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Elements of Nature - 2


Element of Nature  

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  1. 1. We are going to get Fire

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>> A direct continuation of this topic. <<
>> Read the first post in the link and you'll know the complete start of the story. <<
>> Read this topic's first post if you're a new RPer. <<

Evilshy's Summary of 1st Topic: Thank you so much for this Evil =D.

The mane 6 have disappeared, Celestia and the other alicorns are gone somewhere, and Equestria, for the most part, has gone to hell. The elements of Harmony were turned into the Elements of Nature, each representing a different element (earth, fire, water, wind, lightning, arcane).

Who is responsible for all this? The Bards of Chaos, 6 earth ponies led by a drazul (a humanoid, reptile/dragon creature. Linguz made this race up). Each of these ponies has one of the elements, and we are trying to get them back so we can defeat the drazul. We are the Valkyrs, a sort of resistance movement, you could say. We are few, but powerful (and we have a kickass underground base).

Anyway, in part 1, everyone was introduced to each other at a massive drinking session started by Rigel (Evilshy). One of Linguz's characters, Legacy (a living Deus Ex Machina) built us a training grounds, where we sparred and tested our powers. (Your character will find out as they go, anything he doesn't know, even if you know you can't give to him so I'm not going to explain each one). After this, we time skipped to the portal to the world of Frost, the keeper of the water element. She immediately hit us with a crazy blizzard, which we fought through. She also pretty much immediately sealed the majority of Legacy's magic. The group was split into 4, who each journeyed towards the cave where Frost was known to be. On the way, the characters discussed various things, like their pasts, how they learned something, stuff like that.

Some groups met up, so there were now 2 groups heading for the cave. One was attacked by a large ice wyrm (think a giant snake with a dragon head, and it's made of ice) and the other by an ice golem (a golem of ice. Duh.)
The wyrm was defeated when Gizmo (Linguz's mecha-pony) headshotted it with his huge laser, and the other was defeated by some quick Molotov cocktail work by Psycho.
Psycho and Daisy fell in love. Rigel had some fun messing with them and a small fight started. It was broken up, and they became friends.

In the other group, PlasmaStorm had some strange stuff happening to him. He seems to get random outbursts of electricity that he can't control. Anyway, he had one of these, and the other group saw it and headed in their direction.

They met up and reached the cave. They went in an met frost, who shot some ice spikes at them. Rigel blocked most of them, but a few got through, wounding him and a few others. She then summoned several wyrms and golems. One of the wyrms killed psycho. Gizmo was frozen and shut down. Rigel, dusty, plasma, and autumn went to fight frost while the rest fought the remaining wyrms and golems.

Frost summoned a large ice dragon. Dusty, autumn, and plasma fought it while Rigel went straight for Frost. Frost didn't like this so she merged with the dragon. It's armor was too thick, so Rigel and dusty went for the eyes, using a combination of broken glass and explosives. Plasma went inside of Gizmo and used his natural electricity to power up gizmo and let him fire off another headshot laser. This effectively killed the dragon, but frost saved herself by emerging from the dragon right before it died. We each blocked off her escape routes, hit her with various attacks, and she went down. The type of injury Rigel received, combined with seeing Frost on the ground in front of him triggered some crazy PTSD and he started slowly killing her the way he slowly killed this gang boss who enslaved him when he was a kid. Legacy and Garth stopped him and tied frost up. They got the element.
Daisy found Psycho's body and cried and slit her own throat.

Camile was frozen to death by an ice wyrms frost breath. That's what you get for being cold blooded in an ice world. (this didn't actually happen, but it makes sense, and he doesn't post anymore anyway.)
The group went back to their hideout to prepare for the next journey.

Character Template
Personality: [How they act.]
Specialty: [include Cutie Mark if pony.]
Description: [How they look.]
Other: [Anything else you want to say.]
Room: [You will be required to reply to a question by one of my five as to which room you want.]

My characters:

Name: Garth Steelbeak
Species: Griffin
Gender: Male
Personality: Says what's on his mind. Understanding of others. Jokes around every now and then.
Specialty: Fighting and leading. Can't plan for his life.
Description: White head, amber body, dark amber wings. All feathers.
Other: Founder of the Valkyrs.
Joined: 14 days ago (He founded it).
Room: 3

Name: Legacy
Species: Earth Pony
Gender: Female
Personality: Unknown
Specialty: Information gathering. Cutie mark is unknown.
Description: Unknown. Always uses silhouettes to talk.
Other: The Valkyrs' information source. Uses magic like The Bards of Chaos.
Joined: 14 days ago (He helped found it).
Room: 16 [This room is off limits to everyone, including Garth.]

