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open The Brigade Of Celestial Light

Child Of Darkness

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As Tempest's projection drifted through the city, he was a bit impressed. The architecture itself was stunning, even if it was a bit dark, but he wasn't here to gawk like some tourist. The bat pony then made his way to where he sensed Dawn and found her asleep. "There don't seem to be any guards. This seems to easy." He thought to himself as he returned to his body. He wouldn't strike now, though. He would wait until the empty moon rose into the sky.

Caras silently materialised next to Dawn onside her cell. Now was the best opportunity he had to put his plan into action. His first session of mind control was only a brief cast and would not last very long. Now though he had the opportunity to cast it at its full power, along with a few other spells. Mainly to cause some anger and spite within Tempest. 'This gonna be a little difficult. She has an aura beast, so I'll have to deal with that first.' He cast a curse over Dawn which would prevent her from waking up for a few more hours no matter what, this should give him time to do what he needs to do. With everything ready, he sent a projection of his own conscious into Dawn's subconscious.


Caras: "Aura Beast! I know that you exist within this place! Show yourself!"

Clayton watched as his friend flew off and sighed, thinking of how often this happened. "He's going to die protecting his friends one day. Eventually , he'll make a mistake." He thought to himself as he turned to Golden. "Come on. We should head back to Canterlot and warn the princesses."

Golden: "Wait? what? We can't just leave this situation the way it is! One of our own has been captured and another one has gone on a suicide mission. You can't just let him go through with this. If he gets within a mile of the city, they will easily detect him. If they choose to do something about him is another story. We have to help somehow."

Chrysteel returns the juesture. "I did. I was also the one who spoke about one's worst fear. Did you know a master illusionist would be able to create an illusion that makes their target relive their worst fear over and over again. It is maddening just thinking about it."

Zecz: "It is terrifying when you do put some thought into the possibilities that magic has. Theoretically, the possibilities are limitless. Now that's more terrifying. Something that is infinite. So you spoke out on the crowd along side the fair princess? What's your relationship with the Girl?" Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Baz formed in front of Caras and glared at the demon. "You are a fool for coming in here, Caras." She growled. The aura beast didn't know what he was planning, but she wouldn't let it happen. "What exactly do you think you could possibly accomplish?"


As the sun began to set, Tempest flew into the air, using the cloud cover to his advantage. He then flew over the city and could see a few guards patrolling the city, but nothing he couldn't handle if detected. The bat pony then decided to send out another projection to see if Dawn had been moved. He was glad that she hadn't, but when he saw Caras in the same room with her, his anger began to boil.

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Clayton glanced at Golden and shook his head. "Believe me, Tempest isn't one to die easily. I've seen him risk life and limb for his friends and he always manages to find a way to win." He said. "Besides, what could the two of us do on our own. I'm not as strong as Tempest and I doubt you could take on an entire city of demons."

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Baz formed in front of Caras and glared at the demon. "You are a fool for coming in here, Caras." She growled. The aura beast didn't know what he was planning, but she wouldn't let it happen. "What exactly do you think you could possibly accomplish?"


Caras: "An agreement as it would be. More or its more like I make my demands and you will obey, or I will make you obey. I'm simply here to do a few things. Mess a few things around twist a few things and curse a few things here and there, and I also choose to speak to you directly as you need to just stay out of my way, don't interrupt me, and keep your mouth shut. Even you won't be able to reverse the damage I'm about to do, so don't try. You'll only hurt your host. I am clear? Stay out if my way and don't tamper with my work. Okay?"

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Rave looked around, looking for any one that might have a high status within the city. He wanted to prove his worth... and to rise up in ranks, for more power. "Either I find this demon or I wait until some event pops up that gives me the opportunity to prove myself" he said to himself. 

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When Temest was above the city, he dove straight down and landed in the center of a street. He then began to trot through the city, heading straight for Caras's home. The bat pony's aura surrounded him, but he didn't care. If Simple, Chrysteel, or any demon tried to stop him, he wouldn't hold anything back.


