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open Nightmare Night Festival


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Shadow noticed a fox walking through the crowd. He looked down to see his main scorpion at his feet. He smiled, picked it up and placed it on his back. It crawled on top of his head, then he walked up and said,


"Hello, are ya new here. I don't think I have seen you here."

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Priestess's ear twitched. She smelled the pony coming her way before she saw him. She looked over and saw... a pony with a scorpion on his head? "Somepony is willing to talk to the big scary apex predator? Or at least, a pony that's dressed up as one?"


"Well, a costume does tend to do that." ​She said, looking a little wary at the scorpion. 

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Shadow grabbed the scorpion of his head. The moon reflecting off his metal claws, 


"This scorpion is pretty harmless, actually it's a robot a friend of mine made for me. So, it's a costume? Where are my manners, My name is Shadow Beast, what's yours?


He reach into a portal and grabbed out a piece of candy covered in skulls, and placed it in his mouth

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hovering over Ponyville Moonridge looking down at the festival wearing a pirate outfit


(Moonridge think) its a nice night for a festival. will time to make a entrance


Moonridge folded his wings and fell back first holding his hat on the way down. he flip over and unfolded his wings at the late moment to slow down a little. he landed with a impact at the main entrance road to Ponypille 


(Moonridge think) time to plunder some sweet treasure and have some fun



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@@tKestrel, @@AmberDust,


"We're ducks!" Fudge and Sundae exclaimed together strutting around in their feathered costumes.


"I'm Donald Duck and she's Daisy," Fudge said. "We're doing Nightmare Night together as a team."


"We're seeing a lot of costumed pairs," Sundae said. "We saw Raggedy Ann and Andy, too by that gingerbread house on the way here."


The twins looked back when they heard a pony crashing to the ground. Fudge jumped and took a step back at the pony's bedsheet ghost costume but let out a sigh of relief when Blu called to his friend underneath. He felt his nerves course again when Blu brought Silver Wing over.


"Hello!" Sundae shouted, extending her foreleg.


"H-h-hi," Fudge stammered, raising his hoof.

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"An animatronic scorpion." she said in an understanding tone. "You're friend is a pretty skilled robotisist then. Sorry, I'm wary cause of an old story involving scorpions, and foxes slash ponies that look like foxes." 


She than observed as he pulled out some skull candy out of a dimensional rift. "Nice trick." She then heard him introduce himself.


She curtly bowed "You may call me Priestess. I occasionally run a vendor booth around here once a week or so. You've probably seen me around town doing other stuff too."

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"Pleasure to meet you, Priestess. Yes, he's good at robotics. Yeah, I think I got it from me being part dragon. I can make portals out of shadows. Maybe a few time, when I'm not busy traveling to do jobs for ponies."


He reached in the portal and grabbed a bag and said,


"Want a piece of candy?"

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"Part dragon huh? So you are a Kirin? I haven't met one of your kin in a long while." She said while she looked over at his offer. She held up a paw and waved it off. "Thanks, but I'll pass. No eating candy before going trick or treating. It spoils the appetite... and the fun."

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dusting off his hat from the landing Moonridge walked to do Ponyville looking at all the costumes stop real quick to get some candy walking a bit more he stop and looked at a spot where nothing was happening


(Moonridge said) wow that boring to look at let fix that


he walked to the middle of the spot and sat down faced the passing by pony taking out his violin he started to play. it started slow and then picked up speed 


(Moonridge sing) the sun go's down the moon comes up. the nightmares play. come join the fun.... (or something like that)

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"Hmm, never heard that term before, I'm usually called a hybrid, I have scales covering my whole body, used to have dragon wings and dragon claws for my front legs, but now I have metal ones."


He placed the placed the bag into a shadow portal. then he pulled out a bag and placed it on the floor, then he whistled and about one inch scorpion came and went into the bag, until the bag was full, then he placed the bag back into the portal, Leaving the one on with him the only one out.


 "I have my candy already, got it from a job I did right before coming here."

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"Still doesn't mean you can't go trick or treating, and have twice as much candy. After all, what's wrong with having too much free candy? Plus, you still get to have the fun of going to ponies houses in costume, and punkign out those that don't give, AKA the trick part. And now I've learned you're a Kirin cyborg. Apparently there is a first time for everything.  " 

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Shadow reached in and grabbed a notebook. He flipped through it and said, 


"Hmm, this pony wants candy. and the payment is fabric. Wait this pony needs fabric, and the payment is a screwdriver."


He placed the notebook back into the portal and sighed


"Why can't I get a day away from work? I'll do it later tonight. Some ponies might scream, when they find out that this is the real me, and I don't think a costume will be able to hide everything of me, my snake-like eyes, my metal dragon claws, or my scaly back legs." Then he muttered to himself, "like what happened before the "accident" took my front legs and wings."

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"Accident? best not to mention that." 


