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private Sombra's Shadow


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"Ah, there you are.  We've been expecting you, dear Trivy; we were in the process of concluding our own little talk, but I suppose your entrance would do as a conversation changer, eh?  Madam,"  he addressed Rarity, "this is Trivy, our resident mage and all around good girl.  Trivy, this is the mayor - Lady Rarity, The Generous One."


"Nice to meet you Mayor Lady Rarity." Trivy said making a small bow. She then stared at her for a moment, trying to work out exactly what was going on. "I don't know what it is but she reminds me of somepony...like I've seen that face before... I'm not really sure."


"Nice to finally meet you as well my dearest Trivia and Psych."


Trivy's heart jumped at the mention of her name "No one calls me that. Don't ever call me that." She said slightly angry.


"I apologize, I did not mean to offend." She took a look around the room to all the new faces. "Nice to see you two again, Aria, Stardust."


"So, Lady Rarity... since we are speaking of our future plans, how would you wish to proceed with these talks?"


''Ah yes... how to proceed. Well I don't have enough time to explain everything, in fact, I think it's best Harcourt tells you all some other time. For now, we must find the next element of Harmony. But I have a feeling, you, Stardust, already have a general idea on where to look." She said with smug smile


"And yes, I've been watching your actions for a while now."


(Rartiy talking to Trivy, it's so weird talking to my own character :D)

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"I promise...but today is not that day. You have been quite patient with me these many moons. I only ask you to be patient a little longer." She briefly nuzzled Stellina's cheek in reassurance before addressing her other thought. 


Stardust felt her fear start to melt away, she trusted Aria with her life and she knew that if having to wait to understand then she would wait. 


"As for the Mayor doing this just out of generosity...It's possible, but improbable, if recent events are any indication. I'm inclined to say there is a reason behind it, but whatever the reason, I do not suspect malice in it."


Stardust nodded and stood tall, just then...Trivy walked over to Stardust and Aria. "Don't wanna interupt your moment here but I think it's time we get our flanks moving towards the mayor's office."


Stardust looked at Aria and shrugged her shoulder and followed Trivy and the others. As they walked through the Mayor's home it was almost as if she was having flash backs from a long time ago. At first just small things, she would shake it off, but as they continued down the hallway into the room where the Mayor stayed large memories were trying to flood her mind. She grabbed her head and couldn't focus on what was happening inside the room.


She shook her head to try and get back to reality, with success she was still a bit wobbly and she came back to reality just in time to hear the Mayor speak to her. 


 For now, we must find the next element of Harmony. But I have a feeling, you, Stardust, already have a general idea on where to look." She said with smug smile.  - "And yes, I've been watching your actions for a while now."


Stardust had a feeling of rage and indigestion from her weird reaction of being in the building. 


"I'm confused...what do you mean, you have been watching me??? But... yes... I do have information as to where one might be, and information to find more information as to where the others might be..." 


She was a bit apprehensive, but it seemed that the Mayor knew everything anyway so there was no need to try and lie or hide it.


"But... if you are meaning that we are supposed to find these elements, then how are we supposed to get to them if you won't let us sail? We have to get to the Griffon Kingdom, and you have halted all ships from leaving the harbor." Stardust was a bit angry, she tried to suppress it. 


"I apologize Mayor....I feel a bit...off." Stardust had to sit down before she fell down. 

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A room full of secrets...those are always fun.


Watching impassively, Aria appraised Harcourt as he introduced himself. Though the sudden change of discussion warranted suspicion, he hid any misgivings he might have had well. Aria's immediate impression of him did not include the word "trustworthy".


"Nice to see you two again, Aria, Stardust."


Eyes narrowed, smile strained, Aria did nothing more than nod in acknowledgement at the Mayor's pleasantry. Disagree though she might with some of her policies, Aria owed her a debt not easily paid...


A life.


It was nothing but this that kept her in the room. For Star's sake. Aria did not feel particularly needed, nor saw how she fit into whatever scheme the Mayor was hatching. She had considered just leaving the room entirely, until the Mayor addressed her Stellina in a most peculiar manner. Not wanting to miss a moment of Star's response, she sat herself firmly upon the carpet, ears poised to listen, mind ready to reason.

