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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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@, @,

Blizzard was still unsure as to why exactly Lektra would come to see him after demolishing him, and when she let go of him, he simply said, "Thanks Lektra, I'm fine."


Blizzard got a happy feeling to hear the filly speak. He was happy to feel that he actually mattered, unlike Electron's evaluation of what he was worth. He got an idea, "Hey, Sundaze, Lektra, you wanna see some interesting stories from my grandpa's book?" He said as he held his book up, "His name was Iceberg Chill, and he was one of Celestia's generals back in the times of the wars. He has written down all his experiences in here, do you wanna take a peek?"


When NT came in, Blizzard got even happier, "Hey NT. Thanks for coming to see me. That guy was Electron Wave Storm, he's not exactly the friendly type. And by the way that's my friend, Sunny Daze. She was the first to see me when I got hurt last time. She's really nice dude." "The hell did he get Trolle--? Did he just say Wilhelm goddamn de Winter? HAHAHA." "I'm doing good night, I was just asking everyone if they wanted to hear some stuff from my grandpa's book. He was an Equestrian General you know. Iceberg Chill was his name, and being awesome was his game."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Twilight flew about desperately, trying to avoid the projectiles that were seemingly everywhere. Even worse however, was the fact that she couldn't see anything; the bright lights around continuously messed with her vision, making it hard for her to tell up from down, let alone figure out where Trixie was in order to stop her. She was stuck.


She dodged one particular projectile that seemed to be aiming for her face, only to realize too late that she was rolling directly into the path of another one. It caught her full in the chest and detonated, briefly turning the alicorn into a spitting fireball before sending her tumbling down to crash onto a rooftop below.



Anette had doubled back to the lake, and now she stood by its shore, looking out over its stillness. Her dolls sat nearby at base of a nearby tree, keeping watch over her.


She sighed gently as she stared into the water. She didn't want to have to do this, but she needed to. He deserved a second chance.


"Zenru!" she began to call out. She wasn't sure if he could even hear her, but she figured it was worth a shot. She needed to speak to him.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
  • Brohoof 1
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Zenru POV


"...i see you are uninterested in talking to me." he said simply, "your eyes betrey that you aren't interested, and your...legs are pointed in a different direction. that, and your irises aren't dilated. but thank you for the little information you didnt have to give." with a swoosh of his cape he was wearing, he started walking off.


then he heard his name being called. almost...like someone needed to talk to him. he had nothing better to do, so he decided to dash over. "stage four."


he was there in about four minutes. and he saw no other then the doll girl he had helped. he thought maybe her name was Annette? "why, hello there." he said simply. "you called?"


Caliber and Violet POV


"oh? well, i do know one thing! i could out-eat anyone here!" caliber declared.


"...he's more then likely right, ya know." violet chipped in.


they continued talking as they walked.


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@ @@Unicorncob





Although he was seemingly unconcious, Lorec had heard Tyra's comment. Smiling to himself, he bolstered loudly as a light-hearted prank to disorient her.


" FOR YOUR INFORMATION, THAT DRINKING MATCH RESULT IS DUE SOLELY TO THE FACT THAT THE BRAND CONTAINED SOMETHING I'M ALLERGIC TO. NOTHING MORE! heh heh... * hic *..... but in all seriousness... do you think that you could get me to a shop called Orik's Emporium of *hic* armaments? It's not far from Riven Innards... Sifana is really going to lay into me and Ren is going to give me trouble about this for a *hic* week.




While he did feel quite rude, he decided that it was for the best that he deal with one situation at a time. He would entertain this pony later, after he had concluded his business, should they meet again. Making his way to the Riven Innards, he wasn't sure if he'd see her there or not... hopefully, he did.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Anette had been calling Zenru for what felt like minutes straight, and had gotten tired. She was just about to turn around and head back to the arena when Zenru appeared in front of her in a flash. Her dolls all jumped to a fighting position almost immediately as he did so, but she sent a silent command for them to stop, and they returned to their spot around the tree, watching while she talked to him.


