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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Anette reacted in utter shock towards each experience, as if she was actually living them.

"That's so terrible, but you survived it! No wonder Sleight Mist lost to you; you're incredibly strong!"

As she finished speaking, a terrific bang sounded off above them, then the crashes stopped. Seconds later, Nightmare suddenly appeared out of nowhere, burnt in a number of places and smoking from all over. The doll gave a cackle that came out similar to a cough, before plummeting to the ground.


Anette deftly caught the doll, flipping it over onto her back as if she had had incredible practice at it. Then, she turned to a seemingly empty patch of air with an angry expression.


"You didn't have to hurt him that much, you know, Glory; you're the mature one!"


And with that, Glory suddenly reappeared, an expression on the dolls face that almost seemed to suggest satisfaction.


"Ugh, it's like i'm taking care of kids!" she shouted loudly. Suddenly, an announcement could be heard from the stadium, broadcasting the upcoming fight between Skitz and Elektra.


"Oh, I totally forgot!" she said, turning back to Ice Blizzard. "Your match with Caliber should be happening right now! You should go. But, I will see you again, right?" she said, smiling hopefully.

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A paper airplane flew out of the doors marked Infirmary and hit Annete on the head, the paper catching in her mane and halting to a stop. On it, it said


"Hey, I don't think I'm too scary. Am I? I didn't mean to come off that way, especially to a charming mare such as yourself. Oh, and don't listen to IB about Tartarus; it was actually pretty scary- not that I was scared or anything. No, really. Ahem. In a few days, when I'm healed enough to have an appropriately intelligent conversation, perhaps you can come talk to me? I'd really like if someone who is in possession of a working neural network would pay a visit; over the past week I've spent in the arena, it's been swords, swords, bows, explosive, potions, this pony or that pony... I'd also like to talk about the workings of your puppets. They're sentient on their own, right? Oh, wait, running of paper, and the orderly says that I really shouldn't be awake. Hope you get this! -Wilhelm de Winter"


From above, there was crashing noises, somepony speaking quickly and authoritavely, and a weak voice raised in temporary protest before it dissolved into a coughing fit.




OOC: The siege worms were actually my idea. Also, for a little background, Wilhelm was the gentleman scientist of the group. He didn't work nearly as much with his bow, but he was extremely highly skilled with a sword, and he was a trotting encyclopedia of monsters and the depths of Tartarus. He was the strategist; the de facto leader was Silver Sword, but if Wilhelm reccomended something, most everyone listened.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Blizzard replies, "Yeah gotta get in gear, we know each others skills so our fight will be interesting. And yeah of course I'll see you again, and your cute puppets. if you see the ice pony, that's me *points to self*, and remember, stay focused, stay alive. That's my motto, bye!" Blizzard skates off to get ready to fight Caliber. 


OOC: You can start our fight soon Jay. :P


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Such a nice stallion..." she said once he left, blushing lightly. She didn't notice the paper in her hair until Glory pointed it out, the doll insistently flapping her wings.


"Oh?" she said, taking the letter by telekinesis and reading the contents. She began to smile gently, even giggling at the end, causing the remaining Hero and Hearthrob to crowd in as if they wanted to read too. Glory sat by patiently, waiting.


Finally, she finished reading. "What should I say?" she said, looking at the dolls. The group then hunched together, excitedly whispering back and forth for a few seconds.

"...No, i'm not going to fight him, Hero. He's had enough of that already"

"...Ew! Hearthrob! Why would I do that? Do I look like that kind of mare?!"

"I don't want to hear anything from you right now!" she suddenly shouted over her back. After a small plume of smoke wafted into the air, she turned back to the group.

"...Finally a good plan! Glory, can you find me a quill and paper?"


Minutes later...

A doll with large white wings seemingly vibrated into the air beside Wilhelm's bed. In its mouth, it had a letter, which it nudged under the pegasi's pillowcase. Then, it gave what appeared to be a short bow, before vanishing once again.


The letter would read:

I don't want you to get in any more trouble, so i'll keep it short. I'll do it! -Annette

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caliber had woken up, and looked around wildly for his sword, which was resting beside his bed. he quickly grabbed, it, and upon looking into its hidden hilt pocket, saw it was still there. he sighed, relieved. he then got up, stretched, winced, yelped, (his wounds are being stretched, for those who are wondering) and started working out right there beside his bed. hand-stand push-ups, in case anyone was wondering. 




Rune stopped at the edge of the entrance. he took a deep breath, walked in, and registered himself to fight against any challengers. ponies looked at his arm weirdly, but he didn't pay no mind. he went to the seats to watch to current fight...


