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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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Rave was now carrying a few foals and fillies, not really caring about the older ponies, but he just couldn't live with himself, leaving the young ones behind. He was carrying them out of town, they would be safer away then in it, as all the buildings would be a deathtrap, considering they would only burn inside. 

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Buzz started yelling at ponies, commanding the get as far out of town as possible. "What gives you the right to tell us what to do?" Replied one stallion. "Well, when you've been trained as one of Celestias personal royal guards then you can start making decisions that benefit people in a situation like this, till then shut up and start running!" Buzz screamed at him, still pointing the direction the ponies were to go. He noticed the mist getting closer. He grabbed as many ponies as he could and flw in the direction of the others.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Beraha transforms into his dracopony form again. He uses his new smaller size to escape the clutch of the giant. After escaping he bolts away from the giant.


After he's sure he's got the distance from the giant he leaps into the air. Flying towards a group of ponies with foals in thier midst, (none of the heros near by) he releases with his ice mist again freezing them on the spot. He laughs a deep evil laugh shouting out. "Next time ponies I won't let you off so easily!"


He retreats to a bank of clouds a couple miles away, but he is still able to watch that village with his enhanced draconic vision. "Fear shall be pleased with me for this. Yes that Damn giant got in my way, but I destroyed nearly the whole village." He chuckles to himself.

Edited by BerahaKrahn
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"That is the most cowardly dragon I have met.... at least he is not stupidly reckless like most" Rave thought to himself. "Why would a dragon want to attack a village like this one, it has no riches nor is it near any other known dragon lairs? This makes no sense, or at least not from what I have learned in my travels" he kept thinking. 

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Oh, so you did decide to help after all!" Buzz called out to Rave, lowering the hysterical mare that was grabbing onto him for dear life to the ground. Buzz then turned towards the town which was covered in ice, and at the ponies that didn't make it out. "Why is this happening? How could this happen?" Buzz let out a singlr tear as he looked at the foals and fillies he was unable to save.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave decided not to answer Buzz's taunt. He was tending to the young ponies, using some of his magic to heal some of the minor injuries, however, the more serious ones, he was not able to heal. He was only able to lessen their pain with some of his magic. He was comforting a filly who could not find her parents. "Shhh. It's ok, it will be ok. I am sure that your parents only got lost". He knew the truth though. 

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The giant watched the dragon transform into a strange looking pony and flew off freezing a group of ponies and foals. Scare helped Banner out with helping ponies out of houses she noticed the state the town was in looking up at her giant friend who began to shrink to about a 6in tall figurine, picking him up she looked around for more survivors of the attack.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Green was still flying as fast as he could. He looked back and saw the mist was close to him "New idea." He sped up as fast as he could go with all that extra weight. When he got out of the town he dropped all the ponies he grabbed when flying out. "That damn dragon..." He said under his breath. "What would cause a dragon to do this?"

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Buzz looked to the skies where he saw the dragon, viewing his destruction, taunting the ponies of the town with his unnesesary precence. "With Celestia as my witness, everypony whos life you ended today will have a grave stone made from one of your scales!" He then turned to Rave. "Where have i seen you before?" Buzz then walked off, offering water from the cantene in his bag to those who survived. He then noticed a few ponies still in the town centre. "Hey, over here!" he shouted, waving his front hooves in the air to get their attention.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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looking around searching for more survivors Scare saw a white pegasus waving in her and banners direction," Hey banner i see more survivors over there" Scare said pointing a hoof in the direction of the white pegasus, "WE should go see of their okay."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Beraha is sitting there in the clouds watching the havoc he had wrot. "Yes mistress will be very pleased with this indeed." He stands stretching his wings. "Should I make one more flyby before I return to her?" He asks himself before nodding.


Beraha leaps off the cloud transforming back into dragon form again. Flying overhead of the group of survivors, staying well out of reach of that giant this time. He roars a loud earth shattering roar spewing the freezing mist, but it disapates before it can effect anypony. This wasn't meant to harm anypony but to cause fear in thier hearts.


After that last flyover he turns back towards base. It takes him a while to get there, but once there he transforms back into dracopony form and approaches the throne room. He enters head held high a haughty look of pride on his face.

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Buzz jumped over a group of fillies, putting up a shield to protect them from the mist. When he noticed it had gone without affecting anypony he got up and looked at the retreating dragon. "Turn back into a pony and do that, we'll see if you can fly away then" Buzz said, bitterness in his voice. He then looked back towards the town and saw that the ponies he had waved to were coming towards them. He then went back to ensuring all the other ponies had had some water.

Edited by Buzz


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Fear watches Baraha enter the room with his head held high,"so i assume you completed your mission Baraha." Fear said with a great smile on her face.

