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private Grand Galloping Galla RP 2015

Your Nightly Spectre

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Glad to see she remembers him Star kept up his smile. Having someone viable in all this mess really being a good start for this years Gala, but then he felt like something was just missing, but couldn't pin what.


"Yes, been a while indeed, and meeting a familiar face this quick wasn't in my plans either, but lookie here. " Star would look around the room quickly. "The Gala is all calm thus far, I've honestly only been here for like ten minutes or so. "


Once more looking around the room he just felt like something wanted his attention, something just felt weird and not right, a simple gut feeling.


"But, Gala aside. How was your year? Got your own kingdom yet or anything neat like that? "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@- Aethergem -,


Blue Hearth sat on his hindlegs, holding his chin in his hoof, feigning thoughtfulness.  "The orchestra is sure to be in the ball room, so I believe it's safe to say we will both have our wishes granted!"  He lifted his hoof to the sky, feeling like a wizard who just came up with a clever solution for the heroic knight in shining armor.  


Then his stomach grumbled.


"Er, um...  Haha, let us find the snack bar first, shall we?"




As she spoke, Fantasy Moon blinked in confusion when she saw the shadow of a familiar figure.  She looked around, then saw the glint of a sword.


She shook her head, thinking she was seeing things.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Pastel Lullaby was not one for large formal gatherings. There was a little bit too much noise, too much chatter, and, in his opinion, too many upheld facades and mysterious social ploys he would never understand. The night had barely started, and he was already exhausted – how Treble, still bouncing along with a sparkle in his eye, retained so much enthusiasm was beyond his comprehension. Even so, it never failed to bring a smile to his face.


All of a sudden, Treble stopped moving, and Pastel paused also. “Treble?” he queried, eyes following the suddenly glossy eyes of his friend. “Oh. I see.” He mused, chuckling slightly at the sight of the array of foods placed on a table towards the side. Before Treble could even turn to him with begging eyes, he gestured with a hoof towards the table. “Well? What are you waiting for? They seem to have a lovely collection of sweets.”


Immediately, the other stallion perked up, his tie slipping out of his suit as he half-walked, half flew over to the table, mouth watering as he eyed the selection. Pastel followed at a much more dignified pace, smiling fondly to himself. Maybe this night won’t be so bad after all.

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@@- Aethergem -,


Blue Hearth couldn't help but chuckle.  "Ah, you could say the same for me.  The only reason I was even invited was because my uncle was too sick to attend.  Some strange tale involving 'poison joke'."  He quoted that last one with his hooves, rolling his eyes ever so slightly.


"Oh where are my manners?  I am Blue Hearth, an actor of the Knight's Respite.  And you are, my lady?"




Fantasy Moon glanced around a bit, looking nervous yet feeling awkward, shifting on her hooves.  She should've been used to this, but it never softened.


"Fantasy Moon, sir."  She managed to keep her voice steady during this.

Golden strike tried the name on the tounge "Fantasty moon... That's a pretty name, mine pales in comparison" Said Golden with a warm smile. "Why aren't you attending any of the festivities?" Asked Golden with geniune curiosity evident in his voice "A mare like you would have gotten bits for being eyecandy around the nobles"

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Bliss titled her head a bit, confused by the awkward eyes of Star's, darting back and forth, as if he were looking for something. But hearing his question take part, she blushed a bit at it. The very idea of having her own kingdom seemed down right perposterous. She smiled knowing where her home was waiting for her back after this silly event. A tall, three story mushroom house, with red roofting and spots. Her husband Nights Hoopla would be there now, watching over her young hippogryph Pupil, Artemis...more likely while he was watching the Galla unfold through his makeshift crystal ball he conjured. Such a brilliant protective dragonequus... she thought.


"Heh," she chuckled, "not in the least. I don't like the idea of living in a castle. I prefer it stay that way in all fairness. Besides I think Equestria has plenty of castles to choose from should I feel the need to actually experience such living arrangements." She stretched out her hoof to him then, a friendly smile on her face along with eyes of needing the company and escort. "Would you mind leading me out of here towards the punch table? I really don't want to be spotted by the well known ponies of society... If you get my meaning..." she gestured by rolling her eyes back where Celestia and Luna were. "Besides, my husband, my royal guard, is on babysitting duty. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if another guard were with me during this...grand event."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss,


"Why, thank would be my most humble honor, Princess. " I stand at attention. "Ready and awaiting orders. "

He said with a smile, guard formalities being silly sometimes, but that was mostly what made them do-able and fun.

