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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Caliber had strolled in, nonchalantly, as if he was only heading towards the local connivance store. Whistling as he walked, taking in the sight of the arena, he marveled as the mass number of different elements. Even some...Purplish-black...Stuff he couldn't identify. Truly a beautiful place...Too bad they had to possibly destroy it. Starting a rather routine stretching exercise, he started getting ready to fight...


...Glancing at Lektra, who had already made a steel platform at this point, he frowned. Rising in the air like that...That would be a problem to him. He narrowed his eyes further, at the shrapnel swirling around her. Additional problem. Not something a melee fighter like himself looked forward to, but...


He shrugged. he was sure he could manage. but noting her molding the electricity did seem to really put a damper on his mood.


"Electricity...Ugh, I hate the stuff..." He muttered, unsheathing his sword, beginning a slow walk towards Lektra, "my sword always ends up like a lightning rod..."


But it was at this point, did he show a positive reaction. Walking confidently towards the platform, as the swords came at him...It was clear the lust for battle had started to burn in his eyes, with his snarky grin seeming to reach all the way across the arena, to look at Lektra dead in the eyes.


An unspoken promise, to land at least one hit...


The swords began swift attacks, slashing this way and that, but through the same pace as he had been demonstrating thus far, surprisingly, he began to dodge the electrified weapons with ease. Weaving in, and out, as he advanced towards Lektra.


'What, did she think that I cant handle some rookie swordplay?' He vaguely wondered to himself, shifting to the right to avoid another attack, 'doesn't matter how fast the attacks are--if I can predict it, dodging it becomes even easier...'




'Interesting magic...' Rune remarked to himself, 'the way she infused her signature energy into the steel just now...That's not something you see every day. Something that would prove...'


He started to write notes, in his book.


'...Useful to learn, myself. If I can crack exactly how it works, that is...'

Unshaken, but maybe stirred. With a swirly straw. The swords turned into daggers, beckoning him to make one wrong move and be pushed away. "Do you like math?" I laughed as I floated another 5 feet off the ground. We were up to 20 swords now and my platform was at a height of 10 feet, with all the daggers slashing in ever increasing speed. "Do you understand mathematical algorithms? What's 6 plus 14?"


I'd arrange them into mathematical algorithm I came up with myself for this specific fight. A three-dimensional blur of slashing swords that all wanted to cut into the soft pony flesh of my opponent. I honestly wasn't sure if the hard lightning could cut Caliber clean though, but I really didn't want to think about that. We weren't fighting with mercy right now and it would be his fault if he missed and got skewered by the hurricane of blades all trying to get him. The pattern wasn't even something I knew before I did it. I would slash then immediately recalculate the angle of each sword and slash from a random angle. An angle I couldn't predict either since I was using random variables.


Meanwhile the shrapnel floating around me was getting denser and I was pulling metal from as many orbs as I could get within my range. Jagged and serrated pieces all arranged in a mathematical pattern of another different random algorithm. All obeying my magical command to attack while pushing away anything that got into the field.


Sparky was in the stands, giving me a second vantage point. By our magic link I could effectively see and analyze the battle from two different viewpoints, one of them giving me a semi-bird's-eye view.


"Oh dear, it's an infestation..." Talon rolled his eyes.


"Talon, don't be rude." Moondancer had summoned up as much courage as she could, in order to say that. She looked at Kevin, the small, strangely adorable changeling in front of her.  "As long as you're not here to cause trouble, I don't think the princess will mind another attendee." She looked up, to Chrysalis this time. "But no more surprises, please. I don't want anyone getting hurt, and some the other ponies and beings living aren't really too fond of... guests." She posed the word awkwardly, as she desperately attempted to avoid the obvious connotation. She didn't want to dwell on it, so she instead began to walk forward again, headed for a room at the far back of the hall.

Both Chrissy and Kevin who had by now dropped his disguise looked sternly at Talon, but said nothing as Moondancer corrected him. "I'm just here for the food." Kevin said this with a wide grin as he sat up to follow Chrissy who was herself following Moondancer.


