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Have you had a 'getting your cutie mark' kind of experience in real life?

Soaring Symphony

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In the show, a cutie mark is a representation of a ponies calling in life and their marks only appear when they have an epiphany about who they are and what their meant to do. For example, AJ got her mark when she realized how much her family meant to her.


While cutie marks themselves don’t really exist, people do have talents and people can have life ambitions. I know that those kind of epiphany moments can really happen because I've had one myself. I'm convinced that my calling in life is music, specifically singing. While I've always known that to a certain extent, it wasn't until one fateful evening in early December of 2014 that it dawned on me. I was singing the background music (Joy to the World) for my little sister's Christmas pageant when the realization hit me like a ton of bricks that "Holy $#!%, this is who I am and this is what I'm meant to do with my life!!!!!!!!"


Have you ever had this sort of self realization epiphany moment yourself. If so, what would you say your "special talent" is and what's your story about how you figured it out???

Edited by Serenade
  • Brohoof 3
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YES! I actually have. When I first went to college I went in as Pre-Med, hoping for a successful future in medicine. One day my friends found some stranded ducklings and called me over to their dorm for help knowing how good I was with animals, we started talking about careers as I held a duckling in my hands until it curled up and closed it's eyes. Everyone else had chirping loud scared ducklings, but the ones I picked up just fell asleep or quieted down. My friend was talking about how excited she was to save human lives in the future (also Pre-Med) and all I could think about was the content duckling in my hands. That's when I realized I was in the wrong major. Sure I wanted to save lives, but it wasn't humans. I really wanted to help our voiceless members of the world. And since then I've been Pre-Vet. I even have successfully been accepted as a transfer to a way better pre-vet school to pursue my goals. I know this is what I was meant to do. Took me long enough.

  • Brohoof 1


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Nope.  Which is kind of unnerving, considering I left my job in August to return to school.  Let's say I know that I'm headed in the right direction, but don't know specifically what I'm meant to do with my life.  I'm hoping I don't stay a blank flank forever.

Thrackerzod is best pony.

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well... no since its not possible for us humans to get cutie marks...  (if we could ;-; )


well... i think I have this thing for music.. I don't have a music making software... but im always making music in my head.. so im not sure exactly XP

Edited by KrazyDashie



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I had that moment my first year in highschool, i loved movies and watching the behind the scenes for them. it wasn't until my second year in Video Production that it hit me like lighting. the entire self-realization experience really gave me chills and a jolt of excitement. since then I've been trying to be the best Film Pony i could be ^_^:) (Ranked top in my class for three years for TV/Audio Production) 

  • Brohoof 1


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Not really...I mean the old younger me would say yes due to my heavy involvement in Theater and the world of acting. That me would have said my first time being in a play onstage would have been that moment, but now I realize that's quite wrong.


Due to how things have turned around in my life, I can safely say a career in acting, no matter how wonderful and fitting it would be for me, just isn't possible :( So no really, I haven't had a cutiemark moment. I don't know what I'm meant to do in life anymore, I know I have several talents, but none of them seem to be something I'm actually meant to pursue professionally in life, and really that's what's important unfortunately -_-


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Yes I have actually. If I were to be a pony I would have some sort of code or a computer as my cutie mark. What happened was, I was in school and we were learning to write codes. Everyone was doing horribly. The teacher said to stop once you get to 5 lines of code. It took everyone at least 30 minutes to understand what to do, and by the time 15 minutes had passed I was almost done. I was so happy. It felt like I was supposed to do this. Then I decided I wanted to do this as my job. After school and ever since then, I had loved to code, and I had tried to make a couple games but didn't get very far. And that is the story of how I learned to make cupcakes. Maybe later I can tell you about how I got my cutie mark! :) 


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My first talent is science which I always had a feeling for since I was 9. My 2nd talent is making films about people with disabilities which can be seen here http://cripvideoproductions.com and here http://cripvideoproductions.tumblr.com I found my film making abilities by accident when my friends asked me to direct a video project, but I realized over time I could use these abilities to help others. I imagine my cutie mark would look like some kind of a science symbol with old style film from a projector rapped around it to represent both talents, that is if I became a pony LOL. 

Edited by StitchandMLPlover
  • Brohoof 1

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I remember when we were having a singing contest at my school. I entered the contest and soon all the people found out that I have a really good singing voice. That shows that my special talent is singing.

  • Brohoof 2

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Haha I did, and it was pretty recently too, about a month ago. I was watching The Wolf of Wall St. and had a huge urge to get into marketing and sales. Nothing else has ever felt like a good fit, but this feels right somehow.