"Back then, when we were fighting Eletron Wave Storm, you saved me. You're not a bad pony, are you?" she asked, looking into his eyes.



@Unicorncob, @Orion Caelum

Twilight crash landed on the rooftop, denting the stone slightly on impact. Despite being burnt in a number of places, she hadn't hurt anything major, and she managed to struggle to her feet quickly, kicking up small clouts of dust as she did so.


With her blurry vision returning to normal, she quickly found out that Trixie's assault hadn't stopped when she landed. The fireworks were still falling,  and had just suddenly turned towards her; Trixie must have saw her get up. She had seconds to come up with something.


Twilight's mind began to buzz, but she fought the urge to panic. Instead, she closed her eyes and slowed her thoughts down. Deep breaths...just like Cadence told her...




Down on the ground, Trixie finished firing the last of the fireworks at Twilights location. It had been easy to plant them underground while Twilight was dodging around, and now she practically owned the field. She couldn't wait to see Twilight's face when she'd finally be able to tell her to her face she'd... won?


Trixie looked up to the rooftops to find that the area that was supposed to be covered in explosions wasn't being destroyed at all. Instead, they were falling off to the wayside, destroying everything around them, but leaving Twilight's building remarkably untouched. The last of them fell to the ground with a dull thump.


As Trixie tried to put up a guess to what caused her magic to be deflected, the sky suddenly started to grow dark as huge clouds began pulling in from all directions. Around her, the weather became erratic as well; a huge gust of wind knocked her over on her flank, while rain and hail began to drop heavily on her. She struggled to her feet as the cloud began to tighten, forming an enormous system that stretched almost as far as she could look.


A storm was building, and Twilight was the center of it. She slowly rose up into the air, lookig in Trixie's direction. As if on cue, massive lightning bolts began streaking from the clouds, heading sharply towards Trixie's location.

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zenru regarded her for a moment, before sitting down. "that depends on who you ask. and what you, yourself, think. i cannot pass judgment on myself." he said, simply.


he looked at the lake. "based on various ponies, im a cheater, while other ponies call me a hard worker. some call me an abomination, and others call me a saint. iv been called a killer, and a savior. bad and good. but, those are all just individual opinions."


he looked back at her. "based on the fact you wanted to see me in private, you either want to thank me, or get to know me. both say you trust me, having met here, in a place where no-one could help..."


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Although he was seemingly unconcious, Lorec had heard Tyra's comment. Smiling to himself, he bolstered loudly as a light-hearted prank to disorient her.


" FOR YOUR INFORMATION, THAT DRINKING MATCH RESULT IS DUE SOLELY TO THE FACT THAT THE BRAND CONTAINED SOMETHING I'M ALLERGIC TO. NOTHING MORE! heh heh... * hic *..... but in all seriousness... do you think that you could get me to a shop called Orik's Emporium of *hic* armaments? It's not far from Riven Innards... Sifana is really going to lay into me and Ren is going to give me trouble about this for a *hic* week.


Tyra froze from the sudden exclamation from the minotaur she thought was unconscious, but she carried on regardless when he lowered his voice.

"I shall do this, my friend," she slurred, staggering down the street, "A-are you able to give me directions? C-can you still see...?"

She blinked, one eyelid after the other. "Because I can't..."

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"You know it's not about that, Fluttershy." Rainbow scooted around in front of her, to where Fluttershy would have to look her in the eyes.


"I completely forgot myself back there and I was acting all pig-headed, and then I acted like an even bigger jerk by lying to you about it." She reached into her saddlebag and fished out some bits, which she held in front of Fluttershy's face.


"This isn't about the arena, though I won't be doing that again, that's for sure. This is because I made one of my best friends cry, and I want to make up for it. Can you forgive me?" she said, still holding out the bits."




