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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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Rave had woken up by all the shouting. He saw Banner being proud. He rolled his eyes. "So a henchpony of Fear has been caught. Interesting. Perhaps this one can be questioned. Anyone that wants to volunteer to be the torturer?" Rave raised a hoof, though he was not being serious when he mentioned the torture, he made that quite obvious with his tone, but he still put that forth to slightly annoy anyone that might take offense of that. 

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Scare looked at the pony under her, the pony just stared at Scare or more appropriately the necklace around her neck. "Who are you?" Scare said in an intimidating voice.

Dramatic sat there looking at the pony on top of her pinning her to the ground, noticing a familiar medallion hanging around the pony's neck. then she heard the question asked , "I..I am Dramatic Effect and I just wanted to talk." Dramatic said closing her eyes in anticipation.

Scare just stood there unmoving, too shocked to move.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Likely story. Probably just spying on us. However, it is your choice whether you want to risk trusting this pony or not. I don't care, I am going to keep a safe distance when this pony turns on us and attacks us" to emphasize himself, Rave took a few steps back, wearing a nasty grin. 

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"Rave we also need to talk about something important, your attitude to the group as of late" she paused "you have been instigating us since this Fake Fear attacked and I want some answers as to why because before you were brooding and stayed mostly out of the way but now its like you want us to hate you" she waited for him to respond

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"If you want to hate me, then hate me. I care not, Banner. And me with an attitude? Oh please, don't think you don't have an attitude. I've just been a bit louder than you as of lately now, that is it, nothing more" he smiled, not in a friendly way, but more in a warning kind of way. 

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"That's not the point! the point is that its slowing the group down because now your acting like a malicious bully, its like you don't want to help equestira!" she paused and calmed down "why would you care about equestria now that I think about it but I know something you care about the only one pony that you like and she likes you back, I'm sorry I didn't believe before but think if fear destroys equestria and the rest of the world then where would she end up?" Banner calmly said to him  

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Rave looked a bit shocked. He steeled himself. "What do you think you know of bullying. I know you are one. I have seen how you treated your ponies under your command. I saw it once, when you wanted to be around Scare, that you put a knife up to the throat of another of your underlings. WHY? Just because he was asking you why you were being a bit creepy around her? I want to help Equestria, but I don't let anyone get away with anything. That is it. Nothing more, now leave me ALONE!!!" green fire sprouted from Rave's horn, making a line in front of him and Banner, separating the two. He walked away from group, needing some alone time. 

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"quiet, can you not argue right now we have an opportunity to get some answers and you two argue now." Scare said then got off Dramatic as the pony got up Scare hugged the pony, Which confused Dramatic greatly. letting go of her Scare turned to both Banner and Rave, seeing as both of them argued and Rave left in an very angry fashion, "Banner leave him be, he clearly needs some space right now." Scare said in a calm voice.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I was only doing what was best, he needs to get this out of his system" Banner replied "so why are you hugging the pony that tried to kill us? am I missing something here?" she asked knowing that the answer was yes then turned to the pony she was hugging "so Dramatic...sorry for trying to throw a bomb in your face, you must be friends or something with Scare right?"  

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"Did you say this pony's name is Scare?" Dramatic asked in a shocked tone."if I knew she was Scare I wouldn't have let Fear use me to attack your camp."

"Banner she isn't my friend she is one of my missing sisters i told you about last night" Scare said in a happy tone.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"wow... just wow I can't believe this" she said amazed "I can't believe this, do you think that your other sister is with Fear to?" she asked knowing no one but Dramatic would know the answer "well is she?" she asked Dramatic hoping for a promising answer from her

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"yeah she is i believe you ran into her a while back though she is Fear right hand mare and is her head, i believe she attacked a village recently only to get her tank damaged by a pony i believe was Scare. She kind of looks like a doll." Dramatic answered.

"Wait your saying the pony in the big machine was Heart?"Scare asked.

"Yeah"Dramatic answered smiling.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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When Rave asks who would be the torturer, Fracture silently raises his hoof, being one with a knowledge of anatomy that would allow him to cause immense pain by cutting the internal organs; he soon puts it down as he realizes that it was not a serious request. He listens to some conversation while finishing his prosthetic, then puts it on, stands up, and says too quietly for farther ponies to hear, "That's interesting and confusing, but look at this cool thing that I have built. Is it cool? It should be." Then, he steps on a rock with the device and watches satisfiedly as the claw picks up the rock as he lifts his hoof. He says in monotone, "It is good."

I wrote this thing.

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Buzz stood there watching the ponies talk. He wanted to interrupt and ask questions to the new pony that had arrived, he had so many questions. But he couldn't force himself to do it. He had a younger sibling of his own and only wanted to spend time with him at family reunions when he saw him again after their few month split from one another. He felt that Scare needed this. He tried to distract himself by looking for somthing to do for ten minutes, then he noticed the floor where Rave had sent fire near Banner and was thrown back to the conversation they had the other day. "You just keep making it worse for yourself, dont ya'."


