That Guy with the CMB 5,873 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 So, just in case you didn't know, this thread is about best ponies in your opinion. It's a liiiittle different this time, though! Rank the Mane 6 in order from your favorite to least favorite and tell me why you feel that way. I have troubles deciding on this all the time, I love them all. I suppose Fluttershy and Applejack would be my bottom two, and the rest are the top, or at least close! I still love them, though, don't get me wrong. Romans 10:9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Partialgeek514 5,011 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 I'd have to say my favourites are 1. Fluttershy 2. Twilight 3.Applejack 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Rarity I do find it really hard to decide though. Below Fluttershy and Twilight, it's almost a tie for me. I can relate to Fluttershy a lot, so that's why she's my favourite. Overall though, I like the entire mane 6. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unlikeable Pony 2,699 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 1. Rainbow dash. Started out my favorite, STAYED my favorite.I loved her style in season 1, her loyalty to her friends, and her personality. Plus, I LOVE her color scheme. While I know rainbows have been tainted in the mainsteam mindset so that enjoying them as a guy implies you have "Teh ghey", I find spectral color schemes to be really enjoyable. Additionally, come s3 and Hurricane fluttershy, they gave her another side that I really, REALLY love and wish they'd focus on, in her role as a team leader of sorts for pegasi, as she really shines through in that role IMO, as both Hurricane fluttershy and Wonderbolt academy were great.Additionally, she's INCREDIBLY adorable when she geeks out over her idols, which really adds on to her appeal. Plus, as an additional side of her, she can provide really good comic relief when they play up her book dumb/Thick headed "stupid" side, like in testing testing 1,2,3 or in Rarity investigates with her unable to grasp anything during the investigation. 2. After that is rarity. She originally was alot lower on my list, but she's really just been increasing by leaps and bounds, and while she's not the flashiest character, I gotta say, I really love her episodes. Inspiration manifestation still ranks as one of my favorite episodes of all time, and her showing this season and last was excellent.She's just got such a flair for being a drama queen, combined with a fully 100% enjoyable personality (and the fact that they portray someone who loves fashion POSITIVELY for once is a breath of fresh air) just really makes me like her. 3. Fluttershy. She's got some real chemistry with Dash, her facial expressions when she's happy are incredibly adorable, and overall she's just a really nice character. I think she has a bit of a flat progression problem in that she doesn't have anything to work towards or progress in compared to Rarity and dash, but past that I overall just enjoy her scenes. 4. Applejack. used to be my second favorite character. Sadly, she's dropped down to my number 4. the Staff have a bad habit of saddling her with her family as sandbags too much, which really drags her down. Episodes like Made in manehattan, where we get to see HER as a focus character (Dang is she ever adorable outside her comfort zone when she's kind of scared), or applebuck season where we get a good insight into her as a character are great and all, but they're so rare nowadays because they want to have granny or Applebloom hijack them for their "CRAAAYAZY ANTICS!". Plus, her lack of a goal in life somewhat limits the number of plots they can do with her (I'd like them to do something like the Mayor mare/AJ comic for the show, because DANG is that one of my favorite comics of the entire series) 5. Pinkie pie. Bleh, pinkie pie. She screeches too much, and often relies on spongebob humor, which causes her to devolve into an obnoxious sack of ADHD. Now, she CAN be good: when they show that, deep down, ALL she cares about is making others happy, like Party pooped, the lost treasure of griffonstone or the premier, she 's great. They need to do more of that. But more often than not, she defaults to "lowest common denominator" humor, which I find grating. 