Baz growled and lunged at Caras. "You will do no such thing." She roared as she swiped at the demon with her claws. She wasn't one to be underestimated and she would show Caras why.

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Clayton glanced at Golden and shook his head. "Believe me, Tempest isn't one to die easily. I've seen him risk life and limb for his friends and he always manages to find a way to win." He said. "Besides, what could the two of us do on our own. I'm not as strong as Tempest and I doubt you could take on an entire city of demons."

"I'd do what ever I can. Okay, fine! We won't help him, but if he is not back in one day I will go look for him. And you can either be if use for once and come with me, or stick around and be useless as always. I wish I was strong enough to take on the city directly, but they simply have to many Lord and high Class demons present. Not to mention their military skill and natural talent for war."







One of the city guards was doing his routine patrols around the city, when his nose caught a scent that was both familiar and unfamiliar. Dark Magic, but mortal. He follows his nose and discovers Rave.


Guard: "Hey you. Come over here. I want to talk with you."


(Update: Control of Simple Connection has been fully given to me for the remainder of the RP as his previous user has left for personal reason.)

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Zecz: "It is terrifying when you do put some thought into the possibilities that magic has. Theoretically, the possibilities are limitless. Now that's more terrifying. Something that is infinite. So you spoke out on the crowd along side the fair princess? What's your relationship with the Girl?"

"She calls me Onii-chan. I also help one of this house watch over her."


She taps the door gently, "Lady Niruna, Your tea is getting cold. Please come get it."


She turns back to Zecz, "My name is Chrysteel Amorè Chrysalis. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. It seems we both at times can have a way with words. My specialty is using said words to gain what I need when I need it. Say I need to get into an enemy strong hold to weaken its defenses. I would use my Shapeshifting to take a form pleasing to them and my words to get past them and inside. Then I do my damage or gain control from within."

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When Temest was above the city, he dove straight down and landed in the center of a street. He then began to trot through the city, heading straight for Caras's home. The bat pony's aura surrounded him, but he didn't care. If Simple, Chrysteel, or any demon tried to stop him, he wouldn't hold anything back.


Baz growled and lunged at Caras. "You will do no such thing." She roared as she swiped at the demon with her claws. She wasn't one to be underestimated and she would show Caras why.

Zecz caught wind of Tempest coming and moved to intercept him at the door to Caras home. "Stop you vile creature. You dare try to desecrate the home of the underworlds number 3 Devil? You must be raving made. I shall be your opponent now. Lord Zecz. 2nd most powerful devil in the world. Prepare yourself for a new kind of fighter."


Caras blocked the slash with the hilt of his blade and surrounds himself in a ball of fire. "Nice try, but I won't tell you again. You will stand down or you will be taught your place majestic creature." Several circles of magic spawned within the area around them, about 10 in total. Each of them individually ready to fire or use some forms of magic.

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Rave looked at the guard. He did not seem to be one in a high position so it did not look like as if he was in for something good. However, he was not about to cause any trouble and risk his opportunity to rise to power. So he obeyed the guard and walked over to him calmly. "What is it that a guard of the city requires of me?" he asked. 

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"She calls me Onii-chan. I also help one of this house watch over her."


She taps the door gently, "Lady Niruna, Your tea is getting cold. Please come get it."


She turns back to Zecz, "My name is Chrysteel Amorè Chrysalis. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. It seems we both at times can have a way with words. My specialty is using said words to gain what I need when I need it. Say I need to get into an enemy strong hold to weaken its defenses. I would use my Shapeshifting to take a form pleasing to them and my words to get past them and inside. Then I do my damage or gain control from within."

Niruna: "Okay." Niruna opened the door as Zecz ran off. She took a large gulp before speaking. "Tempest has arrived. Most likely looking for Dawn. *sigh* It seems I can't even have a calm morning anymore. All I wanted was tea and to hang out with Onii-Chan and Onee-Chan. I guess I'll go help Zecz out."

Rave looked at the guard. He did not seem to be one in a high position so it did not look like as if he was in for something good. However, he was not about to cause any trouble and risk his opportunity to rise to power. So he obeyed the guard and walked over to him calmly. "What is it that a guard of the city requires of me?" he asked.

