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open Canterlot High


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Sunset was actually very interested in the whole story and thought about Ponyville too, but as soon as that question came it was as if he world had frozen in place and it was just him standing on some icy cold platform alone now as he thought of why he had came to this place, he had spent so long lying to humself though he couldn't even remember that well "wor... No... Oh my..." sunset said and paused and became silent, he started to turn to face away, in the hopes of hiding face "escape..." sunset finally managed to say a topic that worked, though he knew it wasn't it, as the group started to enter he thought deeper about everything to himself, he looked back to his saddle bag for a moment, the apple that sealed it, he smiled in person though he was terrified on the inside, and it was hard to tell, he'd hidden emotion behind a smile for so long it was normal for him "I came here with hope to... Achieve..." Sunset's voice was still very uneasy, it was hard to be understood let alone taken as truth.

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Sigma saw that he made Sunset nervous, and put his hoof on the stallion's back. "It seems that you've had a difficult experience before you made it over here. If its not something you want to share, then I won't make you share it."


Sigma tried his best to smile reassuringly at the stallion. He actually seemed pretty cute...

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@@Sigma, @@madjack2001, @, @@Pelate,

Skylar had been ahead of the group, blabbing on and on about  "bad food was so bad back home" when she suddenly realized Sigma was talking-- and had been talking for the last minute. She turned around and stared at him as he talked about 'Turara' machines and turned to Sunset as he... muttered... about something.


She was silent for a moment. "Wow, you talk a lot," she said to Sigma, "and wow, you don't talk at all," she added to Sunset.

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@@Little Red


Sigma shrugged. "Turing machines are an interesting topic to those who understand them well." he said as he looked around the cafeteria. "What kind of food are they serving? If it's anything like the small parcels of food I see the Equestrian elite eat, then I won't know what to do."

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@@Sigma@@Little Red @ @@Pelate

Sunset smiled at Sigma's understanding of... him and thanked Sigma for that, Sunset then slightly laughed at the comment about Sigma and him, the mention of food seemed to pass Sunset, the idea of being hungry was not something he cared for after spending time in Canterlot already eating food that day, and for other reasons, "I'm out for food... don't think I could eat any of it after all the food befo..." Sunset commented to himself, even though he wasn't... as big as he should be when he saw the other ponies... though he was younger than them, or so he assumed, but during the end he felt he should correct himself, as it would seem bad for him to be late over eating food around Canterlot

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@@Little Red





Sketchy's eyes widened as Sigma started speaking "uh..." He barely understood what he was saying. "I don't understand anything ha!" He said sticking his tounge out. "I feel like da food won be dat mind blowing, but I ain't dat hungry right now, so... blah!" He shrugged "I'll go save us a spot"

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"I'll come along too" said Sunset, and followed Sketchy, hoping to say hello to this other pony that he had yet to speak to, he seemed... urban, which is liked, it reminded him slightly of Manehatten, which was a nice thought for Sunset to have. the two left to find a spot

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Sigma sighed. In terms of Ponyville residents, that was the typical reaction to his and Dr. Hooves's work, but at least it was kinder than the eye rolling remarks he would receive from the residents of his home town. "A machine that can do anything? Ha! come back when you have something other than a fairy tale to talk about."




Sigma grimaced as bad memories began to resurface, but he quickly pushed them in to the back of his head and put on a neutral expression as he turned to Lightning.


"Did you transfer over here too?" he asked while the two ponies who left were finding seats for all of them to sit.

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Lightning looked up, losing thought on the new pony.

"No, I've lived in this town for most of my life, I can't remember where I lived before it. I was too young."

Lightning was determined not to make any sign of his past, so he hoped Sigma would take his lie. Of course he could remember what happened before he was dropped here.

Edited by Chill


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Skylar followed Sketchy and the new pony-- Sunset?-- into the cafeteria. She sniffed at the air as she ented.


That. Smelled. Really. Good. It smelled like deep-fried hay-burgers... her stomach rumbled at the thought.


"Bye!" She said, then left them all and was immediately at the cafeteria mare. That is, she would have been.


If it weren't for the line of about twenty ponies in front of her.


Her stomach rumbled again. She glanced at the clock, sweating slightly, and looked around the line. A mile away, the cafeteria mare, smiling (the nerve of her!), was handing food out to other ponies.


Her stomach rumbled yet again and she felt like she was gonna die. She felt as though she'd walked a hundred miles with no food in the Badlands. She glanced around. She needed to think of something. And she needed to think of it fast. Otherwise, she was gonna die of starvation, no doubt. (It was interesting, she reflected, because she hadn't been hungry until she had smelled the food...)

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@@Little Red


Sigma looked over at Skylar. "It would probably be a good idea to get in line with her before it gets any longer." he told Lightning. "The food smells really good, and the lunch mare seems polite. My only worry is that somepony will take the seats Sketchy and Sunset picked out for us." Sigma thought about it for a moment. "Maybe we should instead sit at their seats immediately, and wait for the line to go away."

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"How about this. I'll go grab the seats and save them, while you get your food, and then when you've got it, we'll swap?"

Lightning's stomach was pleading him to go get food, but he was willing to wait for his friends to get theirs. However, he hoped desperately there would be enough for him when he got to the front of the line..


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Sigma smiled because of Lightning's kindness, and said "Thanks." before taking his place in line behind Skylar.


"I hope I manage to eat before lunch is over; it would help my food budget if I did." Sigma stated before looking at Skylar and noticing how desperate she was to get a hay burger. "Are you okay?" he asked.

