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open Survival Isle


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With her hangover gone Nightlight says, "Let me try. I have a few tricks up my sleave for things like this." (uses one level of power. One minute of telekinesis.)


She attempts to remove some of the realy ripe coconuts from their place. After struggling for 30 seconds with the fruit, she is able to pull free one for each being here. She lowers them to him. "It seems my telekinesis still works." The spell ends at the one minute marker. She gathers a few more for later by then.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Alamo uses one of the rocks he is using to make his axe and cuts into the coconut, and makes a hole to get the coconut milk "Could be better ,but to your health!" Alamo says lifting up the Coconut in a toast like manner and drinks some of the coconut milk, but notices that the sun is starting to head down. "Well enough time to celebrate later." Alamo says putting the coconut in the shade next to the wounded passenger, and looks at the vines on the trees. "So what your name friend, everyone has one but I haven't bother to figure out so why not do it now?" Alamo says after while pulling on the vines.

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@@Lord Bradley


Snowflake decides to wander the shore line in attempt to find more survivors and to his luck he does Snowflake sees someone lying by some coconut trees, he could be hurt... so Snowflake walks over to the new survivor and says "hey you... do you speak English?"


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Nightlight says, "Yea party later. My name is Nightlight Jewel. I was ranger reinactor for a group before the ciruse and yourself?"


She helps with pulling the vines. Using her wings to increase her standing jump range. She helps him pull down about half the needed vines before drinking another quarter of her remaining tea. She seems to be rationing it.

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"Alamo, the name, building is my game, thanks for the help." Alamo says gathering his rocks and scrap wood and vines, "Alright i'm gonna try and make an axe out of this." Alamo says tying up the sharpest rock and the toughest scrap wood "Alright, lets do this" Alamo says starting to chop into a plam tree."



The sun is sky is beginning to turn orange as it is slowly setting

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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


Drakk's ears twitched as he made out a voice somewhere. Turning to it, he found what he believed to be one of the other passengers. He was honestly glad to see that someone was here with him, but couldnt help but feel a bit of annoyance as he asked if he knew the common language pretty much everyone spoke. That's why he decided to mess with him a little. "Såklart jag pratar engelska, din fåne" He spoke to him. It was a language he had learned a while back, when he had nothing better to do than sit around, he decided to learn some language. He chose this one, then worked on it. Now, he speaks it pretty much fluently. Needless to say, it would sound convincing that to anyone that maybe it was his native language, if they didnt know Drakk as a person.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Meanwhile Caramel was still wondering around the island. She was getting really thirsty and hungry too. She walked towards the sea for a drink, but then she remembered it was salt water. "That won't work." she said as she turned back toward the group. "Maybe someone there has an idea for food and water.

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Nightlight took a long piece of scrap wood and a arrowhead looking stone and made sure she secured it to the end of the scrap wood like stick. "I am going to see if I can spear fish with this. Hopeing for the best."


She heads into the shallows of the water and looks for fish that are edible. She remebers how she learned this and smiles as the moves carfully and takes aim at a small school of med size fish. She throws the spear and....


(GM decides if she catches any fish with the spear.)

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Caramel arrived at the groups spot. She saw someone fishing. "I hope some fish gets caught today, I'm really hungry." she thought to herself. "Hi there everybody, any one got some water or food to spare." her stomach started to rumble when she said the word food.

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"Got a coconut, with some of its milk still left in it, I had a bit of it to drink but there is still some left and you can eat it, tho you might need a sharp rock, but I'm gonna cut down another tree to get more coconut and some firewood, if Nightwood over there gets a fish we can cook it, and we can kill salt in the seawater and then cool it off with the seawater at night that way we have some fresh water, won't be as fresh as city water, but its better than sea water."

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Nightlight does have some success fishing but its a few small but edible fish. She comes back. Her spear is broken in half but she has a few small fish. "Sorry, the spear broke and I was only able to catch a few before it broke. Guess that's what I get for using scrap wood for a spear."

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@@Lord Bradley


Snowflake stairs at Drakk for a few moments thinking of how to respond.... he isn't speaking Russian and Snowflake doesn't carry a translator with him... then it hit him... Snowflake crouches and leans toward Drakk "don't think you can fool me I can tell by your accent that isn't your primary language.... regardless we have a camp over there now which would you prefer you getting up and walking or me levitating you?"


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"Well I got a few more swings and I'll bring down this palm tree, that way we have firewood, because the sun is starting the set and once it get dark our only light maybe the moon." Alamo says getting a couple more swings into the tree finally bringing it down, "Great now we got wood and some food and drinks", Alamo says picking one of the coconuts that was hanging onto the tree, "I'm hoping, if we could get more wood we maybe able to make a raft to go to the other islands, there's got to be people somewhere, but that's for a later day, now we start here." Alamo says cutting pieces of the wood off and making it into a burn pile.

