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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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OOC Linkup: https://mlpforums.com/topic/139092-bangcolt-arena-fightingsol-ooc-never-closed/


Old RP Linkup for backtrack: https://mlpforums.com/topic/126617-bangcolt-arena-fightingsol-rp/?view=findpost


Electron Wave Storm continued to pass out flyers for nightmare night. As he did so, he started to think back to when he used to dress up for it, "Hm. That was a long time ago. I used to love eating candy, but now, I've out grown that holiday..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Ditzy giggled at the Doctor's display of excitement, always finding the eccentric earth pony incredibly entertaining. His energy was one of the things that drew her to him.   Feeling rather inspired by his high spirits, she decided to get in on the fun. "Allons-y!" She giggled, and hopped into the air to flutter after him.




The Doctor trotted along with her; they had meek chit chat, nothing exceeding the lines of, 'casual.' "So, Ditzy, I have a question for you; if you were to go anywhere today--where would you have gone? Absolutely anywhere, in complete disregards to circumscription." He inquired. 



"You wouldn't believe," Rarity said with a small smirk. "I've been kidnapped, nearly murdered, been to multiple hosiptal visits, and all within the span of a month." She said, giving an exasperated eye roll. "But..." she added, turning to Twilight with a small smile. "I did meet a wonderful stallion. I've never met someone who took the time out to do so many nice things for me." She stopped suddenly, wide-eyed. "Outside of you and the girls, obviously," she added quickly, waving a hoof absent-mindedly in the air.


Twilight cocked her head to the side, "That sure, sounds, in-ter-esting, to say the least," Twilight said, "So, Sweetie Belle and the other two finally got their cutie marks, that must of been something for you to see it happen; I know how long they've been waiting and how hard they've been working." 


Twilight thought back to when she was a filly, thinking how hard she worked. If there was one thing she always had it was a work ethic--no one instilled it in her; it was just there. Studying night in and night out, practicing magic, reading textbooks on philosophy. She could still remember how it felt to finally discover her purpose, even if she could only picture a portion, she could still emphatize with Sweetie Belle and the rest of the crusaders.


Dran, the apparent traveler with an eldritch air about him, concluded his rather unseemly act of nuzzling Fluttershy, in order to stir her to attention. As he had come to expect, the forlorn element of kindness would react with such fervor when a possibility of a mulligan was offered. Even though he tried to conceal his expression with a feigning of impassiveness, the stranger gave a knowing grin for but a fleeting moment; the kind of grin that a foal would have upon discovering that they had received the gift of their dreams upon Hearth's Warming Eve. Speaking in a polite, comforting voice, Dran would cryptically make known his intentions and his offer.    " This sudden deprivation of life has desecrated the sanctity of the world's balance.... Element of kindness, you must realize that your role in Equestria is tantamount to its common defense, correct? But alas, how can a shield defend the wielder, when it has been shattered...? We believe death to be the penultimate climax to all life. And in reality, this holds true many a time. But what if I told you that this needn't be the case? When one tosses a coin to the ground and witnesses it roll, it is almost assured that the coin shall fall, either upon heads, or upon tails. However, there is always the rarest of occurrences, of which the coin lands on its edge, refusing to play puppet to the expectations of others. The coin that has been cast tonight, is representative of your beloved companions' fate. Behind me, the shades of your cherished ones languish at their untimely passing, and even more so at your devastation, as you do for them. And why would any being expect a different reaction when death is viewed as the final farewell?"     Dran turned to look upon all of the souls that had followed him back to fluttershy's abode. All of them, as he said, were indeed lamenting the dreadful turn of events that had occurred tonight. The most prevalent however, was a small, snow white rabbit that was slowly hopping over to the duo's position. The rabbit was translucent, and gave off a weak, golden glow around its being. Wishing to comfort Fluttershy, the hare, sullen and despaired, nuzzled under her chin with loving intent. Dran had given the souls of the recently deceased a temporary form, closely resembling those that they had in life. A ghost, capable of limited interaction with those still on the mortal plane, but only if those still living willed it. Had Fluttershy not wanted physical contact with the shade, then it would have only phased through her, doing no harm. Turning back to her, Dran would finally disclose the dealings of which he wished to pursue.   " The laws of nature are clear. However the need for balance and the security of the world reigns supreme over such laws. So therefore, In order to preserve said balance, I make my various offers to you, with no attempt to hide any terms within the offer. First and foremost, I offer to completely and totally restore the physical vessels of those lost to the flames of atrophy tonight. Their souls shall inhabit these restored vessels, and they shall be as they were in their first life. I shall even add a few years to their natural lifespans, as it is well within my power to do so. However, The flesh of the reanimated tends to be weakened, and thus, they will require the flesh of other living beings every few months. While this indeed sounds sinister and malicious, I will personally promise you my head that it is not as terrible as you would believe. Any flesh can satisfy, and carnivores, such as your ursine friend, needn't even worry due to his dietary habit of fish. A simple resolution is that all animals, every quarter of the year, are fed fish, giving their souls the strength to sustain their bodies. I shall give an explanation as to why, if you will it. However, if you find this method unethical, and wish to pursue an alternative solution in which they shall exist in a world far more pure than our own, then I shall make an alternative offer; through much time, training, and attainment of magical prowess, I have the ability to open a gateway to the threshold between the afterlife and the plane upon which we exist. This threshold is known as the fields of Elysia, a beautiful, seemingly endless field of vibrant fauna and open skies that serves as the doorway to eternal bliss. Here, both shade and flesh coexist side by side, and may interact with each other freely. I shall give you one full day to rejoice with your beloved, and to say your final goodbyes before they cross the plains to their final destination. This offer could be seen as more acceptable to the natural order."   Dran brought his hoof to Fluttershy's cheek, and stroked it once before retracting his hoof. While comforting, the hoof was cold... Like a corpse. Finally, Dran spoke once more, and revealed what it was that he desired for such a precious opportunity.    " All I ask in return, is that you allow me to view your memories, via a spell. While I can completely understand that our most intimate secrets are something held dear, I must see what you have seen. It shall not only aid me in locating the perpetrator of this crime, but I can also gleam from you the state of Equestria, and perhaps aid in protecting the other elements that form the shield that defend this nation. After all, there are those who seek to upset the balance, and I shall have none of that... It is not a high price, and this is all I am asking of you, nothing more, nothing less. Information, for the fate of your dearest animals... A trade that, while fair, does weigh heavily in your favor. Element of Kindness... Do you accept my offer?"  