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Blizzard mad e a dynamic entry into Caliber's medical clinic area, "Sliding entry kick! Hey Calibro! How's the old bruises? Wait, what am I saying? *pats Caliber on back* Nothing can get past you am I right? How ya doin? Want some food? *sing-song voice: There's a snack stand right outside your tent.....  -_- "

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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(he's not in a tent, ice blizz. this isnt the legend RP. ;) he's in a professional clinic.)


Caliber paused for a moment to look at his buddy. "oh, hey, blizzard. whats up?" he asked, still in his hand-stand position. "you and me are going at it, next round, right?" caliber looked at him. "fair warning, i wont go easy."


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Blizzard replies, "Yeah, I know, but I'm not going easy either, but until you get healed up, wanna get something to eat and go watch Skitz fight? Let's see, there's the snack stand! :pinkie: Let's get some food! Are you hungry? Wait a minute, you're always hungry right? Come on." 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber looked at him, confused. "dude, what're you saying? your talking too much!" caliber flipped himself onto all four hooves again, and looked at him. "ah, a was craving something, anyways." he got up, and put on his cloak. "sure, lets go." caliber grinned. 


'now, lets think...he's vulnerable to heat...something i cant do...' caliber thought, 'i might have to just...fight him like i would any other pony...'


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Blizzard went and got himself a hotdog (carrot dog?   :huh: ) and asks Caliber, "So bro, how ya feeling? Did the medical pony's fix you up, good as new or what? It won't be a  fair fight if you're below your best you know.  :toldya: So what's the deal man? Are you feeling like a million bits?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber paid, took a bite, and chewed slowly. "i...dont know. the doctors said tomorrow, but im up and about right now. so it might be sometime later today. best wait for tomorrow, though. i wanna fight you at my best." he gave ice blizzard a small slug to the shoulder.


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Blizzard replies, "Yeah, it'll be you and me up there. B) " Blizzard begins strike poses, "Strutting our stuff out there like nopony's business, and the next thing you know everypony'll be like, 'Who's that awesome sword pony?' and 'Who's that awesome ice pony?'. We'll be signing autographs and stuff in no time with how awesome we are. B)

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber looked at him, and grinned. "please. in some places, im already that popular. i dont know about you though... :bedeyes: " he said smugly. "i just dont happen to be popular here. and they already know who i am, dude. iv fought two times, now. same for you!" he facehooved. "sometimes...i dont know about you!"


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...Sleight Mist finally put down the notebook. Instead of placing it on the pile that was now peeking over the lip of her bed, however she placed it on the bed beside her before turning her attention to the cup of water.


Suddenly, the room was filled with a burst of light and a quit hum as Sleight Mist focused all of her energy on the cup, her horn's aura growing to two, then three times its normal size. She strained mightily, but through gritted teeth, she smiled at the results; the water in the cup seemingly had a mind of its own, and was twisting slowly before being pulled into the air.


"Now for stage 2..." she thought, drawing in more energy to to attempt the second part of the spell. Suddenly, however, she tripped in the middle, losing control and violently breaking the spell. She was flung back over the bed, hitting the baseboard, while the released magic moved outward in a wave of force, shorting out every light in the room before dissipating.


"Okay..." she said frustratedly, once she was able to breathe properly, "let's try that again."

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Wilhelm woke up suddenly a few hours later, nearly fully healed. He sat up in bed and flapped his newly healed wings, beaming as they responded. He patted one gently with a hoof, as if to confirm that it was still there, and silently thanked Starswirl for inventing severe trauma complete regeneration spells. When he laid his head back down on the pillow, he felt a unfamiliar hardness beneath the soft down, and he heard a faint crinkle of paper. Curious, he pulled out the letter, and then read it, a smile curving at the edges of his mouth. "Now, how did this get here? Intriguing. Very much so..." He waved off the nurse by flapping his wings once more to reassure her, and then went back to considering how the letter got there. He sighed after a few minutes, concluding that he was unlikely to know without asking Annette, and simply went back to sleep, waiting for his visitor.

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Blizzard replied, "Haha nope!  :muffins: " But then he went serious, "But seriously bro, it's fun what we're doing here. I mean, watching all these awesome ponies come from all over Equestria come together to fight! This is a great honor for everypony! I mean, heh whoever came up with this idea, deserves a medal  :comeatus: for bringing these awesome ponies together in one place. Ya get me?"


"And good luck against me bro, you'll need it.  :fiery: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Anette had gone back to her room shortly after receiving the letter. As she did, she had briefly considered visiting Sleight Mist, but the unconscious Nightmare resting on her back required more pressing attention. The crash and brief swear that she heard from the room right next to hers also told her that it might not be a good idea anyways; Sleight Mist was training and that had a tendency to get dangerous.

