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searching [OOC] Canterlot High (Reboot!)

Little Red

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I'd love to join this RP, but there's one thing stopping me. I was going to join the old one without mentioning this, but after thinking about it, I changed my mind.


My OC is in my signiture, but her backstory is a little outdated. I'm going to save you the time of checking it by just telling you what you need to know for the RP here. She has a son who's age varies between being a newborn to 7 at most. If I want to go off my backstory without completely changing it, her son (Who's name is Zeus) would most likely be a toddler. Any later, she'd be too busy traveling due to the fact that her son eventually takes on a sport that they'd travel a lot.


Anna, at one point, was a to-be professor. Her wealthy family put her in a special program when she was 14, a boarding school she studied at until 18, and then transferred to Canterlot College. There she took on a biology major and studied many sciences beside it. A head professor noticed her, took her under his wing, and was planning to make her a professor herself (a high honor, one of the highest at her age). All was good and well with this plan, until she became pregnant. After problems and a disappearance from the father, Anna never suceeded. She went to Ponyville after giving up on her dream, and took on a simple life. Her family gave her plenty, so she had quite a load of wealth herself. Despite this she lived a very modest and humble life, in a decent sized house, raising her baby.


So... For this I was thinking that maybe she gets a letter in the mail from the high school, offering her a position? She still had the title as a professor, but she never finished her training. This was a chance for her to actually teach science/biology... But what about her baby? Zeus doesn't have any relatives in Canterlot or Ponyville, and hates to be away from his mom... Anna would have to take the train from Ponyville, and though a short trip, she'd be gone most of the day.


So is anyone opposed to the idea of her bringing Zeus to school with her everyday? He's a toddler, who's very low maintence. I liked the idea of him being in the classroom/lab, in a playpen maybe, and the students could study him. It'd make more sense if the class was Pony Anatomy if that was the case, but we could work it out. Anna is a professor still, so I'm sure she'd be extremely desirable to the school. Anna is also the queen at multi-tasking, and a amazing mother. If the baby made a noise, she'd probably be able to pick him up, stick a pacifier in his mouth, and calm him down, all while continuing to lecture without interruption. It's a interesting idea that I think I can get to work. Zeus is a very mellow baby, so I think he wouldn't be too much trouble.


If it's too far-fetched, please tell me. I think I can get it to work in a realistic way, but this IS Equestria. To me I have a feeling that ponies are much more laid back about parenting and such, due to the fact that they all live in such a colorful and happy world (like when the Cake's left their 1 month old foals with Pinkie for hours... Obviously if you can trust babies with Pinkie in this world, you can trust one Ina high school environment with his mother).


If you guys are okay, I'll probably join, and make apps when possible.

Other GM's, or people, your opinions please?


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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You're gonna havta be patient... being impatient isn't helping anyone... it's been, what, a few hours?

Anyway, I said I'd post the OOC yesterday but didn't get to it, so this was a bad day to post it. The GMs have been pretty much offline all day except for me and one other guy, who's off right now.

Sorry for inconvenience.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Little Red


If you don't' mind, I'd actually like to run three characters. 



Name: Silhouette Dusk

Appearance: Stormcloud grey coat. Silvery Mane & tail w/ red highlights. Mane is shoulder length, with long bangs. Red eyes. Wears hoodies. 


Personality: Antisocial. Prefers her own company. Acts more mature than her age. Believes attending high school with those her age is a step down. Finds most social interaction to be "unsatisfactory" and "inadequate." Also describes other ponies as "distractions to her creativity" Prefers to solve puzzles and play strategy games, when she's not sculpting or crafting intricate art.


Background: A top honors student in elementary school. Graduated years ahead of her class. Smart enough to attend the famed Princesston university with full grown ponies, and graduate with a bachelor of arts degree in sculpture.  Unfortunately due to Equestrian law dictating that a registered collegiate degree holder is required to also have a diploma before being considered for employment, compounded with her parents believing that she needs "more socialization with kids her age" and the fact that she isn't old enough to drop out, has led her to being forced into High School. 


Age: 14

Position: Student





Name: Miko 

Appearance: cinnamon red coat.  White on chest, stomach, tail tip and muzzle. Red eyes. Reddish brown mane.  Black on forepaws. 


