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private The Last September

Scare Effect

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"it was given to Fear for her services to help me get revenge on Equestria for destroying my home, Now that is enough talking we need to go now." Scare walks out of the destroyed camp again this time stopping to motion the others to follow.


in the distance sat Dramatic with a telescope watching the small band of ponies leave the wreckage behind. 


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave looked to the others with a harsh look as Scare admitted that she wanted Fear to use the device on Equestria. He was pretty much daring them to protect her. He started to follow as well, as his point had been proven. He smirked. "Well, at least you did not need my help this time, you little gnat". "I swear that I will find a way to get rid of you one day" Rave thought to himself. "You will never get rid of me". 

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"also for the record before anypony flips out the Equestria i am talking about existed in my home dimension not this Equestria" Scare added knowing that Rave would turn that sentence against her again.


Dramatic watched the ponies make their way toward the hide out. next time they stop i need to have a talk with that grey pony.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"This Equestria that Equestria, what is the difference? Are you saying that every pony that existed in that Equestria was evil? That they all wanted to destroy your home? The fillies and foals? Don't think that you are excused. Both you and me will never be excused for our crimes". Scare did not manage to convince Rave. 

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"you know what i don't care what you think, or if i am forgiven for designing a device. all i know is that this Equestria is my new home and i intend on protecting it with my life and i'm not gonna let some unicorn with pathetic dark magic try and mess with my head." Scare said to Rave as they walked.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"You are the one that is allowing me to mess with my head. Each time you try to avoid this, you are only digging yourself deeper down into a hole. You are a danger to this world". He walked up to her. "Don't think I will not kill you if you try doing something to my world. I know now that you can not be trusted. I am watching you" he walked a bit away. "Oh, by the way. I have not once judged you or your friends for your abilities or skills. Just your character and behavior as well as your past. Tsk tsk tsk, to stoop so low to such personal insults. Sometimes I think I am the only grown up one here". No matter what Scare said, Rave knew he was getting to her and he knew he was succeeding in delaying. 

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before anyone registered the movement Scare closed the distance between her and Rave smashing her hoof in his face sending him several feet away, taking off her saddle bag and tossed it behind her, "you think i'm scared of you Rave? you think because you threaten me, claiming i can't be trusted everypony here will believe you your wrong. you are the only one that deserves no trust here." Scare said her eyes were pinpricks, her hair started to become more wild. "come on and try to kill me, i dare you!"

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Just after the other ponies leave, Fracture looks around the site and picks up a few things that are now free, wraps them in a piece of the ruined tent, and catches up to the group. As he hears Scare mention her home, he says, "So... there is an extradimensional Equesteia, and... no one here seems to care? That... seems to be a rather... significant thing..."

I wrote this thing.

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Rave only laughed. "You have given me no real motivations to try and kill you. I only warned you, if you try destroying my world you outsider, then I will do everything in my power to stop you and kill you". Rave tried to fix his nose. "As for the others, I already know they are pining after you, their opinions don't matter to me. Their opinions are worthless. The only thing needed is for you to be stopped once you go rogue. And nopony trusts me, no worry about that. It has been like that my whole life. I was born into a family that painted me as someone else. So if you think I am trying to be something else than I am, you are deeply wrong. So, come again and hit me, I hope it makes you feel better. I hope it makes the small pony inside you feel a bit bigger than it is. I have been beaten many times before, and this won't be the last time. But don't you dare sympathize, I don't want it. Far better being hated than loved". 

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Fracture's speech is stopped in surprise as he watches Fear strike Rave. "This would be a good time to kill him... wait, that's murder... don't actually do that. I should probably walk over there... And, Rave, that's probably not the correct use of the word 'pining'" He says before going to the back of the group to contemplate everything.

I wrote this thing.

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Scare turned away from Rave and kept walking ignoring him and everypony else, You know that was unwise for you to give into his taunting like that Scare, a voice in her head said, who cares what he says , your friends have your back no matter what and they will help reel you back in if you give in.

But he acts like he is better than me, Scare argued to the voice.

I don't care how he acts he will get what he deserves when its time, now act like i taught you to and just ignore him.

thank you Ms.Posey, Scare told the voice. then kept walking.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Rave's been more of a jerk than normal" she says to Buzz, Scare and Fracture "I mean HE is starting the fights now. before he was just grumpy and said rude comments now he's picking fights by throwing dirt at us. he started when we started to fight fake Fear" she said trying to have the group think about it more

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Rave only chuckled. "Hypocrites. And don't think I have forgotten you Buzz" he said, now turning to Buzz. "Since you had to bring up the past, about my time in school, I recall, in the many of the assaults on me, you stood there, watching as I got beaten up by all these other ponies. You did nothing. I haven't forgotten that. It is a shame that you did not burn in there with the rest. But then again, it wasn't I who set the building on fire". Rave spat a bit of blood. He stood up again. He looked over to Scare. "Violence always wins an argument, doesn't it? It is the only thing you can really do since you know, deep down in that cold heart of yours that I am right". Rave levitated his saddlebag, that he had dropped when he was flung into the air by the punch. 