"I hope she doesn't push herself to hard," she sighed before entering her own room, one which carried same simple bedroom bathroom design as her friend's. Briefly, her dolls entered, and she closed the door.


Once inside, she immediately began to start tending to Nightmare, choosing the bathroom so as not to make the other dolls too angry or upset. When she looked, she saw he wasn't too badly burnt comparable to other encounters, so this would be mercifully be a short job. She picked up her sewing kit and got to work.


...Hours later, she finally finished, Nightmare looking almost good as new. "Well, aside from the whole "unconscious" bit", she thought as she sat the doll down carefully on the sink. Now that that was done, she put her attention on what had been buried at the back of her mind; the stranger whose letter she letter she had found in her hair.


She cleaned up, then headed toward the door. "Wanna go for a trip to meet a mysterious stranger?" she said as opened it, turning around and smiling at her remaining three dolls. Hearthrob rushed over to join her, and the other two seemed to nod in agreement before gently floating out after her.


"I thought so," she said with a grin, as the door clicked shut.


@Orion Caelum 

... She eventually made it to the hospital, and after receiving confirmation from the nurse that the patient was okay to see, and giving her own confirmation that dolls weren't dangerous, she trotted into the infirmary. She quickly located Wilhelm's bed and walked up to greet him.


"You're the one that sent me the letter, right? Wilhelm de Winter?" she said, staring at him over the foot of the bed. "Well, i'm Anette, and this is Hero, Glory, and Hearthrob," she said, pointing towards each of the dolls in sequence. "Nice to meet you." Above her head, Hero and Glory both bowed, while Heartthrob skipped a step, floating over to his left side and apparently fussing over his condition. Anette herself held out a welcoming hoof, but then retracted it, embarrassed that she had almost hurt the pegasus even further. She settled for just nodding warmly in his direction.



Glory: Alicorn
Heartthrob: unicorn

Hero: Earth pony)

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Wilhelm woke at the voices of Annete and the nurse, turning to face them, and inwardly marveling at the dolls and how they worked; especially now that he could see them in all their intricacies. When Annet spoke, he merely nodded, saying "Yes, that is my name. I'm pleased it reached its destination, and I'm most certainly happy to meet another pony, as well.", and when the dolls introduced themselves, he smiled at each one, looking them over with the studied, analytical eye of a scholar. To Glory, he bowed from the front legs in a show of respect, and to Hero, he gave a curt nod, of the sort one warrior would give another before entering battle. When Heartthrob started fussing over him, he playfully waved a hand in her direction, saying "I've been fussed over enough by the nurse, though I must admit you're easier on the eye than this here Granny Smith's twin sister.". At this, the nurse (who was a older unicorn) flashed him a distinct glare.


When Annete extended her hoof and took it back, he shook his head no rapidly and held out his hoof in return. "I'm quite fine, my dear. They work wonders here with the finest healing spells Equestria has to offer, and I'm sure I'm up to shaking hooves, if not fighting Caliber again." Wilhelm tilted his head to the side, a sparkle of mischief lighting his blue eyes, and added to the statement "Though I hope you're ready for a spirited interro- I mean, question-and-answer session about your strangely...amazing set of pocket-size sapient beings."

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@Orion Caelum

Heartthrob, seemingly content with the fact that Wilhelm was being treated well, floated back over Anette's head to join the rest of her dolls, who seemed satisfied at the pegasi's action. Meanwhile, Anette giggled lightly, both at Wilhelm's actions towards Heartthrob and towards the joke he had aimed at the nurse. She quickly stopped laughing once she realized unicorn was glaring at the pair of them, though she couldn't help but keep her cheery expression as she turned back to Wilhelm.


When he offered his hoof, she hesitated, only taking it once he fully finished explaining that he was properly healed up. She stopped for a moment, before glancing up to look at her dolls, who were mirroring the expression, glancing down at her curiously.


"Oh, that's what this is about!" she said, laughing suddenly. "...Sorry," she said moments, calming down a little, "I'm just so used to them being with me that they're almost like my hind legs and back legs. I keep forgetting that they're just a little bit... different than what most ponies are used to seeing," she finished, settling on that word in particular to avoid offending the trio above her.


"Well, obviously, with these guys around, i'm never a stranger to questions! I don't mind a little interrogation; in fact..." she said, suddenly donning a mischievious expression to match Wilhelm's, "10 bits if you can ask a question I haven't heard yet." 

