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private Shadows of Equestria


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Device freaked out as her wing twitched uncontrollably but quickly subdued it as she folded her wings and gave chase to the strange stallion. but stopped when she heard the same buzzing sound again in her ear.


"Hello is this thing working Hey Device i am talking to you through a special enhancement i attached to you brain where i can talk to you and no one can hear me." mech said in Device's head. "I contacted you because your sensors picked up on magic manipulation on your wing so i have included a replacement in case that happens but you will feel a slight sting as you switch to electric powered."


"Well thats convenient." Device said to her self as she felt the switch. then presumed her chase.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Cresent looked at his guntlet worred "how in the hey" after testing it a few times he was able to get the blade to pop back out, then he thought against it and keept it off. He saw the mare struggle with her wings,wat in the hey was this pony?! He spred his wings and followed the mare after the thief. One way or another cresent was going to get to the bottom of this tonight and next time bleed this thief dry.


He flew up on the roof eye level with thief and charged blade now back open in a punching motion similar to a kick boxer throwing his hook, or in this case the bat throwing his gauntlet arm towards the thifes scarf cutting a portion of it off he was debating on actualy paralyzing the thief or not.    

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Device followed the strange pony backstage where he suddenly vanished. "Where are you I just want to talk. but if you insist i will incapacitate you if need be." Device said before her ears perked up hearing a commotion coming from the roof looking up she spotted Crescent* attack the thief. Device flew up to stop them from killing each other.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Enzo watched in amusement as the Thestral swiped at him with his gauntlet.

"This ought to be fun" he thought, as the he dodged to the side, causing the blade to slice part of khris's tassel clean off.


Calming plucking the loose cloth out of the air, he held it near the loose end of tassel. Akin to tentacles, the frayed ends came alive, And started fusing themselves back together.

"THAT FREAK NEEDS TO DIE " Khris mentally screamed, the sword engulfing in a brilliant white flame.

'Freak? Look who's a pony with stag horns' Enzo muttered to himself.

Satisfied with the repair, he set his sights back on Crescent, the bat-pony already beginning to charge.

"Our duel will be swift "

Flourishing Khris around him the stag prepared his magic.

"En garde! ( Khris and Enzo in unison )"

In burst of telekinesis, Khris was thrusted forward along with Enzo, defying the laws of physics. ( ok, uhm what's happening here is Enzo is pushing Khris forward AND Khris is retracting his tassel, causing both of them to fly forward )

Enchanted metal met magic and the blades met in a brilliant flash of light. Pushing away from his opponent, Khris directed Enzo's telekinesis to swing himself by the tassel around him in wide arcs, in a way similar to a yoyo, sparks flying every time the magical gauntlet was parried.

But the Thestral wasn't going down without a fight. Wall running up a ventilation shaft, fanning open his wings for balance, he pushed off the wall at the precise moment a gap appeared in Enzo's blade flurry, his wings pushing down to give him an extra boost. Twisting his body mid air, he stretched out his hoof, blade aimed at Enzo's throat.

Thinking quickly, Enzo changed the direction of Khris's movements and let the tug of the sword pull him out of harms way, the Thestral's strike going wide off it's target, instead cutting a leg off a nearby water tower/tank thing ( yes, they do have those on some roofs ).

Deciding to switch fighting styles, Enzo directed his telekinesis directly to Khris's handle, and brought the sword around him ins a duelist's pose. As he met the Thestral's charge head on again, he angled Khris to the side, letting the Thestral slide past him along his blade. Both ponies winced as hot magical sparks singed their fur.

As the Thestral slid past Enzo, both ponies spun around akin to a couple dance, their blades parrying each other in a series of blight flashes and sparks, until they were met in a deadlock. Their eyes met, no pony giving in to the other's strength.

Sensing an opportunity, Enzo's horn glowed once again in preparation of a magic dispelling spell. However, this did not go unnoticed by the bat pony, which upon realisation reluctantly gave a mighty flap of his wings to push his blade off Enzo's and send himself high in the sky, bringing himself out of range of the disruption spell. Due to the hurried nature of this decision, the bat pony was left struggling to maintain his balance in the air, putting himself at an awkward position.

