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"I'm Sapphire Placebo. I'm a doctor, so this kit here is pretty standard issue stuff for me. The submachine gun? I asked a guard for a weapon to defend myself, since this other pistol is actually meant to heal you and boost your abilities. Anyways, its a pleasure to meet you, Chatterbox! Also, if you're sleepy often, I have some meds for that which work pretty well."




"Well, that's good. If you feel a bit off, though, please don't hesitate to tell me." She smiled. All things pointed to her relatives being from Cloudsdale, but she certainly didn't act like a Pegasus stereotypically would.




She calmly approached him, and leaned in so he could whisper, as to not draw any attention to them. "What is it?"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Silver Shine walks over to the saddlebags, picking up one of the last ones. She opens it up and sifts through the contents before retrieving her battle axe, pistol, and long sword. She goes back to the corner where she previously sat and sits back down. She looks around the room at the other ponies, trying to memorize their faces. As the ponies talk to each other, she memorizes their names as well.

"Uh... hi. I'm, I mean, my name is Silver. Silver Shine."

This is a WIP.

Why are you still looking at this?

Seriously. You should have looked away by now.

Congratulations. You have read the 4th line.

I can't believe you are still here. *sighs and walks away*

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She calmly approached him, and leaned in so he could whisper, as to not draw any attention to them. "What is it?"

He whispers with a simple response of, "vanadium sulphrite." He pauses. "A chemical crystal zat is in my blood, vings, und eyes." He looks at the group incase they heard any of it but seemed occupied. "It alzo shot my bio temperature to about vone hundred eight degrees." Hazmat adds in for his last words before giving g the !medical pony a chance to ask questions or give a statement. Edited by Volframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"That could mean several things. In your case, what is it?" She asked, thinking of all the potential things vanadium in his blood could mean he had and what effects it would have on his body. "If its what it usually is, I have medicine for that." She peeked back into her medical bag.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"That could mean several things. In your case, what is it?" She asked, thinking of all the potential things vanadium in his blood could mean he had and what effects it would have on his body. "If its what it usually is, I have medicine for that." She peeked back into her medical bag.

"I'm not asking for a cure, I'm just letting you know zat ze vanadium sulphrite is mixed vith me." He responds. "If you vant sample ich (I) vill have no problem giving them to you." He says afterwards. "Just don't let anyvone else know... okay?" He asks with a hint of a small whince, worried that she might spill the secret.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"No ma'am, no medical conditions that I've know of," Gentle Secret replied to the pegasus that introduced herself as a medic. That was unique, being a medic and all. Saying what she needed, Gentle Secret made her way to the double doors and peered into the dark hallway.


@@SpikusFyre@@Birdy the Phoenix


"We should be getting ready to go, I doubt Princess Reverie would like us to spend too much time here discussing little things," Gentle Secret nodded her head as she sat down near the door and opened up her datapad and looked around before closing it. From what she could tell, there were quite a large selection of files pertaining to many things above. It'll, from her guesses, take around at least three days to read them all if she read continuously and not even stopping for a single break.  


"Nice to meet you Silver Shine," Gentle Secret dipped her head at her. 

Edited by Demirari


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"Of course. Your secret is safe with me. I don't think I'll need a sample, but I'll quietly keep an eye on you." She patted him on the back a little, before turning to the others.




"Great! And yes, I agree. We probably should get moving." Sapphire fiddled around with her datapad a bit, working out the basic functions and whatnot.

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Draco ma'am," Draco stated to the mare talking to them. "Any nothing but old scars from scavaging in the vast wasteland," Draco stated with a grin on his face. "Old world stuff collectible," Draco said slightly. "Anyhow we need to get to wherever we need to go alright," Draco stated as he looked at the mare through his helmet.


A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Hazmat gives a second check to his saddle and bag. Everything looks good. "Vell, ve should head out now." He says out to the group, approaching the door Ms. Secret was at. "I'm ready for hell." After looking down the hall, he looks over at secret as if wondering if he should take the first step. (Assuming the halls lead to the outside :3)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Spikus watched as the other ponies were starting to head towards the door {Finally the pleasantries are over and we can get on with it} he thought to himself. He made sure everything was equipped and walked towards the door both anticipating and dreading what would come next.

Edited by SpikusFyre

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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Gentle Secret decided to take the first few steps into the dark hallway. She continued onwards as she found the hallway lighting up slowly. Stopping before a set of stairs, she motioned for her teammates to follow as she continued upwards. When she climbed the last stair, she noted that there are now small dim lights revealing the hallway. Still moving forward without checking if her teammates were following, Gentle Secret stepped into a large room.


