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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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At some time after midnight, seeing that he is not being watched very well, Fracture prepares to execute a plan that he had been thinking of for a while. He takes the metal strip off of his leg again and walks to the window. Very quietly and without touching the laser, he wedges the strip between the lens and the wall, and carefully pries the lens from its position, bending the beam just enough to allow him to exit through the window. He does this to the next few, then attempts to go through the window as quietly as possible.

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"I remember when we hugged this morning he did that pucking motion at us which made me very skeptic that he even wanted to be in a relationship with anyone at all but maybe I acted to rash" Banner said to Scare "I think I should apologize, even a pony like him could have somepony close to him" she said as she got up and started to leave the tent 

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"i am Fear the leader of a group of ponies who wants nothing more than to seek revenge on equestria for the wrongs they done to us."Fear said with a smile."and i couldn't help but over hear you wish to destroy some ponies who have wronged the pony you hold dear."


Scare got up and stopped Banner from leaving the tent. "I think that can wait till tomorrow."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Fear had picked Rave's interests, but he still did not want to fully give in. "Yes, yes they have. I have been dearly wrong by this world and so as my loved one. I would gladly see it burn. However, what are mine and my loved ones problems to you?" he asked curiously. He also wanted Fear to get to the point and be told what he wanted him to do. 

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"No I feel like I need to do it now or else something bad is going to happen I know it, plus Rave is not a pony you want on your bad side, he has more of an anger problem than me that's a very bad thing" she said to Scare "wait is this another bad thing that only Rave can deal with or something? another monster?" she asked with some urgency

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"No he just needs some space."Scare said in a calm voice to Banner,"so just lay down and sleep."Scare then lays back down.


"Your troubles makes me think you are not willing to save Equestria." Fear said."Even willing to destroy it too,"Fear said,he seems kinda skeptical of my intentions but i think he is actually interested in joining me but i need to make sure. 


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Sometimes one must first destroy before one can rebuild" he said with a sad tone. He thought of his time with his family, of his endless training to fight Celestia. Of all the battles he had fought in skirmishes against the Equestrian Guard, destroying outposts at the far ends of Equestria. All to rebuild Equestria in the image of the Darkmanes, however, he no longer was a part of the family, or at least he was not recognized by them. "What is it that you want of me?" he asked with a determined voice. 

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Banner stood there for a while thinking should I or should I not take a peak? if I do will I just make it worst? at the exit of the tent then made up her mind "I hope your right and there's nothing bad out there" she said to Scare then got into her bed and started hugging her then went to sleep

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"Very true Rave, now down to business I want you to betray these ponies in anyway you seem fit, like leave them, kill them, mess with their minds, what ever comes to mind, then i'll help you get your revenge on Equestria." Fear said extending her hoof, "so do we have a deal?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave looked at Fear. "Well, I am the groups guide, considering that I have traveled nearly everywhere, also, me having the map. I can lead them into dangers. Then if that fails, I can always cause a little.... 'accident', hehe". He then looked at Fear with suspicion. "But how do I know you will honor your end of the bargain? How do I know you won't just stab me in the back? Perhaps if you gave me something, something that might really aid me both in completing my tasks and also aid me in the future, would I be willing to accept". Rave was basically asking for assurance that Fear would help him. 

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"well that is reasonable i am a mare who keeps her word but if you want reassurance then I shall give you the item you have requested." Fear then makes a bag appear out of thin air, and pulls out what appears to be a horn it was black with a red tip it was looped through with a chain."this here horn once belonged to a very powerful dark unicorn, it still possesses all of his dark magic. And consider it a gift."Fear hands over the horn to Rave." So we have a deal now."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave stared at the horn. He knew it, he knew that horn. He had been searching for it for a long time. The horn did indeed contain an immense amount of dark magic. He looked at Fear again, face full of surprise. Then the face went hard again. "We have a deal indeed" he took Fear's hoof with his own. 

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"Good to hear it, Now i think its about time i left." Fear said as she vanished from sight. Reappearing back at her base and sits on her throne just in time to see that the prisoner was trying to escape she then reappears in front of him. "and where do you think your going?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave held on to the chain with the horn. "My---my lord. You are in the hooves of your allies now" he said respectfully to the horn. He then proceeded to put it in his saddlebag. He laid down next to the campfire and kept on watch, his watch not over yet. He grinned. "Those who have wronged me and my love, all these years, will now finally pay". 