"We really didn't plan this, and I am still confused by what he meant that I have been here before. If I had been here before you would think I would remember meeting my dream mentor again. I have not seen her since the shadow world incident, and that was weeks ago that I was trapped there." She huffed. "Still not sure how that happened. One moment we were going through the portal back to Equestria and the next I was stranded with the portal nowhere to be seen." She was walking to keep up with Moondancer, looking around at each of the doors in the hallway.


"As far as I'm aware you've been back in Equestria for a while now, but I've been afraid to rejoin you since you came back. Your demeanor had changed drastically." Kevin was recounting what he had observed of her while also looking at the doors and trying to keep up.


"Hmm. That is really strange. Maybe I have amnesia......." Chrissy was puzzled at this and changed back into her preferred disguise, Kevin following suit. They looked like a mother and colt Unicorn pair of matching colors.

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Two mares stood in line at the registration desk. In the front was an impatient-looking tan earth pony, and behind her was a unicorn whose coat was riddled with ragged scars. The earth mare tapped her hoof impatiently, took her license, and trotted away, the unicorn behind her patiently walking in a different direction a few minutes later.


The unicorn trotted away, wandering aimlessly. The earth mare, however, walked purposefully with a destination in mind.


She planned to visit the city's famed arena. It made her tremble with excitement just to think of it.


The gray-coated unicorn, however, just wanted sleep.

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​Diamond Rustscythe smiled at the youth and was about to answer her question when Zenru walked in and answered it for him. A stream of questions followed and Diamond Rustscythe looked a bit taken aback. "Hey Yrel, l have to fill in a few papers for your awesome uncle and then l can talk with you for a little bit, okay? Won't take a long, promise." he said, feeling chipper. Yrel had that innocence with her and, even though he himself didn't have that much innocence left, he still loved to see it in other ponies. He started working on filling out the form of registration for Zenru as he smiled inwardly, oh, how badly he wanted to be that age again and not have any problems on his hooves.

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"Is that so?" Around them, the room buzzed and fizzed once more, before settling on a single location. A field adrift the edge of a forest, cloaked by moonlight. Luna stepped back to its edge, before the jet black form of her sword appeared from the air in front of her. She grasped it, before she turned back to the pony before her.


"Your attitude make me wonder if you ever truly gave care to your prior duties. Though the situation is not how you quite understand it."


"Attention, ponies! The match between Princess Luna and the newcomer Raze will now begin!"


"I should warn you, I will not be holding back. Though doubtless you would want such anyways, consider this a fitting punishment for what you have done." She stood stock still, eyeing him with a piercing gaze. "Draw."




"I personally don't know..."


"Put it out of your mind. A changeling copying a changeling is just backyard politics. Our focus is on the protection of the princesses. No time to worry about clones."

"Okay." Moondancer finally struck a left at the end of the hall, before coming to a set of heavy double doors. She knocked. "Hello?"

After a moment, an all too familiar voice came back, driving plainness and intensity together in a perfect chord. Celestia "Yes?"

"We have visitors."

"Oh?" The voice carried its own edge of surprise, as if it hadn't expected anything to the similar.


"Yes..." Moondancer looked to both the changeling queen and her drone for a moment, before turning back to the door. "Chrissy-Queen Chrysalis... and another. Kevin."

There was a pregnant pause on the other end of the door. Finally, it opened, and the weary face of Celestia revealed itself. She looked the two visitors over, before simply extending a wing forward, into the heart of her room. "Inside."


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Unshaken, but maybe stirred. With a swirly straw. The swords turned into daggers, beckoning him to make one wrong move and be pushed away. "Do you like math?" I laughed as I floated another 5 feet off the ground. We were up to 20 swords now and my platform was at a height of 10 feet, with all the daggers slashing in ever increasing speed. "Do you understand mathematical algorithms? What's 6 plus 14?"


