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open Strangers In A Strange Land


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[the OOC went thattaway ->]


It wasn't exactly the most graceful landing he ever had. But then again, grace was never his strong point.


Quinch hit the ground head-first, something that would have snapped his neck in an instant if it weren't for what he was wearing. Instead, the collar went rigid, followed a fraction of an instant by the rest of the suit, and his entire body smashed its weight onto his shoulders as he bounced, literally, like a doll across the dirt


He got to his feet almost immediately, ignoring the protests of his much-abused body. The protests of his brain, on the other hand, got his attention quickly.


He was outside.


That was a problem.


Moments ago he was underground, surrounded by Oranbegan sorcerers. He was towing a load of reprobates on a lead from Azuria about the Seventh Circlet of Hel {in the hands of the Circle of Thorns, but of course}; he couldn't recruit any support, but having half a dozen fire-slinging, gun-toting, wind-bagging idiots and their associated superpowers usually did the job when he could keep their collective attention spans away from anything shiny. This, he thought, is what I did wrong.


He'd stepped into the cavernous hall, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, still the best way of getting most villains' attention, and prepared himself for the inevitable barrage of fire that usually distracted the wizards from the deranged kindergarten behind him. But this time, it never came.


There was a... blip. Let's call it a blip, the sensations behind magic usually needed adjectives that he never bothered to learn, and then there was this. And also grass. Green, vividly so, none of that junk you'd see around Paragon City that he suspected was probably half-plastic somehow. Teleportation, probably, by his guess he was miles, at the very least, from Paragon. At worst, well, he could hopefully at least speak the language, provided it was English.


The mission was a wash, then. Probably was from the start, at this rate he figured Azuria sent him into a trap. Again. He briefly considered giving her a piece of his mind when he got back to city hall, but she'd probably lose that too.


He refocused on his surroundings. He heard songbirds through the speakers in his helmet. Definitely out of Paragon city limits, and the lack of rock anthills and ambulatory crystal formations charging him meant he wasn't in Hamidon territory either. There was a treeline about half a click ahead, and smoke - zoom in - definitely smoke past that.


His eyes followed invisible lines ahead of him, tracing a pattern of what was basically an eyeball unlock pattern. The HUD on the inside of his visor sprang to life - lifesigns, radar, the usuals. "Adolf," he said, "Run environmental analysis. Activate perimeter alerts."


He started walking toward the trees. Smoke meant people, usually. People meant food, shelter and answers to questions like "where am I?", "is there a bar in town?" and "How much for a ticket to Rhode Island?"


"And play me some music, please."

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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Shadow came out of the shadow, when he realized he haven't eaten at all. He walked to the closest place, listening to his front legs clank, bought something to eat, he didn't know what he bought, but anything is better than listening to his stomach growling. Once he got his food, he walked away, thinking about what to do that day.

Edited by reader8363
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  • 5 weeks later...

She had been flying for a long time, and it was near impossible to tell when the land around her changed. The storm knocked her off course hours ago, and she still wasn't sure how far she was from home. 

Luckily, she saw a village in the distance before her fatigue forced her to land. Transparent wings lowered the slim, pale pony to the ground. Daisy Dream took a moment to orient herself and started down the path into town.

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As Shadow was finishing his snack, he saw something landing a bit away from the gate. He merged with his shadow and zoomed towards it. When he was about 5 feet away, he stopped, raised his head, neck and back out of the shadow, and watched the pony, while rummaging  through his baf

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Oblivious of silent shadows around her, Daisy continued down the path. She did notice one of them moving, and stopped to stare, wondering if it was some sort of illusion. 'It can't be real' she thought, closing her eyes and shaking the image out of her head. She desperately needed the living darkness to not be real, she was exhausted and hungry. ... and... someone else was nearby. She perked her ears and raised her wings as she heard something further off. Like someone was speaking. 

Fear gripped her, and froze her legs, which she took as a prequel to confrontation. "H-hello, out there!"  she called to the non-existent living shadow, and disembodied noise, "I mean no harm"

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Shadow came out of his shadow, and said,


"Hello there."


He stretch out his metal wings and opened and closed his right metal dragon arm, then he found what he was looking for,  a screwdriver with the exact bit for his wings and arms


"cool wing by the way, never seen transparent wings before."

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"Names Shadow Beast, I'm kinda the only one. I'm referring to me being part dragon and part pony, haven't seen another one yet. You are outside Ponyville."


He wrapped his right wing around him, and started loosening and tightening the bolt.


"Where are ya heading, or were."

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"Ponyville?.. I've never heard of this place before." she frowned, looking around again for anything familiar, "I must be farther away from Flutter Valley than I thought."

She took a moment to think on his question. Where was she trying to go? She was sure of where she wanted not to be. When she left home, all she could think of was her own sadness and frustration. "I.. suppose this Ponyville is as good a place for a new start as any." AS she was trying to think of what to say next, she was distracted by the bolt-turning, and said quietly "Shadow Beast... what are you doing?"

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Shadow looked up from his wing and smiled, showing his pointy dragon teeth, then he said, 


"Sorry, I'm just realigning my wings, and they don't open all the way, so I seeing what the problem is. These aren't my actual wings and front legs. Yeah, Ponyville is an ok place, been here a few months and there is new stuff happening everyday."

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Daisy leaned closer, trying to see more clearly what Shadow was doing with his wing. "Fascinating..." she mused, "wonder if you also need to keep it oiled." she thought in silence for a long moment, then, eventually realizing that she may have been rude by staring.

"Anyway," she said, taking a step back, "I should get into town, maybe there's some place I can get cleaned up. This trip has got me feeling all dusty and muggy."

