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private The Last September

Scare Effect

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"Im sorry to be 'that pony', but it's us: a group of 5 ponies with nothing in common apart from a coiscedntal meeting back at the start of this against celestia knows how many of them." Buzz said aloud for the whole group to hear. "Not to mention we now have a emotionaly unstable, 3 leged pony and we've lost the element of supprise. So i think we should at least come up with a plan on how we are going to do this!"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"sorry no time Buzz for a plan, we are now a on a timer Fear has made a device that will kill every pony in Equestria, and we need to get there before she can use it." Scare said to to Buzz, "Besides it is gonna be SIX of us against an army, Right Everest." Scare says as the giant came into view then nodded his head.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I still have 19 bombs left" she stated "oh right Everest, the thing that has saved us on many occasions, so are plan is to rush and destroy everything...I like this plan a lot" she said thinking of things that could happen and they all turned out good "gonna need this" she said picking up the device that has saved them many times

Edited by Yoshikupo
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"Oh that seems a little better" Buzz said in a calm tone. "Now thats out the way" Buzz took a deep breath "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY KILL EVERYPONY IN EQUESTRIA!" Buzz screamed at the top of his lungs. "Why are we standing here doing nothing, lets get moving so e can break that device into a million tiny bits!"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave walked calmly around, ready with his saddlebags and some food with him. "The end of the world is neigh, big deal" he said with an uninteresting tone. "Sure, let's go blazing in, attacking everyone and everything. Do we even know if this device is ready? If it is, going in there with them knowing might only make them activate it sooner than they want". He sat down, waiting for the others to get ready. "Would be fun to see Canterlot destroyed though" he said with a low tone, chuckling a bit to himself. 

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The mentions of his name and the several minutes allotted to comprehend recent events allow Fracture to regain composure. With this, he is once again able to think rationally and realizes the stupidity of his thoughts a short time ago. Wiping his face, he stands up and says generally, deciding not to say that he technically has four legs, "So, have there now been three mentions of my three legs? That's coincidental."

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"That was the reason for me telling you we need to pack up the necessities and head out." Scare said face hoofing. She then walked up to the giant and looked at Rave. "I know they aren't ready because it takes exactly 2 days to charge, I should know  i designed the damn thing." Scare then realized what she just said putting her hooves over her mouth.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Here was a little opening to attack Scare's mentality without being judged by it since he had the justification to do it. "So you designed the device that is about to destroy Equestria? So you would bear the responsibility of millions... you know what, no need for numbers... everyone's deaths. You are not really better than Fear. Why would you design such a thing in the first place? Everything that is designed or made in the first place is always because they meant to use it themselves, because they had reasons to create it. So you want us all to die? You murderer" he said the last words harshly, almost spitting them. "Do you think that taking out this device will make you any better? Do you think it will clear you of all the wrongs you have done? Let me tell you a little secret" he walked up to her, his head by hers, whispering into her ear. "It won't. It will never do that". He then walked away, pretending to be insulted. 

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"Yea, cause she's the only one here responsible for the death of the innocent!" Buzz yelled towards the Unicorn who was walking the other way. "Tell me Rave, no tell US, of what makes you any better then her of Fear herself!" Buzz shouted as he walked towards the unicorn. "Because i can think of at least one reason why your just as bad!"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Because I have done nothing that can potentially result in the death of everyone in this world. I have not done anything that supports genocide. I have killed ponies before yes, but most of the ponies I killed were others I killed in combat. A fighter's death. If you think I would dispatch of a foal or a filly myself, you will be walking with a crushed face the rest of your life". He then eased himself and calmed down. "I don't deny my crimes. I have stolen, murdered, destroyed and committed other crimes. I don't hide" he shot a glance to Scare. 

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At hearing Rave's statement, Fracture is seriously angered, but maintains his normal apathetic voice tone as he says, "That's not actually true; there could be many reasons for one to design such a device for completely different purposes. One good example would be the invention of dynamite, but I wouldn't expect for you to take that into consideration because you are an overly moody, immoral, insensitive jerk. I sincerely hate you for saying that."

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Rave looked over to Fracture. "Science leads to destruction. Somepony does not know history, does he" he said chuckling. "Everything will be turned into a weapon. However, it did not really sound like as if she designed it for any other purpose. And we are talking about something that can kill everypony in this world. That does not sound like a dynamite to me". If they thought they could counter Rave, they were wrong. "Hate me if you want and be blinded by Scare's flaws, I don't really care. I know my flaws and I am not hiding them. She is obviously hiding hers". 

