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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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@ @Ochre_Dust


"Mostly the scenery," Markus states in-between swipes, "the chance to see and paint things that potentially nopony has ever seen before. There's also the need for a fresh start with my business, too many artists over in Equestria for anypony to notice a no-name like me" Markus then realized he'd been putting more force into his swings than he'd meant to, best to leave it there then. "You think you'll find your special somepony in the midst of the volunteers?"


My OC Markus: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/markus-prismawing-r8648

Hey! check out all my art stuff here: http://danishtoenails.deviantart.com/gallery/

Feel free to request art there, PM me, or find my request shop!

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@ @DanishToenails


"A mare can dream, can't she?" Peregrine replied to the question. "I guess I'm a later bloomer to the whole adult life. This is actually the first property I've owned since leaving my parent's place. Before that I just drifted from town to town. I was happy getting by on the absolute bare minimum, which I guess makes wanting two buildings here sound wasteful, but I'd hate to see it go to waste. Oh! Here's a marker!" Spying the little peg, she tied a vibrant pink ribbon on it, draping the fabric over a nearby shrub to make it more visible. "Which means the next one should be that way, yes?" she asked, pointing to her left.

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@ @Ochre_Dust


"Eh, don't beat yourself up about it." Markus said, chopping his way to the next marker. "I didn't get away from my parents' house until I found out about this voyage. Even now, short of painting as much as I can, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Heh, Forgive the pun." Markus stops to take a breather. "We'll get by somehow I'm sure."

Edited by DanishToenails


My OC Markus: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/markus-prismawing-r8648

Hey! check out all my art stuff here: http://danishtoenails.deviantart.com/gallery/

Feel free to request art there, PM me, or find my request shop!

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"I'm not," replied Peregrine. "It's just that this is going to be a big change from my usual routine. I mean, running a business? Yeah, I took economics in class, but to me, figuring out supply and demand and pricing and everything else looks like it's just a bunch of trial and error." Peregrine side-stepped a half-chopped branch. "And on relationships, it'd be nice to not face it alone."


Peregrine nodded to the third peg, and tied off her ribbon to it. "One more to go," she said.

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@ @Ochre_Dust


"Oh that stuff isn't too difficult, I have a lifetime of economic experience. As for the romantic stuff, not so much." Markus had to take a moment to chop away a small sapling. "Yeah I can't offer you any romantic advice, but If you need any price advisements I'm your gryphon!"

Edited by DanishToenails


My OC Markus: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/markus-prismawing-r8648

Hey! check out all my art stuff here: http://danishtoenails.deviantart.com/gallery/

Feel free to request art there, PM me, or find my request shop!

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@@DanishToenails, @@Jellal Fernandes


"Well... I don't know where to even start when considering prices. So any advice you can give, even if it's just questions I need to ask myself, by all means go right on ahead."


The last leg of their sojourn through the forest to the last peg brought them back to the road, just little distance from where Guy-Man has stayed behind. After tying off the last ribbon, Peregrine paced about facing her property, taking it in to get a sense of the scale. Sizing it up, she had to agree with Markus' assessment. It was well in the range of 900 square yards, and it was all overgrown thicket and large-trunked trees.


"Well, at least once all the trees are chopped down, I'll probably have enough lumber to get a decent start." Peregrine tilted her head, leaning on her hooves as she caught a touch of color amidst the trees, the property marker. She then turned to Guy-Man. "Want to work on this a bit, or do you want to go see your property?"

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During the time that Guy-Man spaced out, a griffin appeared and started hacking away at some thickets around Peregrine's property to help her find the markers to her property. Guy-Man was very confused by this, but shrugged it off. "I'm down with whatever, it's really what you want to work on," he said.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@ @Ochre_Dust, @Jellal Fernandes


"Well Peregrine, if you'll give me an idea on what specific services you'll provide and how much your supplies normally cost I can give you a good idea on pricing. In the mean time," Markus extends his talons to the stallion "Markus Prismawing, nice to meet you!"


My OC Markus: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/markus-prismawing-r8648

Hey! check out all my art stuff here: http://danishtoenails.deviantart.com/gallery/

Feel free to request art there, PM me, or find my request shop!

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"Well... it's mostly a matter of maintaining my tools with sharpening and some disinfectant, although shampoos would go a long way to providing that extra something. Basically there would be hoof trims, which is just making sure the hoof wall isn't overgrown, then there's actually be a polish, shine, and pastern trim to make the hooves really stand out. For manes, there's basic cuts, styling including coloring and curling or straightening. Those'd obviously need to be more expensive, but by how much I don't know..." Peregrine continued on several other salient details as her hoof drifted to her chin. "...And that's all I can think of at this immediate moment."