"well I'm impressed dragon breath you caused more terror than me but you still failed in one aspect." Broken Heart said with a sneer.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"ok lets go Scare" Banner says as they go toward the other ponies "we saved like 20 ponies, and I think we need a plan of action but we need help I say we evacuate with every pony we have to appaloosa, of Couse we need supplies so lets tell the ponies to get as my useful things that they can"

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Beraha shakes his head. "But my dear frankenpony I am not done yet this was just my first step. I merely returned to bring back the horror I have gathered thus far with the destruction of that little village."


He looks over to fear. "I appologize for not destroying them, but this was just a test this time to see thier strength. You were correct about the grey, she has some sort of stone giant construct at her bidding. Without proper planning it is impossible to defeat them."

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Fracture, who had been hiding in the crate that had been meant to conceal his oil well since he noticed the dragon coming toward the town, and was therefore relatively safe, notices the silence, and assumes that it would be safe to come out. Noting that the cover of the crate had somehow been frozen shut, he takes off an easily removable section of the metal pipe lining the oil well and uses it to break his way out of the crate. He looks over the top and yells, "Hello?"

I wrote this thing.

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Rave walks towards Buzz after having found a pony couple that were willing to take the filly in. He had an unsure look on him. "This pegasus seems to recognize me. I hope he doesn't. I am tired of running" he thought. He now stood beside the white pegasus, looking as a group of ponies were coming towards him. 

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Buzz sat on the top of one of the sand dunes, unaware of Raves presence. He was too fixated on what remained of the town, and the ice that covered it. He tried to look away but couldn't, this was a site straight out of a nightmare. He tried to think of why this happened, how a dragon could breath both fire and ice, how a pony and dragon could use the same body, all the while trying to push the original reason he came to this town out of his head.

Edited by Buzz


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Never seen a desolation wrought by a dragon? I have seen far worse, but that may be because I was in a bigger town when that happened. I can't say that was a normal attack though". He looked around himself. "Although, I must say, that the change from fire to ice is pretty new to me, usually dragons only have one sort of breath attack". 

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Fear thought for a bit about what Baraha said, then her smile grew wider she had a plan. "since you say they are impossible to beat without planning, then how about i have you and Broken Heart  here work on a plan while i go catch up with a dear friend of mine." before either of them could respond she vanished.


Scare walked toward the the other ponies but heard a familiar voice crying for help breaking away from the group she followed the voice into an empty alley, under the rubble of a collapsed building was a grey filly with grey fur and a messy white mane. lifting the rubble off the filly. as the filly crawled from out of the rubble Scare suddently relized who  the filly was but it was too late she couldn't move, "so it is you Scare. I was hoping you would follow me here now i can take back what is rightfully mine!" Fear let out a laugh, but it was short lived as she heard other ponies coming she looked at scare and smiled "your lucky i do not want to pick a fight right now." Fear said as she disapeared.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz looked around at the town when he noticed somthing. The ponies that were heading towards them were now running into an ally-way. "Whats going on down there?" Buzz started to fly towards them, then turned around to see if Rave would follow. "Come on, what if they need our help!"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave rolled his eyes, not really interested, but followed nonetheless. "I am sure the ponies are fine, they seem to be able to handle themselves" he told Buzz as he ran beside him. "He just has to get himself involved in everything he sees, doesn't he?" he thought to himself. 

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Seeing that no one had heard him, Fracture climbs over the sheet of ice covering the town and looks around. "How... wh... what?" he whispers, surprised by the range of destruction. He walks over the ice sheet, looking through in a few clear places to find ponies trapped under the ice. He keeps a completely straight expresion, only thinking, "No... this... this is the worst thing... I can't even--" His thoughts are cut off by a sudden idea that might be able to save some of them, and he stands there, wide-eyed, for several seconds. Knowing that it would not take much longer for the ponies under the ice to become unrevivable, time was limited, and he would need help and a unicorn. Looking around and spotting the ponies that he saw before, Fracture breaks into a gallop toward them, yelling unintelligable words.

I wrote this thing.

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Beraha nods to fear then turns to Broken Heart. "So frankenpony you're the strategic genius so what's your thoughts." He explains to her every thing that happened.


He thinks to himself. "I can't believe I'm being forced to work with her yet again, but it's what the mistress wants." He shakes his head. Then says out loud. "The biggest threat is that Damn grey and her construct."

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"that maybe so but i have a plan to disable the construct long enough to allow you to attack that bothersome grey pony and maybe gather a lot of energy to give to our mistress." Broken Heart said to Baraha Krahn with an emotionless face,"so here is the plan dragon breath me and my troops will attack the village and bring out the gaurds then you come down and freeze them. Next i beleive she will send her contruct friend to attack you while you keep it busy i will shoot the thing with this." Broken Heart holds up a small targeting device, "This will mark the creatures position and send a drill tank to dig a hole underneath it sending it crashing down into the shadows. Any questions?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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