Edited by Wubtavia
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"I apologize Mayor....I feel a bit...off." 


"No need to apologize darling. It is I who needs to apologize. I did not mean to scare you.'' Rarity said a little worried as she saw the Pegasus's expression change to a more distressed emotion. "Please, you can sit down on the couch there if you want."


"As for the boats. I'm sorry but I no choice but to stop them sailing. The griffon empresses made it very clear that she doesn't want anymore refugees. I tried to reason with her but in the end she left me with no choice. If I had pushed it any further, she would have put a stop to the help we desperately need. Don't worry though, I have a contact who can get you inside the kingdom. I will give her a message right after this."

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Stardust, still a bit dizzy, she turned to do as Lady Rarity had said and started to the couch... she stopped suddenly and shook her head to try and clear her mind. She was able to start thinking clearly and walked over to Aria and sat down. She was still cautious of the Mayor and being foggy she felt safer to be close to Aria. 


"I do hope you are right Madam Mayor, because with the proof that I have been searching many moons for, is true and in this room. Then my research for these elements is true and we need to get to the kingdom as soon as possible so I can search for the element and the next part of the map."


Stardust started to feel woozy again and had to lay down.


"We need to know the rest of your plan, we have to be going as soon as we can." She looked to Trivy and her friends, and looked to Aria.


"One last thing madam Mayor, you Have to give Trivy and her friends their magic back, and all of it, not part like everypony else." She looked to Aria and could see the anger in her eyes. "And you Have to do the same for Aria, she needs her full strength, I don't care about me, so if you have to make a choice, choose Aria."


Stardust was done, she felt weak, she laid down her head and waited for the mayor's actions. 

Edited by Stardust*
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One last thing madam Mayor, you Have to give Trivy and her friends their magic back, and all of it, not part like everypony else." She looked to Aria and could see the anger in her eyes. "And you Have to do the same for Aria, she needs her full strength, I don't care about me, so if you have to make a choice, choose Aria."


Rarity could see the anger coming from Aria's eyes as well. She wasn't a good mayor and she knew it, she deserved to be judged. "Yes, of course I will do that. I owe that much. More actually, but I'm afraid I can't pay back all the mistakes I made in the past. This would be a good start though."


Rarity trotted towards the hallway and opened up a locked door. "You may follow me, if all of you want your magic back."

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Oh little star...you are my strength.


Softening under Stellina's thoughtfulness, Aria looked to the Mayor with an apologetic smile. She looked down upon her friend, concerned by her growing weakness. Stellina, who radiated with hope and, occassionally, confidence, was never one to appear so drained. All Aria could do was nuzzle her cheek as she did so often in vulnerable situations, trying to reassure not only her friend, but herself as well. Turning to the Mayor, she elaborated upon Stellina's last sentiment.


"Apologies, White One. She means well, of course, and though I support her insistence that Trivy and her group be granted their magic in full, I am in no rush to reclaim mine. Though, I cannot say that I have been missing it these past few years," she added with a thoughtful smile at Stardust.


Shimmying under Stellina's belly, Aria positioned herself so that they pegasus lay draped across her back before heaving herself up into her four hooves. It was a strenuous task, given her lack of magic, but her friend absolutely deserved her rest. She would hear no objections. With Stellina on her back and hope in her heart, she let the Mayor lead the way to her friend's best hope of finally escaping this city.

Edited by Wubtavia
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"You may follow me, if all of you want your magic back."


"Alright, Let's go everypony, time to get our magic back." Trivy said happily trotting after the white unicorn. She followed the mayor down a long path of stairs that seemed to be leading to an underground facility underneath the estate. Rarity opened another set of locks on a high security door that lead to the room that had the magic stored away. The room was gigantic that you couldn't even see the end. Large storage closet stood row after row, labeled with names of the ponies of Baltimare.


"That's a lot of magic all in one room. No wonder you got this placed locked up so tight."

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The sheer size of the storage room boggled Harcourt's mind.


All this power...  by Luna, it's... it's...


His view rolled across the columns of shelves like endless lines of solemn soldiers, awaiting orders.  There was a glow permeating the air here, and it smelled crisp like the scent of a thunderstorm on the horizon.  Rows upon rows upon rows of pony livelihoods were kept here, all sighs from souls yet to be breathed... and aching for a return to their proper places.


