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If a pony had a crush on you


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Personally? I'd have an Epic Fluttershy moment and dive for the closest thing I can hide behind, hope I can't be found and make extremely nervous whimpers. (Why not? I do that in real life too... I'm sort of bad around people...)

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Then again, it's not rape if it's consensual.


100 no's and 1 yes is still a yes. Giggity.


If this pony was any of the mane 6, I would have the classic nose-bleed, followed by a good 'ol faint.

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Depends what my current relationship with her is...


If we're friends, i'd probably give her a chance and take her out somewhere nice, see what happens from there...


If i secretly loved her to, then, yeah... instant relationship


If i didn't really know her well, i'd probably just stand there awkwardly, huge blushes on my cheeks, thinking of what to do next...

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Oh boy.

You caught me in what's probably the only area where I feel nervous.


Well, if she did that, and I was secretly in love with her, I'd probably sit idly and blush until she gets creeped out and I finally manage to tell her I like her too.


If I didn't, it'be actually easier in a way, because I could still think clearly. I'd probably try to break it to her in the most gentle way possible that I don't like her back.


If it's somebody I NEVER SEEN BEFORE, now then I would be creeped out.


If it was vice versa, with me liking somebody, I'd probably do what happened with my current girlfriend, where I use my (pfff) fantastic acting skills to pretend like it's nothing when she's near, and then watch her from afar, only to tell her I like her one year later through a social network.


If she didn't like me back, well, that'be mighty embarassing, and I'd probably continue the above mentioned routine.

Otherwise, yay! Timid relationship!

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It would depend if I had known them for a while. If I'd only known them for a couple days I would be really creeped out by them. Otherwise i would probably return the same thing (I've never really been a romantic kind a guy)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So first of all, RainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowDashDashDashDash.




I'd probably be shy and nervous, and try and just casually talk with them about it, and slowly go from there as far as our friendly relationship goes, and see if it goes farther, and if so, how far.

  • Brohoof 1
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Id probably turn a full on red and then faint. Then when I came to I would *ATTEMPT* to talk to them about it, cause im horrible at conversation especially with those I like.

Should it be someone I dont know then I shouldnt have too much of a problem talking and maybe attempting to get to know them better.

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it depends on the pony, if it were RD, Pinkie, or Derpy I would like that I'm not sure about any other ponies


Derpy would be the cutest thing EVER. My heart would stop man let me tell ya.

  • Brohoof 1
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I find the lack of pony-riding responses disturbing... ;)


ummmm there would be a lot of *riding* going on should my pony be Derpy, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight.........waitwut?

  • Brohoof 1
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A pony has put crush on me?


I must put crush on zem!





Come at me -- hooves shall fly!

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Aren't horses like 7,8 to 9 feet tall?

Ponies are closer to 5 ft. But it's your lucky day: the ponies of MLP are around 3'5".


In the immortal words of Less Grossman: "Go to town, man! Go to town!"

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