Fluttershy sobbed uncontrollably, aching with great grievance, great anticipation as Dran presented her an offer; it was a game changing, ground breaking, soul shattering (...literally...) offer. He explained to her, in the midst of her agony and blubbering, in great depth of his offer. Unfortunately, it wasn't an easy one to comprehend, and to add insult to injury, he tears deluded her hearing in addition to boggling her mind. 


She was lost, like she was when she was a little filly. Fluttershy may have enjoyed being by herself but she didn't aspire to be lost and alone by any means. Dran certainly wasn't helping nor were circumstances aiding as Dran and his explantion. Fluttershy matterafact missed the central point, getting caught up on meek questions of "What," and "Why." And when Dran finally reached the end she was abandoned, no longer lost but to the point of no return in her mental state. Instead of answering, more tears burst out and she buried her head between her forelegs. 

@@Fractured@@Star Saber

He rushed frantically, his eyes were set on Bangcolt, the hospital specifcally. Tears blinded his vision but he pressed forward, tripping and twisting uncomfortably, almost falling, almost--he didn't though, his cargo was far to precious to let it fall. It was already in bad shape, it didn't need to be in any worse. 


After a rough hour of straight running he finally made it to Bagcolt. He let out a cry, "HELP, PLEASE SOME PONY, PLEASE, HELP! SOMEONE GET THE PRINCESSES'. GET THE DOCTORS, PLEASE!" Shining Armor shouted frantically. Trying to be as loud as possible, as he galloped faster and faster while he neared the hospital. But he was careful so his precious, and beloved cargo wouldn't fall. Never before had he gone through such psychiatric torment, such lengths that he had to endure, that he had to keep fighting when he was uncapable of doing so. 


He fell to his knees at the hospital entrance, still balancing himself upright. He cringed and his face twisted; the once white stallion was red as a cherry with his veins bulging, swelling like dimples. Prespiration covered his whole body and his muscles yearned for comfort but he couldn't relax them yet, even though they were strained, some even cramped. He managed to catch enough breath to turn to see a limp head hanging over his shoulder, "It's going to be ok, Cady--it has to be."




Vinyl and Octavia were home alone, snoring away, it had been a long 28 hours for them so they were amidst of taking a long, deserved break before they had to begin planning there next event. The Halloween Hoedown... Hosted inside the BangColt Arena itself, taking place no other day than, NightMare Night!




Cloud Chaser smiled brightly at Amethyst's warming up to her. She took the mare's hoof in her own and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Amethyst!"   She looked around the street surrounding the two. "I was going to go sign up for the arena," she explained, "and then head to my apartment, but I guess we can swap those around. You look in pretty bad shape, so we should get you somewhere to put your hooves up. Maybe something to eat as well."




Amethyst sighed yet again, thinking Cloud Chaser wouldn't understand she didn't like being told how poor off she was, but she couldn't rebut help, especially with how badly she needed it. "Uh, yes please, I'd like that." She said. 


They began walking back towards Cloud Chaser's apartment in silence, apart from the atmosphere around them, which, Amethyst blocked out anyways. She was far too busy to stop and chat, it was up to Cloud Chaser to disrupt her thinking, her strategics on how she was going to get back on the right track.


Applejack simply shrugged her shoulders. "I'll have to do that later, on my own time. The bar should be opening soon, and I don't think anypony wants to here the sound of nails and hammers, especially when they're fall down drunk." She gave Night Tracer a small smirk. "So, what are you going to do now that you're up? You staying here, or was there someplace you planned on going?"



He twisted the blood from the rag into the sink and the sparse bit of wet blood dripped and trickled towards the drainage pipe. It smelled metallic, old metallic, like a withering hammer head. He stuck his tongue out and cringed, "That's-- Uh, Abhorrent." Night ran the rag under the cool water for a few seconds more before throwing it under the sink along with the other filth ridden cloths. 


Applejack then asked him what he was going to do now, "Well, I may just actually go back to sleep--Wait, no I can't. You said the bar was opening but--huh? You said you were going out with your frien--" Before Night could finish he looked over to the door, loud knocking enthralled the two ponies. 


Subsequently, the door creaked open and the brass bell above it rung, "RING!" Much like a bell on a little filly's scooter, it meant someone was coming through. And through somepony came--a meek, average sized mare walked through giggling. She was purple, all over; her coat was a deep, dark violet which was beautifully complimented by a lilac and lavender mane. 


Preceding her was a large, bulky stallion, with a golden yellow mane a eye catching red coat, and hardy laugh as well as gentle smile.


"Hey, we're closed." Night Tracer said.


Big Mac and Cheerilee looked at each other briefly before looking back up to the strange stallion, eyeing him peculiarly, then eyeballing his sister. "Oh, terribly sorry, we haven't met." Big Mac approached Night, offering his behemoth of a hoof. "I'm Applejack's brother and this is my partner, Cheerille." Cheerilee offered Night a warm smile as well. He smiled awkwardly in return. He could feel Applejack's vicariousness. It wasn't anything less than a dumbfounded, "Wow." 


