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open Shadows of Manehatten


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@@Frosty V@@Buzz,


"Alright then, Frost, talk to the witnesses, Relic, come with me." Midnight said, lifting up the police line as he walked back to the body. The evidence team was just done as they were just packing up all there gear. "Alright, Relic, what do ye see here?" Midnight said pointing at the mares body on the ground. "Do you see any indication how she was killed? if she was killed." 

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Frost glanced back at buzz, returning the glare before moving his gaze back to Midnight. "Yes sir" he replied, he turned and trotted away to find the witnesses, if there were any. He stopped shortly after to look around "Where exactly would I find these witnesses?" he thought to himself trying to avoid having to ask somepiny for assistance on such a small matter.

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Buzz looked over the body. "Well, i'm no detective, but it looks like she was stabbed." Buzz said, pointing to the wound in the back of her neck. "My guess is the culprit severed her spine and left her here to bleed out, knowing that she could not move or speak." Buzz then looked back to the detective. "And, if i may ask sir, what do you mean by "if she was killed?"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"I meant this could also been suicide. That is not the case though, your assumptions are correct except she did not bleed out here. There is no blood laying on the ground. Meaning she was killed somewhere else. Also no drag marks so that means she was killed somewhere else a few days or even a week ago. The knife that stabbed or at least the mark that it left is the same as the marks from the other killers. Meaning our serial killer has definitely returned." Midnight said as he got back on his hoofs again. He gave a sign to the morgue guys that they could bag the body.

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"Great, i get out of this town to get away from the crooks and psychopaths. First thing i do when i return is try to catch a serial killer!" Buzz then got up and stood next to Justice. "So, do you think these are all messages or just some lunatic pony finally losing it?"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Both. These are definitly messages, each body tell a story. She wasn't just dumb here, she was layed down into this position with preccision. The pony who did this must be a psychopath but a very smart one. We can never find any evidence linking somepony to the crime."

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"Really, nothing" Buzz said, surprised. "This pony may be a psychopath, but he must have the IQ of princess Twilight to pull off so many murders without leaving any evidence." Buzz moved aside for the team to bag the body. "Should we go see if, erm..... thingy needs any help with the witness?"

  • Brohoof 1


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Nah just leave him, we will go back to the office. Just give him the keys so he can ride back as well when he is ready. I'll be waiting by the car." Midnight said, backing away as well. "Good job today Relic, keep it up!" Midnight said as he walked off to his car with a smile.

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rebilac stood back, and admired his work from a distance. he had been following this drug dealer that had gone rouge, and pulled a fast one on a crime boss.


as a result, he had a bounty put on his head.


he barely had time to register the fact that he had been followed before his throat was expertly sliced, almost taking off his head altogether.


rebilac merely sliced an ear off, to prove he had done the deed.


he had cleaned off his sword, and left before someone could call the cops.


he was heading to the local 'underground' to cash in his bounty. it was gonna be a good night, here in manehatten. this was actually the third small bounty he had done. 


(too gory? i feel like it was too gory...)


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Carmine had already had the money he stole from the bank. From there, he gave it to a contact from his organization for funding. After that, he made his way back into town. He knew that he should find a way to put himself on the criminal map...so he made a distraction force.


There was a bomb placed in a sewer underneath a manhole cover. Carmine detonated it, and the manhole launched into the air along with water, "Perfect distraction....."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Pucksterv @Frosty V


Buzz nodded his head at Justices request. He then went in search of the rookie, but could not find him anywhere. When Buzz reached the edge of the crime scene, he found one of the guards tasked with keeping civilians out of the area. "Hey, when you see the pony questioning the witness, can you give him these." Buzz then handed the guard the keys. The guard nodded. "Good, and tell him we have gone back to the office." Buzz then returned to the car where Justice was waiting. "Ready boss."


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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@@Buzz, @,  


"Alright, get in then." Midnight said as he got in the car himself. He waited for Buzz to get in the car before driving off to the office. First there was a bit of silent between them but Midnight soon started to talk. "I must Relic, the way you arrived this morning, I did not expect you to be such a good officer. I guess I misju-" A loud bang came from the road as water spurted out of a manhole. Midnight stopped the car just in time. He quickly got out of the car. "What in Equestria?" 

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Frost managed to find a few witnesses, most of which saw or heard very little, but the stories were relatively the same: there was a scream from the pony who found the body, a couple witnesses relatively close by came to check they found the body. But sadly nopony saw or heard anything that could give a lead to the killer. He thanked them for their time and walked back to find the rest of his team, being informed by one of the guards that they had returned to the office and had left him keys to the car Buzz had used. He took the keys and trotted to the car, starting it up before making his way back to the office. "Not a very good first impression Frost." He muttered to himself as he drove down the street.

