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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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"well were going to the museum because there will be plenty of plans, materials, and it would be a good place to plan are attack on the group that is wanting either equestria to them selves or want to destroy it" Banner answered Harcourt. Chain saw the giant building that he saw the black orb on "well sinosiod is up there so I think we should stop by"


(sinusoid your characters sound a bit the same to me, do you know how to use colored text to define it?)  

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"Yes... yes, the museum would be an excellent place to run such a campaign from!"  


... and rob blind while I'm there, he mused.


"An excellent idea, my dear."  Harcourt gave Banner his best winning smile; it was kind of obvious he was trying to flirt, but he had NO idea what he was in for, of course.


Harcourt looked Banner over; not leeringly, but definitely studying her.   "And with such fine company, how could I ever say no?  Besides,"  he turned back to Chain, "I am in your debt, after all - and I pay my debts.  Wouldn't do to be considered a liar, now would it?"


He squinted up at the building that was pointed out to him.  The black ball of energy had dissipated, but the damage to the structure was still evident.  He lifted an eyebrow.


"... and you want to go to this building because of your sinuses?  I don't get it, but who am I to argue?"  He strode forward, trying to show enthusiasm for the others there.


"Well, if this is what your sinuses want, then I suppose we'd best get on our way, eh?"

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Fear laughed at the fact that this new guy was trying to flirt with Scare's girlfriend, he is in for a big surprise if Scare notices she is kinda aggressive if somepony even looks funny at somepony she sees as a friend, just imagine how she will react when somepony tries to flirt with her girlfriend. Fear though in amusement.

Scare stared at Harcourt with a crazed smile."Excuse me can you please not flirt with my girlfriend."Scare then got really close and whispered,"do that again and i will rip your eyes out of your skull do you understand?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Harcourt lifted an eyebrow, then gave Scare a big, winning smile.


"My sincerest apologies.  had I known that such was such, I wouldn't have done so.  My apologies if I offended."  He gave a low bow.  "Sometimes I have to rein in the charisma; hard to help but be charming when the mares are about.  Very well, then -"  He offered a hoof to Scare.  "No harm, no foul?"


Jealous, eh?  Heh heh heh... am I THAT intimidating with my charm?  I suppose I'll cull it back a bit.  Besides, once we get to the museum, I'll just quietly make my way to the good stuff and vamoose.  Besides, they seem capable - not like I'd be abandoning them or anything, right?


Harcourt gave a hearty laugh.  Though he showed no visible reaction to Scare's threat, he kept it in mind.  Just in case.

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Scare shook Harcourt's hoof."glad to hear that. anyway Harcourt just so you know Fear will keep an eye on you while we are at the museum to make sure you don't try to steal anything okay with you master thief." Scare said to Harcourt with a smile.

Fear turned toward Harcourt and waved with an evil look in her eye.


Chaotic appeared behind Dax and Sinusoid,"HEY THERE!" she yelled at the two ponies.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Harcourt put a hoof to his chest.  "Such accusations!  You wound me, my dear!"  He tried to look hurt, but it was obvious he was enjoying the back and forth; it had been a while since he'd found somepony who could keep up - this could be fun, he thought.


And of course, by all means stop me... if you can...


To the group, however, he just gave a broad smile and trotted on.




"YIIII!" Dax jumped, then caught his breath as he saw Chaotic.  His face went from surprised, to annoyed, to a small sheepish smile.


"Okay, you got me.  Good one."  He was actually quite happy to see her, as she was also his friend.  Technically, his first.


"This is Sinusoid; he helped out when Rave..."  Dax stopped.  The look on his face became a cross of concern and seriousness.


"Look, Chaotic?  I'd... well, I saw what happened between you and Rave earlier, and I don't want that happening again... please.  You're both my friends, and I don't wanna be in the middle.  Can you just promise me not to get into things with him again?  While I'm here, anyway?  I like you both - I don't wanna be stuck in the middle... okay?


Dax was well aware of how powerful BOTH of these ponies were... and he hoped that treating the situation (and his friends) with respect would possibly help towards making things more comfortable, if not better.


"Please?  No more fighting, okay?"


He pulled a green apple from his satchel, and offered it to Chaotic.


"Truce?  For me?"  he asked.

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Chaotic took the offered apple,"I only did it to get him away from those ponies he was getting hostile with them and i decided to get him hostile toward me so he would leave, and i could help them without him complaining." Chaotic said then took a bite out of the apple."as for the truce will do." 


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave started to wake up. He was in a lot of physical pain and his mind was really sloppy, however, when he saw Chaotic's face, his face went red with rage. He jumped off of the pony carrying him and raced towards Chaotic, wrapping his hooves around her neck to start to squeeze. His magic was already burnt out, so physical contact would have to do. 