Guard: "You're Rave Darkmane correct? I hear from a few of my sources that you are looking to gain the attention of the Lords. I can tell you how to do that you know. At the house right now, the archenemy of the city stands, aid the Lords in his death, and you will surely be granted power beyond your dreams. I tell you this as I see the potential in you. Don't waste this chance. "

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"Aid them in their enemy's death? And how will I do that, or are you not the right one to tell me that?" he asked. He was pretty sure that he would have to receive more information from somewhere else. "I will aid the Lords in the death of their enemy, but I would also like to know more about this matter". 

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Tempest glanced at the demon and formed two swords in his hooves. "Personally, I couldn't care less if you were the strongest. I am here for what has been taken and I will not leave without her." He growled, his, Xena's, and Nephyer's voice all mixed into one. Pure anger radiated off his being like a cloud, but the locks on the strongest part of him stayed in place.


Baz's fur stood on end as Caras spoke. "While I thank you for the complement, I will not stand down to the likes of you." She said, as she fired several aura spheres at the circles.

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Tempest glanced at the demon and formed two swords in his hooves. "Personally, I couldn't care less if you were the strongest. I am here for what has been taken and I will not leave without her." He growled, his, Xena's, and Nephyer's voice all mixed into one. Pure anger radiated off his being like a cloud, but the locks on the strongest part of him stayed in place.


Baz's fur stood on end as Caras spoke. "While I thank you for the complement, I will not stand down to the likes of you." She said, as she fired several aura spheres at the circles.

Zecz had predicted this situation unfolding and made sure to think accordingly. The next words he spoke carried a curse. Every word he spoke would dig deep into the mind of anyone unlucky enough to hear his voice, and corrupt their mind, making them see his words as nothing but truth and cause searing pain.


Zecz: "I understand you are angry. But think about this, *curse voice* Even with all your power, you personally are weak. You can't do anything without those beast inside of you. You have no chance against Lords like myself, you and your violent ways. Turn around and run home little Creature. And take your majestic Beasts with you, it would be a shame if they died. And I can promise, Dawn will be returned to you. Alive and mostly unharmed."



The orbs were reflected off of the sphere of fire magic, and Caras let out a sigh. "Then you leave me no choice. I apologise in advance."


The magic circles fired out hundreds of projectile based magical attacks, but did not target Baz. But the very world itself, which causes extreme pain for Dawn. "You can stop this Baz. Just submit."



"Aid them in their enemy's death? And how will I do that, or are you not the right one to tell me that?" he asked. He was pretty sure that he would have to receive more information from somewhere else. "I will aid the Lords in the death of their enemy, but I would also like to know more about this matter".

Guard: "Tis best you see for yourself and make your own choices. The Lord's will tell you everything should you earn it." Edited by Child Of Darkness

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"Fine then, I will discover things on my own. Tell me where that house is that the arch enemy of the Lords resides in. Wouldn't hurt to know" he grinned. "Inspect the area, go find the Lords, try to find out how to aid them and then kill that arch enemy. Simple? Not a chance. Rewarding, probably" he thought to himself. 

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"Fine then, I will discover things on my own. Tell me where that house is that the arch enemy of the Lords resides in. Wouldn't hurt to know" he grinned. "Inspect the area, go find the Lords, try to find out how to aid them and then kill that arch enemy. Simple? Not a chance. Rewarding, probably" he thought to himself.

Guard: "Turn left at then end of this street to be in the market. From there its a straight run up hill. Largest building in the city. You can't miss it. Be swift though. I sense something dark is arising. Something very bad may happen soon and you may miss your chance."

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"Something dark is arising, hehehe" he thought to himself. "Thank you for informing me on this matter. I will depart at once". He left the guard and made it to the market, thinking while he crossed this. "How in Equestria am I supposed to aid these Lords in killing their enemy if they won't tell me how to do so. I must have to face some kind of a challenge or something". Rave went up the hill and came by the building. He started to inspect it. 