  • Brohoof 1


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In the show, a cutie mark is a representation of a ponies calling in life and their marks only appear when they have an epiphany about who they are and what their meant to do. For example, AJ got her mark when she realized how much her family meant to her.

I'm fighting the temptation to give a sarcastic remark thanking you for informing us what a CM is, because no one on this forum knew.  But I guess I just did, didn't I?.  Lol, I'm sorry, I'm terrible.  You're fine, you're great, don't think anything of it.  I'm just teasing.  Some folks who are really new to the community might not know, after all.


But yes, absolutely, I've had a CM moment.  Big time.


All my life I've longed for a super special talent, something that would set me apart from everyone I know.  I've always been great at video games, but in this culture, that's like being good at....um....like, eating or something.  Like, who cares, right?  Everyone I know (almost) is good at games.  I wanted something that would be my special thing.  Like one friend of mine who's an amazing guitarist.  Something like that.


I finally found it, almost ten years ago now.  I felt a sense of awe and inspiration like never before when I watched Sasha Cohen skate at the Torino Olympics.  I decided to try it, for the very first time.  I discovered that I had an amazing talent for it.  I was recognized by coaches and began taking lessons.  I advanced very quickly.  I bought high end custom skates and spent every available second at the rink.  I loved it.  I had never found such a thing in my life before.  The exhiliration of it all, the ability to express myself artistically...it's hard to describe.  It was my thing.  My talent.  I knew it was who I was meant to be.


I got a job at the rink.  Just cleaning and passing out skates.  But I learned a lot while I was there, including how to sharpen skates.  I even got to drive the Zamboni once.  Just a practice dry cut, not an actual wet cut before a session.  (It makes me feel like a big shot to use the jargon.  Wet cut means a resurface when you actually put more water down, which requires more skill than a dry cut, which just means you shave off a little ice to smooth it out without depositing water.)  During my time at the rink, I met several famous skaters and competed in a few small competitions.  I even got to meet and personally thank Sasha for inspiring me.  I had starry eyed dreams of being a high level skater, and hopefully coaching one day.  Oh yes, I thought that skating would be my ticket to life.


Fast forward to the present.  I'm a depressed, isolated, unemployed hikikomori.  I've considered suicide at various times in the last four years or so.  I couldn't work at the rink for very long.  Conventional, daily grind jobs don't work for me, and that's all that the rink could ever be.  And as for the dreams of skating and coaching--I should have had the sense to realize that it's impossible at my age.  You don't start skating at age 20 and think you can make a career out of it.  It's not about positive thinking or determination.  It's just simply not possible.  It was a fun hobby.  Nothing more.  It wasn't a ticket to anything.  While it seemed full of opportunities, underneath that was a cold truth: it's actually a very loney sport.  Try as I might, I didn't make one friend during all that time.  It certainly brought me no closer to that first date that I'm still hoping for.  It brought me so much....and yet, nothing at the same time.  It was just a fun thing to do.  The only opportunity for money would have been to stay on as rink staff and become a shift supervisor or the like, a job which, no exaggeration, would have killed me eventually.  The more I skated, the more hollow and loney I felt until... until I just stopped.  I haven't set foot on the ice in two years.


I took up horseback riding about six years ago.  It was something I always wanted to do.  I became very excited about that as well.  Not to the same degree, but I thought it would give me back some of the joy I had lost.  It did...for awhile.  I grew jaded on that for many of the same reasons, and some others.  I reached out to people at the stables, hoping for connection, only to be ignored.  There wasn't any lasting joy to be found there, either.  It was just too hard to keep trying.


The lack of social connection, as well as constant inclement weather where I live, have taken their toll.  I retreated into myself, which brings us about to the present.  I'm now returning to the one thing I was always good at from when I was old enough to walk: video games.  I'm studying to be an indie game developer, a difficult industry to break into, but far more possible than anything else I've tried.  But it's tough to get motivated these days.  I'm posting here instead of being productive and learning game development.


I know they say that romance doesn't and cannot work unless you already feel completely fulfilled in your life.  Once you're happy and don't need it, then romance happens.  Or so they say.  Well, I'm sorry, but f*ck that.  I can't be fulfilled and happy without it.  I'm not that broken of a person--If I just found some measure of hope, then I'd feel the motivation return.  If that special somepony came into my life, then everything would start to look beautiful again, and I'd start skating and riding again, as well as putting energy into my game development.  But ever since I was a little kid, I always knew my life would turn out like this.  I knew that the one thing I want and need more than anything in the world would be the one thing I would never get.