Still being constantly bugged by the weird feeling he looked around for where he remembered the punch table, at least one of the many, this one set up somewhere by the windows next to the big buffet.


Turning his hooves and body towards it, ready as an escort Dark Star begun moving to the table, being sure to walk in line with Lightning Bliss so he wouldn't be acting rude.


"Well, I understand your opinion, but still, you having a castle would be cool. " Looking at a small badge pin pinned to his neck collar Star remembered another small detail. "Ah, in the meantime I was promoted to lieutenant, not long and I may be earning the title of captain, at least that is what most of the higher ranks tell me. " Thinking of a time when he might be able to properly order and organize his own troops would bring a certain level of mind pleasure, like a very good dream. Commanding people was in his blood, something he wanted to do, but his previous ranks only allowing that to a minimal extent.


"But, if you ever do decide to own your own kingdom and castle, you know where to find a willing and hopefully trustful captain. "

He fixing his neck collar and pin with his magic again, some sort of nervousness leaking through as his mind keeps wondering off once in a while to his surroundings. "But, then again I do imagine your husband would want the job himself. " He'd chuckle.

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia had been at the castle all day in preparation of the Grand Galloping Gala, as well as having invitations sent out to others with many personally by her own hoove. There was also preparation of the music and entertainment, the refreshments and drinks, as well as other small details all over. Yet the day would fall into evening, the time leading to the gala actualy coming faster then she had expected.


It felt like she had barely gotten ready and into the dress that she would wear that the white mare would be standing at the entrance to greet all those ponies who had been able to come. This this was the shaking of hooves, small greetings and conversations, as well as warm smile and soft laughs. If there was one thing that there was no doubt, the princess had process of what to do during the Grand Galloping Gala down to instinct. 


This would sadly mean that the gala had over the years also gotten a bit boring, but because of inviting just the right ponies, and next year a certain spirit of chaos, that things got much more interesting. The year in which Twilight and her friends had first come to the gala had turned it into a disaster of sorts, while the next Discord had actually almost sent a pony to another dimension. This had been concerning, and Celestia feared that she might have to step in yet Fluttershy calmed her friend and got him to put the mare down.


This year though she didn't quite know how things would turn out. There were a few she had invited that could bring something interesting to the Grand Galloping Gala, counting a certain Lightening Bliss, but she was not certain how it would play out. For now though, for what felt like an hour already, she would greet her guest and say hello though conversation would often blend together.



Mythos Gray

Mythos Gray was a stallion know for many things, his charm, his skills and talent as a storyteller, even his notoriety as a flankchaser and flirt. Today though it would seem it was his ability as a storyteller that would come to attention, more to his benefit as it would seem to have offered him the chance of not only going to the Grand Galloping Gala, but performing there.


Spending a good hour or two in preparation, plus practicing for the performance he might be able to offer, the unicorn was already to leave and head to the gala. Now admittingly, there was still some unknowns such as who he would be working with, though they had corresponded by letter and met once for a performance. Yet he hadn't had much time to actually get to know either of the ponies he would be working with.


Still he had high hopes, since the performance that he offered was one that would be appreciated. If all went well, ponies would be crying after seeing it and looking at their diarches differently. Tribute is what they would striving for, also that of contemplation and remembrance. When he had suggested the piece, one that he had wanted to perform for quite some time, the choice had been agreed on quite quickly.


Before heading to the Gala, Mythos would stop to pick up his date for the event. He would knock on her door, a smile on his face as he held a single flower with his magic, something that could be placed on her dress. He just hoped that the color wouldn't clash with what she was wearing.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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"I not sure if you heard but I actually won a race a little while back in Cloudsdale. Yeah it was a easy win I was the only pony there who was taking it seriously not something I'd gloat about. The prize happened to be a free gala ticket and here I am. What about yourself?" He said

"My parents bought me a ticket as a way for me to meet new ponies. Nice of them and all, but I doubt anyone I meet will become a lasting friend. We'll see." He explained.


"I guess my Wonderbolts thing wasn't so far off." Tap thought to himself as he spoke to the pegasus. He realised how much he missed normal conversation, it wasn't something he had often.



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Eye candy for bits...  Fantasy Moon had no idea if she should be flattered or offended.  Feeling her ears begin to flatten, she just grinned a little and nodded, looking around a bit at the largely rich crowds in all their prismatic glory to hopefully let it slide by.  Facing Golden once again to answer the question, she flipped the book in her possession open to a basic drawing of falling leaves, much like the charm that hung off her side.