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Banner was a bit pissed at Harcourt from what he said "master thief, the pony Chain got out of jail is a master thief" she had her hoof on her face "I swear that a 'smooth' talker like you only wants to start mischief and cant be trusted, unless you want to prove me wrong that is" she said then kept moving. Chain thought that this guy was trouble "I agree with Banner, I swear if you steal my metals, the thing Scare said would be a blessing"  

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"Why, I wouldn't steal from YOU... or any of you."  He gave a wry chuckle.  "Pickpocketing is SO last season."


Besides, there's FAR more valuable things where we're headed...


He bristled a bit from the comment about being in jail... but recovered quickly.


"Anypony can have an off day, that's all."  He grinned, but it was obvious he'd been singed by the comment.




"Rave!  Wait!"  Dax tried to find a place to step between them, but he didn't want to clash with these two powerful forces.


"This isn't... it's not... we can't... PLEASE!"


He was stuck at an impasse, unsure of what to do.  He tried to reason things.


"Rave, your wounds!  You'll reopen them!  Plus, we NEED her!  This thing... we ALL need to do this!  SHE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!"


Dax hoped it would be enough.

Edited by Randimaxis

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Sinusoid continues to stare at Rave, not wanting to look at Dax during the awkward silence. As Chaotic suddenly appears behind him, he jumps back unusually far, almost falling, then is startled by Dax's sound, and he turns to hit him in the face, stopping his hoof only centimeters away. He says with momentarily accellerated breathing, "Sorry... you scared me..." and stays silent for the remainder of the conversation. He backs away slowly as Rave unexpectedly attacks Chaotic, very glad that Rave was not on his back when he woke up. Without adequate magical and certainly not physical power, he knows from experience that he would just get hurt. He manages to say is a panicked and timid voice, "Don't do that; she made a truce."

Fracture walks away from the ruins of the guard post, carrying a few weapons, armor pieces, and other metal parts. Seeing that the group is leaving, he attempts to gallop with all that he carries, and nears early enough to see Scare defending her marefriend. "They're gay too... that'll make things easier," he says to himself. He then says loudly enough for the whole group to hear, after looking around for a moment, "Where is Sinusoid? I must have missed something."

Edited by Sinusoid

I wrote this thing.

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Chaotic looks at Rave with a smile and disappears, then reappears behind him pinning Rave down."well it is good to see you awake Rave but i do suggest not to try and kill me." Chaotic said to Rave." I only did it so, you would leave so i can help them. also you need to think before you attack otherwise you will get injured or worse okay. Now if i let you go will you calm down."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Chaotic, please just... stop.  Please."


Dax carefully nudged Chaotic away from Rave, then bent to look over his friend's wounds.


"Rave... are you... are you okay?"


The look of concern was genuine, and Dax offered a hoof to help Rave up.


"Let's just... don't we have better things to do right now?"

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Rave was going to snap her head off. His mind was starting to grasp some sense and started to plan his moves now. "Yes, I am calming down". He relaxed his body, not putting any strain on his muscle and to show that he was not resisting. "But after this talk is over, I am gone. You have already made it clear that I am not needed. That you needed me to leave so that you could 'help'". When Dax came, Rave only got angrier when he suggested other things. "No, I am gone". He looked to Chaotic. "You will have to look behind your back for the rest of your life now, at least if you are near a shadow. Shadows are quite tricky you know, never know if they will come to life and kill you". 

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Dax looked defeated... then, he got a steely look in his eye, and turned to Chaotic.


"Then... then I'm with Rave."


He tried to be brave.


"I risked my life for him - and I've been with him this long.  I'm not fond of the idea of splitting up... but I know what I've promised, and that's that."


He turned to Rave.


"I'm with YOU; lead the way."


Dax felt bad... but he knew Rave would still need a friend; and that's what he'd promised to be.


He nodded to Sinusoid.  "Stay safe."


He turned to Rave.  "I didn't lie.  I'm with you.  My friend."

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Rave gave Dax a deadly look. "Stop that, will you? You have made friends here, don't make the mistake of throwing that all away. You can still be of use for the coming conflict. You can still make a stand. They still need you. The little gnats and your friends. So don't throw that all away just to follow me, where I will go, will lead us through danger and death. I will also be unlikely to pick up on things you say and I am a big unreliability. I will probably just lash out against you and make your life miserable. So do yourself a favor and stay with them". 

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Dax stomped his hoof once.


"So they'll find somepony else to handle the insignificant part I may or may not have had.  They DON'T need me; never did.  They'll get all the help they need from each other - I was always an outsider... just like you."


Though it was obvious that Dax was no match for Rave, he stood eye to eye with him, all the same.


"Danger?  Death?  If I have to, I'll laugh at them both.  And don't worry about me; I'll do what I can to make myself less of a burden for you.  And you can lash out at me all you want to..."


His eyes narrowed, but there was a spark there.