I'd arrange them into mathematical algorithm I came up with myself for this specific fight. A three-dimensional blur of slashing swords that all wanted to cut into the soft pony flesh of my opponent. I honestly wasn't sure if the hard lightning could cut Caliber clean though, but I really didn't want to think about that. We weren't fighting with mercy right now and it would be his fault if he missed and got skewered by the hurricane of blades all trying to get him. The pattern wasn't even something I knew before I did it. I would slash then immediately recalculate the angle of each sword and slash from a random angle. An angle I couldn't predict either since I was using random variables.


Meanwhile the shrapnel floating around me was getting denser and I was pulling metal from as many orbs as I could get within my range. Jagged and serrated pieces all arranged in a mathematical pattern of another different random algorithm. All obeying my magical command to attack while pushing away anything that got into the field.


Sparky was in the stands, giving me a second vantage point. By our magic link I could effectively see and analyze the battle from two different viewpoints, one of them giving me a semi-bird's-eye view.

Caliber blinked, when the swords stopped momentarily, starting to change shape...He took advantage of this small window, to rush forward, towards Lektra, briefly leaving the now-daggers behind...


They caught up, before long, but Caliber was happy--he had advanced enough to almost touch the floating platform, in the air.


He turned, to begin parrying the daggers as they came at him at breakneck speeds...Although, this seemed almost tame, to him. Spinning around, deflecting the daggers, even using his sheath to cover his blind-spots...But almost lost focus, when one stray dagger went in the opposite direction he expected it to...Slicing past his cheek. 


He stumbled for a moment, but regained his footing, going back to parrying the multiple blades...Although, he was noticeably concentrating, now. Using his senses, listening to the crackle of lightning, all around him...It would appear that for now, he was in a deadlock...


...However...Something would appear...Off, to Lektra. Caliber seemed half a step slower, by a small margin. He wasn't fighting to his full potential, but...It looked as if there were something weighing him down. His hair looked matted. His cape didn't flap, as it usually did...


But he himself looked happy, laughing a little, even, as he struggled to think of a plan to get past the shrapnel...


"Goin' good so far!"


​Diamond Rustscythe smiled at the youth and was about to answer her question when Zenru walked in and answered it for him. A stream of questions followed and Diamond Rustscythe looked a bit taken aback. "Hey Yrel, l have to fill in a few papers for your awesome uncle and then l can talk with you for a little bit, okay? Won't take a long, promise." he said, feeling chipper. Yrel had that innocence with her and, even though he himself didn't have that much innocence left, he still loved to see it in other ponies. He started working on filling out the form of registration for Zenru as he smiled inwardly, oh, how badly he wanted to be that age again and not have any problems on his hooves.


Yrel looked briefly disappointed, but nodded. "Okay! I'll be sitting here...Again." She added as an afterthought, sitting back on the chairs.


Zenru had produced a few brochures, some of which were detailed with apartments throughout Bangcolt, one that was a map, and just about every thing else that someone would need to know in Bangcolt. "A rather nice complex, is on the north side of the city. Although I can say that the one on 4th avenue is enjoyable, as well. Hot tub, and all," Zenru droned, looking through the brochures, as if he were looking for an apartment, himself. 


"Although, if none of these are preferable, then you're more then welcome to stay at my home."

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Raze remained silent, then stood on his hind hooves; putting one hoof on the hilt of his blade, and the other holding the sheath, crouching low, anticipating Luna's next move. That was all he did. He remained stock still, focusing his gaze on his opponent's movements, if any.

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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@J.R.@Silver Snow

"Oh, i'm sure it wouldn't be that difficult." Realizing the last of her salad was still unfinished, Rarity began to pick at it again, talking in between bites. "I know the princesses myself, and despite how imposing they seem, they're actually quite nice individuals. I'm sure they'd be happy to help you with whatever you requested, provided you made a show to be proper, and ask nicely." Rarity paused, to flash him a small smile. "Though that's the rule with most things, isn't it?"