"I draw stories."

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@Akari of Duskshire


"Sure! What are we waiting for?" Dazzle trotted out, trying to look fancy. Muzzle high in the air, eyes almost closed, and a slow walk. She entered the castle, seeing a line for Celestia in a doorway. All Dazzle found were... tables. The mare wasn't sure if the food was actually here or what.


"What's the big deal about the gala?" She queried Hearth. She was still on the lookout for any signs of food carts.

Edited by - Aethergem -
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@@- Aethergem -,


Blue Hearth was looking around as well, remembering quite well that in his anxiety, he didn't eat any lunch.  Not one spoonful of basil tomato soup with crackers.  Maybe there is some?  Treating this like a foreign land, he had no idea what to expect.  "Does anypony eat here?"  He was having just as much luck as Dazzle was.


"The Grand Galloping Gala?  Well, it celebrates the day the construction of Canterlot was completed, sometime after the founding of Equestria.  If not for the historical significance, this event is also a time for friends and family to get together for a night of mirth.  And if not for that, a chance to climb the ladder, so to speak."

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Golden looked carefully at the drawing. It was a rather simple drawing, but it looked gorgeous. Golden gave her an impressed smile "That's some beautiful art Fantasy moon. I can't draw to save my life" Said Golden with a chuckle. He felt the dagger in behind his tuxedo "I took another path" Muttered Golden. He quickly shook his frown away, and replaced it with a smile. That smile was however rather forced "Can i see your other drawings?" asked Golden

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Fantasy Moon tilted her head a bit, noticing that frown.  It reminded her of a stallion she met a while ago.  A strange time it was, but memories of such an unbelievable event had no place in a place like this.


"Thanks," she said softly, almost inaudible in the ocean of euphoric music.  With a nod, she flipped the page to two other drawings.  One was a picture of rain while the other depicted snow.  At the bottom-center of the latter picture was a white flower, like a small drop of snow.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Golden smiled at her timidness. Reminded him of his little sister... Once again a frown crossed his features, but just as the last one, he shook it away. Another forced smile made it's way to his face, but it changed to a genuine smile once he saw the drawings. The picture that represented snow reminded him of home. A tear escaped his eye as he gazed at the pictures "They... Are beautiful" Said Golden with a teary smile 

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The facial expressions were beginning to confuse Fantasy Moon.  Just what in Equestria was going on?  Feeling that something about her drawings was the cause of everything, she closed the thick book.  Besides, the rest of the images were vital to the performance and she didn't want to give it away just yet.


"You... you ok?" 

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The facial expressions were beginning to confuse Fantasy Moon.  Just what in Equestria was going on?  Feeling that something about her drawings was the cause of everything, she closed the thick book.  Besides, the rest of the images were vital to the performance and she didn't want to give it away just yet.


"You... you ok?"


(Mobile post)


Golden nodded, drying away his tears. "Yeah... Sorry about that. Just some bad memories, and bad decesions i've made in my life." He took a shaky breath "Sorry if i scared you, i just need a second to calm my mind." said Golden and looked down at the marble floors which where polished to the point that you could see your own reflection. A pathetic stallion met his eyes, as he gazed at the marble floors

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Fantasy Moon stood there and stared helplessly, having nothing of comfort to say to a lamenting stranger.  The memory of comforting somepony in a state like that was a very distant one, much less somepony she never met until this point.  Thinking of nothing else, she took a small card out of the book that had a picture of a winged serpent on it, accompanied by the corporeal rune.  She casted a spell on it, and a glowing, blue serpent just big enough to be a pet sprang to life.

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"My parents bought me a ticket as a way for me to meet new ponies. Nice of them and all, but I doubt anyone I meet will become a lasting friend. We'll see." He explained.


"I guess my Wonderbolts thing wasn't so far off." Tap thought to himself as he spoke to the pegasus. He realised how much he missed normal conversation, it wasn't something he had often.

"You never know I guess" he said with a smile. "Friends are the most valuable thing you can have in life, Well other then maybe knowledge but you get my point. I wish had the chance to make friends more often, definitely thank your parents when you get the chance. So where are you from?" He asked

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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The bright purple earth pony strolled through the streets of Canterlot in her elegant emerald ball gown which shimmered in the moonlight and reflected off the highlights of her cream-colored mane. She looked about at all the unicorn upper crust as the towering castle advanced closer to her. She pulled out her sole ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. Picture herself, Ruby Shears, an ordinary mane-dresser and mother of two from Bucklyn requested to come to the biggest event in all of Equestria! She then frowned for a moment.