"My life's been miserable for years - at least it'd be a change of pace.  I've decided, and I don't want to do anymore favors for myself; I haven't earned them.  I'm staying with you... because, like I said, I'm... your... friend, Rave.  Whether you want to believe it or not."


His face lightened, and he sighed.


"Now, where are we headed?"

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Realizing that Dax and Rave would be leaving, Sinusoid sighs sadly, but he stops at Rave's response that signified that he might not really be losing a friend, then feels bad again as Dax defies it. He wants to ask to go with them, but feels that him not knowing either of them as much as they know eachother, he would be left out, as he had always been until he had met Fracture. He simply says, without anything else to say, "You should agree..."

I wrote this thing.

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Rave only sighed and shook his head slowly. "You are blinded, thinking that things will get better. You owe me nothing. There is no 'we'. There never has been and there never will be. I work best alone. I don't want to have to look after you as well. I might meet you some other day, you have shown me that maybe not all is lost. However, you still have a job to do here. So farewell". Rave closed the distance and actually hugged Dax. He then let him go and looked at Sinusoid. "Nice to see you again" then at Chaotic. "See you and the other freaks in hell" he said, referring to Scare and Fear. With that, he shadowmorphed and flew away from the rest. 

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Dax stood there.


No emotion.


No facial expression.


No... nothing.


He stood there, quiet.  The hug had caught him off-guard, that was obvious... but now?




Then, after a moment...


"... okay."


He turned to Chaotic and Sinusoid.


"Fine.  What do we need to do, Chaotic?  Where do we go, and who do we... who do we have to kill to get things back in order?"


His face, his speech pattern... all blank.


"Just tell me what to do.  You brought me into this mess, over an entire year ago.  Please..."


Still emotionless, his eyes grew moist; not a drop fell to the ground.


"... just tell me what I'm here for."

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chaotic looked at Dax with an insane smile."you were brought here because you wanted to be, and that is all. as for what we do we will assist with the defending of Equestria." she then looks at Rave." Goodbye to you and please refrain from getting yourself killed, it would be a shame if you die before we meet again."


As they approached the museum, Fear looked at Scare with a sad look in her eye. Shaking her head Fear turned her gaze skyward thinking of the filly she promised years ago, and she will keep it.

Scare saw the museum dead ahead. this is where we start to plan a counterattack, Scare thought to herself.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"were here and not dead, that should be good so far" Banner says to the group behind her as she walks up the steps to the door Chain followed close behind. Chain was looking everywhere, ideas of many things they could use and a weird thought of making a state of the art apple peeler were going throw his mind as he grabbed anything he saw that would help in his non apple peeler plans.

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Sinusoid looks at Dax, waiting for a response from Chaotic, feeling terrible about his own thoughts. He knows Dax's efforts to find Rave and stuggle with feeling useless, the same thing that both he and Fracture had also felt. The intense empathy of seeing another whom he could not help in this much emotional pain is too much to handle; he releases a very small and quiet scream and turns to punch the nearest tree, while apologizing to it.

I wrote this thing.

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Dax watched as Sinusoid struck the tree.  It began to occur to him that his mood was becoming infectious, and he didn't want his newest friend to feel the way he felt - so he began to consider the situation.


This... this is no good... I can't fall apart.  I have to pony up on this... I have to.


He shook his head and tried to refocus.  it was difficult - but not impossible.


"I'm... sorry.  I'm really sorry.  I have a lot to think about later; that's later, though."  He looked to Chaotic.  "And you're right.  Equestria needs defending, and as long as there are ponies to do it, then they should."


Turning to Sinusoid, he said, "And I'm sorry to you too.  I'm still getting the hang of being around other ponies... and I don't wanna bring you down."


Who knows?  Maybe I will see Rave again... but sitting here weeping like a foal does nopony any good.


Dax wiped his eyes, then turned to face both of his friends.  The idea that he actually had friends began to ease some of the pain he felt... and though he still believed himself helpless, he would be beaver-dammed if he was going to whimper a moment longer.


"Okay.  Now, maybe we can pool what you two know into something that can be useful here.  Sinusoid, Chaotic - do you have any idea what's been going on?  If so, let's put it together logically and see what we can do.  For Equestria."

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Fear kept an eye on Harcourt.

Scare followed Banner into the Museum and looked around for something useful, hm the villains consist of two earth ponies, a unicorn, two pegasi, and an Alicorn. and they clearly have massive magical energy outputs may be if we had something that nullifies magic we could theoretically weaken them, but i don't believe it will work but a large amount of their forces would be helpless leaving only them to fight, Scare thought to herself, turning to Chain,"Hey do you think you could possibly create a magic nullifier ray or device?" Scare asked him.


"I know that these six villains are leading a massive force of demons and at least three hundred dragons. they are led by an Alicorn who wants to take over Equestria, and i believe they planned every possible out come of this attack." Chaotic said to Dax.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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