He trotted past Trivy and the others, making his way to Rarity.  Starting simply and very softly, he began with a single question:


"Lady Rarity... are you mad?"


He stared at her a moment, allowing his words to register, before he continued.


"You do understand what Sombra would do to get his hooves on all this power... and you have it all stored in one place.  This is exceedingly bad; if I learned anything during my upbringing in the Quarry, it's that you NEVER keep all of your dynamite in one place.  This is... is madness..."  


He lowered his head, gave an exasperated sigh, then looked back at the mayor once more.


"Madam, I beg your forgiveness for my rudeness.  This is... this is a tactical error on a grand scale.  This entire room is one enormous beacon, waiting for the Shadows to swallow it whole; to have kept it safe for this long is nothing short of a miracle.  I ask... no, I humbly beg," he took a knee before her, bowing his head, "for you to return this power to the ponies of Baltimare.  This city is bland with apathy and colorless in their lives; let them taste the rainbow once more."  


He swept a hoof at the group behind him, pleading in his gaze.


"Please, Lady Rarity; show these ponies... show ALL the ponies of Baltimare why you were originally chosen to bear the Element of Generosity to begin with, and they will love you for it."

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"Please, Lady Rarity; show these ponies... show ALL the ponies of Baltimare why you were originally chosen to bear the Element of Generosity to begin with, and they will love you for it."


"You know that it's not that easy. You must understand that returning the magic is a difficult process and you should know that this was not a choice I wanted to make but a choice I had to make. How dare you proclaim me upon my madness? You of all ponies should know that the decisions I had to make were never easy, especially considering the circumstances. If you had been in my place, you would have done the same. I find you don't have the right to judge me for my action just as I don't on yours." With that, the Lady Rarity walked off angry through the maze of the magical storage towards the center of the room where a small globe of light floated.


"I guess that's the thing that will give us back our magic?"


"Indeed... although mostly it will me giving back your magic. The orb is just here to make it easier."

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After entering the storage room, Stardust's ears began to perk up. She felt something that she hadn't in a long time. She felt hope, she felt strong, she felt relief. She saw that Aria had been carrying her and could tell that it strained her to do so. It was time to return the favor. 


She nuzzled her friend and then lifted her off the ground with as much wing power as she could muster. She could feel it, and as soon as they got closer she knew that Aria would be able to feel it too. 


She flew past the other ponies to catch up with the Mayor, Stardust gazed down as the Mayor trotted along the walkway. With each flap of her wings she could feel it pulling her. She knew this was it. She knew this is where it was. 


She landed and she could tell that Aria was not pleased, she knew how much she hated it when Stardust took her for a little flight. Especially without warning. 


"I'm sorry, but ... Aria... this is it. This is OUR magic!" The clear glass had shown a faint glow, Stardust was drawn to it, she took a couple hoof steps closer, the light behind the glass began to burn brighter, the closer she got, the brighter it became. "Come closer, I know you can feel it." 


Stardust felt like a filly again, she was filled with excitement and joy. Waiting impatiently for the Mayor, she could see her in the distance and could hardly contain her happiness. 


She tried not to shout, as she called to the Mayor, "Madam Mayor, over here, it is over here!"

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He started to speak again, explaining himself... then simply stopped.


Not the time or place; you've said enough.


Harcourt watched as the mayor stormed off.  He felt extremely frustrated... but he also didn't know the processes involved, the time taken, the methods used... and he had overstepped his boundaries.  Now, it was quiet time.


If Sombra ever gets word of even the existence of this place... even Celestia herself wouldn't be able to keep him at bay.  This is a powderkeg of trouble - and there's not a thing I can do about it.  


He stepped aside and kept his mouth shut - another word, and he might blow this whole thing for the entire group.  He wasn't truly angry; Rarity had been right.  Had he been in the same spot, he might have done something similar - though he would have tried anything but this.


Of course, Rarity would have probably fought this too... well, the damage is done.  Best to keep the daggers in hand, and allow the wound to heal.