@Orion Caelum

"We've all done terrible things," Anette began to explain. "I wish I could lie, and say I was the exception, but sadly, i'm not. 'm truly not"


She paused, a long, steady pause hinged on regret. She continued.


"But that's not what matters. What matters is what you do in the present. I don't know who you are, or what you've done, but I do know that you saved my life. I never got the chance to thank you for it, so i'm doing it now. Thank you," she said simply, her voice barely reaching, even over the silence of the lake.







Sunny Daze knew she was caught. She glared angrily at Night Tracer for a half-second, before facing Lektra Bolt.


"I'd love to be friends with you," she said, still retaining the squeak of her younger form. "And i'm sorry for lying to you, Ice Blizzard. I never meant to hurt anypony, I just wanted to go out and be normal for once, and I thought this would be the best way to do it. But that doesn't excuse my actions. I'm sorry, that's all," she said, looking at him sadly.

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@, @,



Blizzard facehooved at Night Tracer's actions, "*sigh* My man, you have too much confidence. Hm, can't say that's a bad thing, but come on. Don't knock the princess like that. *snickers* Even though Trollestia does sound funny."


He then turned to Sunny, "It's no problem princess. I pretty much figured out it was you to begin with. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. You should still be free to go out and make friends as you wish, because eveypony deserves friends! Personally, I like this version of you. It's cute. And I think some younger colts may not be able to take their eyes off you if you're not careful. Haha."


He then thought for a moment, "Hey guys, does anyone know who I'm fighting next?"


(OOC: He's fighting Rarity next, he just forgot and needs to be reminded. :P I suppose one of you know the fighter schedule, and tell IB please. His reaction will be funny. :lol: )

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"You know it's not about that, Fluttershy." Rainbow scooted around in front of her, to where Fluttershy would have to look her in the eyes.


"I completely forgot myself back there and I was acting all pig-headed, and then I acted like an even bigger jerk by lying to you about it." She reached into her saddlebag and fished out some bits, which she held in front of Fluttershy's face.


"This isn't about the arena, though I won't be doing that again, that's for sure. This is because I made one of my best friends cry, and I want to make up for it. Can you forgive me?" she said, still holding out the bits."


Strix scoffed and rolled his eyes, rather amused at how the sobered up pegasus wasn't nearly as daring as she was a little while ago.


"And here I thought I actually found a pony with a spine," He muttered, standing and preparing to take off, "Guess you're all the same."


With that, he unfolded his wings and flapped up into the air.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@@bronislav84,  @


Night tracer looked at Celestia apologetically, "listen, that's not the way I wanted to introduce it. That's my bad for being inconsiderate.... But let me explain something to you that i learned long ago. Your position does not define you. Nothing defines you but, well, you. You know that crown you wear day in and day out, it's a symbol of your position. It says you are a Princess. But that crown doesn't say you are only a princess. You say what you are, and if you want normal, well your life is gonna be bucking boring. What you should, or what I think you mean is you want to be you. Well Sunny Daze, what are you? From what I heard you're just another mare, or are you? No, YOU are much more. Your position doesn't make you much more, it isn't a part of you, it's what you do. What I see you as is beautiful, bold, powerful, and determined but what I also see loving, caring, granted silly, from what I heard, that much makes You, You. So with that being said, why can't you be that? These ponies, they want someone to lead, yes. They want someone who can make decisions they can't make themselves, yes. But what they also want is someone they can relate to. Well, who is better to relate to then one of them. You don't have to change you are for these ponies. If you can't accept yourself and be yourself, then who do the ponies of Equestria follow, who do they put their faith in? Not you. Who then? You shouldn't have to change yourself for any reason, so don't EVER change!" Night Tracer hadn't thought a word he said, he was almost to the point of tears. His past bore him down. He put his hoof under Sunny daze's chin. "Don't hide, don't be afraid, you have nothing to apologize for, just be, You. You don't know how much it means." A tear fell down his cheek, he remembered the night his life changed? He was only nine, and his father had murdered his mother.. That day he had to change, or else everything around him would. He tried his best crack a smile, but he couldn't. By now his face was flushed, he looked albino blue. "I-I-I have go-ga-ga ta go." He choked out and ran. In moments notice he was out of the hospital and flying towards the top of the Arena, he needed somewhere he could be alone.