Night Tracer wasn't paying attention, and completely forgot about the stallion and his welcoming mannerisms. 


Big Macintosh coughed lightly and cleared is throat in attempt to draw the aloof blue stallion's attention, "And you are?" He inquired.


Night Tracer blushed, "Oh sorry, I-- It's-- Um, I'm Night Tracer and I'm uh-- friend?" He made a face at Applejack, doubting his answer. Were they friends? Eh, he assumed but then again he wouldn't be too offended if she said no. 




“...Who...Who are you talking to?” Ash was most certainly confused at this point. He walked up behind Pinkie Pie and looked towards the direction she was staring. He didn’t see anything but rocks and mountainside. “...I don’t get it… who is this Jared?”



Pinkie Pie looked confused. "Oh you don't know? Hm, None of my friends seem to hear the voices either...Actually let me try something." She reached up into the sky, digging around like a kid in a toy chest.


Meanwhile, Jared was sitting in his Intro to Digital Technology. He stared at the computer, procrastinating on his schoolwork and lackadaisically writing a post for his one and only roleplay all the while listening to, "Victorious," by Panic at the Disco. Suddenly a portal opened above him but he didn't care enough to look up. 


Pinkie slowly slid her hooves down until they clasped around his head. His eyes widened and balls dropped as he whispered, "I need an adult."  Pinkie then pulled him up or down in her world. He screamed, but it was too late. No one could save him.


Ash stared awkwardly at Pinkie who was waving her hooves around like an idiot. Then again, I don't know who wouldn't. 


"A blind man."






Where was I? Oh yes--Then, suddenly, much to Ash's surprise. A monstrous, hideous figure appeared from the sky. The figure was screaming, "PINKIE WHAT THE EVER LOVING HELL." Jared screamed as he hit the ground, toppling over Pinkie. 




"PINKIE, I'm not supposed to be here."






"Would you like to come on an adventure with us?" 


Jared face palmed, "Pinkie... that would redefine self insertion... to a whole new level?"


"Self Insertion, isn't that...?"


Jared eyes widened as he went to tackle Pinkie, "No... No it's not. Now Pinkie, I would absotivley love to abandon my future,  my life, my responsibilities, and my family and friends for this adventure. But I can't--." 


"Why not?"


"Well because... uh... Eh...um...beca--, I'd have to ask for the DM's approval..."


"Weren't you just promoted."


"Pinkie, that's abuse of power."


"OH, like that thing Celestia does?"




"Listen, I'm just you, ok? I'm what you make me..."


"That... isn't wrong..."


"It's ok! My mind is Full of buck too!" 


"I'll never see the end of this will I..." 



Minuette nodded and turned away from her friends to take her latex gloves off of the stubs at the end of her legs. "Looks like the last patient is a no show," She thought. 


After throwing her gloves away and wiping beneath her mane line she proposed an outing of the three, "Well, I'm sure you two have been hanging out quite frequently, actually, for a matter a fact I know  you have." Minnie chuckled. "And, I have a free night tonight... so, maybe, would you girls like to... maybe do something tonight? If you don't have plans, of course." She tried to look anxious although she really was, hoping they'd say yes. It'd been a while, a medium-long while, not enough that they were long lost but the minute details they knew about each other were. Bon Bon and Lyra  were always two peas in a pod, Minuette was just fighting to be in that pod. She was wanted, but was she loved? 

Edited by Tacoma


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While Photon Jet was watching random battles on television, he checked his electric powered jet suit if there are any final touches required so that something doesn't go wrong in his first, upcoming battle.


"Hmm...Wings, check. Boosters, check. Helmet, check. Power battery, check." he said as he checked on his suit. "Alright, good to go! Now all I have to is wait some more."


He was unsure who his first opponent would be as he forgot to check the standings of the tournament.  

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Minuette nodded and turned away from her friends to take her latex gloves off of the stubs at the end of her legs. "Looks like the last patient is a no show," She thought. 


After throwing her gloves away and wiping beneath her mane line she proposed an outing of the three, "Well, I'm sure you two have been hanging out quite frequently, actually, for a matter a fact I know  you have." Minnie chuckled. "And, I have a free night tonight... so, maybe, would you girls like to... maybe do something tonight? If you don't have plans, of course." She tried to look anxious although she really was, hoping they'd say yes. It'd been a while, a medium-long while, not enough that they were long lost but the minute details they knew about each other were. Bon Bon and Lyra  were always two peas in a pod, Minuette was just fighting to be in that pod. She was wanted, but was she loved? 



Bonbon blinked at Minuette's offer, considering it. She should probably be investigating around the arena tonight, but on the other hoof, she and Lyra hadn't seen Minuette in ages, and the arena wasn't going to be closed down any time soon.


"I'd love to!" She chirped, smiling widely to her dentally-aligned buddy, then looked toward the green mare, "What about you, Lyra?"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The colossus that was Viruden only hastened its heavy strides towards the group of three, keeping his malicious, red eyes focused upon Tyra. This giant bear was clearly in no mood to be challenged as the toy sized earth pony had done. With every step that he drew nearer to them, great quakes were made, almost as if to crescendo the end of all things in existence. Deep imprints, of which each one could probably house the foundations for an entire mansion and a great amount of outlying property, were left in the golden Ursa's wake. 


Eventually arriving, the beast looked downward. Now this, was a monster that dwarfed any dragon. Slowly positioning itself into a stance that would suggest pouncing, Viruden would meet, as best as he could, with Tyra at eye level. Which, all things considered, was nigh impossible, considering that even his eyes were about the same size as a house. Scathingly staring Tyra down, Viruden reeled back as if he was going to roar.


