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private University of Canterlot


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@@Summer Breeze,@@Script Dangles, @@reader8363, @@Bojo, @@MidnightMadness1, @@SugarfootWillie,  

After she had finished what she herself was to much information about herself and that Professor Dangles had said something to her really interesting and true. Most of the so called legends and myths where acctualy true and often are much more glorified then they acctualy where.


The bell echod trough the building letting every class know that the time is up for now.


Flearia waved good bye to Professor Dangles and quickly  picked up the books that they where to have for the english and literature class and levitated them down into her bag before exiting the class with the other tree ponys. Once hey where outside and Flearia had conjured up the spectral map "Medical Studies is out next class! I wonder if we'll make healing potions or if it is normal first aid. Maybe some healing spells!"  She said to Summer as they started to follow the spectral map towards where the next class was pointed out on. Soon they got joined by Midnight who waved towards them.




Hey, sorry i missed lesson I had to work on something. How was It? By the way, Flearia do you mind if I preformed a simple blood test on Irra and you because I wanting to see if I could work out how the harmony magic works between creatures. We could theoretically use it for medicine but I don't really talk to any other ponies or  have even seen a creature like Irra."   

Flearia's ears twitched at what Midnight had just said. "Oh Hi Midnight! It was ok... Prof Dangles mostly talked about his own storry and soon after there was this strange big scorpion!" She begun before even relizing that midnight had continue on as she focused on the map and then heard him utter something about bloodsamples and Irra in the same sentance.

"No! Your not allowed to make any tests on her!" Flearia almost shouted out before she realized it was just Midnight. "Sorry Midnight... No you may not" she said in much more clamer voice "You can take a sample on me but not her!"


Before Midnight could answer there was some metalic sound and what looked like the hybrid dragon pony from before who had tryed to catch the scorpion. It looked like he had succeded as the metalic scorpion was in the cage this pony was holding. He explained how the Headmaster had helpd him catch it. Summer looked at it with big eyes and said to Flearia how cute she tought it was! She wasn't about to tell her own toughts about it as she had somewhat different taste!

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@@Summer Breeze,@

Shadow said, as he smiled,

"You gotta think, regular scorpion are dangerous. True, this one doesn't have poison in it's tail, but it is still dangerous. The oldest, I have, is a little bigger than me."



"Professor Feeder. Your next class is medical studies. Lets walk to your room."

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"Professor Feeder. Your next class is medical studies. Lets walk to your room."

"Okay... how should i call you? professor?, Mr?, Sir?, Doc?, Or ?. Anyway thanks for the guidance :D " As i walk with feeder to my room, i looked around. "so prof, what class do you teach?" i asked while following feeder, I thought "are there anypony out here not in the class" i pulled out my phone from one of the box i'm levitating, and put on my headphone, then i played a classic song in low volume.

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They were both outside the headmasters room, "here you are miss hope you enjoy teaching here." Before Emerald could say anything he had already left, here goes nothing she knocked on the large door.


There was no answer. Headmaster Greyhoof was walking the corridors. 




"I'm gonna scare the wits out of the students, drum up some sign ups for self deference" Her fangs extended and the look was complete, she charged down the halls terrorizing eveypony she flew past. This is fun as heck!


"Miss Bolt!" Professor Greyhoof had heard some of the screams of the students and went to investigate, figuring it might be another pet of Shadow's. When in reality it was the professor of Deference class.


"Do come down from there and present yourself appropriately. That might have been acceptable where you used to have employment, but at this University it is not. Now, please walk with me and I will show you to your living quarters." Greyhoof turned and started to walk down the corridor towards the Changling house. 


"I do not mean to come off as a Harshwinny but that type of behavior, especially from a Professor is strictly forbidden. When Nightmare Night rolls around, be free to scare the daylights out of the students, but today and every other day, please be professional. I will introduce you to the students today at dinner, during that time you will give an apology to those students that you frightened, please explain that it was a long trip, and you just wanted to have a little bit of fun." 


They reached the door that was just a few feet away from the door of the Changling house. "This will be your living quarters. I do hope that you will find everything that you need, and please come to me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to speaking with you further as the school years proceeds." And with that, Greyhoof bid Professor Bolt farewell and made his way. 