Since 12 hours had past since the plane crashed, it was a few hours from being morning, it was still really dark. The moon glimmered in the sky, he got to the top of the Arena, on top of the Princesses Box and laid there, sobbing.

Edited by louisvillepride


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Zenru POV


zenru made a rare smile. "well, i hope you dont assume i, alone, helped you. your companion, wilhelm, carried your dolls, and stayed by your bedside. something i did not do. make no mistake, i was simply doing what my nature told me to do. which is namely, preserve life whenever possible. but, wilhelm stayed by your bedside. that alone should tell you, he's a good friend. and obviously a much better friend then me, at any rate. oh, and..."


he took a step towards her, and raised his hoof. "let me try this again: do you accept my friendship? i feel you dont really have that much fear for me anymore..."


Caliber and Violet POV


"...you two need to go to sleep." cailber said, "c'mon, the beds are this way..."


"agreed." violet said, as she guided tyra towards the direction caliber was leading them.


they reached the gladiator's rest soon, and caliber thought they would be able to crawl towards then beds. 


moving lorec off tyra's small frame, caliber told tyra that theres places to sleep just beyond those doors.


then, caliber and violet took their leave.

Edited by PeytonJay


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"You know it's not about that, Fluttershy." Rainbow scooted around in front of her, to where Fluttershy would have to look her in the eyes.   "I completely forgot myself back there and I was acting all pig-headed, and then I acted like an even bigger jerk by lying to you about it." She reached into her saddlebag and fished out some bits, which she held in front of Fluttershy's face.   "This isn't about the arena, though I won't be doing that again, that's for sure. This is because I made one of my best friends cry, and I want to make up for it. Can you forgive me?" she said, still holding out the bits."  



Fluttershy looked into Rainbow's hooves and then back at Rainbow. She looked at Rainbow who clearly seemed apologetic. Fluttershy felt sympathy for RD, she would almost always look past the wrong and see a heartfelt apology, she couldn't hold a grudge, it wasn't in her. "It's fine.... I forgive you," she confided. "I don't need those bits, Rainbow. You can't put a pricetag on friendship." She smiled.


"So, are we going to teach that rude griffon a lesson or what?" She snickered shyly, she would be alright with  fighting, although she didn't approve of fighting outside the Arena's walls. As long as no pony got hurt and everypony was ok with it. 

Edited by louisvillepride


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Sunny Daze was left shocked when Night Tracer left the room. Was what he was saying true?

"I...I..." she began, tearing up slightly and struggling to formulate words.




Luna had been laying on the rooftops for the past hour, silently watching the multitude of stars shining in the night sky. Hearing the sound of crying, however, made her pause, looking around to locate the source.


It didn't take her long to find Night Tracer atop the roof, bawling his eyes out. Battling with her hesitancy at the idea of embarrassing him, she finally decided he probably needed her help more, and she fluttered over to speak to him.


"Art thou well, Night Tracer? Do not be embarrassed; tears can often be a sign of great strength, if one is willing to use them well," she finished, pulling her wings in and sitting down beside him.





Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy, then grinned wickedly before turning to the sky.


"Hey, limpfeathers! Yeah, you heard me! Come down here and say that to my face" she shouted loudly at the griffin down from the ground.




"Even if it was just your nature, it means you can't be all that bad, right? ...I do," Anette finally said. "I'd be glad to be your friend." she stated, not failing to silently hear and ignore Glory's warning from her spot near the tree.

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Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy, then grinned wickedly before turning to the sky.