Which unfortunately for Crescent, was all planned.

"NOW '

Seeing the opening, Enzo swung Khris in a wide arc by his tassel one again, wrapping the sword and his tassel around the gauntlet, the sword's heat slightly singeing the gray hoof.

With a combination of Enzo's sharp yank and Khris's retracting tassel, the bat pony was slammed back into the ground beside Enzo, some cracks in the weak concrete appearing around where the gauntlet impacted the ground first. Another sharp yank, and Khris spun around the foreleg with the gauntlet and freed himself, twisting the appendage in the process, eliciting a sharp grunt of pain from crescent.

Without giving the bat pony time to react, he dispelled the magical blade, causing the blade to fizzle out again, while Khris pointed the tip of his blade to crescent's throat....

( crescent decides what he wants to do here)

... And promptly pulled it away.

"That was one of the funniest battles I had in my entire life!". Enzo laughed heartily and raised Khris into the air, preparing to stab down " and for that, I'll spare you."

Enzo brought Khris down, smashing the concrete next to the thestral.

" i would appreciate not interveneing in my next encounter though" Enzo commented as he dusted himself off and walked back into the open, awaiting the inevitable arrival of a certain Robocop

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Device flew down to look Crescent to see if he was okay seeing that he was she approached the opening being cautious as she entered the opening to spot The thief who seemed to be waiting for her.  "I believe you were expecting me." Device said crouching down into a defensive position. "So bring it."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Cresent coughed hard from the impact on the ground, when the blade came down onto the gauntlet it felt like something that got ripped out of him. Wind completely knocked out of him his only thoughts were of utter revenge. He tried getting up but do to the lack of breath moving seemd a lot more harder. He saw Device aproch the thief, he simply nooded at her. "cut the scarf" he tried to say he wasn't sure how it came out do to cough up more blood after word 

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@@Unicorncob,@@Dapper Charmer,


The slightest look of annoyance crossed Ravage's face, but he suppressed it quickly.  "You are very observant," he replied to Hooligan.  "But I would be careful who you 'analyze'.  Especially if you meet my master."  This time, the bright red eyes turned to stare at the other.  "Consider that your only warning."  Turning back to the street, he took a quick look around.  "In fact, if you want we can meet up with him now.  I will lead you to his location."  He waited until the street was clear before making a move.  In two big leaps, he crossed over to the next alley, glancing back to the other.  Assuming Hooligan would keep up with his teleportation, he continued on through the city....





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@@nx9100 @@Dapper Charmer


Ghost continued to eavesdrop on the conversation, a smirk curling across his muzzle as interest began to fill him.


His master, hm? This must be the big boss...and he's leading me right to him. Tonight just keeps getting better.


Feeling confident, he waited till the two unsuspecting stallions left the alley before flying up to the next rooftop, keeping an eye on them on the street below and following accordingly.


Good thing I have a fresh change of clothes on hoof.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Enzo cursed under his breath as he attempted to disable the newcomer's wings once more, only to find that they were no longer powered by magic.


Despite his tough front, he was in fact low on magic from the previous battle, and was relying on a magic disruption spell to tip the scales in his favour.


Slipping in a defensive stance, Khris pointed towards the mare all the while, he weighed his options. His eyes briefly flicked to the Roof access behind Device. He could always make a break for it, but he rather not risk getting cornered once indoors. However, he was also reluctant to fight the apparent cyborg in head to head combat, perhaps he could-


His thought process was interrupted by the sweet notes of a cello coming from below him. The stag sighed in defeat as he retrieved the golden ticket from his saddlebag and tossed it to Crescent.


"Looks like i won't be needing this anymore"


Enzo set his sights back on Device. Time seemed to slow for him once again as he and Khris communed.


"Mechanical wings that work without magic...perhaps electrcity?"


"Possibly. No actually, definitely."


Enzo shot a sideways glance at the water tower whcih crescent had sliced a leg off. He grinned at Khis.