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Sapphire glanced at the paper she had levitating in front of her, and then back up to the building she now stood in front of. The picture on the front matched the scene before her. She gave a slight smile to herself, knowing she had just accomplished a huge step in her studies- being accepted to the University of Canterlot. She rolled her paper up and placed it into her saddle bag. She had taken a train to Canterlot, and then a taxi to the University itself. During her travels, she had studied her map that had been provided. She opened the doors and step foot inside. 


Her initial plan was to go straight to the Headmaster's office, but while she unloaded herself from the taxi, she heard an announcement signalling the end of one class, and the beginning of the last class which would soon be followed by dinner.


She had to reprimand herself for arriving at such an odd hour. It just made it more difficult for her to seamlessly transition into a student without much commotion. 


While these thoughts passed through her head, she noticed she had been walking mindlessly. She stopped midstep, glancing left and right. 

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"Professor or Feeder is fine. I teach Medical Studies,  yes that is your next class. What is your house?"



Feeder saw another pony standing there, looking left and right like she was lost or something. He walked up to her and said,

"Excuse me, but are you lost, or just new here?"

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Emerald (after the fact) changed back to her normal self what she did was silly, then inspected her new accommodation, not bad this will do. "apologize to the students really? ah well he's my boss now ain't he. Miss that detail already you don't miss what you've got till you don't have it anymore, and professor i'm not a professor i'm a lieutenant so the students can call me Lt. or Lt. Bolt or MS. Bolt or maybe just EB? Maybe would have to run that by the head master, missed his name actually". She removed her satchels and placed them on the table in the room, then left to find somepony to talk to.



Wonder when dinner is? And when i'm teaching, should speak to the pony who dose the mystical creatures class bet would be interesting not too many vampires around. She then found a group of ponies standing around a cage with a scorpion in it.


"What is going on here?"


@Summer Breeze,@Script Dangles@reader8363@Bojo@MidnightMadness1@SugarfootWillie,  @,

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Shadow turned around and smiled, then he said, as he placed the scorpion down on the ground,

"Just talking, are you new here?"

The scorpion dashed to the new pony and started climbing up the pony. 

"Looks like he's curious as well, you must have some influence."

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Sapphire felt immediately uneasy. She glanced between the pony who addressed her and the creature that had crawled up the other pony who showed up.


"I- I'm alright, I'll just.." she glanced over her shoulder, gesturing behind her. "I just took a wrong turn, I know where I'm going now." 

She offered a small smile, which was all she could muster up as she backed up, moving around the corner she had turned moments ago, quickly pulling out her map and looking for markings that could tell her where she was exactly.

Edited by SapphireSnow
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Emerald felt the creature climbing on her. "well hello little fella, ain't you friendly." She looked at the pony addressing her, "i'm Emerald Bolt I am here to teach P.E and self-defense, i'm sorta lost too just got here, and my boss has already 'tapped me on the shoulder' for a event I was undertaking, i'm kinda like that anyway it is pleasure to meet you all." She refocused to the scorpion, and gave it a gentle pet. 

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The scorpion gave a little hiss, make Shadow chuckle.

"Name's Shadow, I'm the Ground Keeper. That is my second youngest scorpion I have. Where are ya heading?"

He walked up and opened his metal claw. The scorpion walked onto his claw and up his body, until he sat on Shadow's head

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"I Think I signed up to the crystal house... i'm about 75% Sure Of That....."  I Followed Feeder as he walked up to another pony



"Hey there, My name Hacktune, Why don't ya... join the lost cause? get it because I'm new and lost here and you're kinda looked like you're lost too" I Chuckled and I saw her holding a map. "Is that the map of the school?"

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@@Summerbreeze, @@reader8363, @@Bojo, @@SugarfootWillie @, @[member-'Emerald Bolt'], @@HackTune @, @@MidnightMadness1,


Autumn was making her way to the dining hall to help with the preparations when she bumped into a fairly large group of students, the grounds keeper, and professor Feeder all huddled around something on the floor. 


"Excuse me, but shouldn't you all get to class?" She raised her brow as she glanced at the group. She noticed a new pony among them, she wasn't quite sure if she were a fourth year or a very young professor. She was a bit different from the other pegasi that she has come across. 


"Miss, if you could please wait." She motioned to the strange pony. She tilted her head ever so slightly to try and get a better angle of her. "I don't mean to be rude, I... I just have never seen a pony like yourself. I have seen many creatures, but you are the first that I have seen with almost web like fuzzy wings and your ears, a bit more... rugged." She began circling Emerald as she inspected her. "Please, don't take offence, I am the mystical creatures teacher, and I would love to get to know you. I am usually the one that gets all of the stairs seeing as not many ponies have seen a reindeer."