Except, about midway, Viruden's face contorted from one of anger, to one of... Confusion? The bear looked to the left and right, seeing both Galtos and Lorec standing to her side, The pale rider still with arms crossed, and Lorec taping his hooves and hands on his hips as if he were waiting for this annoying event to finish. Now, one would probably believe that Viruden was only finding their nonchalant reactions quaint. Same could be said for Tyra, After all, it was only natural that many would flee from the apex of the apex. But no. Viruden was seemingly befuddled for an entirely different reason.


" Wait.... What was I angry about again?"


Lorec, eyes flashing open wildly at Viruden and his mouth left agape, could barely even string together a competent answer as Galtos watched on in silence.


" What... Wh-..... Dammit Viruden...."





Kazas, nodding at Vera, then proceeded to slowly stand up from sitting position, having some difficulty In moving around due to the massive amounts of life energy that he had transferred before. Unsheathing his sword slowly, Kazas would use the blade as a makeshift cane in order to compensate and travel as he slowly recovered. 


Kazas looked over toward Lorec and Tyra, whom of which were across the room, and witnessed Sifana between them, sitting in wooden chair and grasping Lorec's hand and Tyra's hoof, seemingly asleep, with her head slightly slouched over as she slumbered. She must have been quite tired, considering her emotional downpour during her father and new found friend's battle. Instead of disturbing them, Kazas would let them all rest peacefully. they more than deserved it. 


Smiling at Vera, Kazas spoke.


" It would be a pleasure! But I do fear that we may both need to tread lightly, considering the recent events that have transpired... I'm not exactly feeling too well myself."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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The colossus that was Viruden only hastened its heavy strides towards the group of three, keeping his malicious, red eyes focused upon Tyra. This giant bear was clearly in no mood to be challenged as the toy sized earth pony had done. With every step that he drew nearer to them, great quakes were made, almost as if to crescendo the end of all things in existence. Deep imprints, of which each one could probably house the foundations for an entire mansion and a great amount of outlying property, were left in the golden Ursa's wake. 


Eventually arriving, the beast looked downward. Now this, was a monster that dwarfed any dragon. Slowly positioning itself into a stance that would suggest pouncing, Viruden would meet, as best as he could, with Tyra at eye level. Which, all things considered, was nigh impossible, considering that even his eyes were about the same size as a house. Scathingly staring Tyra down, Viruden reeled back as if he was going to roar.


Except, about midway, Viruden's face contorted from one of anger, to one of... Confusion? The bear looked to the left and right, seeing both Galtos and Lorec standing to her side, The pale rider still with arms crossed, and Lorec taping his hooves and hands on his hips as if he were waiting for this annoying event to finish. Now, one would probably believe that Viruden was only finding their nonchalant reactions quaint. Same could be said for Tyra, After all, it was only natural that many would flee from the apex of the apex. But no. Viruden was seemingly befuddled for an entirely different reason.


" Wait.... What was I angry about again?"


Lorec, eyes flashing open wildly at Viruden and his mouth left agape, could barely even string together a competent answer as Galtos watched on in silence.


" What... Wh-..... Dammit Viruden...."


Tyra stood firm, staring down the colossal Ursa as he approached. His earthquaking steps shook the entire area around them, his paws leaving longhouse-sized imprints in the earth, but she was not ready to turn tail and run.


Her green eyes locked onto Viruden's blood-red irises, to prove to this so-called king that she would not run from him. Even if said irises were more than double the size of her.


At his...rather strange query, her scowl of determination flashed into a frown of confusion herself. Had he truly forgotten what he was going to say?

"Um..." she muttered, "Something about...me...?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Kazas, nodding at Vera, then proceeded to slowly stand up from sitting position, having some difficulty In moving around due to the massive amounts of life energy that he had transferred before. Unsheathing his sword slowly, Kazas would use the blade as a makeshift cane in order to compensate and travel as he slowly recovered. Kazas looked over toward Lorec and Tyra, whom of which were across the room, and witnessed Sifana between them, sitting in wooden chair and grasping Lorec's hand and Tyra's hoof, seemingly asleep, with her head slightly slouched over as she slumbered. She must have been quite tired, considering her emotional downpour during her father and new found friend's battle. Instead of disturbing them, Kazas would let them all rest peacefully. they more than deserved it. Smiling at Vera, Kazas spoke. " It would be a pleasure! But I do fear that we may both need to tread lightly, considering the recent events that have transpired... I'm not exactly feeling too well myself."


Vera understood, and nodded. She looked over at the minotaur, "Wow. With the friends he has, I'm surprised those close to him were wiped out. They all seem like the type not to be messed with. But it's not Kazas's fault...I'm just glad he's ok."


She turned to Kazas and said, "You're right. Let's take it easy for a while. I wonder where we could get something to eat around here..." she said thoughtfully, as she walked down the hallway.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Photon Jet thought on what he could do in his spare time. Watching some more battles on television might work but he would be unsatisfied afterwards. He doesn't want to fall asleep and get all grouchy when he was called into the arena.


"Maybe some exploring might help." he thought to himself. "I'd better know where I need to go around here."


So he put his electric powered jet suit on, opened the door and began walking down the hallway. He locked his door so that nopony could enter without permission.


As he walked down the hallway, he could see the room numbers of other contestants. Photon Jet was intrigued to see which contestants are in certain rooms.


"I wonder what the restaurant is like?" he again thought to himself. So he began heading there, looking at signs on where it's being held.

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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The train chugged on westward from Ponyville, and a young Unicorn named Amber Dust looked through her clouded cart window with an air of uncertainty as the scenery sped past.

"A pony who doesn't know how to fend off enemies is as good as dead when travelling through the Crystal Mountains..."