Luna exhaled at the lack of action. A smart pony. Or maybe a testy one. She sighed, unsheathing her sword. Black metal so dark it seemed to draw in even the moonlight around it slid out of the blade. "Very well, then." With a movement so quick that the air seemed to pause before it, the ground in front of Luna ruptured. A spitting haze of dirt and rubble spewed up into a choking duststorm, cutting the vision of anything on the other side.

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@@Fractured, @@Silver Snow,
​Ice nodded, and decided to add to Rarity's point. ​"Yeah, pretty much what she said. Other than that, everything's just fine around here. All you'd need to do is go ask Celestia or Luna about it, or Luna when she's done fighting. They could probably give you a more definite and concise answer to that, and whatever other questions you got about this place. Heh...I'm not an expert on laws or politics. You'd probably have better luck talking to them."

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Raze kept calm, still remaining still. The dust storm didn't surprise him, he expected the princess of the night to fight with tactics such as those.


If I can't see her... he thought, taking the hoof off his sheath and reaching for his weapon belt. She can't see me... He unclipped a sand grenade from his belt, and took off the pin, quickly throwing it in the direction of the storm and swiftly returning to his original stance. He waited a while, then heard a loud explosion. He hoped the magic sand would be enough to injure her in some way; each enchanted grain was like a tiny piece of shrapnel, and he thought one of them would have to hit her, at least.

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Luna was already long gone by the time the explosion went off. As the dust settled, all that could be seen was the open night air, and the forest beyond.


"An admirable first move." In an instant, Luna appeared behind him, her upper half appearing out of his own shadow, her lower half shrouded in blackness. She held her sword tight to her, drawing it close, before aiming a cut towards his lower back.

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Raze quickly turned around, gripping his sword and drawing it quickly from the scabbard, parrying the blow that would have gotten him. The swords were locked, and Raze was staring at Luna dead in the eye.


"The reality of what happened was not like the stories that idiot guard told you!" Raze said to her. "You are a fool for believing it so!!" He brushed her sword to the side with his own, then brought his blade back and followed up with a swift stab.

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@@Fractured, @@J.R.,

​Demiro Desertstorm looked at both ponies and then chuckled. "l am a guardspony and you wanna tell me how to behave near the princesses. In fact, after they had personally stripped be of my darker side, they even welcomed me to their family of most trusted guards and, l can assure you that, if either of them were to appear here at this very second, they would greet me with open hooves, as she would a number of individuals". He smiled, chest somewhat pointed forward, but quickly added after that; "We have been through a lot, both good and bad, heh, those memories". he looked a bit off and started to think back on them as soon as he had said that.



Diamond Rustscythe looked over the page in front of him and wrote on it near-continuously, making a scribbling sound as he did. It took him the better part of five minutes to finish filling things in and finally smiled and looked up as he had scribbled his signature on the bottom of the registration. "There, l hope this will suffice, Zenru. Please tell me if there are any mistakes in there before archiving it, so that l can rectify those immediately. He handed the form to Zenru and walked to Yrel to sit next to her and wait for Zenru to give his answer.

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Luna scoffed as she blocked the attack, one magically re-enforced, razor sharp wing folding out to stop the stab on point. She held the charge back, flexing solid strength "As I said before, things as you believe them are not how they are." Using the other wing, she brushed the sword aside, before leaping out of the shadow fully, behind Raze. "I thought I made it a show for my guards to think with their brains, not their emotions!" Twin thick black, incredibly spikes erupted from the ground in front of her at her magic, heading up to arc downwards, towards him. 

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"I'm innocent, I tell you!" Raze yelled as he dodged the spikes, jumping backwards. He resheathed his katana and resumed his original low stance, once again anticipating his opponent's next move.


"You'd honestly think that after all I've done, after all I've risked and sacrificed to keep you, your older sister and her pupil safe and protected... you'd think I'd throw that away for a bit of gold and jewels? You're out of your mind..."


He tightened the grip on his katana. "And I am not your guard anymore. I am a sellsword, a mercenary, loyal to no king, no country!"

