer," Caramel said confidently, then amended herself. "Well, you might, but I'm pretty good. I can shoot anything anywhere anytime ever." Her grin widened upon looking Red over. "So, you're a swordspony, I see," Caramel noted, "Must be hard to have to lift it with your hooves. Or mouth." She considered the hay, still sizzling gently over the fire. Not really waiting for a reply from Red, she trotted over to the pan.


"Well, I'm going to go ahead and try my hoof at this," Caramel commented. "Still hungry, don't you know. And that Icy Blizzardy fellow seemed to be doing it no problem."


It took about ten seconds for Caramel to begin burning the hay. Not that she noticed until it was almost beyond rescuing. She sniffed, then asked Red, "Is it supposed to smell like that?" She sniffed again. "Something's burning," she added worriedly.

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Ticktock extended his hoof to Caramel "Hi there. Ticktock's my name and magic's my game nice to meet you." Ticktock stands there head held up high and looked pretty smug "Also I am quite good with a sword and you wont find a pony more magical than me... Well apart from Princess Celestia, Luna, maybe Cadence and of course >_>Twilight Sparkles." *Ticktock snarls as he says Twilights name*

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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"Do not doubt yourself, friend," Tyra said, with one sagely nod as she helped herself to some berries, "That witch has gotten the better of us all. Including me." She added begrudgingly.


"You are still a powerful swordspony, so do not sell yourself short," She smiled.


She turned, raising an eyebrow as Ice approached them. She had to wonder why he had come; Caliber surely wouldn't die from being away from him for a few minutes.

How did he even know to come anyway?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard was amlost out of breath when he came to see Caliber. He figured something was wrong, so he decided to come, "I got this weird feeling when you started doubting yourself. Don't. You're the 4th best sword in Equestria, you're worth more than you know dude. But more importantly, you're our friend. And you'll always be our friend no matter what. That's more important than just being strong ok? We we're kicking flank down there, but I'm gonna admit, we did need Celly's help, so yeah. Don't feel bad ok bro?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber grinned at tyra. "yeah, i know." he said, "but what good is being a powerful swordspony, when i get pitted against the likes of alicorns?"


he sighed. then he saw ice. 'well, thats either eerie or unexpected.' he thought. 


"yeah, i know. tyra already had the pep-talk with me about strength."


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