Autumn straightened herself and with her outstretched hoof she welcomed the new pony, "I am Autumn, professor of the mystical creatures, what is your name?" 


@@Script Dangles


Greyhoof was a bit concerned after the whole incident with the scorpion attacking Mr. Dangles' classroom. He had been on his way when he ran into that rambunctious new defense teacher. He shook his head and cracked a smile, Oh the youth, he thought. 


He finally made it back to Professor Dangles classroom and quietly knocked before entering the room. "Professor, I am pleased to see you are still here, I had hoped to speak to you before dinner." 


He motioned for the professor to take his seat behind his desk, and he made his way to the front of the room. "Please don't feel too angry at old Shadow, he means well and he does get a bit lonely. You see, that creature is his pet, normally he keeps it out of sight but for some reason it got out today. The creature was just scared is all, but I did talk with Shadow to make sure that this type of thing doesn't happen again." 


He bucked up a bit, "Anyway, on a different note, we haven't really had a chance to talk since you arrived, is there anything that you would like to discuss, how was your first day of class?"

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"Hello there Professor Autumn, my name is Emerald Bolt, I'm on leave from the Royal Guard, and i'm here as a P.E and self defense teacher. I just arrived a few hours ago, you have an eye for detail there reindear, I'm a vampire have been for about 3 years now, life so different since, m...my event." She had a face of sadness and pain on her face as she finished the sentence. "I was actually looking for you as I thought I'd be a interesting thing for your students to study, if you'd like a live, well kinda live model." Her face was slightly red from that statement. "Are all the staff actually professors here or is that a teacher title? Because i'm no professor."

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Greyhoof was a bit concerned after the whole incident with the scorpion attacking Mr. Dangles' classroom. He had been on his way when he ran into that rambunctious new defense teacher. He shook his head and cracked a smile, Oh the youth, he thought. 


He finally made it back to Professor Dangles classroom and quietly knocked before entering the room. "Professor, I am pleased to see you are still here, I had hoped to speak to you before dinner."


The unicorn had just finished arranging the table full of papers and books.  At the sound of the Headmaster's voice, he straightened himself and turned.  He adjusted his glasses and tie slightly and greeted him with a gentle smile.  He hoped he couldn't see that his syntax had worried him a bit.  "Headmaster Greyhoof," he greeted him.  "It's good to see you.  You...wanted to speak with me?"


He motioned for the professor to take his seat behind his desk, and he made his way to the front of the room. "Please don't feel too angry at old Shadow, he means well and he does get a bit lonely. You see, that creature is his pet, normally he keeps it out of sight but for some reason it got out today. The creature was just scared is all, but I did talk with Shadow to make sure that this type of thing doesn't happen again."


"You've heard about it already then," the professor nodded gravely.  "No, it's not that that at all, actually.  I'm not angry with Mr. Shadow.  I do wonder why he would keep a creature as dangerous as his pet is around young stallions and mares like the ones at the University...but I'm not angry with him.  What I am is disappointed.  If he's going to be allowed to keep that massive scorpion on campus, then he simply has to do a better job of making sure he's got it under absolute control.  I wonder what would have happened if that scorpion'd have stung one of our students today?  What would we have told their parents?  Had that happened, I'd be surprised if Princess Celestia herself didn't pay the school a visit, Headmaster.  I'm sure I don't have to tell that nobody here wants that."


The professor sighed to himself.  "Again, I have no problem with Mr. Shadow or his pet," he said.  "I'm just concerned.  Today, we were fortunate.  I'm worried about the next time...when we're not."


He bucked up a bit, "Anyway, on a different note, we haven't really had a chance to talk since you arrived, is there anything that you would like to discuss, how was your first day of class?"


"Class was quite excellent," he replied, obviously more at ease now that the subject of the runaway scorpion was passed.  "I'm very impressed with the students here, Headmaster.  Every one of them was attentive and polite to a fault -- even the ones who obviously weren't interested in the course material and only took it to satisfy a credit requirement.  Moreover, they all seem quite bright.  However you're vetting them for admission is clearly working very well.  I'm not sure I've ever seen a collection of students quite as...well, bursting with potential as the ones you've assembled at the University."