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Firestorm glared at the explosion down the street, only a few buildings away from the previous crime scene. She sat down slowly, with shivers down her spine. “Holy cow! W-what the hay was that‽” Everypony around her began screaming and running for their lives. “If a serial killer wasn't enough, now terrorism?” She stood back up and noticed a police car only a few meters away from the impact and a police officer standing outside by it. “Lucky son of a... .” She trailed off her sentence and thought about how bad things have gotten in Manehatten. She lived in this very district, which has always been the safest and most friendly of places in Manehatten. She thought the least she could do is see if anypony was in trouble, so she ran towards the police officers to check if they were okay.

  • Brohoof 1


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Ponies around started to scream because of the explosion, not realizing that the explosion was underground and the only damage that was done was a the water coming out the manhole. "Everypony calm down, everything is okay, it's just a bit of water." Midnight yelled, trying to calm everyone. He noticed a pony coming towards him. "You alright there miss?"

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Firestorm stopped and replied, “Yeah, I'm fine officer.” She looked into the car's window and noticed another police pony sitting inside. “Are you two okay? From where I was, I thought somepony had got terribly injured; that explosion was really loud.” Firestorm was relieved to know that nothink bad had happened to them or anypony else.

  • Brohoof 1


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As the police were distracted by the explosion in the middle of the street, Carmine was able to perform his next move. He had to make his insertion towards Wall Street. Once there, he could begin his most evil robbery of all time: The takedown of the Federal Reserve Bank of Manehattan (this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve_Bank_of_New_York).


Carmine made his way to Wall Street via alleys and whatnot. It would only be a matter of time, until he could get down below....


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"We're okay, that is my one my team members officer Relic and 'm detective Midnight. We are from the murder and other serious crimes division from the M.P.D." Midnight said looking at the mare with a smile. "Did you see anything? Anypony suspicious? Somepony with a bomb perhaps?"

Edited by Pucksterv
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Firestorm replied “Nice to meet you both, I'm Firestorm. I can't say I saw anyone with a bomb... I did however see somepony acting a little suspicious, down the street over there.” Firestorm turned and pointed toward the previous crime scene, just down the street. “I couldn't get a clear look at their appearance, but I think it was a stallion. He was snooping around, then quickly left in a black SUV. It looked custom made.” Firestorm then realised how ludicrous her suspicions were, and explained, “I don't know though, it probably was just nothing. I just thought it was a little weird — that's all.”

  • Brohoof 1


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"Hmm, I see. I will definitely look into it. Firestorm...that name reminds me of something..is it possible that I've seen you jumping around the roofs a few times? It's a nice view of the city up there, you can witness a lot." Midnight said with a smirk on his face. "Firestorm, ye seem like a smart mare. Lets say you gather some information for me in exchange for some bits? Deal?"

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“Really?” Her ears rose as she found this offer pleasing. “That's a great offer, Detective. I have always wanted to work for the police... Sure, I'll help you; It's a deal.” She offered her hoof to shake on it. “By the way, I'm always jumping around roofs, so you probably have seen me.”

  • Brohoof 1


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Midnight took her hoof, shaking on it. "Alright, I best be off and report this incident at the office, let the bomb squad handle this. However before I go, I don't know if ye heard but there is a serial killer around Manehatten. He's been quiet for a few month but it appears like he has returned. Gather as much info as ye can, ask around, see what ye can find." Midnight said with a smile as he got back in his car. "If ye find anything, just get to the bureau and mention my name.'' He said before starting his car, ready to ride again. 

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@Pucksterv, @Buzz


“Yeah, I heard about a serial killer.” Firestorm explained “I hope they get caught soon; they have already killed too many innocent ponies. I'll let you know if I find out anything. Cya later, Midnight and Relic.” She waved at them then wandered off.

  • Brohoof 1


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Buzz watched the pony wander off back into the inner city. Buzz then started walking back towards the car, but turned around to Justice before he got in. "Isn't what you just did, you know, kinda against the rules? Because last time i checked, we weren't aloud to bring civilians into police matters, never mind paying them to do so."


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"She's just an informant, there is nothing wrong about that. There are worse ways to collect information.  Besides, it's not that much money." Midnight said with a smirk. ''As long as she doesn't get herself into much trouble, all should be fine then.'' He said as he started to drive.

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