@@Jellal Fernandes


"I think we have enough time to do a little work here, maybe set up some kind of shelter? Then we can go to your property, Guy-Man." Peregrine fished out an axe and a saw. "Remind me to tell Blitz that if she ever needs me to pretty her up for a date, I'll give her the full treatment for getting me these."


Peregrine passed the axe to Markus. "I think you can use this better than I can."


With that, Peregrine gripped one end of the saw, and dragged it to Guy-Man. "If we each take an end, we should be able to saw through some of these trees."

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@ @Ochre_Dust, @Jellal Fernandes


Having received a lumber axe instead of a hoof shake, Markus went to start chopping with a shrug and a feigned sigh. As he got into the 'swing' of things, Markus's mind began to wander. "All of this effort for some guilt relief, why do I have to be so nice? With a property this large maybe she'll let me build a roost here. Sure, I'll probably need to pay some sort of rent... worth it though. I really need somewhere permanent to keep my things." With that thought, Markus brought down his first tree. "This may take awhile"


My OC Markus: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/markus-prismawing-r8648

Hey! check out all my art stuff here: http://danishtoenails.deviantart.com/gallery/

Feel free to request art there, PM me, or find my request shop!

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@ @Ochre_Dust, @Jellal Fernandes


        After a few hours of chopping, Markus had managed to gather a sizable pile of wood. Although this was coupled with a dull burning in muscles he didn't even know existed. Helping out a possible neighbor is one thing, but chopping down trees all morning was pretty far beyond his typical capabilities. "Never *Huff* again!"


        Markus decided that he was done for the day, and went down his previously-chopped path to look for his new 'friends'.


My OC Markus: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/markus-prismawing-r8648

Hey! check out all my art stuff here: http://danishtoenails.deviantart.com/gallery/

Feel free to request art there, PM me, or find my request shop!

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Peregrine and Guy-Man had only managed to get through about a dozen trees when he saw Markus walking towards them, and a huge amount of progress. "Nice work, Markus!" He then looked over to Peregrine. "How about we set up a small shed to start with?" he asked.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@DanishToenails,@@Jellal Fernandes


Panting, Peregrine nodded. "A shed sounds like a great idea... but first, I think... some food would be nice first... whew!" Setting her saw to the side, Peregrine fished out a sac filled with a trail mix of oats, almonds and berries, before she looked to Markus. "Sorry! I don't have anything that's really for a gryphic palette."

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@@Ochre_Dust, @Jellal Fernandes


      "Well, If you don't mind sharing then I think I can go one sitting without meat." Markus said walking to the two ponies and sitting  down. "I'll just appeal to my more avian side. So, we managed to get a lot done eh?" He then snatched a few nuts and berries from the trail mix and began munching. "Certainly more than I thought I'd get done today!"

Edited by DanishToenails


My OC Markus: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/markus-prismawing-r8648

Hey! check out all my art stuff here: http://danishtoenails.deviantart.com/gallery/

Feel free to request art there, PM me, or find my request shop!

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@@That pony, @,

Jade finally wakes up from collapsing earlier and gets up fast "what happened?, ow..." jade says feeling like he got up to fast "I sort of blacked out before...I don't really remember" he said trying to wake himself up and think at the same time "is that pony I crushed OK? I swear I didn't mean to do any of this" I wonder if I should tell them why and how I got here he thought

  • Brohoof 1
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(found something !!!!)

Sparkle looked around "umm... hopefully he`s okay i can't run the farm alone.... well i could just not well... " sparkle blushed at this admittance " i`m just one mare... and somepony has to muck out the sheep i hate doing that... but anyway you're gonna have to pay me for the roof... look if it makes you happy i`ll empty you're sewage tank for free... when i get a field... and crops.... and i find my cart.... and get a barrel..." Sparkle said realizing she wasn`t prepared

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"look I'm sorry about this...I never meant for this to happen, I'll do anything to help" Jade sighed "I didn't really have any plans anyway" he really felt sorry, weather it was the fact that he felt he did all this to that she was making him guilty, even to the petty reason that he thought she was cute "I have a habit to find shiny things 'randomly'...I bet you don't want those though"

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Travels was laying in the bed covered in cuts and bruises, one of his wings were bent in half, and he was kinda dirty. He was unconscious but he was still breathing ragedy, his hat was nowhere to be found and his scarf was torn up. He was still in his nightmare, it was looping over and over getting worse each time.

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"so you'll help!?" Sparkle`s eyes lit up "brilliant" she said "we need another farm hoof! (like farm hand) and you seem perfect " Sparkle said patting him on the back friendly" i know you'll be great! when my wing heals i`ll show you how to farm like a Pegasus. and with  Travel like that i think we really will need you..." 