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"I've helped other ponies like this and some had the same reaction they ran but came back.. different for the better" she said in a monotone voice "he needs to get the big picture that if he wants to ever see the one he loves again he has to risk his life to save the place he hates" she paused "I would take the risk, I'm kind of doing that right now in fact. now buzz I will ask you, would you do what I said to see your family? or the love of your life?" she asked him with all seriousness in her voice

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"Of course i would" Buzz replied. "Anypony in their right mind would!" Buzz only answered Banners question quickly as he had been distracted by somthing she said. "Rave loves someone? More to the fact, someone loves him?!" he said in his head. "I dont think i want to meet the psyco that puts up with that psyco!"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Banner shot a death glare at Buzz "comments like that just make everything worst I made that mistake before and I will not make it again, you shouldn't either got it? now lets get to know more about are new friend" she said with a slight smile and headed to Scare    

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"So are you gonna help us, Dramatic?" Scare asked her sister as Buzz and Banner Approached.

"Of course I will help you?" Dramatic said with a big smile. "so what do you need help with?"

"Mostly information on Fear's forces and artillery." Scare suggested.

"Oh well i don't know much Fear makes sure I don't have any valuable info." Dramatic said the she got really excited,"But I do know one thing Fear must of forgot to erase it from my mind. we paid a visit to your camp two hours before the attack and made a deal with the unicorn to slow your progress."

upon hearing this Scare was furious she, after all he said about protecting Equestria from her, he planned to help that monster destroy it instead. 


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz's eyes shot open in supprise, even though he should have seen this coming. Buzz then turned to Banner. "Would you like to tell Scare what you just told me about being nice to Rave." Both sarcasm and anger clearly detectable in his voice. He then turned to Scare, forced his voice to be of a serious tone and said "What do we do now?"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave was alone, with the horn of Sombra. He had tears in his eyes. He was sucking some dark magic from it because of his addiction. All the while there was only one voice in his head. "Rave, please don't. You know what dark magic does to you. I don't want to see you get more hurt. You are not yourself when you are consuming dark magic.... you are different". It was the voice of Caramel, it was a memory. She had often asked him to stop, but he just couldn't. He had tried, but had failed so many times. "My love, I will extract our revenge upon this world. "Is this really what she would have wanted though?" he thought. Then the dark voice entered his mind. "Of course it is, it is time for you to stop being such a baby and take on the world. To show that the Darkmanes are no longer to be pushed around. After all those years of pain and torture by the ponies of Equestria, you will finally have a say again. And you will start with your so called 'Team'. They are no better and helped contribute to it". Rave was filled with rage. He shot a blast of darkness in the opposite direction of the camp. "I will". 

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Maintaining his timid volume, Fracture says, "Oh... THE unicorn..." realising that there is only one unicorn in the group. The fact is not surprising, and it could have been suspected, and he says, louder, "So he's the one that lit that... tent... on... fire..." He stops, quickly realising some important things. With sudden rage, he turns to Rave and yells in a way that he had not matched in years, "YOU MADE ME ALMOST F***ING KILL MYSELF!"

I wrote this thing.

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"that's why he pointed everything out before us and wanted us to take another path!" she said in anger and surprise "I know how to deal with him" she says untying Dramatic "I know there's good in him but he's being blinded by something, something I could never understand" she says as she walks to Rave pushing Fracture out of the way "something's blocking you from your realization and I cant help you, this is for our safety and all the others lives that simple ponies have" she says then knocks Rave down and starts tying him up  

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Rave immediately reacts. His horn glows and he fires dark magic at Banner, knocking him away. His features start to change. His teeth have become fangs, his eyes green and red, purple smoke leaking. His mane goes black. Cracks form on his body. "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" he fired some green fire towards the group of ponies. 

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Buzz ran in front of Banner and pushed her back. He then flinched as the fire reached him till it just stop. Then he realised what had happened: a see though wall had gone up in front of him. "Oh, so now you decide to work!" Buzz shouted aloud. After the fire had gone Buzz ran at Rave and jumped on his back, putting his hooves over his eyes. "NOW BANNER" Buzz screamed as he rode the unicorn who was trying to become a sort of bull.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Scare ran directly in front of the green fire and took the blast directly, but Scare didn't flinch or even seem hurt her hair started to get wild her eyes became pinpricks," Rave you made a big mistake." Scare said in a dark tone, then she smiled. "and don't think your pathetic dark magic can help you now." Scare appeared right beside Rave then knocke. Buzz off of Rave. then hit rave so hard he lost conciseness.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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