"Hey, limpfeathers! Yeah, you heard me! Come down here and say that to my face" she shouted loudly at the griffin down from the ground.


Strix froze in midair, hearing the pegasus's dare. He smirked, uttering a dark chuckle, and shot back down to the ground.


He landed with a hard thud, sending a harsh breeze toward the pegasi. He sauntered over, and literally got in her face.

"Gladly. I said that all you ponies are just spineless little wimps."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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caliber and violet POV


"...oh, yeah, caliber. ice got hit by another plane, and is severely injured."


"wait, what?"


"he got his flank kicked. he's critically injured."






caliber ran off, heading towards the infirmary. he burst in, kicked down four doors before he found ice, jumped onto his bed, and started shaking him violently.




 (i know, i know, 'he's already awake'. caliber doesn't know that, though.)


Zenru POV


"...about your dolls..." he said, looking over at glory. "im interested to see how objects like this have...souls."

  • Brohoof 1


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Night Tracer looked behind him as he heard something else approach. He could not see the shadowy figure through the barrage of tears flooding his eyes, but he was able to recognize the mare almost instantly because of her voice. "Princess Luna," he gasped as he quickly tried to wipe away his tears. 


He was embarassed but also calmed, he would rather no pony else be by his side in a time of need. Although he didn't want somepony he thought so highly of, to see him in the midst of his lows, then again no pony was perfect, it was bound to happen eventually.


He tried his best to collect himself and respond to Luna, "Perhaps, but not if they are for a lost cause...." he sobbed, with his muzzle pointed toward the ground in shame, he couldn't bring himself to look at her. 


About 30 seconds after his remark to Luna's statement; he nearly stopped crying. The bulk of the break down was over, he fell on his back and looked toward the sky to see the Darkness of the night, but also the beauty of the stars and the moon that hung in it. Throughout the thick of darkness they managed to shine, "How?" He asked, "How does the moon burn so brightly in the darkness; as do the stars, so small but they manage to burn bright." He wondered, perhaps Luna would know, being the one who ruled it and all. But sometimes the most powerful rulers don't know what's going on in their empire. 


@@Unicorncob, @,


"Oh no, I was only kidding, Rainbow Dash, we shouldn't fight them. It wouldn't be...." she was interrupted.




"Gladly. I said that all you ponies are just spineless little wimps."


Fluttershy was offended by such a rude comment, "....It wouldn't be fair to give this Griffon a beating of a lifetime, perhaps that wouild be letting him off to easy...." Fluttershy stated as sternly as she could bring herself to.


"You think you can treat others like crap and get away with it!" She silently yelled. "Well, You Meany Head, you have another thing coming. Never again will you be so inconsiderate and rude." She claimed.


Something had snapped in Fluttershy's mind, typically she would say something and move on but ever since the influence of this "Arena" she had changed. She was willing to fight, she wanted to fight inside those walls. But only to blow off steam, she didn't want anypony to be a victim to any sort of cruelity. Inside the Arena ponies could settle their differences if they had any. Anypony that wanted to fight could. And that meant if she could put the rude, disrespectful creatures in their place to learn to care about other, then that's just what she was gonna do. 


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"Souls?" Anette said quizzically. "I'm not sure that they do. I mean, it's possible, but I think that it's more than that. I think... they're sharing mine." she said, looking out towards the four dolls resting under the shade of tree.


"At least, that's how I feel," she said, turning back to Zenru. "We've been inseparable ever since we met each other. They've been my friends, my family, everything. Even my weapon, unfortunately, but even then, it's always been us. Wouldn't it make sense if we shared more than just some silly magical connection?"




"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash balked a little at Fluttershy's outburst; she hadn't been expecting her friend to act so...savage. And had those words really just popped into her head? What was going on? She stood in front of Fluttershy once again, blocking her path to the griffin.


"Look, Fluttershy... normally i'm the first to jump in for a fight," she said, selectively picking her words "...but maybe we better call it off this time. Or at least 'til later, when we're in the arena."