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"yeah wonderful...except I barley know how to farm, I bet I could hoe and plant seeds fast and do some of the fixing on the roof but with everything else I don't know at all" Jade said trying not to disappoint her but still give her hope "I also need a place to stay and I am not sleeping on a cloud again...or at least not around other ponies"

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"you could stay here if you want... i mean it's your choice you don't have to... but it's better than nowhere just ask Travel well when he wakes up... speaking of which why isn't he in hospital by now" Sparkle said shocked (Sparkle has just used some logic to well logic...) "uhh you stay here i`ll get him a doctor..." and with that Sparkle jumped out of the window (for effect ) and ran

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"well...that was weird" Jade said seeing Sparkle jump out the window "I guess I'm staying here for a while, not much I can do" jade started thinking a bit then got an idea to see if he could find water to try and use on Travel. you know I never thought I would be working at a farm, its kind of weird, wonder if I'll be good at it Jade thought

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Meanwhile, the doctor that treated sparkle walked into her hospital room only to find that she was gone. "Oh fer crying out loud! I was just about to let her out but noooo! They never listen, always running away and stealing books... ugh... i need to take a nap." Just then he saw Sparkle in the hospital. "Oho ho! Look who's back!" He speaks in a Canadian accent btw.

Edited by That pony
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As his ship landed on the sandy beach of the new world, Gold Dust deeply breathed in, the smell of sea salt still heavy in the air. The sound of the waves crashing into the beach was like music to his ears after over a year of commotion aboard a busy ship.

Making contact with the beach as the fifty ponies brave enough to join him rushed out in order to stretch their legs reminded Gold Dust of his hometown and how this crazy adventure began.


Gold Dust was fed up with his local governors antics. After discovering that all the letters he sent were promptly discarded with little more than a light skim from the mayor's secretary, he had enough.

As fate would have it, Gold Dust had found a discarded pamphlet describing the wonders of a new uncharted island where people were just now settling. After further inspection, Gold had realised this pamphlet was printed over a year ago. Even if the ships were making return trips, the waiting list would be absolutely ludicrous. Still, Gold couldn't miss this opportunity: the chance to have his ideal government, were crime was minimal, and liberty was maximum.

Not wanting to see this chance slip by, Gold Dust arranged a personal meeting with one hundred of the ponies in town. Gold was a well respected resident among the town, doing odd jobs, giving out respectful advice whenever asked, and being very active in town events added up to someone the town's people could remember and appreciate. It was no surprise that everyone attended.

Ninety of the ponies agreed that the government was impossible to work with. Eighty ponies agreed that moving was the only way to make progress. Sixty agreed that moving to the new land was a sound plan. Only Fifty would volunteer to go through with it. Luckily, one of those ponies is a see navigator and he owned one of the fastest boats this side of the cost.

With a smaller amount of supplies to carry, a definitely faster boat, and without having to slow down in order to keep in formation with other boats, there was no doubt that we would have our slice of land before the place got overcrowded.

Gold Dust was not blind to the law, so while the other fifty ponies were preparing the ship to sail, Gold had a letter written to the address specified on the pamphlet that their group would be making their own settlement on the new land, focused on government rather than trade and exploration. Gold also stated that they would be setting sail the same day that he wrote the letter. Gold knew that his group would be long gone before they would get any kind of reply, and that's exactly what he was counting on. If anyone were to say that his actions were unlawful, he could claim that there is no law against it and blame the rest on a less than optimal mail delivery.


Snapping back to reality, a smile grew on Gold Dust face as he saw that some of the ponies were already making makeshift shelters. With over a year on a boat with little to do was plenty of incentive to designate jobs and plan what their first actions would be. Gold Dust was elected to be the mayor, but seeing as everyone knew what they were doing, he concluded that his time would be best spent exploring.

Taking some navigational supplies, Gold Dust explained his intentions to the others and took flight soon after.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@@Little Red


Glider had helped Blitz all morning running around and talking to ponies Glider didn't know who were involved in construction, and Glider was bone tired. Well, not quite bone tired, mostly mentally exhausted, she decided. She just wanted a break from hearing voices respectfully talking to Blitz and their owners eying her blankly, a gaze she truthfully returned. She stretched her wings, yawning (a little pointedly in a passive aggressive manner), and glanced at Blitz. "Hey, Blitz. Do you want to get something to eat? It's pretty late, and we've barely eaten anything all day." Glider commented on this last fact in a similar pointed manner, but still in her soft, affectionate tone she used when addressing her sister.

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