"You ready for a surf?"


"Hell yes"


Time resumed it's normal pace as Enzo inched away from device Device and towards the water tower, activating the fire enchantment on Khris once more. He gave the sword a few short jabs in Device's direction, preventing the mare from getting too close. 


"Jumping into a fight without a weapon, a close combat fighter then" ,Khris observed.


Enzo bumped into the leg of the water tower.


Seeing this, the mare grinned in triumph and took a leap. At the apex of her jump, she snapped her wings together and twisted her body, aiming for a flying kick straight to Enzo's muzzle.


Unfortunately, Enzo had other plans. He spun to the left, letting Khris fly around him in an arc.This had the effect of sidestepping the lethal kick, and more importantly, taking out more of the water tower's supports. Grinning madly to himself, he shouted over a certain groaning noise that followed:




The mare's eyes widened as the water tower toppled over, swamping the roof with water. Water being water, naturally flowed downstream. And in this case, downstream was the roof access. Thinking quickly, Enzo hitched a ride on some loose boarding and surfed the waves into the roof access, disappearing into the building. 


Enzo's joyful laughter could be heard from the seventh circle of tartarus.









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Device found herself pushed into the building onto the stage area as the water tower collapsed releasing water that was flooding into the theater due to Device leaving the roof door open in her haste to catch the thief. who was laughing like a mad pony as he rode with the water. Device tried to open her wings but felt terrible pain as they let out sparks and refused to open. "so he gives me advanced cybernetic wings but they aren't waterproof what the hell." Device grumbled as she stood up only her wings were the only things damaged due to her other enhancements being internal. Device moving faster than could be seen she closed the distance quickly and struck the laughing pony sending him flying away but before he could get far she grabbed his tail and slammed him into the flooded ground below.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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As the lights dimmed, he sat back to enjoy the music. The curtain rose, revealing Octavia Melody standing in the center of the stage next to her cello.  Raising the bow, she began to play, sending waves of soft music drifting over her audience.  He watched and listened, finding it relaxing.  Running both corporate and criminal empires was very stressful, but spending at least one night a week listening to the skilled cellist was one of his many methods of relaxing.  Another method involved a dance club downtown and a totally different style of music...


As the opening piece continued, it was suddenly drowned out by a large roar from above.  Along with everypony else, he glanced up...  just in time to see a cascade of water come crashing down onto the right side of the stage.  Just before the wave caught Octavia, a blur of white and blue crashed into her, knocking her backstage and out of the way.  The other ponies in the audience started screaming, and struggled over each other attempting to rush out of the theater.  His own spot being far enough away and up hill from the stage, he simply watched in amusement as the mad dash for the exits continued.  Suddenly, a new sight caught his attention.  What appeared to be a pair of battling ponies, one with strange wings, the other with odd horns, came crashing down with the water.  Interested, he leaned forward to watch their struggle....





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Cresent felt the tug of the water sweeping over him dragginh him into the whole in the roof sending him towards the stage. he tried to spred his wings which in it he was abel to glide out of the water fall. He glided down towards the left of the stage, he looked towards the center to see Device over the thief. Soar  but at the ready he walked over towards device gauntlet blade out.


"can we plese bleed this guy?" he said looking down at the thief

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@@Unicorncob,@@Dapper Charmer,


The slightest look of annoyance crossed Ravage's face, but he suppressed it quickly.  "You are very observant," he replied to Hooligan.  "But I would be careful who you 'analyze'.  Especially if you meet my master."  This time, the bright red eyes turned to stare at the other.  "Consider that your only warning."  Turning back to the street, he took a quick look around.  "In fact, if you want we can meet up with him now.  I will lead you to his location."  He waited until the street was clear before making a move.  In two big leaps, he crossed over to the next alley, glancing back to the other.  Assuming Hooligan would keep up with his teleportation, he continued on through the city....


"Okay consider me warned." Said Mist as he teleported to meet up with the black clad pony.

"Watch out we got a badass over here," the voice in his head said sarcastically.