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"no it doesn't solve arguments, But it does feel pretty good when you hit a an annoying loud mouth who wants to slow down our progress now shut up or i will make shut up, do you understand." Scare said to Rave without even looking at him. "Also leave Buzz alone and focus on stopping Fear."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Weaklings solve everything with violence". With that, he was quiet. He gave Scare a glance that told her, if she would look back, that he was not scared of her the slightest. He held no respect for her anymore. To him, she was a weakling that could not handle pressurized situations without violence. She was just another bully, that he would gladly kill. She had proven herself to be weak to him. 

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Buzz stood there watching the events take place, he knew he could step in and try to calm the situation but he thought this argument was long over due. Even when Rave went on about the incidents at school he did not respond as he knew that everything he did had a reason behind it. "​Everything we do in this world we do for a reason, whether it's for the greater good or the purest of evil, everyone has a reason for their actions." These words stayed in Buzz's mind for a bit as he remembered who had told him them. "Seriously, now your using mom's quotes?" Buzz said, unknowingly, aloud in a sarcastic tone.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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three slow hours of nonstop bickering later.

 "Okay here is where we will make camp for the night, so every body get some sleep and i will keep watch."Scare said to the others.


From a safe distance sat Dramatic watching the ponies set up a camp, i just need to wait for the others to fall asleep.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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By the time that Fracture stops at the decided campsite, he had mentally designed several machines to be built later, hoping that he would remember them. He does not mention that he would probably be too nervous to sleep, because he still had not slept in two days and would probably not be reliable enough to keep watch. He simply sits down on the ground and modifies his new prosthetic using the objects that he picked up from the camp, with the intention of making it better than the last one.

I wrote this thing.

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Banner was still thinking about Rave logically about how he changed. she could not apologize to Rave because of the arguing everyone was doing "sure scare" she replied to Scare then laid out her bed which was just her bags. were to close to sleep Banner thought somepony must be watching us somewhere and I want to see them coming    

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Scare looked out into the distance, watching the desert unblinking not moving looking back at the others to check if they were asleep to see that fracture was fixing his fake hoof, Banner looking like she's asleep, Rave and Buzz setting up their own sleeping areas. turning away to look at the sand again.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz had set up his sleeping area and was now lying down. It consisted of one of his saddle bags as a pillow and a quilt he found back before he met anyone he was currently with. It was navy blue and too small, it showed off 3/4 of his legs to the cold, bitter night air. He took his hat from his bag and put it over his face. "Tonight" he said to himself. "Tonight im going to get a full nights sleep." Buzz tried to drift off for 10 minutes, but only succeded in rolling around and moaning. He eventually gave up and took his hat off his face to see what the other ponies were doing.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave lied down, putting down a sleeping roll. He was going to sleep out in the open, having done so many times, even during bad weather. "Rest up and then kill that little insolent gnat who thinks she knows anything" the dark voice within Rave's head said to him. "Be calm, she will die, however, we must focus on the others as well. The deserve it as much as she does" he thought back. 

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Fracture is very happy with himself as he employs all of the mechanical ideas that he had during the walk, in modifying his hoof. He builds a claw onto the bottom of it that is also able to bear weight, and using a springloaded peg that retracts as it touches the ground, he can operate it simply by stepping. As he finishes building the potentially very useful and honestly cool-looking device, a smile of satisfaction almost appears on his face, but it quickly fades.

I wrote this thing.

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Dramatic watched as three out of four of the other ponies were asleep she began to approach the camp as silent as the breeze inside the camp. sneaked around the camp and approached Scare after checking to see if Fracture was paying attention, as she got within 2 ft Scare turned around and tackled her pinning her to the ground. during which Dramatic(Fake Fear) yelled in surprise loud enough to wake the entire camp.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I freaking knew it, they were spying on us!" Banner shouted then got up "I have a plan for her" Banner gets out the mini blacksmith workshop and does some fiddling with it "knife no, dagger no, needles no, ah ha! Chains" she starts pulling a crank on it and magic Chains come out "my friend at least gave me the basics for this thing" she says tying up Dramatic "don't even think you can use magic because these Chains will teleport with you and strangle you tighter and tighter, I don't have to say what happens after that" Banner felt proud of her self for bringing the workshop with her  

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