Name: Natural
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, considerate, passive
Specialty: Cooking vegetables. Cutie mark is a bowl of salad.
Description: Light green coat. Dark green mane.
Other: Chef. Old friend of Garth.
Joined: 10 days ago.
Room: 6

Name: Raek
Species: Manticore
Gender: Male
Personality: Rude, grouchy, pushy.
Specialty: Cooking meat.
Description: Grey head, black body, dark grey wings. All feathers.
Other: Chef. Old friend of Garth.
Joined: 13 days ago.
Room: 7

Name: Gizmo
Species: Robot
Gender: Male
Personality: Careful, calculating, can handle delicate tasks.
Specialty: Fixing or using technology. Cutie mark is a wrench.
Description: White coat. Light grey mane.
Other: Technician. Old friend of Garth. Circuits are fried. Unable to fight.
Joined: 11 days ago.
Room: 10

Name: Nidal / Raven
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind and Shy / Rude and Violent
Specialty: Supportive Magic / Combat Magic - Cutie Mark of a coin - Heads up / Tails up
Description: Light green coat and green mane / purple coat and dark purple mane
Other: She changes as she sees fit. Unable to change rapidly. Oldest friend of Legacy. She is not a veteran.

This spoiler contains all the mane characters not belonging to me. Names crossed out are either killed or booted due to inactivity.

Owner: Slendermane
Name: Autumn Breeze
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Personality: Intelligent, clever, polite, kind, yet shy and not very confident. Always wants to help others, yet doubts his own abilities. Joined the Valkyrs because he wants to support the cause, and hopes they will help him be stronger and more confident. Loves to read.
Specialty: Novice swordscolt. Uses katana and longswords. Real specialty is intelligence and recon. Cutie mark is an open book with a red feather.
Description: Body; red orange. Mane, tail, and feathers; various shades of red, orange, and yellow. Colors of fall.
Joined: 1 day ago.
Room: 4 I guess?

Owner: Ocean Breeze
Name: Ocean breeze

Owner: Finesthour
Name: Daisy Flower
Name: Larva
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Personality: Keeps more to himself, only talks on an extent to those he trusts. Very imtimidating.
Specialty: A bat cutie mark
Description: Black cloat, blue mane, and bright green eyes that could luminate a room. His voice has a deep intimidating tone, which could cause weak ponies to shiver. Larva was a strict vampire who will do anything for the greater good. Although he can have a major temper, he is a loyal ally. Along with his 5ft katana(forged by the last of his family) which he keeps on his side at all times, he seeks revenge of his lost ones with his master Miyu (a 114 year old vampire girl who has the appearance of a 13 year old girl who had also turned into a pony) he will do anything to find her. Daisy was his sister, and he does not know of her death yet.
Here is a pic of what his human self looked like-
Other: Daisy's brother-
He has the ability of the kiss of life/death (He can bring people back to life or kill them)
Summon (He can summon anything from hell or that has perished.)
Abilty's: He can materialize into thin air
Room: Daisy's old room.

Owner: Evilshy
Unicorn pony
Male (oh my god I'm actually making a guy for once)
Speciality: telekinesis and shaping things (inanimate objects, not living things). basically he can move stuff and bend/stretch/whatever is shape to a point with his mind. His cutie mark is obscured by a large scar that he doesn't like to talk about. This injury prevents him from running very fast.
Personality: outgoing, generally happy, a little blunt at times. He often makes light of serious situations, and sometimes has a somewhat dark sense of humor.
Other: he's made his living as a mercenary for a few years before coming to valkyr. for some reason, his preferred method of fighting is to use shards of glass, which he moves and bends with his mind. When asked why, he simply replies "glass is sharp and easy to shape" and won't say much else about it. He always carries around a bag full of glass bottles of various drinks for this purpose (and so he can drink, obviously). He can fight with pretty much anything he can lift with his magic, but will almost always choose glass if it's an option. He hates fighting hand to hand and therefore totally sucks at it.
Join: Will join today, it still walking towards where he was told he can find valkyr.

Owner: BizzarePony
Name: Dusty Roads
Species: Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Personality: Sociable, cool-headed, somewhat dark sense of humor, clever, will not kill anyone for any reason, honorable, trusting,
Specialty: Extremely skilled with bow staff and similar weapons, good hunter, tracker, outdoorsman, keen and observant
Description: Dusty brown colored with black mane and beard, always wears a ten gallon hat, cutie mark is a rattlesnake coiled around a staff, deep, masculine voice, speaks with the slightest hint of a Texan accent.
Joined: 12 days ago.

Owner: Squirt

Owner: Petey
Name: Camile

Owner: Quan Marrero
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm, Very Reactive, Wants to be lonely at times, Destructive when angry.
Specialty: Electricity, Cutie Mark is 3 Thunderbolts in the shape of a Triangle
Description: Medium Sized, Purple Colored, Black Mane
Other: Very Lonley but wants to be comforted with friends & a spouse
Joined: 1 day ago
Room: 18

Owner: SolarFlare
Name: Dawn

Owner: Derp2daherp
Name: (Suffered amnesia. Doesn't remember. For now is called "Masquerade".
Name: Atom
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Personality: Intelligent, Charming.
Specialty: Technology. Cutie mark is the diagram of an atom.
Description: Gray unicorn with white mane. 21 years old. Okay build.
Other: Speaks with a British accent. Has a robot companion (will explain that.)