"You mean, if, they find out, that is." Priestess decided to point out to him. "Until then, all you have got is a really outstanding costume. You'll probably the talk of the town in some circles."


"Looks like I'm not the only one here that is pretending to wear a mask." 

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Shadow smiled, showing his pointy teeth,


"How is it possible to be able to turn a impossible into a plausible one."


He reach into his portal and pulled a gun halfway out and shoved it back in and smiled, embarrassed, then reached in and grabbed a black hat, and placed it on his head, and had his shadows snake up his legs.

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Priestess watched curiously as the display was going on before her. "How is it possible to be able to turn an impossibility into a plausibility?" She repeated. "Well this is Equestria last I checked. This country seems to have been the first to figure out the answer to that very question, as the impossible now seems to be the everyday."

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"Well hello there. I sure hope I didn't spook yall too badly with my rather clumsy landing did I?" Silver pondered. He looked over their costumes for a second, then chuckled. "That's a mighty fine costume pair you two have there. Very nice indeed." Silver said with a smile. "I'm dressed up as a ghost for the ghost dunk stand over there" Silver pointed down the street to the big dunking tank and the stand around it. "If Blu hadn't begged me to be the ghost, I would have dressed up as a Wonderbolt." Silver let out a sigh and said," But, he's my best friend. I couldn't let him down when he needs someone." Saying this, Silver gave Blu a little knock on his shoulder and laughed.

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She arrived at the square so casually, it was almost as if she hadn't forgotten it was nightmare night at all. She wondered why her mother seemed so intent that she wore the elegant looking waistcoat with the orca tail attached to it. Once upon a time it was used for a school play now it adorned her for reasons that only now became clear. Of course it was nightmare night and if she hadn't been fussing over trying to snag another age inappropriate unholy tomb for her collection then she would have caught on by now. She felt a sigh escape her lips. Seeming she'd stumbled  here she thought she'd may as well stay at least for a little while. However there was so much going on she wasn't even sure where to start. Feeling intimidated she remembered her latest nightmare tomb and decided to sit exactly where she stood, reading it.

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"I meant it's was impossible to trick or treat, but now it seems possible."


He grinned and said,


"Then again, I can take some candy out of each house and leave a small trick in it's place 



Feeder walked into Ponyville and said, as he looked around, 


"Oh, it's Nightmare night. guess this is why he contacted me.


He shifted his coat, hat and his bags. Then he continued to walk around

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"Aww, don't do that. Well, do do that. But only if they don't offer up a treat. It's trick or treat. Not trick and treat. Pretty sure they tried that 1000 or so years ago and almost botched this whole holiday. Wait, how was it almost impossible to trick or treat? It's one of the easiest and most rewarding things do in like, ever. " 

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As fun as her book was, she realised it perhaps wasn't the most appropriate way to spend the night. With a gentle sigh she tucked the ancient text into her scarf, hoping the woollen monstrosity would hold it. Before walking around, she wasn't much for meeting new people, she was almost reclusive when it came to it. Staying to the outskirts, she cast sideways glances at the ponies that walked past, offering every so often a soft "pff" or a "Don't look at me." when one strayed too close. She wondered if she would meet anyone, its not like she knew anyone their. Shuffling her hooves a bit, she returned her gaze to the stars. Affirming her stance. 'maybe I should stop driving pony's away and let them talk to me.'

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"When I would, when I was little, they would freak out right at the beginning. then that would be the end, cause I stopped it for me."



Feeder was walking around, then he noticed Shadow standing there. He walked over and said, 


"Shadow, do you know it's dangerous to contact me." He turn to who shadow was talking to, "Pleasure to meet you" then turn back, "I mean, some living creature could be injured." Then he froze and said, "Is that a costume."

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Priestess looked over to the be clothed pony. He was certainly dressed up for the part. The she heard him ask his question. She paused, looking back and fourth between the both of them. "Oh I am sorry, are you talking to me or him? Cause the answer is yes." she finally answered. 

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Feeder sighed and 

"OK, my name is Feeder, Shadow and I know each other."

He turned to Shadow, and said,

I still haven't forgave you for changing my candy with your's."


Shadow sighed and said, 

"You really have to take a joke."

He turned to Priestess and said,

"This friend of mine has a thing for any living creatures, and he can't forgive me for one harmless prank."

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Priestess raised an eyebrow at that. "A thing. A thing for living creatures. What kind of "thing" for living creatures?" Priestess was not quite sure what he was talking about. And either this feeder was a sensitive tight wad or Shadow has a rather loose definition on what constitutes "harmless."

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Shadow said,

"Let's see, he's willing to risk his life to save any living creature, when he was little, he ran into a burning building, to save a pony, so he became a doctor and a vet to save every living creature there is, good or bad."


Feeder said,

"You replace my candy with your shock candy. Not everyone has a stomach for them."

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