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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@Orion Caelum

Heartthrob, seemingly content with the fact that Wilhelm was being treated well, floated back over Anette's head to join the rest of her dolls, who seemed satisfied at the pegasi's action. Meanwhile, Anette giggled lightly, both at Wilhelm's actions towards Heartthrob and towards the joke he had aimed at the nurse. She quickly stopped laughing once she realized unicorn was glaring at the pair of them, though she couldn't help but keep her cheery expression as she turned back to Wilhelm.


When he offered his hoof, she hesitated, only taking it once he fully finished explaining that he was properly healed up. She stopped for a moment, before glancing up to look at her dolls, who were mirroring the expression, glancing down at her curiously.


"Oh, that's what this is about!" she said, laughing suddenly. "...Sorry," she said moments, calming down a little, "I'm just so used to them being with me that they're almost like my hind legs and back legs. I keep forgetting that they're just a little bit... different than what most ponies are used to seeing," she finished, settling on that word in particular to avoid offending the trio above her.


"Well, obviously, with these guys around, i'm never a stranger to questions! I don't mind a little interrogation; in fact..." she said, suddenly donning a mischievious expression to match Wilhelm's, "10 bits if you can ask a question I haven't heard yet." 

Wilhelm leaned forward, a crafty expression on his face, but behind it, a sort of coltish excitement that accompanied many major scientific discoveries. He paused for a moment, thinking, and then spoke.

"Are they conscious? Do they have seperate, defined personalities? How do they fly and use magic? Can they speak? How, exactly, do they work? Does Glory technically count as an alicorn despite being... well, not organic? How did they originate? Am I offending them by talking to you instead of them?"

He laid back a bit, steeling his hooves together as he waited for an answer. Or two. Or... seven.

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It was finally time for my fight. I'd hung out in the stands and eyed the strange assortment of ponies from what seemed to be alternate universes and not so alternate universes gather to fight. I entered the arena with Sparky following along, with it transforming into a dragon's cave with many bits littered around. The top was open so spectators could see in. It would do. Not ideal, but it would do.


My opponent? A completely batty weirdo by the looks of it. And I'd been called such things myself, but this guy seemed to really be completely batty while being covered in turtles. I wondered if I would have to kill them to actually deal damage to him. That would be unfortunate. I did some mental calculations on him, just taking it in.


"Alright, let's get this over with." I finally spoke to my opponent as Sparky magically transformed into a winged backpack. I wouldn't be able to match a Pegasus in flight, but this way I wouldn't be completely grounded either.


I materialized my pair of katana swords in front of me to float to my choosing and melted down the gold coins to cover the floor of the arena. If he got caught in it, all the better. The floor covered in metal would come in handy later. Next I started to skillfully swing the swords at him, aiming for spots between the bizarre armor he was wearing. I wondered if I would have to use mine or not.

"Oohhh nice backpack. I can fly too see." He flapped his wings and moved slightly above the ground. "NARWHAL ARID WAFFLE VILLAGE OF WEST SIDE TACOBURG" His turtles made a strange groaning noise. "The ground melted? Thank you fred." He flew in lektra's general direction and threw a soft jab at her flank. "Pay attention or you'll get waffled" he flew up high and the turtles on his armor started shifting. "Yeah guys keep doing that." He looked at lektra and quietly sang a song to himself
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"Oh wow, I'm so scared. You know about getting burned? How'd you like to be shocked?" On contact, the spot he tried to hit retaliated with a couple of thousand volts of electricity.


"Initialize sequence." I said under my breath. That was the signal for my armor to come to me. An armored opponent deserved the same in kind. But I'd need some time.


I concentrated my magic to make tentacles out of the golden ground to grab him. The tentacles would reach out from different directions. Meanwhile I continued to swing my swords in between the turtles, looking for an opening. So cheap. If he kept this up I'd have to start killing them, and nopony would like that.


He continued to dodge the tentacles and singing to himself. "THARS GOLD IN THEM THAR floor." He artfully flipped and twirled through the air as the golden tentacles missed him entirely.


He continued to sing louder "STAAY WITH ME." Dodging sword strikes and tentacles he almost forgot he was fighting someone. "ICKY THUMP WHO'D A THUNK SITTING DRUNK ON A WAGON TO MEXICO!!"

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@Orion Caelum

"Well..." she said, pausing for a moment to gather her answers.


"I guess I should start by saying they are, in fact, conscious, and can think and understand as well as you or I can. Along with that, yes, they do carry their own personalities and quirks. Heartthrob, for instance, is usually an absolutely hopeless romantic," she said, exchanging a knowing glance at the doll, "but also has a fiery temper, and is a crackshot with a bow and arrow. Hero is a bit more... stand-offish, but he has a noble side to him, as well, and is absolutely amazing with a sword and shield. And Glory is the mother of the group, the one that's always protecting me and the others. She's incredibly patient... except when it comes to Nightmare."