Owner: Matt Reverse
Name: Grey Ray
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Personality: Shy, but hyperactive.
Specialty: Ray. He can control the rays His cutie mark is, same as his name, a grey ray.
Description: There. 20 years old. (Without the horn)
Other: He is kind of evil and that things because of the apparences. Is a great pony and like to help the others. Doesn't smile so much.
Room: ...23, I guess. '-'

Room 9 - Taken by Agent
Room 5 - Taken
Room 8 - Taken

Edited by Linguz
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The group entered the portal and returned home. Garth looked around, counting their members.

"Did anyone see Daisy while we were returning?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Damn. I thought we only lost one. We've had to casualties men. Don't let that ruin your morale."

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(I haven't seen petey post in a while. Is he still in, or do we just assume his reptilian character froze to death in the icy wastes?)


(working on that summary.)

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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(Petey and Ocean will be removed as well.)

Garth turned to Legacy and asked her,

"Do you feel Daisy's presence or Camile's or Ocean's?"


Legacy closed her eyes and focused.

"No. They are long gone or dead."


Garth sighed and looked up at the roof.

"We'll etch their names in the stone above soon. Honaring their sacrifice."

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PlasmaStorm snickered.



PlasmaStorm walked up to Garth.

"No disrespect, but Camile & Breeze had nothing to do with this trip to Frost. They did nothing more than getting lost & not even laying a single hoof in the fight. How is this to be a Sacrifice?"


(BTW will Ocean & the other partipants return to Rp?)

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Legacy walked up to Dusty and whispered:

"Like I said in our previous chat, she'll be captured alive if possible. If she continued to fight, I wouldn't have been able to save her."

Garth took Frost to a cell below the living room. Stairs are across from the meeting room.

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PlasmaStorm walked in his room & pulled out his journal.

*Day 3: The fight with frost is now over. We had walked a couple of miles to a cavern that was nothing more than a minor challenge.

Daisy & Masquerade were the only casualties while Camile & Ocean chickened out & got lost somewhere or died in the cold weather.

1 thing that didn`t really make sense during the fight was that, Frost`s Element was Water while everything she used was Ice. Even her name was something that had to do with Ice. If she really had the power of water then she could`ve shorted out me & Gizmo to begin with. And speaking of Gizmo that ungrateful prick robot. He should be happy that i mergered my energy with his so we, well i can fire his lazer. Not to mention after he forced me out his body, I learned a lot of shit from him. Powers, Abiities, even some of my disorders are healed. Plus i think some odd memories of his childhood. Maybe, maybe not. Plus, Dusty needs to watch himself before somepony regrets fucking with me!*

PlasmaStorm closed the journal & walked into Natural`s kitchen.


PlasmaStorm sat down in the kitchen.

"Hey Natural."

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Autumn bowed his head in honor of the fallen. "I think we should have a moment of silence, in honor of their memories." After a moment of silence, he lifted his head. "They gave their lives to help us. They were true heroes."


(Autumn doesn't know that Daisy committed suicide.)


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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(Nobody knows. She died after they all left.)

Garth came out of the prison.

"She won't be getting lose. If any of you want to try gathering information from her, go ahead."

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Name: Atom

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Personality: Intelligent, Charming.

Specialty: Technology. Cutie mark is the diagram of an atom.

Description: Gray unicorn with white mane. 21 years old. Okay build.

Other: Speaks with a British accent. Has a robot companion (will explain that.)

Joined: Is this necessary? Either way, 0 days ago.



Robot: Looks like the enclave eyebot from Fallout 3/NV, but instead of that vent on the front, it's a screen. Does the fighting for atom.

Edited by Derp2daherp
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Name: Atom

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Personality: Intelligent, Charming.

Specialty: Technology. Cutie mark is the diagram of an atom.

Description: Gray unicorn with white mane. 21 years old. Okay build.

Other: Speaks with a British accent. Has a robot companion (will explain that.)

Joined: Is this necessary? Either way, 0 days ago.



Robot: Looks like the enclave eyebot from Fallout 3/NV, but instead of that vent on the front, it's a screen. Does the fighting for atom.


(OH MY Fallout is Back.)
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(summary done and PM'd to you, linguz)


(also, hell yeah fallout :D)


Rigel sat alone at a table off to the side. He had a bottle in his hoof and several empty ones lying on the table. goddammit. How can they let her live. Just get the info from her and kill her. Be done with it. Psycho was dead, a recently made friend. Sure, he was crazy, but he had a certain charm to his craziness. Daisy was dead. at least she died with him. They'll be happy, wherever they are. Camile was dead, killed by a wyrm. All dead because of frost. and how many countless other have died as a result of the Bard's takeover? She deserves worse than death. They all do.


He drained his bottle and opened another.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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(Thanks. I'll look through it and make sure it coincides with my own memory. Should be up soon as well as everything else.)

(When referring something else, please include a picture's link so people who don't know what they look like can see. AKA me.)

(Atom should walk into the base. Same to all new recruits as well.)

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Atom walked down the stairs into the base with his companion bot floating behind him. He walked into the base.

"Ello? Anypony there?"

The robot companion made various beeping noises.

"Yes, I'm sure this is the right place. Don't be so nervous, brother."

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