Hooligan laughed to himself, "good one,"


Hooligan turned to face the black clad pony, "Hey who exactly is this "Master"?" Said Hooligan questioningly, "And as a matter of fact who exactly are you?"

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Enzo groaned slighly in pain. The water had cushioned his fall, albeit slighly.However, that cyborg was strong.


'Bloody yanks', he muttered to himself, looking at the two flyers circling like vultures above him. The screams of the audience were muffled underwater. For that, he was glad: they were loud.


"The pegasus's wings are water damaged."


"At least that bat-pony doesn't seem to be a threat"


"Can we plese bleed this guy?"


"I stand corrected"


With a grunt, pushed off the ground slightly, letting the flow of water push him off the stag and roll him upright, narrowly avoiding a stomp. After stabilizing himself in the current, he pulled Khris out into a defensive stance once again, using the flat side of his blade to block and incoming strike, the frost enchantment eliciting a yelp of shock from the pegasus, causing her to recoil. Noticing a blue stallion very out of place in the fleeing audience, he called out: "Enjoying the performance?" . Enzo smiled weakly at himself. He wasn't getting out of this battle that easily.


Looking up, he was a very large and circular shaped chandelier hanging from the ceiling above him. It was made of wood and circular metal plates that were parrallel to the ground, and seemed to be large enough for multiple ponies to stand on. Knowing full fell the pegasus couldn't get airborne, Enzo whipped khris tassel in the air, the piece of cloth extending from the pommel and grasping the chandelier with it's hand-like en.d. The stag then hoisted himself up using the makeshift grappling hook, dodging a leg sweep in the process


He almost fell, as he set his weight on the chandelier's end: it had tilted. Using Khris's tassel to hold himself steady and pull himself to the centre, he took an opportunity to rest:He could easily take crescent alone after that first battle. That cyborg however, was another story. However, with her wings ruined, there was no way she could reach his position

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Device was getting angry this thief was getting the better of her and that he was able to get on the chandelier. She walked over to the piano picked it up and threw it at the pony hanging from the chandelier missing him and hitting the ceiling above him causing the chandelier to break and fall. She caught the pony before he could hit the ground and grabbed the stuff he took. and let him go. "All I wanted was this stuff back so i can return it and you had to start a problem.now I am letting you go due to the fact I think you are a nice guy and I kinda liked fighting you," Device said before she turned and began to leave the theater.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Enzo had to admit: he was impressed.




Enzo watched the mare leave. He grinned naughtily.


"You think your petty technology can beat me?"


Khris grew a light blue as the frost enchantment activated once more. Enzo started spinning him again.


"Let's see how powerful you circuits are..."


Enzo Launched Khris, his tssel extending for a glancing blow at Device, the sword scoring a hit on device's suit, chilling and hardening it's surface, the sword then stuck in the ground in front of device, startling the mare and causing her to turn around and use her to instictively raise her cloak facing Enzo. Meanwhile, the sword froze the water surrounding it, forming an icy sheet.


"...Against the simple element of water"


With great force, Enzo withdrew khris from the ice and activated his fire enchantment, the sword hitting the same spot on the suit once more. The sudden change in temperature and the impact was too much for the suit to handle, and it ripped, allowing the sword to make a long but not very deep cut in Device's side. Meanwhile, the icy sheet had shattered and had been brought along with sword, causing a flurry of ice shards to barrage device, cutting her in the places the suit did not cover.


Wasting no time, Enzo used the Khris momentum to swing him around himself and bring the sword smashing in an arc into Device's undamaged side, causing her to lose her balance and submerging her exposed cut underwater.


Enzo took his time to pace around Device while she struggled with her waterlogged cybernetics and clothing


"Though, i do like your attitude, you seem to have a dream of catching villanous scum. Greedy criminals that roam equestria. An ex royal guard perhaps?" Enzo Bent down in front of Device, putting his face up to hers and taking back the stolen goods. 


"Many criminals have motivations. They want wealth, or  to simply to feed their families"


Khris ignited again, his fire enchantment taking over again.