He watched as Stardust and her friend Aria zeroed in on their own magic... and wondered, not for the first time, what exactly had been taken from himself.  He felt more... well, more like his own age; otherwise, he didn't seem to be experiencing much difference since entering the city.


Though, to be fair, I haven't had a rutting cart to drag along, either - mayhaps it works as a counter-balance for... well, for whatever they say is my 'magic' being gone.  Honestly, Earth Ponies don't have magic... at least, I never thought we did.  Am I wrong?


Harcourt could see the look in Stardust's eyes as she seemed to radiate hope - Harcourt wished he could see that same look on the muzzle of every pony in Baltimare, but he wasn't in charge here.  Never claimed to be.  Never even claimed to be in charge of their little gathering of refugees - they just always seemed to look up to him, and he wasn't one to disappoint.  A whole city, though..?


He kept quiet and watched with interest.

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In a room with a large table and chairs all around it sat ponies either in armor or rich adorned clothes. In one of the chairs, King Sombra sat and was speaking loudly. 


"With the discovery of Baltimare being the main harbor for rebels, we can finally end this conflict and bring Equestria completely to its knees. We need only crush the city and all resistance will be crushed. But first, we need to take it by force. The only term that will be accepted with these rebels is unconditional surrender on their part..... Rave, you are already stationed in the area, so you will lead the assault on the city. Do you have anything to add". 


A smoke, shaped in the form of Rave Darkmane nodded and a voice was heard from it, even though the muzzle did not seem to move. 




Rave was holding a black shard and his eyes were fixed on it as he spoke. 


"Indeed, I have things to add. I have been inspecting the outer defenses very carefully and I think that gaps can be blasted through it.... with dynamite. When my family took over the Blackwater Quarry, we found large quantities of dynamite stored there and we have been adding more throughout the years. We can take some from the storage and use it to blast holes wide enough for large groups of ponies to get through the wall". 

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 "Madam Mayor, over here, it is over here!"


"Calm my darling. This is a process that cannot be rushed." Rarity elegantly trotted over to the glowing glass box inside the storage closet. "That is definitely yours. When we gathered all the others as well, we can begin."


Trivy ran of through the giant maze of boxes in search for her own magic. Not even 5 minutes later, she returned to the center of th room with the box in hoofs. "Ready when you are!"

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Finding themselves parted unceremoniously from solid ground, Aria's hooves scrabbled at the air, trying to reach any part of the floor on which they had previously belonged. After several futile seconds, resignation had taken hold of her body, turning her into an oversized marionette bouncing limply with each wingbeat. Flicking her tail in a mixture of amusement and indignation, she instead opened herself to the elements of the room.


Of all the details she could have noticed first, the one that impressed itself upon her most was the feeling. Naturally, she supposed, it was the amount of raw energy suffusing the room that lent itself to a charged atmosphere. Tremors ran down her spine as she was submerged into an infinite ocean of power beyond knowledge, both wonderful and more terrible than the darkness they faced. It was life itself, radiating, permeating, humming, breathing, blinding, beckoning her to join this hall of eternal slumber.


The insignificance that had been creeping through Aria vanished as her hooves gratefully kissed the ground. Looking towards her captor-turned-liberator, she was met with an endearing sight. Perhaps acting of their own accord, Stellina's wings fluttered rapidly, keeping the oblivious pegasus suspended an inch above the floor. About her was an aura matching that of the crystal in front of her, and she seemed as giddy as a filly on Hearth's Warming Eve.


Is it even an experience of which I am worthy? she thought ruefully as everyone prepared to be reunited with their magic. She herself could not feel such a power tugging at her, for she could not reach out without being overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of energy permeating the atmosphere. Regret welled within her at the sight, but she would not allow it to consume her. All she could do—all she wanted to do—was support the most important pony in her life.

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The babble of the evening crowd was only just rising as Lilith approached the tavern indicated by her old friend, walking towards quietly and sticking to the shadows as she came through. Watching as the next few people entered, she wrapped herself in her cloak as the sun was setting, bringing a chill wind, and followed the last person in.


The tavern was not stuffed yet, but it was relatively full- either way, the noise was deafening for her, so used to the quiet. Nonetheless, she progressed forwards with a sigh until she found herself in a corner, next to a grinning Renius. "You managed to come," he said, "and on the same night, too! Perhaps you're not as changed as I thought from the horrors outside the walls."