She leaned in close to softly whisper in her friends ear.


"No offense, Fluttershy... but you're kinda scaring me right now."



"You're wrong, Night Tracer," Luna said simply. "That is when it is best to cry."


She looked up to the sky, eyeing her moon. Covered partially by clouds, it was still beautiful nonetheless. But it also brought sadness as well. The moon; her treasure... and her prison.


"You asked about the moon, Night Tracer. The moon burns brightly because it has to, lest it be smothered by harsh the light of the sun, or even the darkness and solitude of the space around it. The moon is always alone," she said with a sigh, not sure who she was referring to anymore.


"As for the stars, Night Tracer, I cannot tell you; I have no control over them. Night after night i've tried to reach out to them, but every time they slip from my reach like water through a pony's mane. I cannot hear them speak," she finally admitted, "for centuries, it has always been me and the moon."

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Lorec, still on Tyra's backside, spoke again as they had reached the rest area. It wasn't his and Ren's home, but it would most certainly do. While Lorec did feel guilty about worrying Sifana by staying out for so long, he would make it up to her later.


" Thanks, Tyra... I think I'm okay for now..."


Sliding off of Tyra, he would drunkenly walk toward one of the walls in the resting area. He took off the Zweihander that was hanging on his back by its strap. He turned his back to the wall, and sat against it, placing his sword in his lap.


" the beds are too small for me. I'll rest here. Tyra.... when we wake... it will be time."


Lorec said as he smiled. Lowering his head and keeping his blade close, he closed his eyes in an attempt to drift off to sleep.







Walking along towards the Riven Innards bar, Kazas tried to put things out of mind. Prehaps he really had put things out of context in his mind. And hopefully, this night would end happily and peacefully. But apparently, things hadn't been peaceful at all on this day, for as soon as Kazas had finally arrived... there was a giant hole in the tavern's wall. His beak wide open, he peaked through the wall. Whatever made it, or whomever, had to be powerful-...


Lorec. Kazas remembered immediately that this bar served Blod Av Aptgangr, Lorec's favorite drink. However, that particular brand came from Saduaris's Mülxe domain, one of the few that would actually trade with foreign nations, and they were known for adding berserker mushroom extract into the already hard liquor. Considering that Lorec was allergic, well... no surprise that there was a hole in the wall.


" Excuse me! Might there be anyone here? Is this establishment still open? Hello?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Trixie was a gnat in the storm; she watched the lightning bolts streak toward her, and they almost seemed to be moving in slow motion as they bore down on her. As she turned around to run, she found out she still wasn't fast enough.


The first lightning bolt was twice her width and nearly five times her length. It missed it's mark, but wet as the ground was, it didn't matter. A powerful charge sang through Trixie's body as the lightning conducted through her, locking her muscles and rooting her to the spot.


They seemingly all began to come at the same time afterward, unceasingly. Bolt after bolt fell all around her like the footsteps of an angry goddess, the air beginning to smell like brimstone from the sheer heat and damage coming from all the lightning bolts falling. The entire time, Trixie could only stand by helplessly, completely unable to move while charges raced through her body and the world went to Tartarus around her.


Finally, one bolt hit it's mark. Striking Trixie in the side, it ragdolled her horizontally, clearing her of the ground, but also sending her smashing with a force through a nearby grocer shop, where she lay, still.

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zenru pov


"...i dont think thats the case. see this one here-" he gestured at glory, "-warned you to decline my offer. yet you accepted. if you shared a soul, it should've agreed with you unconditionally. that alone tells me they have personalities, opinions, and memories. something that shouldn't be possible for something without a soul." he smiled at them. "and i wish to offer my friendship to them..."


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Night Tracer listened to Luna's comment, 


"You're wrong, Night Tracer, that is when it is best to cry."



"Perhaps... but to wallow in pity, for the sake of being pitiful is for those who are weak." he thought, but he didn't want to dwell on it so he forwarded the other part of the conversation.