"And then, there's me. I'm just here for the ride."


Laughing, he set the stolen goods on fire, and spread the burning contents into the air, letting it rain around him, some blown away and igniting the theatre's curtains.


Shooting a final wink at the blue stallion above him, he began his stroll out of the theatre.

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Device's power was beginning to short circuit. she could smell the smoke as the theater was being engulfed in flames she saw the thief exiting the building and she then saw some ponies still inside trapped by some fallen debris from the rushing water. she looked at the pony walking away and muttered."I will get you later."  Before she rushed over to the ponies and began moving the fallen debris.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Dapper Charmer


Ravage half-turned to Hooligan.  "You can call me Ravage," he answered carefully, deliberately not claiming it as his name.  After all, he'd not used his real name since.... well, it was hard to remember anymore.  "And my master will decide if you shall learn his identity. he has security concerns, since he also runs a legit company."  Ravage cocked an eye.  "You understand."




 @,@@Scare Effect,@@cwhip9,



He watched the fight with great interest, marveling at the power the combatants possessed.  That cyber-enhanced mare, he thought, I must discover where she received her 'upgrades'.  And the other... He watched as the stag-horned pony went about setting the stage on fire.  Interesting.  As the other began to leave, the ocean-blue pony stood up.  "Bravo!  Bravo!" he called out, slowly walking down towards the stage, ignoring the flames around him.  "An excellent performance!  I must say, when the water began to come down I was afraid I would be cheated out of my evening's entertainment.  But you and your friends," he waved a hoof towards the other two, "have more then made up for it."  The remains of a curtain, still in flame, dropped down from above him.  It would have landed on his head, had he not casually stepped to one side.  "Perhaps you wouldn't mind joining me outside?" he asked, not breaking stride but simply stepping past the fallen curtain....





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after making sure the ponies got out Device slowly left the theater holding her bleeding side she limped back to Mech's workshop and banged on the door. Mech opened the door and let out a gasp and rushed Device back in. "What happened?" Mech asked.

"Design flaws is what happened you gave me non waterproof enhancements and this stupid half-breed thief took advantage of this and nearly killed me."Device said with a growl.

"Oh sorry i wasn't expecting you to get in a fight otherwise i would have activated the other half of your enhancements. which includes your water resistant coating on your wings, and your super strength, as well as your high density fur that takes more than one swing of a sword to penetrate." Mech said as he pulled out a needle and injected something in to Device. Device watched in awe as her injury healed itself.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Dapper Charmer


Ravage half-turned to Hooligan.  "You can call me Ravage," he answered carefully, deliberately not claiming it as his name.  After all, he'd not used his real name since.... well, it was hard to remember anymore.  "And my master will decide if you shall learn his identity. he has security concerns, since he also runs a legit company."  Ravage cocked an eye.  "You understand."


"Of course I understand I'm psychotic not stupid," said Hooligan. His stomach grumbled, "Speaking of stupid I'm still really hungry from all that teleporting. Be right back." Hooligan teleported away. He returned a few seconds later with a jar of pickles and a name tag. "Hey Ravage I brought something for you," said Hooligan who stuck a name tag that said "Hello my name is: Ravage" onto Ravages shoulder, "There, now it will be easier for people to find out your name." Hooligan stuck his hoof into the jar of pickles and offered one to Ravage, "want one?"

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"Bravo!  Bravo!" he called out, slowly walking down towards the stage, ignoring the flames around him.  "An excellent performance!  I must say, when the water began to come down I was afraid I would be cheated out of my evening's entertainment.  But you and your friends," he waved a hoof towards the other two, "have more then made up for it."  The remains of a curtain, still in flame, dropped down from above him.  It would have landed on his head, had he not casually stepped to one side.  "Perhaps you wouldn't mind joining me outside?" he asked, not breaking stride but simply stepping past the fallen curtain....


Enzo paused mid-stride.


"Told you we'd find mafia here"


The stag turned around once again. Recognizing the blue pony from earlier, a small smile graced his face.


"Sure, we can chat."