From what she could tell, this was a decently sized garage capable of supporting five cars comfortably. The ceiling was around twenty-four meters above the ground with a catwalk not far from the floor. Dirty and scratched were the steel walls surrounding the room, they seemed to be around eighty years old. The flooring was made of smoothed out concrete blocks. 


In the middle was a large vehicle, large enough to fit around twenty ponies easily. The angular look it had made it pleasing and deadly to the eyes. On top of the vehicle was a remote-controlled machine gun probably used to defend itself against creatures. Made out of steel, the vehicle would be strong enough to resist most attacks from disharmonic creatures while having speed and maneuverability rivaling a car. 


Walking around, Gentle Secret noted that there wasn't any pony around. Looking around, she noted tools, tires, random parts, things that would fit such a garage like this. Then, she saw something in the far corner of a wall, a small camera that was tracking her. Thinking to herself, she concluded that they must be waiting for everypony to arrive, which should be soon enough anyways.


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"Nice. Hobbies are always fun. Now, let's go." Without hesitation, Sapphire made her way after Secret down the hallway. "Might as well get it over with." She thought to herself, as she reached the garage.




"Hey, are you... nervous?" Sapphire asked Secret, and judging by the face that nopony else was around, it was a question only intended for her and perhaps to be kept between the two of them.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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post-18984-0-98404500-1399340807.gif well nice to meet you too, i dont sleep that often but my problem is to stay awake at night, you see am a day mare, but my boss orders me to interview important ponies or take note on events that happens in the night and it is sooo good to meet you Doctor Placebo, how many years you been studing medicine? am sure you got an interesting story to tell, so tell me whoever woh can help this poor mare, whats the situation right now?


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Chemy followed behind Gentle Secret, he looks at the walls the hall has until they ended up in the garage. Seeing what was in the middle, he wasted no time running around hoping ontop, looking underneath it, so on.


Wasting no time looking at the mobile steel angular box, as if a foal in a candy store wasting no time looking at the sugary treats.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"That's a large vehicle" said Spikus as he arrived in the garage. He saw the gun on top of it as well of the lack of more ponies than the eight of them in the room. {It's probably automated to avoid risking more than necessary} he thought to himself. He stood behind the others whom had already arrived assuming that they were waiting for further instructions.

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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End Game walks in with the rest of the group and smiles in reverence, "Now that is a weapon I wouldn't mind getting a chance to take apart, but since it's going to keep us alive in the incredibly deadly place known as 'outside' I'll keep my hooves to myself for now..." he takes a position next to the vehicle and waits for his orders, idly fiddling with the sights on his rifle.

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"Nervous? I am nervous, that is most certain," Gentle Secret replied as she glanced at Sapphire Placebo, "we are going to Mareington, a city with one of the highest rate of causalities for scouts. Not to mention, we're going up there, above this bunker. We're going to a world where Disharmony rules and lurks about, no pony should say they are confident and without nervousness. It isn't possible." 




"Ah, you all are the eight, huh?" a pony wearing a combat suit greeted them as he entered through a small door. "I was expecting a bunch of mean, scaring soldiers waiting. Well, you're all a lot better than I was imaging, makes everything seem normal... for me that is. I bet some of ya never even took a step outside." 


Opening the driver's seat with a twist of a key, the pony climbed up and started up the vehicle. Fiddling around with the instruments and buttons on board, the pony got off from the vehicle again. He paced around the vehicle in inspection, nodding to the eight ponies as he made sure nothing was amiss. "Those mechanics better had not screw up her," one could hear him faintly mutter to himself as he backed away and nodded. 


"Ah! I've forgot, I'm Sergeant Traverse," Sergeant Traverse introduced himself, "I'll be your driver with Corporal Steer as my assistant. Nice to meet ya'll."  


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"A pleasure," Draco said finally speaking up. "So you were expecting total bad asses," Draco said jokingly but you got eight rag tag of misfits," Draco said with a laugh. "A former sniper who is now a scavenger," Draco said. "A cute medic who can probably kick my flank from here to Manehatten, And I don't know about the rest of these ponies," Draco said slightly with a slight awkward chuckle.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Sapphire was eyeing the gun on top of the vehicle when she heard the comment, not saying anything about it but quite obviously blushing.