Luna had spoken about her knowledge of the moon and the stars but Night Tracer hung on what she said about the moon specifically. "The moon was always alone..." When she had said that Night Tracer was playing close attention to her; it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure she was talking about herself. She seemed so sullen, Night Tracer may had been bogged down by his past but it was apparent Luna was still stuck in her's. She felt alone, clearly. She may have been for all NT knew, he had just arrived after all.


Night stopped thinking and just acted, "Maybe it doesn't have to be...." he stated as bold as he could. "The stars, they are bright just like the moon but never will they be able to compare to it's glory. They all surrond the moon, shining brightly as they can be, trying to shine with the moon. But um.... Do you see that star, over there, just above the moon." He motioned his hoof towards it. Their was one star that shined particularly bright and was particularly close to the moon. "See how it shines brighter than any of the other stars, Perhaps it's trying to be like the moon? Ok, well obviously it never will, so instead of being like the moon it's trying to be, uh, with it. You know, Can't beat 'em; join 'em type thing. Perhaps, why it's so close to the moon." Night Tracer tried his best to be subtle but it was very poor effort he felt. He thought it was obvious he was referring to them. "Well, if the moon is alone then what's that star? Well that star is more than any other star. It wants to be with the moon, as I said before. So, if the star were to be with the moon then the moon would shine brighter.  Sure it may not be much brighter, but is it really about how bright it shines? I mean that lonesome moon is no longer alone.... is it? That star may not seem like much but everynight it burns as brightly as it can for the moon, with the moon. In a sense it's there to care for the moon, it's there to support the moon. The Moon may shine brighter and the problems it faces may be darker but no matter what that star will keep shining. Because..." Night gulped. "I can't give up on the moon. After all it's done for me. It may not of lasted long back then, only 12 hours during the night and every now and then it'd show up around me, and I may not of been able to see it often but now I can, whenever I want to. I can always see the beautfiul moon."


Night Tracer gritted his teeth and thought, "You did not just say that...." He was half hoping Luna would understand and half wanting to jump off the top of the Princesses' Box and not catch himself, but instead he waited....




Fluttershy didn't realize she had scared her friend, she didn't like being insulted by that limpfeathered birdbrain as well as listening to him insult her friend. She turned to Rainbow and reverted back to usual as she spoke shyly, "You're right, Rainbow Dash, I don't know what came over me. I just didn't like him insulting you like that. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Let's not fight, I don't want to fight anway," Fluttershy begged abjectly.

Edited by louisvillepride


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Applejack woke up with a start as she heard somepony calling out from outside the bar. Apparently, she had fell asleep on the floor after the events of last night. If only she could remember...


Getting up, and looking at the whole in the wall, it all came crashing back on her. They really had had one heck of a night. It was going to take forever to repair that, she thought as she walked towards the voice.


"Hello? Yeah, we're still open, though with this gaping hole in the wall, I don't know for how much longer. What can I do for ya'?"

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"Oh no, I was only kidding, Rainbow Dash, we shouldn't fight them. It wouldn't be...." she was interrupted.


Fluttershy was offended by such a rude comment, "....It wouldn't be fair to give this Griffon a beating of a lifetime, perhaps that wouild be letting him off to easy...." Fluttershy stated as sternly as she could bring herself to.


"You think you can treat others like crap and get away with it!" She silently yelled. "Well, You Meany Head, you have another thing coming. Never again will you be so inconsiderate and rude." She claimed.


Something had snapped in Fluttershy's mind, typically she would say something and move on but ever since the influence of this "Arena" she had changed. She was willing to fight, she wanted to fight inside those walls. But only to blow off steam, she didn't want anypony to be a victim to any sort of cruelity. Inside the Arena ponies could settle their differences if they had any. Anypony that wanted to fight could. And that meant if she could put the rude, disrespectful creatures in their place to learn to care about other, then that's just what she was gonna do. 