Amber cringed at the thought. Her most recent archaeological research had led her to a location more dangerous than she could face. She knew what sort of monsters and creatures lay there, in the Crystal Mountains, but her curiosity was stronger than any shred of caution, and now she was here. On a train towards Bangcolt...more specifically, the Bangcolt fighting arena, where ponies from all across Equestria volunteered to be pitted against each other, for the amusement of others.


I've never even been in a real fight before, Amber thought, feeling nauseous. Her stomach was doing backflips as the train neared its destination. but I HAVE to, she thought to herself, shutting her eyes tight in concentration. I have to learn. Otherwise I'll never find what I'm looking for...

She thought back to the stories, the research, the legends...it was all within reach, if she could survive. She only needed some training. Nothing serious. Just to find someone she could spar with a few times until she was comfortable enough to head North.


Now arriving at Bangcolt station!


Amber gulped. Here goes everything, she thought, and she stepped off the train.

Pulling an old map out of her saddlebag, Amber navigated her way to the arena--it wasn't hard. The arena was huge, and loud, and was placed at the very heart of the city. Hesitating, Amber scanned around, when her eyes stopped on a sign.

"Training grounds!" she said, rather more loudly than she had intended. A hysterical smile stretched across her face as she felt relief wash over her. At least she would have someplace safe to start, she thought, and headed towards the building.


She stepped through the door.

"Hello?" she said.

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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“Bits and pieces it seems.” Eclipse admitted with a sigh.”They are slowly coming back to me.”


“I remember the lessons. I remember seeing her neglected by Celestia.” Eclipse turned his own gaze towards Luna, “I remember the despair when she… no I suppose it was you then.. were banished to the moon.”






“...There are… no words...” Ash said looking at the spindly pathetic looking creature that apparently was ‘Jared’. The dragon had seem some weird things during his life, fought against even weirder but this pink pony, was the weirdest. He decided it wasn’t worth trying to understand at this point and just accept it as if it was a trippy dream from eating too many shrooms. “...I’m just going to keep walking…”




@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,


“Yeah… Thanks I was almost a pony shish kabob there.” Calibur said with a sigh; looking out over the group silently; straining his ears to listen just in case there were most of those monsters out there.


“Everypony alright?” Calibur asked out to the group.

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@@Photon Jet,


While Photon was roaming the halls a nearby pony was just now exiting his apartment. He threw on his purple, J. Hooves scarf and stumbled towards the door, tripping over and rattling the door trying to get it to open. Frustrated, he hit the door with his front hoof twice then rolled his eyes. 


He pushed down the lock and off to the races he was. Soon enough he'd reconcile with his friends, even if it had only been a day or two it still meant the world seeing them. Ever since they were fillies they had been close, four peas in a pod, dreaming of the big city, playing pretend in the backyard and gathering around the campfire to roast marshmellows. Those were the days, the days that would never go away, as long as they remained friends. 


The white stalliion cut the corner sharply, sliding his bare hooves across the rug, turning them red like a baboons butt. But he didn't care. He had tough feet, it wouldn't bother him all too much. However, his carelessness may have as he cut another corner he rammed right into a blue stallion, knocking him back on his flank. He groaned, "Ah, Sorry, Ya--Ya alright?" He rubbed his head, "Oh shit, not another knot...


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@@Photon Jet,


While Photon was roaming the halls a nearby pony was just now exiting his apartment. He threw on his purple, J. Hooves scarf and stumbled towards the door, tripping over and rattling the door trying to get it to open. Frustrated, he hit the door with his front hoof twice then rolled his eyes. 


He pushed down the lock and off to the races he was. Soon enough he'd reconcile with his friends, even if it had only been a day or two it still meant the world seeing them. Ever since they were fillies they had been close, four peas in a pod, dreaming of the big city, playing pretend in the backyard and gathering around the campfire to roast marshmellows. Those were the days, the days that would never go away, as long as they remained friends. 


The white stalliion cut the corner sharply, sliding his bare hooves across the rug, turning them red like a baboons butt. But he didn't care. He had tough feet, it wouldn't bother him all too much. However, his carelessness may have as he cut another corner he rammed right into a blue stallion, knocking him back on his flank. He groaned, "Ah, Sorry, Ya--Ya alright?" He rubbed his head, "Oh shit, not another knot...

Photon Jet felt the collision and fell on his flank."Ouch!" he yelled. "What was that all about!?"


As he got up, rubbing his head after the surprise collision, he saw the white stallion he hasn't seen before. "I'm fine, but you should be more careful when you run through the hallways." he replied. "Why are you in such a rush anyway?" 

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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At the mention of the word "partner," Applejack stopped. She looked at Cheerilee, then slowly turned her head to look at Big Mac. She stared at casually, then raised a single eyebrow, one that would tell him everything that he needed to know about what she thought about the situation.


Her expression changed back in a fleeting second, though as if nothing had happened. "Didn't expect to see you here, Big Mac." She turned her attention back to the violet colored mare. "Or you, Missus' Cheerilee." Her head cocked curiously to the side; she wanted answers. "Bangcolt's a long way away from Ponyville. What's the occasion?"





Lyra shifted the twin lyres sub-consciously on her back again. "I'm sorry, I really can't.You guys know me; normally, i'd love to. But, i'm really behind on my practice as it is..." she muttered. Her eyes dropped slightly; she didn't want to discuss this in the slightest. Her friends would never understand, or worse; maybe they would. "I'm sorry...I really need this..."




"It's funny, because I want to fight you. I remember what that little wind-up toy of yours did to me, and I really owe her one for that."

She glared at Heartthob, who floated beside Anette, smirking brilliantly. She even calmly pulled out her bow, and nocked it tauntingly.


"But..." Nightingale broke in, halting her action. "Now's not the time is it? Not that i don't mind a street fight, but if I take too many risks, ponies might start to remember me."