"Well, I'm g-glad you're not freaking out about it." Sapphire said to Secret, still recovering from Draco's comment. "I assume this'll be our mobile base of operations while we're out there, Sergeant?" She asked him, poking at the metal.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Sorta," Sergeant Traverse replied as he walked over, "it will be your base of operation, but ya'll will probably be spending most nights on your own. The streets of Mareington are usually in a mess and it might take a while for 'er to move through them. So think of it as a resting point when some days it gets too rough or somepony is injured. This vehicle is armored enough that most creatures won't be getting inside and the machine gun which everypony 'ere has been looking at so far good enough to kill most."




Sergeant Traverse turned around and smiled, "It's a .50 HMG folks! Keep staring at it, I know its a beauty to look at! Also, she admires the looks ya'll giving her."


The door swung open again as a young stallion walked in, an earth pony with a similar combat suit as Sergeant Traverse. There was a small name-tag attached to the suit, it simply read, "Corporal Steer." He shook his head at his superior's shout before smiling at each of the eight.


"'Ello, I'm Corporal Steer and I'll be the assistant driver in this journey. Princess Reverie will be appearing along the catwalk above soon."

Edited by Demirari


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"Sorta," Sergeant Traverse replied as he walked over, "it will be your base of operation, but ya'll will probably be spending most nights on your own. The streets of Mareington are usually in a mess and it might take a while for 'er to move through them. So think of it as a resting point when some days it gets too rough or somepony is injured. This vehicle is armored enough that most creatures won't be getting inside and the machine gun which everypony 'ere has been looking at so far good enough to kill most."




Sergeant Traverse turned around and smiled, "It's a .50 HMG folks! Keep staring at it, I know its a beauty to look at! Also, she admires the looks ya'll giving her."


The door swung open again as a young stallion walked in, an earth pony with a similar combat suit as Sergeant Traverse. There was a small name-tag attached to the suit, it simply read, "Corporal Steer." He shook his head at his superior's shout before smiling at each of the eight.


"'Ello, I'm Corporal Steer and I'll be the assistant driver in this journey. Princess Reverie will be appearing along the catwalk above soon."

"The problem with that will be limited in ammo," Draco said as he looked at the Sergeant. Draco opened up his mouth part of his helmet still obscuring his face. "Hope you guys don't mind if I smoke do you?" Draco asked as he looked around. "Or I can wait till we are outside," Draco muttered.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Paging @Demirari

End Game smiles and gives a low whistle, "I never thought I'd see a Ma Deuce in my day, and now I get to be on the same side as one!" he sounds quite excited, "First dibs on the salvage if it breaks down!" he nods to the two soldiers, "It's a pleasure to meet you both, if you need some help with the gun at any point, feel free to ask."

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Sapphire gave a wave to Steer as she sat down on a tire.




"Though I don't approve of it, sure." Sapphire smiled at him a little, before deciding to go and do one final check of her medical equipment. Satisfied everything was there, she looked at her datapad for some general information about what lurked outside.  




"Oh, and I enjoy your curiosity, but let's hope that doesn't happen. The gun is like an angel to us." Sapphire bowed to the gun and the car in a joking manner. "Thank you, Lord Car."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Hazmat payed little to no attention to the two new ponies that walked in. He starts to give a closer inspection the to the HMG. See all the bolts and markings on the massive weapon. After a short while of inspection he flops down to the commander. "How zick is zis armor it has?" It looks as if it could take a hit from a 120mm shell... An APCR vone..." He finishes looking back at the vehicle then back to the commander.

Edited by Volframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@,@@dragon4111@@@SpikusFyre@@FractalMoon@@Birdy the Phoenix@,  


"Ah, you're all here," Princess Reverie greeted them as she walked upon the catwalk with the same soldier as before in the room. "It is delightful, I hope you all have got to know each other well for you all will be departing momentarily. Sergeant Traverse and Corporal Steer, as you may have already greeted, will be along with you in this journey. They'll be supporting you, but won't be actively be helping you. The mission is still up to you eight." 


"When you arrive at Mareington," Princess Reverie continuing, "there should be a pair of scouts awaiting for your arrival. They'll be helping you for around a week to get you all familiarized with the area. They will not be with you for your entire journey. I hope you all will make it back to see a brighter future. Good bye my little ponies." Tipping her head, she and the soldier disappeared at that, leaving ten ponies alone. 




"She has enough armor to bounce a 90mm if you're wanting to know. A 120mm would be pushing 'er to her maximum," Sergeant Traverse replied after Princess Reverie had left the room. "And I will do sir if there's anything that comes up from the gun." 

Edited by Demirari


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