"I wish Reefie could have gone," she said, thinking of her uninvited husband.




With the path to the castle in her sight at last, she trotted across the drawbridge and stood in line to enter the gala. There at the front of the line, greeting everypony before they could get in was Princess Celestia herself. Ruby's jaw fell slack when she came into view, her eyes following her as the line moved very slowly.


That mane, she thought to herself. It's so impressive in pony!

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"He is my one and only royal guard for a reson," Bliss chuckled back as they dodged ponies slowly to reach the punch table. "For the very fact I don't wish for the fuss of owning a castle or kingdom for that matter. What good is a Princess of Peace if she's restricted to one location? No. I have my duties, and keeping good ties between nations is what I do. Besides hehe," she slowly levitated a cup with her magic and began to pour him and herself some punch, "I wouldn't even know what it would look like.


But anyways, congradualtions on your promotion, "Luitenent"." She chuckled happily for him, "I know you'll make Captain at some point. I can tell you have the qualities. I could always put in a good word for you." She took a seat at the closest stool near the table and sipped the punch in silence as music began to play within the main chambers of the ballroom. It was a lovely setting with everypony dressed in their finest. Though she felt honestly glad she didn't go all out with a gown this time.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Golden looked in wonder at the ocean blue serpent. It flew around the room. This earned a smile from golden, and encouraged him to tell her his little secret. "You know fantasy moon. I can create beings like that too." said Golden. He removed his black monocle, and revealed his eye, which had a golden ember in it. Goldens eye summoned a little bird. The golden bird flew up, and joined the serpent

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Before heading to the Gala, Mythos would stop to pick up his date for the event. He would knock on her door, a smile on his face as he held a single flower with his magic, something that could be placed on her dress. He just hoped that the color wouldn't clash with what she was wearing.






Amber heard a knock at the door.


Oh dear. Oh dear, he's here, she thought, nerves pumping. 

The mare looked at herself in the mirror once more, hesitantly. She had never worn a dress like this before, and it felt strange. Layers of tulle and gems covered her pale green body, and her azure mane fell in loose waves in front of her. Cherry ambers hung from a silver ring that adorned her horn, and her hooves rested in glittering shoes the colour of midnight. This was a level of elegance with which she was very unfamiliar. She could feel a lump forming in her throat.

Amber had been to many exciting places before, but they usually involved crumbling ruins or dusty caves...never something like this. Never the Grand Galloping Gala.

The invitation itself came as a surprise to the mare. Not a few weeks before, Mythos Grey had asked her out on the occasion. And now he was here.

After a few deep breaths, Amber trotted over to the door and opened it nervously.

"Hello," she said, quite simply. She saw the proffered flower and smiled.

"It's lovely, thank you," she added.

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Enzo looked in wonder as the blue serpent flew around the hall.


"That serpent is Fantasy Moon's doing."


He furrowed his brow in confusion. "Fantasy moon? Who's tha- Oh oh, yeah, right. From our little adventure in that god's playground"


Enzo waved it off. "We can catch up with her later. Right now, we need a certain pocket watch. Talking about that...."

The stag took out a small card. He held it to his head like a phone. He began to speak into it.

"Second sight, you in there? Any ideas for me to go from here? Cos i'm fresh out of ideas"


~Second Sight~


"Second sight, you in there? Any ideas for me to go from here? Cos i'm fresh out of ideas"


The voice emitted from a card kep in his hat. Pulling down his hat, Second sight whispered to the card: "I'll look around"


Unlike his comrade, Second Sight had received a legitimate invitation to the Gala via his connections to one of Canterlot's universities. Mainly due to his large contributions to science. He donned his usual layered cloak and hat: It was fancy enough for the gala.




Bringing up his hat, he walked into the main hall of the Gala, spying his partner in crime from the corner of his eye. He tipped his hat towards his direction in acknowledgement. He walked to high ground, where he was able to see the entirety of the all, and surveyed the crowd.


He took in a deep breath, and time slowed down around him. Piercing blue eyes on the hunt for Gala attendees whom can 'aid' him in his mission.


Tuxedo Clad pony. Typical Gala attendee. Second sight did a double take. A flame in his eye. Confident movements. Magic. Muscular build... A fighter. Not a typical gala attendee. Avoid.