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If it wasn't for that last bit, the curse might've actually worked. Tempest then gave a dark laugh as his aura formed armor around his body. "While you are right in some regards, I never abandon a friend, especially not Dawn." The words did have some effect, though he wouldn't admit it. The locks were beginning to weaken. The bat pony then lunged at Zecz.


Baz felt the same amount of pain that Dawn did and mentally cursed. "I... will not." The aura beast could withstand the assult, but she wasn't sure how well Dawn would.

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If it wasn't for that last bit, the curse might've actually worked. Tempest then gave a dark laugh as his aura formed armor around his body. "While you are right in some regards, I never abandon a friend, especially not Dawn." The words did have some effect, though he wouldn't admit it. The locks were beginning to weaken. The bat pony then lunged at Zecz.


Baz felt the same amount of pain that Dawn did and mentally cursed. "I... will not." The aura beast could withstand the assult, but she wasn't sure how well Dawn would.

He effectively sidestepped the lunge attack and regained a solid composure, a direct hit will surely nearly kill him. And tempest was fast, but he was much faster.


Zecz: "*curse* It's is not abandoning an ally. By leaving this place you will be doing her a service. The longer you stay the more risk you put her in. So if the miniscule chance that she does die happens, it will be blood on your hooves for not paying attention."




Caras stopped the projectiles and focused more on one magic spell.


Caras: "So you feel the same pain she does? How interesting. I have learned something new today. You are more durable than her, so if I keep hitting her, she will die before you. And that's problematic for you. I don't wish to actually hurt her anymore. Just this."


Caras touched the floor and started the pump Dark energy from his own aura onto it. This would cause pain unlike anything else, as a mortal cannot withstand pure darkness. The pain would be all the greater on Baz. But it will not cause any serious damage, maybe some mental scaring. "Submit."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Chrysteel had known of Zecz's curses and she quickly developed a filtering counter. Her ears were covered in her aura. She quickly makes her way to Tempest's and Zecz's hearts.


She quickly steps up to stand between the two. She says, "Please Zecz, you don't know what is within his heart. Don't unleash it."


In her most convincing voice, she says, to Tempest, "Upon the Honor of Venus Goddess of Love, I Chrysteel Amorè Chrysalis Vow this day that the words themself speak truth, Tempest. I will die first before Dawn comes to death. Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye. I will care and protect her like she was my own child. Please Tempest, I will personally see to protecting her. For now go. I will ensure her return. As for what state only time itself will be able to tell. Remember Love is a truth that can heal and restore."

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Tempest grit his teeth and glanced at Chrysteel. He wanted to believe her, but Caras was with Dawn. That fact alone drove him to assume the worst, but this was hopefully someone who he could call a friend and trust.

Xena was angry to say the least, both at Tempest's hesitation and at Chrysteel. "Are we just going to leave her, Tempest. You know Caras can't be trusted." He said.

Nephyr sighed and shook his heads. "I don't think that there is much we can do." He said. "We were supposed to just scout out the area. We weren't supposed to just go barging in there like that."

Xena growled and went to his own corner of Tempest's mind. "Of course you would think that. You werent separated from the one you love for over half your life only to find that she's alive." He thought, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Baz groaned in pain and felt like she was going to throw up. She knew Dawn couldn't withstand this. "Stop. I... I submit." She said.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Tempest grit his teeth and glanced at Chrysteel. He wanted to believe her, but Caras was with Dawn. That fact alone drove him to assume the worst, but this was hopefully someone who he could call a friend and trust.

Xena was angry to say the least, both at Tempest's hesitation and at Chrysteel. "Are we just going to leave her, Tempest. You know Caras can't be trusted." He said.


Nephyr sighed and shook his heads. "I don't think that there is much we can do." He said. "We were supposed to just scout out the area. We weren't supposed to just go barging in there like that."


Xena growled and went to his own corner of Tempest's mind. "Of course you would think that. You werent separated from the one you love for over half your life only to find that she's alive." He thought, a tear rolling down his cheek.