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Copper looked at the battle ensuing between Luna and Raze...


...with a stone cold expression.


He had heard the words that were spoken to the fighters, and one way or another he was going to find out the truth about what was happening.  He got up from his seat and took off out of the cafe, sword in tow.


In the arena entrance, he searched for the receptionist.  Finding her, he galloped to her and said, "Stop the fight, NOW!  I can tell it's going to be a fight to the death between the two!"

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The earth pony entered the arena and chose a seat near the top. Her light-green eyes calmly regarded the scuffle, for that was all she could see in the dust. An itch traveled from her flank to her ears at the sight of it. The dust settled enough for her to see a form with broad wings and a horn, duking it out with a much smaller stallion. The alicorn, though tall, was shorter than Celestia.


Dust Devil hummed to herself. It wasn't every day that one saw Princess Luna fighting in an arena. Then again, perhaps it was here. She wouldn't know.

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@@Silver Snow, @@Fractured

​Ice blinked. He had met yet another pony whose past had a connection with the princesses. ​"Well...I dunno what to say about that, man. Um..it's probably best if you try and find them in order to set things right. I mean, Celly's free at her place right now, I think. Maybe you should try and make up with her after so long. I mean, it's best if you at least try, right? Not to mention, she'll be able to handle whatever regulation stuff you need."

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Letting out a small puff of condensed air, Rhetoric readjusted the hat Trixie lent him "Alright... so um, I guess if we're all ready we can go right? I don't know how much time we got but we should probably go before whatever happened to Terra happens and we miss it. Besides the less time we spend in the past... probably the better." 


He took the first few steps towards the ancient town "I mean... how hard could this be?" 

(so sorry guys for taking so long I'll try to be more frequent) 

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Trixie noticed Starlight, and walked over to her. Her horn sparked with a light blue magic. "Here. I wasn't the best at healing magic when I was at Celestia's school, but I do know enough to get by." She pressed her horn to a spot just under Starlight's brow, releasing the magic that would temporarily dull the pain of the targeted area.


"This is a little before the founders, actually." Terra looked Starlight over, confident that Trixie was taken care of her, and looked back, towards the town. "During this time, all of the tribes were completely separate, and interacted rarely, if ever. For some, the other races are either extremely rare, or a myth. This particular town holds to the former."


Starlight let Trixie press her horn against her head, and a soothing relief washed over her as her migraine dulled. "Thanks, Trixie."


Feeling much better, she looked around at the small town, and nodded in understanding. "Yeah, that sounds about right."



Letting out a small puff of condensed air, Rhetoric readjusted the hat Trixie lent him "Alright... so um, I guess if we're all ready we can go right? I don't know how much time we got but we should probably go before whatever happened to Terra happens and we miss it. Besides the less time we spend in the past... probably the better." 


He took the first few steps towards the ancient town "I mean... how hard could this be?" 


(so sorry guys for taking so long I'll try to be more frequent) 


(No worries bud :P )


She looked at Rhetoric and nodded at his queries. "If we're careful, it should be nicely easy."


She jerked her head toward Terra. "I'll let you take the lead from here, what do you want us to do now?"

Trixie noticed Starlight, and walked over to her. Her horn sparked with a light blue magic. "Here. I wasn't the best at healing magic when I was at Celestia's school, but I do know enough to get by." She pressed her horn to a spot just under Starlight's brow, releasing the magic that would temporarily dull the pain of the targeted area.


"This is a little before the founders, actually." Terra looked Starlight over, confident that Trixie was taken care of her, and looked back, towards the town. "During this time, all of the tribes were completely separate, and interacted rarely, if ever. For some, the other races are either extremely rare, or a myth. This particular town holds to the former."

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"Ummm...we can't." The receptionist blinked up at him helplessly. "The arena's internal grounds are re-enforced by the magic of dozens of powerful mages and wizards, in order to prevent any damage to the ponies who are watching. And the arena seals itself once the stage changes until one or the other side submits, so its impossible to just shut it down. You'd need to break in." She shook her head. "But that would take a small army..."