She remained silent, pulling a bottle from a passing waiter and putting bits onto the tray in return. "I am changed enough to try and drink it away..."


Renius remained silent at this for a while. After a few minutes, he raised his voice and shouted towards the front, "Hey, waiter! Keep the scotch running in this direction, would you? You'll be rich by the end of the night on my coin..."


About a minute later, the band for the evening finished their preparations and began to play...




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Psych had stayed silent this entire time. He felt as if nothing he said would help nor harm the situation, so he simply stayed quiet. After a while, everypony seemed to be going down to the storage room, and he nervously followed. When they finally entered, Psych got a sudden wave of dizziness, like his powers were being overrun by the sheer amount of magic in the room. And yet... Something was calling to him. Without even looking, he followed the sensation, finally coming upon the box containing his magic. He gingerly touched it, and it felt so... Familiar. Yes, this was his. After his long silence, he spoke up. "I am ready as well."

Edited by Count Paradox
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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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They all seem as if they've been reconnected with their magics... but Earth Ponies don't...


He looked again at the others.  He could see Stardust absolutely transfixed by what was apparently her magic, Aria was equally transfixed with Stardust, Psych kept gingerly touching the container holding his own magic...


And Trivy.  So excited.  So young.  Heck, compared to himself, they were ALL so young - but Trivy was the one he knew best.  He'd spent night after night alongside her; comforting the forlorn, aiding the sick, gathering food, training... she was the closest thing he'd ever had to family since his own had been murdered, so of course he looked upon her with favor.


She's grown so much since we first met.  There's strength in her that has simply expanded to fill whatever room she's in, and when she gets her magic back...


Harcourt knew he was supposed to search around and find whatever box there was which had his own "magic" in it; he couldn't help his thoughts, though.  


She's not quite ready to lead... but she's as close as she's going to get by my hoof.  It's going to have to be up to her to find her own way before long... and all I'll do is hold her back.  That's sad... but also as it should be.  Everypony reaches that point in their lives, where they no longer need a parent standing over them and giving them advice they've spoken hundreds of times already.


He began to wander the shelves, sort of idly looking about but without any kind of actual interest.


When this is over... if we survive this... I think maybe it will be about time for me to go back to the travel I wanted to be a part of before I found those first refugees.  The wanderlust has been quiet for such a long time, and responsibilities to all these ponies have kept it in check.  But now?  Trivy doesn't need me - and that's okay; I've been needed for far too long.  It'll be nice to just exist for a change.  Maybe, somewhere out there there's a filly who could use an old stallion to nuzzle on cold nights...


Harcourt stopped.  The nerves at the very edges of his aged horseflesh were beginning to feel as if they were vibrating.  Like the small magnet in his toolkit, he felt himself being drawn inexorably further down the aisle.  He simply began following where his hooves led him.  At length, he paused in front of just another shelf - but this was where the pull was leading him.


Well, it seems as though I was wrong; there's only one reason I'd be attracted to this box...


He gazed into it, seeing the myriad colors drifting and whirling around each other inside.  It almost looked like Breezies at play... after he'd had a few mugs of hard cider.  He smiled; even if he'd been too quick to proclaim he had no magic, there was no mistaking that whatever it was pulsing inside the box was his.  He didn't know much about magic, but he did know magic was REAL.  And apparently, he had some - regardless of what he thought.


He picked up the container and brought it with him back to where the others were gathering.


Yes, after this is over, I'll just go my own way.  But it's not over until two things happen: Sombra must be stopped, and we seem to have more towards that goal than I thought, so that will be what we have to survive...


He looked at them all, and even though he didn't know all of them very well, he had a feeling this would be the first step of a journey they all would take together.  Whenever it was done, they would possibly all be friends, and they could all live happily ever after, or some such thing.  It would be for Fate to write the scenes, and Destiny to edit them appropriately.


The other?  


He spoke not a word; he simply waited to see what the future would hold... for all of them.


One down, three to go.