Baz groaned in pain and felt like she was going to throw up. She knew Dawn couldn't withstand this. "Stop. I... I submit." She said.

Caras: "Very good." Caras stopped casting his magic and approached Baz. "Sorry I had to cause pain to a creature such as yourself, but it had to be done. Now then. Back to business." He envelopes Baz in in a telekinesis grip and lists her off a few feet into the air. "Under the eyes of magic and in the name of all that is dark, the creature in my grip submitted to me and I shall bestow the price. I curse thy name to have thine powers sealed away inside oneself until these lips coin the phrase 'Unleash Baz, for I have fallen'. May this curse be true and hidden from they eyes of magic, and keep the power within, remaining within." With his chant over, a curse was cast unto Baz. All of her abilities were sealed away and her magic reduced to that of a child's. "You are nothing now. You can't stand in my way. My business with you is over, now to do with this mind for what I see fit to use it for."


'Ahh, mind control. One of the most complicated and annoying spells to cast. At this level of depth and detailed controlling, no one will escape this spell anytime soon.' He thought this last part to himself as his fake body vanished from Dawns mind and he returned to the real world. "We will start later." He removed the spell keeping Dawn asleep and went to prepare her some breakfast.





Chrysteel had known of Zecz's curses and she quickly developed a filtering counter. Her ears were covered in her aura. She quickly makes her way to Tempest's and Zecz's hearts.


She quickly steps up to stand between the two. She says, "Please Zecz, you don't know what is within his heart. Don't unleash it."


In her most convincing voice, she says, to Tempest, "Upon the Honor of Venus Goddess of Love, I Chrysteel Amorè Chrysalis Vow this day that the words themself speak truth, Tempest. I will die first before Dawn comes to death. Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye. I will care and protect her like she was my own child. Please Tempest, I will personally see to protecting her. For now go. I will ensure her return. As for what state only time itself will be able to tell. Remember Love is a truth that can heal and restore."

Zecz: "What a peculiar bastard. Thank you for your assistance, I was worried I would have to go all out on him. He seems to be able to resist my low level curses with some difficulty. My high tier should be no problem. Again, thank you for the help. Shall we go back inside? Perhaps you would like something to eat? It's still early after all."

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Baz was stunned. Caras had done the impossible and the loss of her power broke almost all of the aura beast's resolve. "Tempest and Xena will stop you and they will find a way to undo this. Just you wait." She muttered under her breath as the demon left.


A few minutes later, Dawn groaned as her eyes slowly opened. She had a painful headache, but that was the least of her problems. She felt none of the power that was normally there when she was awake and a cold chill went down her spine. "What did he do to me?" She thought, checking to make sure the leg bracers that held Baz's spirit were still there. The alicorn was relieved that they were still on her person, but then why did she feel so weak.


Tempest landed on a mountain and felt a tightness in his chest. "What have I done." He thought to himself as a mental storm raged in his head. 

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Zecz: "What a peculiar bastard. Thank you for your assistance, I was worried I would have to go all out on him. He seems to be able to resist my low level curses with some difficulty. My high tier should be no problem. Again, thank you for the help. Shall we go back inside? Perhaps you would like something to eat? It's still early after all."

Chrysteel says, "Sorry, I didn't do it for you. I did it for another who love him. If Your Lord Caras does hurt her, he will have one who knows the furry of a mother upon him. Love is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Thanks to my cutiemark, I can make use of that love to protect and nurture it."


She turns to him and says, "Most low level changelings don't know it but we are what one calls immortals. Queen Chrysalis was a princess of the race before it became what it is today. I don't know if that changed after the curse was placed but I do know...That once a curse is placed on someone, other curses don't normally work on them. It was also how I was able to filter out tour curses."


She thinks and then says, "I would like to have a bite to eat. Maybe My little sister would join as well."


((Don't know what the term for little sister is.))

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Clayton nodded slightly and showed no real emotion outside of anticipation. "Count me in. I think it's about time I made up for what I did to Dawn." He said, a look of determination in his eyes. The unicorn had failed his friends once and he wouldn't dare do it again.

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