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Shadow placing his driver back into his bag, then stretched his wings until they were a wingspan of a foot, then he stood up and said,


"I don't know of a place to get cleaned up, then again I really can't get wet, cause of my metal parts. I don't really have to oil them, 

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"Of course, Shadow, we wouldn't want you to rust." she grinned at her little joke, but suddenly let it fall, "Sorry, I hope that's not a rude thing to say. To be honest, I've never encountered such machinery, it's amazing."

She stretched her own wings a bit, giving a small flutter, but barely lifting from the ground. She let herself fall with an exhausted sigh. "Even if they require more maintenance, your wings are definitely more durable than mine." she started down the road toward town, "Anyway, if you would like to walk with me, maybe we can find out more about each other. Besides, being alone in a new place feels quite strange to me and I'd feel much better if somepony was with me. Let me know which shadows to run away from and which I can talk to."

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"It's fine, and thanks


He placed his bag back in the shadows and walked after her


"Yeah, that will be fine. Same here, first time being here, I stayed in my shadows, but once I found out some ponies that judge new ponies, I felt free to walk around. I need to stretch out my legs anyway"

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A flash of bright, neon green, a steaming stallion, with tattered, purple cloak steps out into view. He collapses onto his pinstripped, royal purple vest, his glasses ajar and fogged. He lays against the ground, panting, breath becoming smoke upon the air. His large ears point up against his mess of a coal colored mane, scanning for nearby noise.
"Is there... Anypony... Around?" He inquires, exhausted, between gasps for air. His azure eyes scan his limited field of vision, his iron grey coat smoldering. His cutie mark seems to shift slightly, heat waves distorting it, burnt hair and fabric filling the nostrils of passersby. His smooth, curved horn that fades to scarlet at it's tip is a dead ringer for "shadow pony", but the presence of a cutie mark dictates otherwise.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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Shadow walked up to the stallion and said, 


"Hey, are you alright, you're giving off a heat, by the way that you are, I'd say that you did some magic, that if you did any more of it, your insides would probably be burnt to a crisp, but I don't know much about that. It could be just fine, and I'm over thinking it. Names Shadow, what's your's"

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He looks up at you and states, "Name's Prince... Marion... Ette... Good gue- ... Guess... By the... Way..." He takes a long series of breaths, slowing down his heart rate. After a little while, he tries to stand, cooled down, no longer radiating heat, his freckles now visible, his cutie mark now obscured by his cloak. He barely manages to stay upright on four hooves.

"Never open a Rift, while under attack... I was supposed to end up in a random Ponyville... Where did I end up?" He stares up into your eyes, eyes possessing a knowing darkness you've only seen in war veterans.

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Shadow said, as he took a deep breath and breathing out a little fog, 


"Pleasure to meet you Marion You're outside Ponyville, Hold on I think I miss placed something in my portals. "


He reached into a shadow and grabbed his bag, then stuffed his whole leg in and was rummaging around until he pulled out an apple, then placed it in his bag. He said, as he placed his bag in the portal


"Don't want the smell of rotten food in my portal, it takes weeks to air out."

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"Sounds about right; I can never quite get the smell of ink out of my pockets..." He sounds desperately amused. "Do you mind if I... Travel with you? I'm in no state to travel alone..." A wound becomes apparent as he limps forward, attempting to travel in the same direction.

"Who might you be, my lady?" He asks the mare, politely bowing.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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Daisy had been hiding behind shadow since the stranger appeared. She'd never seen anything like him before. She held her wings close to her body, instinctually trying to look as small as possible when confonted by a sudden appearance.

"Oh, uhm, my name is Daisy Dream." she stepped out from behind Shadow as she spoke. As she stood up straight, it became apparent she was more slim and small that most ponies. She stayed silent for a moment, but then decided that this newcomer wasn't that dangerous. "Shadow and I were just about to head into town. It looks like you need a place to rest and clean up as well. I should welcome your company."


As they started down the path, she let out a small giggle, "What an interesting group we make, though." 

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The odd creature nods, bowing once more. "It's a pleasure to meet you, fine lady. And an "interesting group" is the beginning of many a fine tale. How skilled are you at healing magic?" Burn marks become apparent, still smouldering. "The Rift drained quite a bit of my magic, and I have a rudimentary knowledge of curative spells at best..."

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Daisy blushed, the pink tint showing up distinctly through her snow-white coat. No one had called her 'fine lady' before.

"We should see what we can find in town." she turned and headed down the path, leading the way even though she was probably the least qualified guide. Mostly, she wanted to hide her face, and hopefully appear more confident. "I'm afraid my own magic is limited to the winds. Actually, not even that right now, not until I've had a decent rest."

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Shadow said


"I might know a pony that can help, but I don't know if he's in ponyville, He moves around equestria, but I can see if he's here. Oh, he's doesn't actually have magic, he's an earth pony, but I'm sure he can help. If that's okay with you?"


(Do you think I can bring another one in. He's another of my OCs)

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(I don't see the problem.)

Marion Ette is completely unaware of what he did. He smiles, warmly.

"Thank you, my lady. I might have to take you up on that offer, good sir." I state, weary with exhaustion.

I REALLY need to rest... Maybe, I'll feel better in the town... I need some fear or hatred in my stomach...

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Shadow said, as he sank into his shadow, 


"Okay, I'll go look for him, he might be in the park, then zoomed off"


Feeder was sitting in the park, checking to see if he got everything, then he saw a shadow zigzagging around the park, he looked up to see nopony flying. He said, as he put everything in his bag,


"Good to see you shadow, hows business? What do you need?"


Shadow came up and said, "Somepony needs your help."


Feeder got up and said, "Ok, lead me there."

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