Enzo's stomach grumbled. After giving his stomach a glance, he sheepishly looked back at the stallion.


"Surely we could converse over some food instead?"


His eyes brightened.


"I know the perfect place!"


Using khris to beckon the stallion to follow, sheathing the sword in the process, he sprinted out into the cold air of the manehatten night.


"Now, where's the cheese place"


"Right turn around the block, turn left at the second traffic junction."


Acknowledging his instructions, Enzo began his journey to the cheese emporium, blue and red lights flashing and sirens wailing in the distance behind him.

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@@nx9100 @@Dapper Charmer


So, you're Ravage, are you?


Ghost smirked, continuing to eavesdrop on the conversation. He had never done much listening to conversations, outside from security guards exchanging information regarding passwords and locations of priceless artefacts, but learning about these two would prove useful somehow, he thought.


He blinked once, in total and utter confusion, as the other stranger teleported, and returned with...a jar. He leaned in for a closer look.


Are those...pickles...?


He blinked again and shook his head. Only in Manehattan.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Walking with a sense of calm, unlike the others scrambling out of the theater, he followed the stag-pony out into the street.  Taking a moment to look around, he spotted the other heading off towards a local cheese emporium.  Interesting choice, he thought, and decided to follow, moving at a leisurely trot, as if he didn't just come out of a burning building...




@@Dapper Charmer,@@Unicorncob,


Ravage simply glared at Hooligan for a full minute.  Finally, he reached up and flicked his hoof, sending the name tag flying off "No, thank you," he replied, waving away the pickle.   "And Ravage is simply what you may call me, nothing more."  Once again, he turned and started down the alley, wondering to himself if this strange pony was worth his time.  But he new his master would find him useful, so he would tolerate Hooligan for a bit more.  


The sounds of distress caught his attention, and glancing out into the street, he saw the commotion happening at the theater.  What has happened? he thought, getting ready to charge over.  But before he could move, he spotted a familiar ocean-blue pony calmly step out into the street.  Not seeing any concern on the other's face, Ravage backed down.  If his master wasn't in any danger, he need not reveal himself to all the ponies in the street, watching the commotion...





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@Scare Effect
@ nx9100

cresent woke up after getting hit by the chandler to find himself in an empty theater hall with smoldering curtons. Device, the thief, and the other ponys were gone. "of for bucks sake!" he said to nopony. He needed to find his contact, he looked around the bleachers trying to find any signs of life. then a weak blood beat perked up his ears he quickly zeroed in on it to find an burnt earth pony barly alive based off the blood beat he was hearing. The pony looked up at cresent weakly "you..are the...seeker?" it said  


Cresent helped the pony up "i got your letter" he said


the other pony waved him off "don't bother, he was going to kill me anyways" he coughed blood up


"easy we can find a hos-" began cresent who got cut off by the dying pony "the blue one, follow the blue one. He left and the stag followed him out. be carful hes one you should not cross"


"I need a name, cmon give me a name!" said cresent eagerly holding the pony


"wr...wr" the pony tried to speak but cresent herd the blood flow stop...nothing.


Cresent looked up, one step forward and two steps back, this was getting annoying for the bat pony. He left the theater seeing a paramedic pony tending towards some pony "theres another one in the theater, get him a bag!" said cresent to the medic pony annoyed.


In the distance he saw the blue stailon walking away with the stag in front of him, but still no device to be seen. He then noticed a small trail of blood leading somewhere to his right, he approached it, liking it up. He herd Devices blood beat across the city, seeming to go from low beats to regular steady beats. "time to get some answers" he said and spred his wings, he yelped in pain remembering the 2nd fall, "well so much for that way" he said annoyed trotting off towards the trail of blood

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"what is that stuff?" Device asked after watching her wounds heal.


"Their nano-bots i injected you with a ton of them they should patch you up if you get injured again." Mech said casually looking over to see a confused Device ."Their tiny robots that will heal you when you get hurt."


"Oh, Thats cool, so what about the water damage."


"Oh your cybernetics self repair."




                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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