"What do you want then, Nightingale?" Anette shouted, getting more frustrated by the second. Hero joined in on Heartthrob's action too, pulling both of his swords and brandishing them menacingly.


"Oh me?" Nightingale feigned surprise, completely ignoring the second warning. "Not much. Just for you to leave town. Forever."





"No, it's okay, it doesn't bother me in the slightest anymore. I grew out of it when I met Diamond Tiara. Her family is really similar to mine, in that their both terrible. But, we worked through it, together. At least, until now." She paused, then shook her head. She could wait for Diamond Tiara, and she would, but no use getting in a funk over it again. Instead, she reached into her saddlebag, and out of it, pulled a solid silver spoon. 


"Thif if uf I spefaltees." She muttered. After a moment, she realized her voice was muffled. She put the spoon back in the saddlebag, and tried again.


"Sorry. This is one of my specialties..." she muttered. She reached into the bag once again, holding out the spoon for Jade to take.




@Star Saber@The Down Trotten

Trixie tilted her head to the side at Rhetoric Rash's comment. Interesting? What did he mean by that. She opened her mouth to ask, but the question was quickly drowned out and died; first by Chrysalis, then by Celestia.


"Everypony is fine." Celestia gasped slightly; she was still tired from magic that it had taken to open the portal. "Unfortunately, I had to send Lektra back home, although I assure you, she is safe. As we will be." Celestia said in confirmation before moving forward, starting the pace anew.


"So..." Trixie paused next to Rhetoric, not knowing how to say the words and be nice about them. "You didn't have any friends? Before me I mean," she added quickly.




@Star Saber

Sunset Shimmer heard the commotion as the last of the centipede finished burning. When the final pieces of its smoking husk finally cooled down, she turned back to Calibur, slight concern on her face.


"C'mon. Celestia's right, the sooner we get out of  here, the safer we'll be. Besides, with the light show we made, it won't be more than a few minutes before those things come crawling back around." She moved forward with the rest of the group, cautious of the howling, which had dimmed at first, but now seemed to be growing louder.


"By the way... thanks." she mentioned, looking back again to catch Calibur's eye. "We make a really good team."




@Star Saber

Nightmare Moon actually paused, her usual smirk dropping to an unreadable blank mask. This was something that even she didn't want to talk about, and just as well, it didn't seem that Calibur quite knew all of the details of what happened on the night before Lun's banishment. As well as many,many years before that. But, she quickly decided she'd keep quiet about it. Right now, Eclipse's passion was a weapon, and one that she would come to need in case all other plans fell through. She couldn't let him go.


 "That is where your story ended. But, not ours; me and Mother spent a thousand years entertaining hell after you disappeared,locked away on what should have been ours. We had our disagreements at first..." Nightmare Moon gritted her teeth slightly; disagreements wasn't the half of it. "But we both came to the same conclusion eventually. Neither of us wants to revel in misery and pain. We both just want it to stop, any way possible." She had more to add to that story, but kept her mouth shut. Calibur didn't need to know her true intentions, or her end goals...

Edited by Fractured
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"No, it's okay, it doesn't bother me in the slightest anymore. I grew out of it when I met Diamond Tiara. Her family is really similar to mine, in that their both terrible. But, we worked through it, together. At least, until now." She paused, then shook her head. She could wait for Diamond Tiara, and she would, but no use getting in a funk over it again. Instead, she reached into her saddlebag, and out of it, pulled a solid silver spoon. 


"Thif if uf I spefaltees." She muttered. After a moment, she realized her voice was muffled. She put the spoon back in the saddlebag, and tried again.


"Sorry. This is one of my specialties..." she muttered. She reached into the bag once again, holding out the spoon for Jade to take.


Jade continued to listen, with a confusion beginning to rouse within her. Having been brought up in such an isolated but caring community, it was almost unbelievable that such things could occur within a family. Especially between a filly and her parents.


She couldn't help but giggle at Silver Spoon's muffled speech, before holding out a hoof to take the silver spoon. It was quite gorgeous, something you may find in a royal palace's dining room.

"It is quite beautiful," She commented, turning her hoof to inspect the spoon from different angles, "Did you make this?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Star Saber


Rhetoric looked at Trixie, trying to ignore the howling in the distance for now. "Well, no, not really, I have plenty of acquaintances but its not exactly easy for a traveling radical to make meaningful friendships, you know? Its no one fault really, I just don't fit well with most ponies." he sighed and shrugged "So I won't lie and say I have high hopes for you and me, you don't seem to find me too crazy yet." oddly enough talking about this was making him feel at ease, as if there wasn't some evil force waiting to kill them in the darkness.


Chrisylis on the other hoof wasn't feeling at ease by the idle chatter, this was a tactical mission, not some walk in an Equestrian park. She wasn't too sure why the Princess of the Sun hadn't selected more trained subjects for this. True desperate times call for desperate measures but surely Celestia didn't rely on her civilian subjects for heroism all the time? "Celestia... what is our plan for when we confront Luna and this Nightmare? What exactly do we know about this enemy?" she may have been a creature of darkness but that was mostly in a literal sense


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Axton by now, had gotten bored. He had run out of souls to look for, and could not think of anything else to do, "Well, there seem to be no signs of evil life forms. Or any intelligent ones for that matter...."


He continued walking, and saw a magic shop, "What am I saying...? There's no intelligent life forms within a 20 mile radius of here."  He thought to himself as he laughed internally, and walked towards the magic shop, "Maybe the pony running this place can tell me something."


He then walked towards the door, and knocked. He then waited for an answer.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Big Macintosh gave a deep hardy laugh, "What? Can't I just come into town and see my dear sister?" He smiled. Offering a meek grin and looking her dead in the eyes, "Looks like you got yourself a frend too."