Blueish Purple unicorn, platinum-blonde mane. Has summoned a flying magical construct. Unknown if tangible. Typical Gala attendee. Ignore.


White alicorn. Rainbow mane. Not celestia. A new Alicorn perhaps? Common sense, do not  mess with Alicorns. Avoid.


Finally, his eyes darted to the Alicorn's conversation partner.


Gray unicorn. Black and orange mane. Athletic Build. Armour. Decorated armour. Confirmed royal guard lieutenant.


Second sight shut his eyes in concentration, breaking his time perception-slowing state of mind to put his hooves to his head.


Lieutenant. High rank. Royal guard. Guard's barrack's access.Key are distributed to... Lieutenants, yes. 


Opening his eyes once more, he whispered into the walkie-talkie card thing.


"Dark gray coat, black and orange mane. Armoured royal guard. currently speaking to a rainbow maned Alicorn. He has the keys to the guard's Barracks. Go swipe them off him.


~Enzo and Khris~


Khris listened intently to the card.


"Roger that"


He turned to his partner.


"He's telling us to swipe the keys off the guard over there. His description feels rather familiar, though. We can use that serpent to our advantage, it is currently drawing the attention of most of the gala"


"Right. On it."


Sprining from his position at the corner of the gala, Enzo did his best to scoot around the Gala attendees and stay in the background ( which by the way is ridiculously hard when you have huge antlers ). He rotated to an area near Dark star, eyeing his target carefully.  


He inched closer to the guardspony, trying to find a [racism 3] in the armor, or a pocket, or a ring,  where the keys could be kept.

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@@Lightning Bliss


Star trying hard to conceal his laugh at her first joke, failing in the end. Finally getting to the table he eyes the snacks on the table and various ponies around it. Gladly accepting a glass of the punch from the alicorn, picking it up with his magic, holding it there for a second while listening to her. Taking a seat across her he took a sip of the liquid, lightly shivering from delight as the texture-y taste filled his tastebuds. 


"Good punch. " He exclaimed, taking another delightful sip. "It is quite interesting though, how we actually stand out because we are dressed so much simpler than the rest. Look at all the mares wearing very damn fancy dresses, and stallions wearing all sorts of tuxes or other, sure some stallions go casual and simply wear a tie or something, but yea-"




Dark Stars horn very dimly lighting up only added to his senses as the feeling hit him again, but this time also feeling it more in the area... he was being watched... and not with the best intensions. 


Come on... I haven't been here an hour and something is already going wrong... 


Darting his eyes at Lightning Bliss he made sure she knew what was going on from his very stare, prompting her to stay. Horn lighting up more he quickly disappeared not leaving a trace, just a small magical essence filling the air but almost untraceable. In the same second he appeared right behind the stag, horn still lit and ready to deal with the situation if the creature were to do something stupid, but within seconds he recognized him before he did anything, eyes wide and filled with disbelief. 


"You cheeky Stag! " He smiled, glad to meet another friend... but something still seemed off, why did his senses get the "in danger" vibe? 


Giving a light greeting bow he stood, hardly believing it. "Wasn't expecting you at the Gala of all pon-... stags... forest creatures... uh... yeah, you get the point. "

He then have a second bow at the sword. "Oh, hi Khris. "  


Nodding over for Blissie to come over he eyed the stag and his trusty blade. "Enzo, Khris. Meet Princess of Peace, Lightning Bliss. Lightning Bliss, the charming stag here is Enzo, and his soul trapped unicorn in Enzos sword is Khris. We had an... interesting... adventure... " His mood dampened a bit thinking of the whole crazy underground games... not the fondest of memories, but certainly memorable. Stars mind also raced to a certain mare he met then... but not as it mattered now, not like he was going to see her again probably which saddened his mood for another second before quickly snapping out, and getting back to the situation at hoof, smiling again.


Remembering his horn was still lit and dangerous Star concentrated, the magic going away.   


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"You never know I guess" he said with a smile. "Friends are the most valuable thing you can have in life, Well other then maybe knowledge but you get my point. I wish had the chance to make friends more often, definitely thank your parents when you get the chance. So where are you from?" He asked

"Cloudsdale is where I was born, but my dad wanted us to move to Ponyville cuz the ponies there were much kinder. Anyways, want to grab something to drink? Might as well before the rest of the nobles arrive and the bar is full." He replied, warming up a little.


"Heh, I might actually end this day with another friend or two. Thanks mom and dad..." he though at he began to stroll to the bar, waiting for Flame to see if he'll follow aside him.



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