"You asked if there was something I'd like to discuss?" he broached hesitantly.  "Well...actually, yes.  Yes, there is.  When you hired me for the position, Headmaster, part of my role here at the school was to coach your first Horse Hockey team.  So far...I haven't even seen your ice arena."


He gazed at him quizzically over his glasses.  "You do have an ice arena.  Don't you?"

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My OC, Script Dangles!

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Gold was concentrated. this room didn't have enough place for all the project he has this year. As a matter of fact, he was submerged by artefact, wondering a little how he was not affected by every enchantment and leaking magic that was in this room. 

' Right, severed magic link. I tend to forget that' 

But his problems was interrupted by something bolting inside the room and hiding behind a desk. 

' Was that a scorpion? A MECANICAL SCORPION' 

He carefully advanced to the desk to get a better angle and was confirmed by the sight of a metallic scorpion the size off a filly. And the worst outcome happened: he shut down... 

In Gold Star Tuner's head five thousand question and one hundred deduction was made. 

And he had to state them.  


He picked up the fish tank next to him. And slowly put his head against it. his eyes suddenly lit up: 

"THIS IS INCREDIBLE, a mechanical scorpion. Is that a simple automaton, or maybe living metal? Does it have a DNA? Is it a spirit? Magical manifestation? psychic possession? A new species? maybe from the chaos realm? Though I did not saw it there. Why can't he hear me? Does it have a means to pick up sound waves? It looks like a miniature version of the great black scorpion of the Badlands: a Pandinus Imperator, with the tail of a Parabuthus Transvaalicusalthough a bit more Manticorish. 

Knowing that and if I make the guess that the biological continuity is respected. I can make the guess that whoever or whatever made that just wanted to make something scary and imposing. but not actually armful. Maybe to represent power, it might be the pet of a royal family. I would guess Saddle Arabian. But that don't seem believable. 

As the way it is cowering, I can guess that it is still quite juvenile, and Definitely not a simple automaton. The red light might be a magical leaking though I would not advance myself too much on that subject. It seems sentient maybe not sapient. But that still leave to many option. I need to make tests: what's it's weight? magic resistance? electrical resistance? magical radiation?  does it breathes? does it absorb magic around it? how is it powered? what it is reaction toward water, can it oxide?" 

He put the aquarium down and declared: " I NEED TO RUN TESTS!!"  

He took for silver ring out of the pile: "Cell Door's first magical restriction rings, here goes my second lesson. I will need to find something different later" 

Gold then proceed to spread a parchment with a black glyph on it an put an hoof on the center and slid it next the desk. 

That's when the headmaster decided to enter. "Hello headmaster you might want to stay back a little" 

Greyhoof did not seam to notice him at all and began to advance to the desk and exposed his shattered horn to Gold when he casted a soothing spell on the scorpion. And disturbing the release process of the glyph. 

"Ah, there you are, a bit scared I assume. Where did you come from my friend?"  Said gently Greyhoof. 

" Wait it's dangerous" Exclaimed G.S.

But nothing happened and the headmaster walked out of the room with the scorpion. 

That's when gold realised two things. First he had the SeeMeNot cloak on him that was part of his third lesson ' I guess that The great mage Incognitus's bad luck was passed on with his creations'.  

However that was the second thing that he noticed  that was important. His smoke glyph was glowing. Brightly. strongly. And he learned one thing from using this type of magic. He even made a proverb out off it: 

' When your glyph shine as bright as the day. You have to run away.' 

He threw himself on top off is tank-fish and hope that some day in the next century this room will be clean again. 

Some of you might think that an explosion like that would have been heard in the whole school. 

IF only there was not a sound bubble artefact, and a room structure preservation gem in the room. I swear there might be an artefact for everything. 

Actually the only thing that could be seen of this incident from the exterior is the sudden change of colour of this windows. that will be eternally end definitely painted black 


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Sapphire jumped as she heard another pony behind her. She had been deeply immersed in the map.


"Hey there, My name Hacktune, Why don't ya... join the lost cause? get it because I'm new and lost here and you're kinda looked like you're lost too" I Chuckled and I saw her holding a map. "Is that the map of the school?"


She slightly rolled the map up. "Uhm.. yes, it was given to me in the leaflet I received in the mail.." She did a quick look over of the new pony in front of her. He didn't seem threatening, nothing out of the ordinary. She relaxed a bit, letting a small smile grace her lips.