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Nightlight says, "I have my firelight spell. Its good for making campfires but it strains me enough to hamper my power recovery. I can make a flame spark though to light them."


She helps him position the wood for a fire. She had set the fish on one of the flat leaves.


"By the way, has anyone checked out that shipwreck over there yet?" She points to the Wreck.

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"Well I didn't even know there was a wreck, nice catch." Alamo says walking towards the small boat wreck near the shore, as he gets closer he can see a chest within the boat, "There's a chest in here, might have a torch (A flashlight for us americans) or a hammer, hopefully something useful it looks like a fishing canoe." 

Edited by El Presidente Castle
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Nightlight says, "I will get the fire started. You check it out."


She continues to organize the wood and (one level of power Used. Flame spark spell.) with a snap of her fingers, she egnites the gathered wood into a basic campfire. She smiles and sets herself by it with some small sticks to cook the fish. She first, however, cleans and guts them. Then she sets them near the fire so they can be cooked. (3 levels of power remaining.)

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Nightlight looks at the item. "Hmm it looks old. Maybe if we clean it up first it might be able to help carve better items. Was that all there was in the chest? I miss my costume and bow. It was in my luggage on the ship. The bow was real with a quiver of 40 arrows." She continues to cook the fish.

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"Wish I found more the only other thing in the chest were old weights, and bobbers and string most likely to hold down the bait, whatever bait they had is gone now, maybe when the sun rises tommorow you can make a fishing rod out of the but with this knife we could make sharp stick to make pointy ends for spears."

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I sigh and get up from sitting. My pain in my wing still burning and it was only getting stronger. I walk, or stumbled, to the ocean. "Driftwood...where is some driftwood." I scanned the area. Trying to spot some driftwood to fasten into a splince. "There's some." I spotted some driftwood not far from me washing up on shore. I bumbled over to it. I started picking up and examining pieces. "No. No. No." I threw the bad pieces of driftwood away. They were to thin, small, or flimsy. I got down to two pieces. They were both perfect. Strong, right sized, and thick. "Wwwirrreee." I said slowly. The next thing I needed was wire. "Shit. No wire." I sighed and looked down. "Wait a minute. Vines." I stumbled to the trees and looked for some vines. "Alright. There we are." I untangled a vine wrapped around a tree and bite it off with my teeth. I had everything I needed for a splince. "Alright. How did Doc Silver Bot say how to do it?" I thought about what Doc Silver Bolt, a friend back in when I was in the service that was a medic, said about fastening a hommade harness. "Put the two pieces of wood between the injured area." I put one driftwood behind my wing and leaned into the tree to hold it and put the other piece on top and held it. "Then tie something around it to hold it." I held the vine in my mouth while I tied the pieces of driftwood. "Make sure it's tight. Or it won't heal." I tied the vine tight. I jumped at the pain that went through my body when I did that. "Alright done." I leaned off the tree and sure enough my hommade splince worked. "Well shit. It worked. Guess all that time spent with Doc paid off."

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"Hey buddy come join us over here by the fire, you'll be warmer than being against that tree, we got food and stuff ready, and we found a knife to make spears to hunt more fishes, so get over here and have a drink of some coconut milk, don't want you to die thirsty to early." Alamo says to the Pegasus leaning on a palm tree


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"Hey buddy come join us over here by the fire, you'll be warmer than being against that tree, we got food and stuff ready, and we found a knife to make spears to hunt more fishes, so get over here and have a drink of some coconut milk, don't want you to die thirsty to early." Alamo says to the Pegasus leaning on a palm tree


"Sure. Just gimme a minute." I adjusted the splince a little, just like Doc Silver Bolt said, and walked over to the campfire. My head was a little clearer and I didn't stumble as much as before. I sat down and took a half opened coconut. I took a swig of the stuff and dropped the coconut into the sand. My wing still hurt like all hell but not as much as before. I guess it was because of the splince. Still I needed something for the pain. "Anyone got any liquor? Whiskey, rum, vodka, anything?" I asked. "Need something for the pain."
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(You guys post too fast for the me to keep up xD)


@@Snowflake Frostflame


Drakk smiled when he figured it out. "Yeah, ya got me. So, you say theres a camp, right? does that mean there's more people here?" He asked, starting to get up. He winced at the pain from his head, rubbing it. "Well, in any case, might aswell get there. Lead the way" he said.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Caramel sat down by the fire. The sun seemed almost gone, she could only she the horizon so it must be getting cold soon. She watched the other person preparing the fish. Her hunger increased. "Hi there, I don't think we met yet, my name is Captain Cookie Caramel, but ye can just call me Caramel. What's yer name, if I may ask?"

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