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Fracture had been abnormaly and notably jumpy for a long time, and was intentionally scared by other colts several times per day when he was in school. Startled even more than usual with the nervous circumstances, without hesitating or thinking, he stabs the metal strip that was in his hoof into Fear's easily targetable eye, while simultaneously pulling the back half of his body out of the window to run. Hastily turning left out of the window, one laser catches the end of his prosthetic hoof, slicing the end off; he stumbles, but continues running.

I wrote this thing.

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Fear reals back in pain as Fracture stabs her in the eye.after recovering from the sudden strike to her eye Fear was angry, very angry she grabbed Fracture in her magic. "YOUR GONNA WISH YOU HADN'T DONE THAT!" Fear threatened fracture looking at him her eye repairing itself through magic.

Scare got up to relieve Rave of look out duty, "Hey it's my turn to takeover lookout duty."Scare said to Rave with a yawn. She then walks over to her bag and pulls out a teapot, a cup, and a bottle of water. she then walks over to the fire and begins to boil the water to make some tea.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Fracture feels the pain and possible internal bleeding that were created by the surprisingly strong magical strike, but he does not stop. Coming to a glass window, he takes off the remaining parts of his metal hoof and uses them to smash through in three adrenaline-intensified strikes, then jumps out. Now knowing where the large vehicle came from when he first saw it, along with which direction his group was traveling in relation to the towns, he calculates where they would most likely be in the near future, and runs in that direction.

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Fear watched him escape out a window "BROKEN HEART!" Fear called Broken Heart arrived in a split second,"yes my lady." Broken Heart said with a bow. "I WANT YOU TO GATHER THE MIDNIGHT PATROL AND FIND THE ESCAPED PRISONER, " Fear growled"AND BRING HIM BACK TO ME, AND KILL ANYONE HE IS WITH."

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave nodded to Scare and went over to his and Buzz's tent. He would rather want to stay awake and admire the horn. but he knew that would not be possible.... yet. So he went to the tent and laid down. He kept on thinking of all the ponies that would suffer his wrath, that would pay for wronging him and Caramel. He smiled as he fell asleep. 

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Buzz layed on the floor of the tent, going in and out of sleep. He felt rave get in and lay down next to him. He was facing the opposite side of the tent to where rave had rested. He did not turn around, did not greet him, he just laid there, thinking. "You could turn around and put a pillow to his face, you could put a knife to his throat, you could do virtually anything to get it out of him right now. So why arn't you!" Buzz shouted at himself in his mind. "We still need him to show us the way. Ill just wait, till he gets angry. If his eyes turn then ill know." Buzz wriggled around, trying to find a comftable position. He couldn't. "Give it an hour, if im not asleep ill take guard, my turn or not."


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Scare looked at the stars, her senses alert. Scanning the sky she believed she saw a pegasus flying around in the sky doing tricks and stuff, dismissing the pegasus as a threat she took a sip of her tea then looked to where she saw the pegasus, only to realize she hallucinated the pegasus. shaking her head she went back to watching the the stars.


Broken Heart stood in front of then midnight patrol, a pegasus, a unicorn, and three earth ponies,"Alright we have a run away prisoner and the boss wants him alive and anypony helping him dead, do you understand your mission?"

"YES MA"AM!" the five ponies shouted and saluted.

"Then happy hunting."Broken Heart said as the five ponies left the base to hunt the convict.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Banner woke up 5 minutes earlier for her shift, she knew because she saw how far the moon was up in the sky but that meant she went outside and saw Scare that saw her too "I'm awake and its almost time for you to go sleep, but since your out her I have a question." she paused "how is your sister?" she asked with a intrigued voice 

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Scare looked at Banner when she walked out out of their tent, upon hearing the question Scare felt a little sad at the mention of her sister, but couldn't help but smile at the memories it brought back.. "I don't know they both disappeared ten years ago, before Fear destroyed my homeland," Scare said in a sad tone but still smiling, " and if they didn't i wouldn't be here and i would be a different pony altogether."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I know this is a touchy subject but I just wanted to know" Banner explained "wait... 10 years? I feel like a remember something like that.. oh right its probably unrelated but a pony in the military that was trained for ten years or so is granted the right to be a general and lead others" she said then thought of something else "by the way how does Fear arrange his units? is it like equestrian military if so I can give advantages" 

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"First off Fear is a mare." Scare said to Banner."And as for the formation of units in her army, she tends to lead the formation of her army in the hands of her generals, which changes every time she gets a new general, and since i don't know the current general, i don't know the set up of her troops."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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