"I'm Sapphire." she said. She always tended to only give out her first name, hardly ever her second. She rolled out the map once more, sharing it with Hacktune. "I think we're here.." she said, pointing out a hallway located close to the dining hall. "Where were you on your way to?" she questioned. 

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@@Stardust*, @,

shadow said, 

"I was just talking to the students and Emerald here."

He turned to Emerald and said, 

"I thought you had some influence. Royal Guard huh, heard that's hard work. anyways sorry to keep all ya. I got to get going.



As Shadow was walking by a classroom, the scorpion jumped off his head and ran in. Shadow followed, stopped and said, while searching and placing a claw in front of the scorpion,

"Whoever is in here, come out, I can feel your presence."



"It's nice to meet you, Sapphire, my name is professor Feeder. I was just taking Hacktune to his house."

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Gold classroom was now tainted black, his classroom was black and every inestimable artefact was now black. So much, that if someone entered his classroom  he would only see black. and that actually happened. 


when a familiar scorpion and a student entered the classroom G.S just woke up from unconsciousness.


"Whoever is in here, come out, I can feel your presence." he heard the student say suspiciously. 

'Who wouldn't be suspicious' Gold thought.


He tried to open his eyes but there were blocked by the black dust. 

" It might not be me that you are sensing but this" he wanted to say while standing up and showing his tank fish. 


But the only thing that the student could see at this moment was a stallion struggling to get on his hooves, failing and coughing on the floor.

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Shadow spread his wings and swept it the dust away, like it never happened. He walked up to the stallion and said,

"Who are you, and why is the room covered in black dust?"

He looked around and saw artifacts around

"I'm guessing you know artifacts and stuff."

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After the pony in front him cleared the dust off him he could finally open his eyes to see a pony with dragon like feature.  
'What his he?' he questioned himself.
"Who are you, and why is the room covered in black dust?" Asked the scaly pony. 
He looked around and saw artifacts around 
"I'm guessing you know artifacts and stuff." 
"Are we in a movies or something, I feel like you are going to say that you have a job for me next"
'Interesting feature...' a drake like body with these technological augment are not common. 
'Although I've seen weirder I would love to study everything about it' 
After  fifteen second of observing this uncommon being, Gold finally got back to his senses: the second breakdown of the day is always the softest, but nopony want to be around for the fourth, no nothing want to be around. 
"Who are you anyway?" G.S asked " A student? A teacher?"




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"Shadow glared at him, and said, 

"Neither, My name is Shadow, I'm the grounds keeper. No, we are not in a movie, I just came in cause my scorpion came in. You haven't answered my question."

The scorpion climbed on the desk and peered into the small tank, while swinging his tail across the desk

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The Professor ensured that the door closed tightly behind Greyhoof.  He listened to the echoes of his hoofbeats in the hallway receding into the distance and threw the latch, locking the door shut.  He turned back towards the corner of the room and allowed himself a sigh.  There would be no more interruptions.  He was alone, but for the mirror.


He whisked the dustcover off of it once again, discarding it into the corner of the room.  And perhaps her, he considered, if she deigns it be so.  In the pit of his stomach, it was as if a swarm of butterflies took flight and fluttered ajumble within its confines.  He feeling was familiar.  He had been here many times before.


Staring into the utterly black face of the silver-bordered mirror.  Watching the thin plume of grey smoke rise forth lazily into the air above it.  It seemed to issue forth from the tenebrous flat oval, as if someplace lingered beyond it.  It was as if it were simply the yawning threshold of a doorway.


The Professor's eyes gazed into the darkness.  There, he searched for answers.

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 Gold eyed with interest the scorpion but an other wave of wheezing interrupt his trance. 

" Well nice to meet you Shadow" he said after pulling himself together "My Name is Gold Star Tuner, I'm the new magical artefact teacher. So I guess I'm good with artefacts" 

He looked over to the metallic arthropod and said "That's is an interesting scorpion," and then turned over Shadow "but I've always wondered what the job of ground keeper is about?"  

" Ground Keeping such an interesting concept..."

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 Shadow smiled and said, 

"Yeah, he's interesting alright, He's the second youngest I have. I just take care of the ground, basically I do a lot of things for my job. It's nice to meet you Gold."

The scorpion jumped off and was about to run out the door, but was caught in a shadowy hand.

"Handful as well. Anything you want to know."

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