Glory seemed to nod in agreement as she continued.


"Also, yes, they do talk. In fact, Glory was the one that suggested that I meet you here, not to mention dropping the return note off herself once I finished writing it. Of course, the only ponies that have ever heard them speak is my family, which i'll admit is not always the best thing when you find yourself traveling to strange places and can't explain it. Still, I guess it's good to have someone to talk to when you're traveling, and they do make great conversationalists," she said, looking up at the dolls and smiling before looking back at him.


"Also, no, you're not offending them. Although they think it would be nice, they understand they would just have to relay what they said back to me anyway before I got it you, and they wish not to waste our time. As for their attitude toward you... they're actually very pleased; you're one of the few ponies they've met that have treated them with proper respect, and they told me to tell you they appreciate it." she said, each of the dolls once again bowing in respect in time to her words.


"Now, as to their origins. Well, each of them was just an ordinary doll at one point, just like I was an ordinary puppeteer. I wanted to spice up my shows, and do something that nopony's ever done before. So, though i'm so terrible at magic it took me the better half of a year to learn, I finally managed to get enough magical theory under my hat to use a Come to Life spell on my dolls. It was the only major spell I ever dabbled in." she decided to add off-handedly.


"Well, it worked as intended, and the dolls certainly did come to life. But that was the same moment when I got my cutie mark, and in my case, also the same moment when I got the traditional unicorn magical surge. I must have poured way too much energy into the spell, because I passed out, only to wake up to Glory and the others trying insistently to wake me up. They've been like that ever since; I must have tried dozens of different dolls with the same spell, but it only falls apart after a week, and they never talk to me. No doubt, these guys are special," She said with an air of pride around her.


"Now as for the flying... and the magic, I honestly can't begin to tell you. I do have a theory, though. When I get tired or sick, they seem to slow down, and i've heard from Sleight Mist they stop moving entirely when i'm unconscious, like they're ordinary dolls again. If I had to take a guess, i'd wager they're somehow using my energy to run all of their crazy shennanigans, though again, I can't begin to tell you how that works, and I don't really want to risk taking them to a scientist because... you know," she said, confident he knew exactly what that particular encounter would consist of. Incredulity, at first, perhaps followed by a panicked study when they realized she was serious. Then, when no options remained, they'd turn to dissection, all while Anette watched...


She shuddered involuntarily, tears threatening to build up before she broke that thought.

"As for whether Glory is actually an alicorn, well... yes and no. An alicorn in form, yes, but each of them was hand-made by me, so they're not exactly organic in any sense. In fact, each of them is made from different materials. Glory is glass, Hero is wood, Heartthrob is velvet, and Nightmare is iron, although each one is deceptively strong and durable, I can assure you. At least, they fight with Nightmare all the time, and although their coats are damaged, i've never seen scratches on them," she said matter-of-factly.


"And that should just about finish all your questions..." she said. Thinking for a moment, she reached into the saddlebag at her side, pulling out bits one at a time and laying them on Wilhelm's bed until there were ten in all. 


"You won," she explained after the last coin was placed. "No one's ever thought to ask about my doll's well-beings before, and I did say ten bits if you could ask a question i've never heard. A promise is a promise," she said in a light-hearted but insistent tone.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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"Touch me again and you'll get more burns you weirdo. If you're burned to a crisp you'll definitely feel it." What a cheater this one was, or too agile. One of the two. My Version 4.2 Magitek Combat Armor arrived and quickly attached in pieces. Two can play at this game. I made the swords bigger and harder to dodge, while making more of them. I had about ten large swords swinging now which would be harder to dodge, while the metal tentacles continued to grasp at him and also increased to a large count. My armor's Horn Enhancer Module normalized my mana expenditures, which meant I could keep this up pretty much indefinitely.

"Hehe I love it when fights get hard!" Skitz stopped dodging and just started hitting them with his hammer. Hard. No doubt it wouldn't be long until everything broke. Then one of the swords slashed him right between the turtles. He continued to hit. He glanced down at the wound. "That will cost you."

Instead of hitting any thing else he flew straight for lektra hammer drawn screaming some nonsense about the origins of wood.

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"No not your sanity what are you, mad?" Skitz said as he threw his hammer to the ground, put turtle gloves on his hooves, summoned some turtle soul power and threw a mighty punch towards lektra's horn."ID MUCH PREFER SOME WAFFLES AFTER THIS FIGHT AND AN EXTENDED STAY AT THE HOSPITAL!!"

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