6. Spoilering because this is very negative. Well, I absolutely hate twilight now, pretty much. She is the single worst part of the series IMO, and I almost feel it would be better if they booted her into the background as a secondary character like luna or big, this didn't use to be the case. In season 1, she was really enjoyable. She was a very confident snarker, she had alot of deadpan insults or quips that were enjoyable when dealing with others being insane, and she had lots of adorkable flaws. Additionally, it didn't feel like the entire universe revolved around her, as they didn't play up her role as being this giant "Chosen messiah" character that acted as a blackhole for plots and artifacts. Even if she was a viewpoint character for FIM and ROH, she didn't engulf everything.I'd often think "Damn, a less talented group of people would have made her this giant mary sue that was a chosen one from a super royal background or something that was destined from birth and everything is about", and applaud the staff for not doing that. I liked her S1/S2.AND THEN S3 hits and its like the crew took some hits from the crazy bong and said "Screw that!" and did a 180. (I know this might sound bitter, but I blame McCarthy 100% for taking over from Faust and Renzetti for the changes). The two parters suddenly had to be written from the ground up to be for her benefit, the plots were all tailored to her, and the others were kicked into the background as support cheer squad characters at best (with the exception of the final 10 minutes of TK). This was not without harm to her personality either. While S1/S2 she was incredibly enjoyable as a snarky adorkable character, she suddenly transformed into a paragon who's only role was to show up, give preachy speeches about friendship, wangst about her role in life (S1/S2 she NEVER worried about her role in life and was incredibly self assured with high self esteem), and never learned a lesson. Now, this HAS started to change a bit, as she was enjoyable in Amending fences and Testing testing 1,2,3, but overall she is STILL horribly boring. (Loved Starlight screaming at her to shut up though XD. Almost like they realized those speeches were wearing thin and wanted to aknowledge it) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mesme Rize 15,687 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Rainbow Dash 3. Applejack 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Fluttershy and Rarity (can't decide) So it is written, so it shall be. My OC Mesme Rize: > Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baba_booey 4,303 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 1. Rarity 2. Rainbow Dash 3. Pinkie Pie 4. Twilight Sparkle 5. Applejack 6. Fluttershy 2lazy2writereasoningritenow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shimmer Down 668 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 1. Sunset Shimmer 2. Rarity and Applejack 3. Fluttershy 4. Twilight Sparkle 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Pinkie Pie amidoinitright.jpg "My past does not define me 'Cause my past is not today." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caliboom 219 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 1 - Twilight, because she's cute and smart. 2 - Fluttershy, she's shy, like me. And also the cutest poni. 3 - Pinkie Pie, because funniest poni. 4 - Applejack, eh, she's okay. I like the fact that she's honest. 5 - Rainbow Dash, I just don't like her a lot. She's kinda arrogant 6 - Rarity, don't judge me for my opinion, but I just don't like her. I find her episodes quite boring compared to the other ones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One-Punch Man 316 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 6.- Rainbow Dash, mainly because her arrogance can rub me the wrong way fast. 5.- Pinkie Pie- Can be really annoying, and constantly flanderized. I still love all of the Pinkie centered episodes, though. Seems when the writers write Pinkie as a side character into an episode, she becomes just a comic relief character. It is kind of sad. :/ 4.- Applejack- I like Applejack, even thought she can be a one note character at times. 3.- Twilight- Twilight has quite a bit of character, and has an awesome uplifting story behind her about how friendship can really raise your spirits. Her constant knowledge quest is what makes her such a funny character too, sometimes even making me laugh more than Pinkie. 2.- Rarity- I just love Rarity, her voice, her mane, her over-dramatic nature, it is all so in line with who she is. She is also a character I rarely see get flanderized even though her episodes usually revolve around something that has the ability to make her seem very one note. I love her! 1.-FlutterShy- Fluttershy was my original favorite character back when I was first watching season one, and it was because how relatable the way she was feeling was. Over the past few seasons, I could really see the character development in her the most; and to think she use to be scared of her own shadow! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,819 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 1) Blue Fast 2) Fabulous Fashion 3) Book Smarts 4) Apple Farm 5) Pink Party 6) Yellow Quiet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidral Mundet 1,666 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 1) Fluttershy 2) Applejack 3) Rainbow Dash 4) Rarity 5) Pinkie Pie 6) Twilight Sparkle Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redacted321 105 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Applejack 3. Pinkamina Diane Pie 4. Twilight Sparkle 5. Fluttershy 6. Rarity I don't hate any of them i love 'em all i just don't like superficial people very much but Rarity for some reason is still really likable and has made me see superficial people in a better light, Edited October 7, 2015 by Dxnill "Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Bradley 1,319 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 1) Pinkie, for She is the Almight Pink One.(And extremely fun and awesome. I just love her personality and, honestly, pretty much everything about her.) 2)Twilight Princess Sparkle. Wait, Princess is a title, not a middle-name. Anyway, Twilight is also awesome, with her adorkableness and all. She sort of reminds me of myself a little, to be honest. 3)Rarity. She's interesting. And I like her because of that, aswell as a lot of other things. She's cool, is all. Dont actuallly know what else to say. She has a lot of qualities that make her interesting to watch(And probably be around). 4)Applejack. The honest farmer. I like her. Maybe not as much as the characters above, but i still like her. Oh lord, my memory is starting to fail me.... 5) Fluttershy. Shes cute. Shes cool. I like her. I like her stare. Its cool. NEXT! 6) And Rainbow. Sure, she's cool, and awesome, and i do like her, but why not as much as the characters above? I dont know. I just like them more, though Rainbow certainly has nice qualities of her own. And, thats all of em. And if i were to put in any two other characters, Luna and Celly would share first place. Cause Royal sisters are Best sisters. Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature! Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of FriendsAh, back to the classic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bart1002 40 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Rainbow Dash 3. Rarity 4. Fluttershy 5. Pinkie Pie 6. Applejack Edited October 7, 2015 by Bart1002 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CookieK 74 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 1. Pinkie because yeah she says things without thinking sometimes but that doesn't make her a bad pony. 2. Twilight Sparkle I don't get why people hate her now she still the same pony 3. Sunset Shimmer she started out as a villain but she makes a very good addition to the manesix. 4.Muffin or whatever you call the grey pony with the bubbles cutie mark, I like her show personality, but besides her being a mom to Dinky I HATE the fanon version of her and their name/s for her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'gann M'orzz 745 October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 (edited) 1. Rarity: Rarity is the show's most unique character, one of the best takes on the Fashionista in well, anything, pretty much never gets weak episodes and has the best VA. What's not to Love? 2. Applejack: while a lot of Applejacks starring episodes are average, she's an incredibly solid support to anyone and probably the most admirable character among the mane six, her and Rarity have a wonderful dynamic. 3. Pinkie Pie: Very fun most of the time, lots of great episodes under her belt too. Only issue is that she's probably the most frequently flanderized character, though thankfully pretty much only outside of her own episodes. 4. Twilight Sparkle: Used to be higher, but being given almost nothing to do in the meat of the fourth season led to her being well, boring. An exposition lesson machine most of the time. IN S5 she still hasn't really done much, though her exposition machine tendency is diminished at least. But hey Amending Fences was great so hopefully she does more in the rest of the season and gets more fun again. 5. Rainbow Dash: This is a character who is basically only this low because of the extreme lack of consistent quality in her focus episode, usually I rather like her archetype but she's just handled too inconsistently, though that's improved recently. I think she'd be well served if they let he realize when she made a mistake WITHOUT HELP more often, like Rarity regularly does. 6. Fluttershy: Sadly I feel this character is basically spent and has been since the end of S3 really, he archetype is a limited one not really made for shows this long. And it shows with how most of her major S4 appearances relied on crazy gimmicks and how she's just faded so far into the background in S5 (seriously she's not had a single line in the last 5 or 6 episodes, I don't think that's ever happened before). She's also the character who whenever I see at the top of a list it's basically always "O I relate to her so much" which i think is a cheap and lazy way of judging characters. Edited October 14, 2015 by M'gann M'orzz RARITY IS THE BEST PONY EVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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