Edited by Randimaxis
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Energy loomed on the precipice of her awareness, benevolent but insistent, a playful filly begging its mother to frolic with her in naïvety, away from the harsh realities she knew tormented her so. Though better judgement suggested it was not time to enjoy such leisure, a sense of curiosity pressed her forward. Abandoning all pretense, she took the filly's hoof in her own, allowing herself to be led to the promise of a better life.

Immediately the incessant insistence became a cacophony of thousands, leaving her the filly, whimpering with insecurity and stripped of naïevity. She wanted to run; seek shelter; be comforted by some faceless matriarch. Perhaps this wish was heard, for through the dissonant chords of beguiling euphoria came a single, loving whisper. This gentle sigh, seeking to resonate with every fiber of being she possessed, brought forth a harmonious note: her name.


It was the sound of salvation, an emboldening embrace urging her towards that part of herself she had all but forgotten. In trepidation she passed alleys of the destructively whimsical, guided by the alluring whisper down streets of fey revelry instead. Glistening towers loomed over her, each housing their own wildly whirring whispers that sought to distract with lustrous charms of their own, but all were extinguished by the fire bestowed upon her by a name.

She came to stop in front of a room so radiant, the world would surely melt before it. Sound ceased to exist, the pressure of nothingness suddenly enveloping her. She was certain only two things were real: herself, and the room. With purpose, she opened the door behind which her voice had fled, finding behind it nothing more than a long lost toy. Though on the surface an underwhelming sight, in its simplicity lay untold, breathtaking beauty beyond articulation. It was her, and despite her imperfections, she was whole, undamaged, and absolutely her own.

An inexplicable serenity settling over her, the mare closed the lid of the box, ready to accept herself at last.

Edited by Wubtavia
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Trivy stood next to the tall unicorn with a impatient smile, she was pleased to get her magic back but it sure was taking a long time. However, she tried not to give away her displeasure through her expression, the mayor was after all doing them a favor and as her father always said, never look a gift horse in the mouth. The irony in the sentence never made the expression clearer or more serious for that matter but still she couldn't deny there was some life lesson in there.


The mayor gave a small cough to grab everypony's attention once they returned and then stepped into the center of the center, underneath the shining bright light source. "If you would all gather around me in a circle with your boxes in front of you, I shall begin with the exhausting but worthwhile process of returning all magic to its former owner."

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Stardust was nervous, she stood with her box as still as she possible could. She scanned the others and she could tell that they knew they were finally going to be whole again. She watched as Rarity took her place, she saw her moving her lips as if trying to remember something. She could hear a slight beat to the soft whispers that came from Rarity's mouth.


Her horn began to glow the soft blue that it always did, she began to chant a bit faster, the glow of her magic grew brighter with each beat of her rhythmic chant. Stardust couldn't take her eyes off of the Mayor, she was mystified by such powerful magic. Then without warning the box that held Stardust's magic flew from her hooves.


Floating in the air it opened, the gleaming blue light of Rarity's magic encased the small yellow glowing ball of light. The box dropped to the floor and shattered. Stardust was scared, as amazing as it was, she was terrified about what was going to happen next. She frantically searched the circle for Aria.


As she found her friend a calm came over her and a she took a deep breath. As she let out her breath she felt the floor disappear below her. She looked back to the mayor and saw that she was being encased by her blue glow just as her own magic had.


After a short time and hearing Rarity's chants grow louder and faster she witnessed her magic orb start to float closer to her, the closer it got the warmer and brighter it got. She tried to reach out and touch it but she couldn't move. She saw it rise above her and become wider.


It grew and grew until it surrounded Stardust, the heat was almost too intense to bare. She wanted to struggle and get away from the heat. It continued to come closer and as it touched her coat she wanted to scream! The burning white fire that she felt was spreading across her body. She felt it in her mane, tail, hooves, ears, teeth. A burning so hot she felt it down to her bones.


She was screaming, or at least she thought she was, her mouth was open and her lungs were burning but nothing was coming out.


After what felt like hours, she was placed back on the ground. She lay still trying to steady her heart as it was beating so fast she thought it was going to jump from her chest.


The blue glow began to lessen and finally it faded completely. Stardust blinked her eyes a few times to get her sight back. Everything was now so dark, she opened her eyes and she stretched her wings. She gave them a quick flutter and she shot into the air faster than she had done in a long time.