Personality: Tends to talk w/ a rolling rasp and a little bit of a drawl to her voice. She tends to bump into ponies and things quite a bit. She'll tumble down stairs, bump into stalls, nudge into ponies, fall down a hill, go through a wall, etc. And then walk it off as if nothing happened. If she's in a hurry, she tends to parkour or rollerblade her way through town or the hallways JSR style. When she's off the clock, you can find her talking to herself, singing & dancing to herself, or just making random noise as she walks. Sometimes she'll stop sit down in one place and just look out into the distance, or just fall asleep.  She uses the term "Bruh" a lot. She'll sometimes speak in haikus to confuse ponies on purpose. She'll speak in a high pitched neighponese accent in a mock parody of her own cultural stereotypes, but typical talks in some odd cross of Cajun & SoCal surfer lingo. She works to have a youthful rapport with her students, and her methods of teaching and relating to her students are, unorthodox, to say the least. Like the drunken martial arts master, she uses humor, awkwardness and surprise to keep her students invested, and make them feel like they have a say in this brief microcosm of the universe. 


Background: A graduate of the University of Neighpon Whinnyoto, with a doctorate in philosophy. Works at the local Canterlot shrine of Shinto & Taoism. Has also written, drawn and published her own manga series and is even on the way to having it enchanted. On the side, she also fronts a heavy metal band, and partakes in cagefighting every other month. It helps her stay "the coolest sensei in school."


Age: Appears to be early to mid twenties, though likely much older.

Position: Philosophy


*Would it be alright if she were an anthro character?* 






Name: Taivas

Appearance: post-18785-0-40260900-1438055734_thumb.png


Personality: Boisterous, dramatic, almost theatrical in the way she speaks. Some say she takes inspiration from Princess Luna. She finds it's a good way to keep attention. Enjoys conversation. Makes humorous jokes about herself, her race and her native region. Doesn't teach her lessons as much as act them out, as if her classroom were a stage. Tends to wear old style military uniforms. 


Background: Raised in Scandaneighvia, Nordic and Europony culture runs in her blood. She graduated the University of Gothenbuck, Sweeten with a Bachelor's degree in Military history. On the side, she works as a military reenactor, and plays in the same metal band as Miko. 


Age: Mid twenties 

Position: History


Edited by Denim&Venom

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What? XD No, I seriously don't get what you're trying to say.

But anyway, you're accepted, and we're changing "Chemistry" to "Anatomy." :)



Oh my gaud are you okay? D:


To everyone else still waiting: the GMs that have been on didn't see most of the applications, only Star-Lord's, so nobody else has been accepted yet. Sorry! D:


To EVERYONE else: the RP link still isn't up because I don't want to post it because then people will start thinking I am the DM. But nobody's said anything about it yet. We'll try to have it up tomorrow. Sorry for the long wait, and we're really looking forward to getting this started. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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All 3 characters are accepted. :) Unfortunately, no anthros. Sorry. :(


Rune is accepted~ :lol:


Your character's accepted, but we haven't quite decided about music as a class. Sorry, will let you know soon!


Your character is taking a bit of time to decide... sorry! Out of curiosity, does Ivy Wind still make a factory even though she hasn't met Madness? I am assuming she doesn't.

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What? XD No, I seriously don't get what you're trying to say.

But anyway, you're accepted, and we're changing "Chemistry" to "Anatomy." :)



Oh my gaud are you okay? D:


To everyone else still waiting: the GMs that have been on didn't see most of the applications, only Star-Lord's, so nobody else has been accepted yet. Sorry! D:


To EVERYONE else: the RP link still isn't up because I don't want to post it because then people will start thinking I am the DM. But nobody's said anything about it yet. We'll try to have it up tomorrow. Sorry for the long wait, and we're really looking forward to getting this started. :)

Does this mean that the previous statement of my character's acceptance needs to be run by a few more of the sub-GMs?

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Oh, no! XD I mean, everyone that hadn't been accepted. Sory for being unclear. But now, only person still waiting is Reader.


So, Music will be a class, replacing "Other Cultures." :D


Because your character is a bat pony and we wanted to have music as a class, we decided to cocmbine "History" and "Other Cultures." I think you'll have even more fun with the class now. ;)

  • Brohoof 1
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Supposed to be Monday. :P

Social Studies... why didn't I think of that..? *Facedesk* 

It's fine, as I understand it, it's mostly a Canadian thing to wrap history and cultural studies under one roof in elementary and high school.

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