Night Tracer reacted near instantly, "Um, No... I'm just staying here temporarily." He had much better things to do at this point and time, one thing was get Luna off his mind. It was exasperating having to constantly push away his thoughts and bury his emotions far beneath his thick skin, guarded by the gatekeeper, who held the key to his past. Memories and memories on end were stored away, Luna was the most recent, struggling to keep her in; she broke out a few times but for the most part, he had gotten good at keeping his issues far away.


Night Tracer then began to think, "Applejack... Her and I? Well... " He lost his train of thought and felt embarassed. Sure, no pony could read his mind but he sure felt like it. A rosy red, covered his cheeks as he excused himself, "Um, I think I'll be upstairs, let--me, uh--know if you need anything, or I need, to uh--do something." 

He rushed upstairs and jumped into bed, his bed this time. It was firm, firmer than Applejack's bed but it was firm as the bar floor, only with the addition of more creaky boards, a pine green, thick blanket and an itchy pillow. 

After minutes of tossing and turning, Night Tracer fell asleep, off-- to dream

  • Brohoof 1


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Applejack's turned around for a brief moment. Her eyes followed Night Tracer as he went up the stairs of the bar to the second floor, and vanished out of sight. When the last of him disappeared, she turned her attention back towards Big Mac and Cheerilee.


"So, y'all ain't answered my question. Not that I don't mind a drop in visit from my brother and his..." She looked at Cheerilee hard "mare friend, but I know this is out of the way for both of ya'. Anything y'all need help  with?"




In a small, darkly colored room in an enormous castle, a tiny blank flank filly read excitedly from a book on trap design and repair. The room was neatly structured; the bed she laid on was clean, and well made up. The curtains from the window off to her side were a dark shade of indigo, to match her coat, and almost seemed to glow as the moonlight from the window moved through them. The only thing out of place was a small black crown the had been ringed around one of the brown bed posts, but she paid it no mind. She did, however, look up suddenly, when a pony with an intertwining jet black and blue coat suddenly appeared in her room. She dropped the book suddenly, and stepped back a little.


"Who are you? And what do you want?" she quivered, wide-eyed.





Erroria slept lightly in the imbuing room, suspended above dozens and dozens of potentially life threatening rune grafts by a small white cloud that expanded and contracted to her every breath. As she heard the heavy knocking on the door however, the movements stopped slightly. She cracked an eye open, and slowly floated out of the room, still half asleep.


She reached the door, and slowly pushed it open with an errant hoof. Still floating on her cloud she could look the stallion in the eyes, and gave she him a sleepy half smile.







Silver Spoon looked up at Jade and smiled. "I did. Outside of handling the hot metal, I do all of the work myself. It's my special talent; metalcrafting." she beamed, before her face fell slightly.


"It's the reason why my family's so rich now. It doesn't seem like much, but ponies will pay a fortune for the chance to be able to eat without looking like a mess. These go out from everywhere from Manehatten to Canterlot, and it seems like everypony wants one." She let out a heavy exhale. "But, it seems like the money really went to their heads..."




@The Down Trotten

Trixie gave Rhetoric a light smirk. "Crazy? Well, you did just jump in front of a seven-foot centipede...thing in order to save me. I'd say you're off to a pretty good start." She chuckled lowly, before her face became more serious.


"I didn't have anyone either. Ponies wanted to see my shows, but they wanted nothing to do with me afterward, so no matter where I went, I was alone. So, I think maybe I can understand just a little," she finished, training her eyes on him.




@The Down Trotten

Celestia stopped and looked at Chrysalis. "This is different from before. Nightmare Moon hasn't made any steps to cast eternal night, which means either she can't... or it wasn't her intention to start with," she sighed.


She took a quick look back to Chrysalis. "But, it doesn't matter. Like everything else in this world, it's not real; just a parasite that uses negative emotions to grow stronger. It'll be a powerful enemy here, capable of manipulating dark magic and shadows, but, we have a chance. If we can somehow separate it from Luna's form..." her eyes narrowed. "I can end it. Here and now."

Edited by Fractured
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Fluttershy sobbed uncontrollably, aching with great grievance, great anticipation as Dran presented her an offer; it was a game changing, ground breaking, soul shattering (...literally...) offer. He explained to her, in the midst of her agony and blubbering, in great depth of his offer. Unfortunately, it wasn't an easy one to comprehend, and to add insult to injury, he tears deluded her hearing in addition to boggling her mind. 


She was lost, like she was when she was a little filly. Fluttershy may have enjoyed being by herself but she didn't aspire to be lost and alone by any means. Dran certainly wasn't helping nor were circumstances aiding as Dran and his explantion. Fluttershy matterafact missed the central point, getting caught up on meek questions of "What," and "Why." And when Dran finally reached the end she was abandoned, no longer lost but to the point of no return in her mental state. Instead of answering, more tears burst out and she buried her head between her forelegs. 


@@Star Saber,


Then, instead of writing an elaborate, creative, 1000 charater way out, Jared simply wrote himself out. And he was gone, just like Applejack's parents. 

Pinkie blinked twice before shrugging and making a circumvolution towards Ash, "Hey! Ashie, wait up--Sorry about that; I just wanted you to know I wasn't loco, and talking to myself." She smiled. "Anyways, it's your question, isn't it?" 

Edited by Tacoma
  • Brohoof 2


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Axton was taken by surprise when the filly opened the door. He didn't expect someone young t be running a shop like this on their own. As well, there would only be so many answers he could get out of her, "Hello, there. Ahem, I was just looking around, and happened to come across this magic shop, and I wated to ask a few questions."


To him, this filly seemed harmless, so he felt that she could be trusted with an inquiry.