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Buzz then walked in front of Scare to block Raves glare. "Oh really" Buzz said, anger clearly present in his voice. "Let me ask you something. Why do i remember your eyes? I could have seen them anywhere before if you've travelled around so much, but why do i remember seeing yours through the smoke of my old school whilst it burnt down with half the staff and pupils still inside!" Buzz was now full on yelling in the Unicorns direction.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"just stop, everypony just STOP" she yelled "I know that we all hate each other or at least Rave" she said looking at Rave "we have bigger Apples to harvest right now! we need to stop Fear from killing everypony in the world, and that includes us, so right now lets just try to stop her!" she screamed trying to get things back on track

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"Burning? That was not me. I never burned anything. However, I admit that my older brother went mad once he heard that I had been kicked" he said. "After that, I attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.... only to get kicked out of there as well" he wore a goofy smile. "But to be honest, I could not have cared less that all of those ponies burned inside there, they all bullied me and deserved what my brother did" he grinned. Rave stopped after Banner cried out. 

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Buzz ignored Banner and had his full concentration on Rave. "Give me a reason why i shouldn't come over there and snap your neck." He screamed "Oh, why should i. You already live in your own hell: No family, no friends and no one to love or love you. I'd say i feel sorry but i wouldn't feel sorry for you if you were burning alive for eternity!"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave only smirked. He was not going to be adding to the fight since what Buzz had said had no backed up claims nor did they sound intelligible. "You got them all riled up, don't you?" the dark voice in his head said. "It is really easy when you got ponies that don't really know you, but claim to do. The more they focus on arguing with me, the more time they lose and they will be less focused" Rave thought back. 

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"We should really stop fighting, but Buzz has a great point. Good job. And, actually, I do know history." Fracture says, then realizing that a fration of Buzz's statement applied to him as well. "Although... necks are actually very hard to snap." Seeing Rave's angering smirk, he says,"However, if you could, please do so in a way that would give him paralysis of the lungs, so to give well-deserved agony."

I wrote this thing.

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Rave's smirk only grew with Fracture's statement. Both Buzz and Fracture were angry and they were not focusing anymore. They were now blabbing utter idiocy, not really thinking their words through, but that is what happens when ponies talk with their feelings instead of with their brains. All he needed was for Banner to join Buzz and Fracture to get them all riled up. 

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Fracture sighs; "All right, I will go and get my stuff; this is stupid, and Rave obvoiusly doesn't understand medical science." He turns to Rave and says, "I'm not an idiot." before walking away. He goes back to the only tent that he had entered and replaces the hoof on his prosthetic, thinking, "I'm the emotionally unstable three-legged pony; spectacular. Why does it matter to some ponies?"

Fracture sighs; "All right, I will go and get my stuff; this is stupid, and Rave obvoiusly doesn't understand medical science." He turns to Rave and says, "I'm not an idiot." before walking away. He goes back to the only tent that he had entered and replaces the hoof on his prosthetic, thinking, "I'm the emotionally unstable three-legged pony; spectacular. Why does it matter to some ponies?"

I wrote this thing.

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Scare sat there thinking about what Rave said to her, am I really as bad Fear for designing the device? am i really responsible for my home being destroyed? yes and the only way to stop it from destroying Equestria is to get to the device before it goes off, and the only way to get there in time is to leave them behind and proceed on my own. with that thought she got up and started walking in the direction of the base not even stopping to look at them.

"This is where we part ways, i will continue on alone." Scare said in a monotone voice with no emotion as she exited the camp.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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As Scare begins to leave, Fracture thinks, "Great, we now have two things in common: a monotone, emotionless voice, and stupid, impulsive decisions." He then loudly says to her, "Please don't leave without us; Rave was being a jerk, and we want to help... probably."

I wrote this thing.

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"wait scare! don't let what Rave said get to you, we need to do this together to increase are odds against Fear" Banner said following Scare "I know that Everest cant deal with everything and you don't have supplies to take on an army" she paused "I'm saying this for your safety" she said in a kind voice       

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Scare stopped then looked at Banner. Scare pondered what she said,she is right Everest cant deal with everypony there and the more allies we have the better chance for survival. shaking her head then, "Your right Banner, and you too Fracture I will need all the help i can get." Then she walked over to Rave, "You know what i may have designed it but i am not responsible for its misuse. or its construction."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Say what you will. However, the design is enough since your intentions were pretty clear. If you are going to act as if you did nothing wrong, fine. We will see how long you can hold out before you realize how many deaths this device has caused and it is thanks to you that it exists" Rave wore a neutral expression. "How did the design fall into the wrong hooves to begin with?" he looked questioningly and rather suspicious at Scare. 

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