"You prattle on about jewels, and about theft. As if that is what mattered here." Reaching down into the ground with her magic, Luna ripped up a chunk of dirt, bigger than she was, and sent it flying towards Raze. "If you truly believe such... then I apologize. I did not know how blind a pony could possibly be."







Rarity nodded in agreement. "Quite personally, I haven't heard from the princess in some time. But I do know that she does spend most of her time in the quarters, especially when she's not out and about. After all, there's still quite a bit of work for them to do, i'd imagine, even on what practically amounts to a vacation. You should search for them there."




@Unicorncob@The Down Trotten

Terra began to walk, cutting a path through the snow. It wasn't too far to walk, maybe an hour from her perspective. Faster with earth magic, but it wouldn't pay to cause a scene here, she realized. "As soon as we get to the village, we'll ask around. See if anypony has seen anything strange, or unusual. And if that doesn't work..." She paused, realizing the weight of her words even before she said them. "We'll go back to the forest. To the place where I first woke up."

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Copper growled in fury.  He needed to stop the fight and figure out who was in the wrong.  "If you or others can't stop it..."


He strained himself, electricity surrounding him, then stomped his hooves on the ground, turning super once again.


"...then I have no other choice.  I'll pay for the damages."


He bolted to the outside of the magic, then charged one hell of a magic blast, shattering the reinforced arena and causing a big hole in it.  He then looked at the two fighters, roaring, "THIS FIGHT STOPS NOW!"

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Raze focused at the dirt flying towards him, then drew his katana from the scabbard again, making a clean slice that cut the chunk of dirt in half, right down the middle. The two pieces split apart, flying past him harmlessly and crashing down at the end of the field. 


"...So what is it then? What matters here?" he asked, pointing his blade at her. "Is this about my honor? About respect? About how I don't take my job seriously? Well?!" He re-sheathed the katana, once again going back into the original low stance. "Let's hear it Luna!! How much do you think you and the other two princesses know about me?!?! What is this really about?!?! LET'S HEAR IT!!!"


Despite the yelling, he managed to remain focused on the fight.


She hasn't made any drastic offensive movements yet... he thought. Neither of us refuse to go in, and we've kept a good distance from each other, so far. At this rate, we'll just be standing here all day, in a deadlock... 


He grunted, gripping his sword. As much as I don't want to sacrifice my defensive position... I suppose I have no choice. Besides... I still have my trump card on me. Alright then...


He took a deep breath, and quickly ran towards Luna, his sword still sheathed, ready to be drawn.

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@@@Fractured, @@DwhitetheGamer,


Dust leaned back. That definitely was not supposed to happen. She could feel the tension like a taut rubber band, ready to snap painfully at any moment. She was glad she'd chosen a seat near the back.

It allowed her to climb up to the very back of the stage and jump off the edge. Landing gently, she galloped away to put distance between herself and the confrontation. 

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Little less than a second after Copper stopped shouting, a mare was right next to him, one hoof draped over his shoulder. The purple unicorn with the draped hood covering her face looked dead at him, though it may as well have been through him, given her toneless expression. She spoke in little more than a whisper. "You may not interrupt the events here. Leave, now."




"Copper Strikes, you would do well to stay out of matters that do not involve you." As Luna spoke, she dashed forward, sword still drawn, leaping up halfway through her charge and taking flight above ground for higher leverage. As she neared Raze, both of her razor sharp wings whipped forward as she stopped on a dime, fanning them downward a short distance away in order to shred whatever they came in contact with. "Do you truly want to know what it is that causes me to reject, even now? The truth which was always open to you, from the very beginning?"

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Copper turned to see the mare who dared to stop him from halting the fight, looking at her with a stone-cold expression, his super form still intact.  He looked at the battle, then back at the mare, then said, "Fine.  But don't come crying to me when one of them dies in this battle."  And with that, he left the arena, but not the building, reverting back to normal.  "I have a talk with the princess as soon as the fight's over."

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