"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash balked a little at Fluttershy's outburst; she hadn't been expecting her friend to act so...savage. And had those words really just popped into her head? What was going on? She stood in front of Fluttershy once again, blocking her path to the griffin.


"Look, Fluttershy... normally i'm the first to jump in for a fight," she said, selectively picking her words "...but maybe we better call it off this time. Or at least 'til later, when we're in the arena."


She leaned in close to softly whisper in her friends ear.


"No offense, Fluttershy... but you're kinda scaring me right now."



Strix couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the pony's outburst. Usually she looked pretty reserved and ready to soil herself at the sight of him, but she suddenly lashed out.

"Well, at least one of you has a spine," He remarked, "In that case, I'll be honest; I've met a few tough ponies here, to be sure. I just wanted to see how you two would react."


He nudged Dash aside and put a claw to Fluttershy's head, ruffling her mane both playfully and tauntingly. "Tell you what, squirt. You wanna go? I'll take you on."

He looked to the other pegasus, smirking. "You're a lot more fun when you're drunk."



Lorec, still on Tyra's backside, spoke again as they had reached the rest area. It wasn't his and Ren's home, but it would most certainly do. While Lorec did feel guilty about worrying Sifana by staying out for so long, he would make it up to her later.


" Thanks, Tyra... I think I'm okay for now..."


Sliding off of Tyra, he would drunkenly walk toward one of the walls in the resting area. He took off the Zweihander that was hanging on his back by its strap. He turned his back to the wall, and sat against it, placing his sword in his lap.


" the beds are too small for me. I'll rest here. Tyra.... when we wake... it will be time."


Lorec said as he smiled. Lowering his head and keeping his blade close, he closed his eyes in an attempt to drift off to sleep.


"I am glad to be -hic!- of service," Tyra slurred, stumbling from the sudden shift of weight on her back, and ending up collapsed on the floor, "I am okay, this nice wooden floor broke my fall."


"Aye, it shall be a fine bout," She mumbled to Lorec, before quickly collapsing right there on the floor, helmet slipping over her eyes as she began snoring.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@bronislav84,@, @, @,


"Electron, Storm, Please follow Dr. Horse, he will be taking care of you today."  Nurse Redheart looked at him and sighed, "That pony has to stop getting into so much trouble, nearly got himself killed this time.


She turned from the patient's room and walked down the hall to room B12, She poked her head in the door and held a clipboard in her hooves. She narrowed her eyes, and read the name of the patient, "Ice Blizzard, since you've seem to have healed so miraculously, quickly; we have no reason to keep you here any longer. You're free to go whenever you please." She stated, She left as soon as she finished, no hesitation. She assumed they would be fine without her assistance, so, she went to care for those who needed it.



Strix had messed up Fluttershy's Mane, so, Fluttershy flipped it back and forth until it was perfect again, every strand fell into the right place. Then she looked up at the rough looking Griffon


Fluttershy was conflicted, she didn't like fighting, regardless of her outburst. She was just fed up. Now that Rainbow had cleared Fluttershy's head and made her see reason; she didn't want to fight. Now she saw her moral's, none of them agreed with fighting. Then again, Strix was asking to fight, It would be rude to say, "No," since it was now an offer and not a threat. 


Fluttershy mulled it over, "I'll do it." She said, barely audible. She figured it was a chance for her to be assertive, and although fighting outside the walls was bad, perhaps fighting inside the walls wouldn't be. It was like handling a civil dispute, but instead of talking it out they would just be, physical. 


"But, under one condition, You have to play fair." she assereted herself. "Do you understand? If you don't fight fairly then I won't fight you, I don't do cheating." Fluttershy sternly stated.


"Do we have a deal?" She asked as she extended her hoof hesitantly and turned away. She was still very unsure about it all but she figured, no harm, no foul. Besides, for once, she could prove herself to everypony.


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