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rhetoric laughed softly "I think its the other way around, I understand only a little. About you I mean. Sure I have assumptions, but I'm tired of assuming... Also tired of being so alone all the time. Tired of it being me against the world..." he blushed a bit "Apologies, I'm opening up when I wasn't given the premisson. But, you know what I mean, don't you?"  he wasn't sure if there was going to be another attack but he hoped to something that it could wait till Trixie's answer.


Chrysalis nodded "So a logical maneuver would to confuse this Nightmare that Luna has broken away" she motioned to herself "As far as I know they do not know I am here, frankly its a bit unbelievable to myself. So we have the element of surprise."


Much more useful then an element of harmony any day.... 


Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,


“Very; my bullets and your…” Calibur stopped in realization as he looked at the smoldering dissipating corpse of the monster, “Fire…”


Calibur stared at the cinders, the crackling of the dying fire seemed to grow in loudness as it reached his ears. His breath started to come out more rapidly and his heart began to beat faster. No! Calibur shook his head, this was not the time for a PTSD moment. He forced himself to look away and turned to Celestia and Chrysalis, “So… thought occurs… how are we even going to find Princess Luna? It’s not like this place seems to have anything else other than… endless black fields…”

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Night Tracer stood in a doorway with dangling cobwebs, dust accumilating and pitch black blinding him. Dark, hollowness made him uneasy as he began to sweat, droplets of water fell on his head and ran down his muzzle. As he raised his right forehoof in front of him he saw nothing. He wiggled it a bit before putting it back down to the ground. He shifted his eyes around then kicked his hoof to the marble floor in fluster.


Then a voice rang throughout the dark, a voice familar to him but one he couldn't quite make out. "Um, Who am...I? I'm Night Tracer..." He responded, slowly lifting one hoof after another, walking towards the voice. "And I--what do you mean what do I want...? I want a lot of things...None of them of business to you, minding that--who are you?" 

As he finished talking he was at the helm of a bed, a sleek, comfortable one and in the middle of all the darkness he saw a petite mare. A light blue with a dark mane, a mare that was strangely familar to him. Unbeknownst to him it was the focal point of his life right now. It was--Woona, not Luna but her filly form, Woona. Right in front of him, who he faced with a now appreciated question. 

Edited by Tacoma


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Amber gulped. Here goes everything, she thought, and she stepped off the train. Pulling an old map out of her saddlebag, Amber navigated her way to the arena--it wasn't hard. The arena was huge, and loud, and was placed at the very heart of the city. Hesitating, Amber scanned around, when her eyes stopped on a sign. "Training grounds!" she said, rather more loudly than she had intended. A hysterical smile stretched across her face as she felt relief wash over her. At least she would have someplace safe to start, she thought, and headed towards the building.   She stepped through the door. "Hello?" she said.


The room was silent, and dark. Amber felt her heart sink a little as her lonely "Hello" echoed off the empty walls.

I guess I'll have to explore a little, Amber decided, brightening up. she checked her map once more.

"Looks like there's a library around here, and..." her eyes fixated on one point on the map.

"A Magic shop?" Her curiosity flared, and a sliver of a grin spread across her face. With that, Amber packed up her map and headed out the door.

As she approached the Magic Shop, she could feel herself getting excited. Magic wasn't Amber's strong point, but she always held great interest in it. And who knows, she thought, maybe something in there could help her learn to fight? She opened the door eagerly.


"Hello?" she tried again.

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Erroria slowly cracked her second eye open. The white pegasus filly looked at Axton, and at the same time, yawned heavily.


"You have questions, I have answers. Uh, I think that's how it goes..." She put her hoof up to her chin, then shrugged. "If they're about the magic shop anyway." Her eyes darted over to the second, sparkling blue pony that had just walked in, and she paused for a moment. She stared at her, transfixed. "Oooohhh...pretty..."




@The Down Trotten

Trixie nodded. "I do know what it's like to be alone. I also know what it's like to be lost in loneliness, and to feel like no one notices you, no matter how much of a show you put on. I know." She put a hoof on Rhetoric Rash's shoulder for a brief moment, before taking it off again. She paused for a moment, thinking. Then, she smiled.


"Rhetoric, would you like to play a game?"




@The Down Trotten

Celestia tilted her head in agreement. "Without the elements of harmony, and with my powers weakened, the enemy...Nightmare... will be underestimating us. It is something that we could to take advantage of." She looked at Chrysalis, and frowned slightly.


"You're our strongest ally here, and the one to be the most cause for worry." She looked back briefly, analyzing the group. "If you could turn into a different form, maybe one of a unicorn, we have a better chance at forming a false sense of security."




@Star Saber

Sunset Shimmer watched Calibur out of the corner of her eye, and they creased in concern. "Calibur, are you alright? Did I do something wrong?" she asked as she moved over closer to him.


"Calibur, isn't it?" Celestia's voice came, briefly drowning Sunset Shimmer's out. "If you look off to your sides, your vision fails. That is because there is nothing out there but shadows, and the monsters that dwell there. But, ahead of us, there's a path that can be followed. And, there's no teleporting in this world, even for the one that owns it, so as long as we keep moving forward, we will find her. I promise," she said finally, looking back and giving him a brief smile.





"Who am I?" the filly stood up, and strode angrily over to the edge of the bed, hanging over it slightly. She glared at him. "Don't pretend you don't know who I am! You're in a castle! Equestria's only castle! the night before a coronation! And you expect me to believe that you just got lost?!" Her lip puffed out briefly in anger, and then she turned away, rolling her eyes in frustration.


"Or maybe you did," she said with an ounce of dejection. "If you're lost, and looking for my sister Celestia's room, it's right down the hall," she said with a sigh. "I'm sure "Mrs. Solarus" would be happy to meet you," she muttered under her breath.

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