Somehow this went from being a short, simple post into the epic Justin Case memoires.  Sorry.  :S


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I have indeed. When I was at school, I often attended the music classes during lunch breaks. There, we would learn how to play instruments and I was even a member of the school band. In 2010, I had some guitar lessons and while I wasn't too good at it to begin with, I kept at it.


On my 14th birthday, I got an electric guitar as a present. Once again, I wasn't too good, but I didn't stop trying and continued to do so. I began to teach myself a bunch of Linkin Park songs and the tunings they use in the songs. I had no clue how to read tablature, so everything I was playing was just by my ears. Around mid-2012, I learnt how to read tabs and I found out how to play certain songs correctly. It was at that point when I realised that this is what I want to do with my life. 


Other things I've done now include learning how to play chords (still learning), changing strings and learning some basic scales to play leads. These were all things I thought would be very time-consuming and hard, but I kept teaching myself until I could do them with ease. I'm not perfect at them yet, but this will come with time. It just goes to show that something you start learning could be ridiculously arduous, but could turn out to be a very worthwhile pastime. 

Edited by Blackened

"Have you ever felt the need to see more than you can see?"

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Hey guys I'll tell you how I fucked up my CM. Indeed, I have a birth mark on my elbow, it's an amorphic spot the size of a nail.


When I was a boy, I used to ride my bike around the squares near my house, many afternoons past school. One day, I found out that one kid of the neighborhood got a new motorcycle and began to ride too. You know, one of those that work with a small gasoline motor and create more noise than speed. Maybe the noise he made everyday was unbearable, maybe he seemed too proud for me... maybe I was only envious. But I began to ride my bike in front on him to show him I was better and all that. He also had the same attitude, you know how children are (only children?).


One day, I went with my younger brother to the most distant corner of the town following the annoying noise of the motorcycle, and there he was, going along a street without exit.


The perfect place for a race.


That begins to sound much like Rainbow Dash's story but mine was actually the opposite.


I had never talked to that kid. But my only presence was enough signal for him. My brother told me not to give importance to that stupid non-sense rivalry, and instead go slow ride with him. But I didn't listen, I just wanted to put that show-off on his place. So at one time we both coincided at the start of the street, I accelerated and one second later I heard the sound of the engine revving. He accepted my tacit challenge and began to chase me.


Suddenly, I was spinning my foot faster than I had ever done. Of course the other kid didn't had to put any effort, so I thought the victory was mine if he wasn't able to surpass me, even considering the 1 s advantage in my favor.


We passed next to my brother at great speed. Well come on, maybe it was not that fast, but it was for both of us. I heard the small engine going crazy and crying with a very high pitch. Maybe he had never driven so fast. And my bike didn't had gears, so I had to spin the pedals as a tornado to go fast. But trying to maintain control over the pedals at that cadence was hard. And dangerous...


At one moment, I heard the sound of my rival's engine went low. Had I left him behind? Had he resigned? Had the motorcycle have some problem? The speed was considerable at that time and I was putting so much force on the pedals that my small bike began to lose stability. But anyway, I was curious about how his face was like. I wanted to look aat his eyes and tell him with a sight: I'm winning, motherfucker! So I took the wrong decision at the wrong moment. I turned my face to watch behind and my foot missed the pedal and hit the pavement. Instantly, I lost control over the other foot, and both pedals spinned as the blades of a blender, hiting my legs and making a knot with them.


I wish I could have a tape of that, I guess it was funny. But not for me back then. When I realized, I was on the ground after a violent fall that made me kiss at least 20 ft of the asphalt. Even as stunned as I was, my whole body hurt and everything was blurry and spinning around me. I heard the laughter of the other kid, mixing in my mind with the revving of his engine (I suppose he fled, feeling as a victor). My brother helped me to stand up and return home. I couldn't stop damning that stupid asshole (opponent or not, he could at least care for my crash, right?).


I didn't broke anything important, but i had several superficial wounds and stained all my clothes with blood. I was still in anger, blaming my rival and planning a strong revenge to fool him in public. But then I looked at my birthmark. It was blooding. I became very sad because, well, a birthmark could be one's real pride. It was then when I realized...


If I had been a good sport and didn't have looked back, I would have won the race. So, I took this as a lesson for the life. Many times you will compete, and even sometimes it will be for your own honor, that's not bad. But even in that occasions, you must not look back to your rival when you're winning to make fun of him. Life could turn events 180°, and you may end on the ground and the other person at the peak.


My birthmark healed, but never recovered its original form perfectly. Now, it has a subtle scar of different colour. So up to this day, everytime I'm winning in something, I look to my mark and remeber that those who disrespect, lose.

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