It caught her off guard she hasn't been this fast in a very long time. She got her balance and looked down for Aria. She started to fly to her, trying to make a gentle landing and managed to mostly make it to the ground with minimal fuss.


She felt better than ever before, she was so excited and the pain she had felt just moments ago was completely gone. In its place was bliss, pure bliss.


"Aria, we did it, we are finally whole!" Stardust embraced Aria with so much love and happiness she thought she migh break her. She gently let go and nuzzles her. "I am so grateful you are here and my dearest friend, I don't know what I would have done without you all this time."


She looked around to the others, "we should check on the others", she looked to the Mayor, "and, oh goodness! The mayor!!"

Edited by Stardust*
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Trivy felled a rush of energy flowing through her entire body as the beam of light and magic cloaked around and lifted her of the ground. Her horn started to spark and beam all colours of the rainbow before her magic aura returned to her original dark red colour. She then was put back onto to the ground gently as the burts of magic from before was absorbed through her horn.


At the same time, Rarity felt her magic being drained as well as her energy. She felt her head going dizzy and her eyes falling back as she suddenly collapsed to the floor, in the middle of the circle of ponies.

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Harcourt closed his eyes as energy coursed through his body.  He hadn't even noticed the small things that now began to evidence to him: smells became sharper, crisper; sound flowed into his ears as if a dam had opened; colors burst and blossomed in front of his very eyes.  He had no clue that this had been missing from him since his arrival into Baltimare; he now vowed to never allow whatever counted in him as "magic" go unappreciated again.


When his mind managed to recall that there was a world outside of his own skull, the first thing he laid eyes on was Rarity's form, heaped in the floor.  He made his way over to her, calmly and carefully moving her into a more comfortable position.


"Could somepony please fetch Lady Rarity a soft pillow for her weary head?"


He looked down upon her visage, worried that perhaps she had done irredeemable harm to herself.  Trying to see if she was still conscious, he gently touched her cheek.


"Generous One, are you all right?"

Edited by Randimaxis
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The white lady responded with a soft wimp like groan as she slowly opened her eyes again. "I told you my dearest that it would take much energy to return magic. If this happens with only five, can you imagine the result when doing so with an entire city? Now do you understand the choices I made my darling?" She said with a weak voice.

She tried to raise herself to her hooves but collapsed into Harcourt's arms only half way. "Would you be so kind to help be towards the royal chambers? I fear I might not make it on my own."

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He nodded to Rarity's request, hoisting her onto his back with very little issue and tossing a gaze toward the others.


"Everypony, please follow us."


As he had already explored much of this floor, he knew where she was wanting to be put.  He moved along, stepping gently to afford his charge the most amount of comfort.  There was the vigor of his freshly returned magic coursing through his veins, yet right now he only had concern for the pony on his back.  He looked back at her, smiling softly.


"My lady, you have my eternal thanks... and you also have my word that I... we... will do whatever it takes to locate the other elements.  Once they are all recovered, Sombra's days are numbered.  I cannot help but feel as if you knew things would come to this - yet it boggles my mind to see exactly how far things have come."


Reaching her private chambers, he made his way to her fainting couch and placed her oh-so-gently upon it.  He laid a kind smile upon her, then ran a hoof through her proud mane as he stood close by.


"For now, please rest - what you have done for us has left you severely weakened, and you need to recover your strength."


Turning to the rest of the group, he addressed them together. 


"Trivy?  Psych?  This has come to quite a point, has it not?  We now have proof-positive that the Elements of Harmony yet exist - and it is apparently our charge to reclaim them.  I feel as if we might be able to accomplish exactly that, but we'll need as much help as we can muster.  Trivy, with this being the case, I was wondering if perhaps Stardust and Aria here would be worthy additions to the cause?  You've been taking care of speaking with them while I was out... I shall leave it in your capable hooves as to whether or not you think they should be asked to come along with us."


Harcourt turned back to the mayor, and spoke softly to her as she languished in agony.


"Before we take our leave, I feel I must ask if you have any idea as to where we should begin our search?  I know you are quite drained, but certainly one as wise as yourself must know where we might start?"

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