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Do you have any phobias?


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At this point of my life, nothing I would consider a genuine phobia anymore. I was extremely scared of spiders not too long ago but have since become much better at dealing with it. At one point I couldn't look at a picture of a spider but now I'm fine with and physical contact is much less of an issue. I'm not especially comfortable with tight spaces but it's not a phobia. I tend to avoid horses but I consider that an absolutely rational and cautious idea. Horses are very large and strong and I have no grounds on which to judge a horse's personality and temper.

Unexpected loud noises, or the potential of it-

  • I get nervous around baloons, especially if they are being blown up, or popped.
  • Gunfire really spooks me
  • Even though I've done it many times, I dread opening a pressurized can of biscuits



What on earth is that!? A pressurized can of biscuits? How is that a biscuit? It looks like compressed marshmallows! I'm not dipping that in my tea anytime soon.

  • Brohoof 2
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What on earth is that!? A pressurized can of biscuits? How is that a biscuit? It looks like compressed marshmallows! I'm not dipping that in my tea anytime soon.

Ah I see that there is a cultural misunderstanding here. :sunbutt:  In the U.S., what you call biscuits we call cookies. The biscuits I'm refering to are more like your scones in the UK. The stuff in the can is just the dough- you take it out of the can and bake it in the oven. This is what they look like when they are done:



:icwudt: ok, these look better than the canned ones, but its the same idea




  • Brohoof 1
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At this point of my life, nothing I would consider a genuine phobia anymore. I was extremely scared of spiders not too long ago but have since become much better at dealing with it. At one point I couldn't look at a picture of a spider but now I'm fine with and physical contact is much less of an issue. I'm not especially comfortable with tight spaces but it's not a phobia. I tend to avoid horses but I consider that an absolutely rational and cautious idea. Horses are very large and strong and I have no grounds on which to judge a horse's personality and temper.



What on earth is that!? A pressurized can of biscuits? How is that a biscuit? It looks like compressed marshmallows! I'm not dipping that in my tea anytime soon.

That is a biscuit, you just have to cook it in the oven :P


(Are you British cause only a British person would say that XD)

Ah I see that there is a cultural misunderstanding here. :sunbutt:  In the U.S., what you call biscuits we call cookies. The biscuits I'm refering to are more like your scones in the UK. The stuff in the can is just the dough- you take it out of the can and bake it in the oven. This is what they look like when they are done:



:icwudt: ok, these look better than the canned ones, but its the same idea




British people are so odd with their different words.. XD


(They're fries.. NOT CHIPPPPS!!!!)

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Agoraphobia, I just HATE being with a lot of people, it's stressing me too much!


Arachnophobia... Well, not really, as long as they're not too big but I still hate them in general

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't have any big fears, but I do not like Moths or butterflies that much. When they get near me I freak out. Or with most flying bugs that aren't common houseflies. If the bugs have big wings, I am terrified of them. Unless they are perched, then I can get close to them until they start fluttering again.

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I think centipedes are the only thing that will send me careening away in true terror. Chilopodophobia, I guess. I can not think of any other cretin that radiates evil out of its horrible glistening carapace. Scared of snakes or spiders? Forget them. Those are as dangerous as a potted plant compared to these monstrosities. They come just as venomous as any snake or spider might, but ten times as aggressive. They are not satisfied with just acting dangerous to scare you away like a kinder creature might; no, they are going to hunt you down and they will not stop until they have sunk their flesh-crunching mandibles into your skin and injected you with their painful poisons. They can move twice as fast as you can run. There is no escape.

Edited by Coltboy
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Phobias.. Hmmm. I am afraid of fire. Always been afraid of using lighters or matches.

As for fears in general..

I hate the feeling of being trapped or closed in with a bunch of people surrounding me.

I guess this might sound bad, but I try to avoid human interaction as much as possible throughout the day. I try to dodge people I know or think might talk to me. I am usually scared that someone will talk to me in the elevator too. 

Also, in all seriousness, rape. 

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I used to suffer from Submechanophobia (the fear of underwater man-made objects) but I got over that after my first wreck dive in the Bahamas. Now it's all I see nowadays. Lol!


Nowadays, I have a fear of heights and a fear of not seeing something that is there. I developed the latter during dive school when I was on bottom with no visibility when something huge went up against my back, but I never saw what it was. Seeing shadows underwater still makes my skin crawl as well...

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I have a severe phobia of jellyfish.

I know, it sounds stupid, but, at the sight of a jellyfish, I hit the ground (sand) running.

Awe, that's too bad. I loooooove jellyfish. I don't know why but they're so fascinating and beautiful. 



My worst fear would be loosing people that I really care about. I have nightmares about it, and it really, really bothers me to think about it. >.>

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I have terrible health anxiety, especially after experiencing lots of health issues. My staple belief in life is basically all we really have is our health right, we can have no money, nowhere to live, but we can still live meaningful lives, mostly do the things we want to do, have future plans and goals, but without the guarentee and strength of a well functioning body, you have all the potential to lose that very quickly. This is my greatest fear, especially losing something like this at a young age.

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