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"No!" she grumbled. Then, when she looked back at the line of twenty, she found it had decreased to a line of five. She blinked, her surprise taking away her hunger for the moment.


"Oh, wow, that lunch-mare is actually really fast," Skylar said. She gave Sigma a crooked grin. "So, do you like deep-fried hay burgers? My uncle used to barbecue hay burgers back in Manehatten. One time, ponies thought our apartment was on fire--" she had been walking forward automatically in the line and suddenly bumped into something. The counter!


"Can I help you?" came the angellic voice of the lunch-mare. Skylar beamed.


"Yes! GIVE ME YOUR HAY BURGERS!" Skylar cried, jumping up and down. She punched in her lunch number as the lunch-mare got her her burger.


"Mission accomplished!" Skylar said proudly, taking the tray and trotting away.

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@@Little Red



Sketchy sat at a table "sheesh Skyalar, you mus be really hungry" he said to her watching her jumping up and down while getting her food. Sketchy felt like starting a conversation "so you from Manehattan?" He asked Skylar "what's dat like?" He asked curiously.




Sketchy waved a hoof at Sigma indicating where they were

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Lightning threw his bag down on an empty table at the back right corner. Sketchy and the other pony were nowhere to be seen. He'd spent about 5 minutes of his time looking for them, but to no avail.

He moved his bag onto the seat next to him and rested his hooves on his board under the table.

He kept searching the sea of tables, looking for his friends. Had Sketchy and Sunset gotten a table? Did Sigma and Skylar get their food?

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@@Pelate@@Little Red

"Manehatten!" Sunset was suddenly leaning across the table though he would not sit, he stood around it, Sunset slowly slid back across the table, having burst into a conversation "uh...heh, sorry about that..." Sunset said to himself and he took a step back "I've dreamed of Manehatten since I was just a small little colt from down south..." Sunset said and thought of those dreams that he had yet to achieve

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Sigma placed his tray next to Sketchy and told him. "I'll be right back. I need to go find Lightning."




It took Sigma a few minutes, but he finally found who he was looking for. "Hey Lightning," he told the pony. "We're sitting over there. Don't you want to eat with us?"

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@@Pelate, @@madjack2001

Skylar sat down with little grace between Sketchy and Sunset.


"Manehatten's pretty chill," she said cheerfully, "I loved the city. Always something to do. Go to the movies.... go to a sports game... watch T.V... go to the movies again...." she paused, trying to convey the extreme awesomeness of Manehatten by gesturing with her hooves, it seemed. "Go to another sports game... I dunno, it's awesome. But my mum made me take stupid lessons to get rid of my accent." She scowled. "That was the only problem, some ponies thought I was weird for having no accent."


She gave a crooked grin to Sunset. "Manehatten's chill," she repeated.

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Lightning was still searching when he was surprised by somepony standing right next to him.

Lighting snapped his head towards the pony, he relaxed when he noticed it was Sigma.

"Yeah, sure, I couldn't find any of you.."

He stood and followed Sigma back to the table. He dropped his bag and board under one of the empty seats on the table.

"I'll be right back." He grinned, licking his lips.

He walked quickly towards the line, he had to wait behind 2 ponies before he could get his food.

It felt like a lifetime, but once he'd finally gotten his food and said his thanks, he headed back to the table. He was starving, how long had it been before he last ate a decent meal, 4, maybe 5 days? He couldn't care less, he dropped his tray onto the table, and without saying a word, tucked into his lunch, he'd also remembered he had the sandwich in his bag, but he was planning on saving it for his dinner.


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@@Little Red@@Pelate

Sunset seemed to show how bedazzled he was to hear stuff he had read and heard about many times, though the idea of Manehatten was just so much... greater in person, though when the accent was mentioned he seemed to be thinking more and not just ogling over the ideas of Manehatten "weird for having no accent?" Sunset questioned out loud but felt he was questioning it himself more than asking anypony "accent or no accent, you're still pretty cool even though I just met you" Sunset commented, showing a small sign of friendship, he seemed to now have a shy smile, not knowing whether friendship is something people would make fun of him for or normal, as he has been laughed at for thinking he has friendship before in his life, Sunset felt little need to comment on the accent as his opinion would merely be against it, and he didn't want any trouble

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@@Little Red



Sketchy smiled "Sounds like a petty snazzy place." He said nodding approvingly. "I'm from the North-West Equestria, I'm from Seaddle, really coo city, I honestly like it more than Canterlot since it was closer to the ocean an stuff, but you know, it is what it is, Canterlot ain't bad." He shrugged.

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Sigma sat down and began eating. While he was eating, his mind began to wonder, and he began thinking back about the device he used to punch in his lunch code. It was almost certainly magical, but it was also apparent to Sigma that it possessed some form of memory that it could use to recall what was entered in to it. The machines that him and Dr. Hooves were making weren't capable of that. Sigma let out a "Hmm..." sound as he took another bite of his hay burger. Machine memory? This is probably worth running by Hooves.


Sigma then began thinking about other things. From what he remembered, magic had some limitations. Will the machines him and Hooves are designing be able to do what magic can't? Sigma let out a sigh, it's been a persisting fear in the back of his mind that the Turing machine will always be hopelessly inferior to magic no matter how much development it undergoes.

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@@Pelate, @@madjack2001, @@Sigma, @,


Skylar nodded cheerfully at Sketchy and Sunset as she continued eating, hardly noticing Lightning and Sigma sitting down next to them.


"You know, you're pretty cool!" She said to Sunset brightly. She took a large bite of her burger and gave a very deep sigh of content. "Good stuff," she muttered, mouth full, chewing loudly. She couldn't get enough of this burger..!

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