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searching MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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So I could create my own nation?

Yeah.... the template is in the Nation spoiler (first page), you can look at the nat info pg for examples (first post for link).


Or you could take a cannon one.... but Equestria is taken.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Yeah.... the template is in the Nation spoiler (first page), you can look at the nat info pg for examples (first post for link).


Or you could take a cannon one.... but Equestria is taken.

cool i'll think about joining

I might go for a traditional island nation ruled by a pegasus the pegasus is Derby Lightweight https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/derby-lightweight-r8791

The island is woodborough but not the heavily industrialised version shown in Derby's page

  • Brohoof 1
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cool i'll think about joining

I might go for a traditional island nation ruled by a pegasus the pegasus is Derby Lightweight https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/derby-lightweight-r8791

The island is woodborough but not the heavily industrialised version shown in Derby's page


Well, traditional nations have no indusry whatsoever.


That would be oki, go on, fill in the form =)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Name: Woodborough

Goverment Type: Monarchy

Flag:two trees on either side of a stone built bridge

Leader: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/derby-lightweight-r8791Derby Lightweight

Category: Rational

Enviroment: extremely wooded with very few towns

Two Abundant Resources: coal, wood

Two Scarce Resources: iron, drinkable water

Religion: Equestrian religion

General Race Composition: 20,000,000 pegasi, 5,000,000 unicorn, 10,000,000 Earthpony

General Race Description: the upper class citizens are usually seen wearing suits or dresses depending on their gender whilst the middle and lower are usually wearing slightly less fancy outfits

Two Primary Nation Traits: peaceful, loyal

Two Nation Values: loyalty and equality ((which is why even the lower class citizens have nice clothing))

Culture and Description: a small island barely big enough to hold it's residents because of this two more islands named kiljoce and egil were added to the nation meaning that the culture of the nation varies from island to island

Buildings: terrace houses

Foreign Policy: normally only allows 1000 or so ponies into the country because of the lack of water

History: the island was discovered by Derby's great great great grand father who unfortunately drowned after her great great grandma was born after several centuries the island was passed on to the young mare known as Derby

Quality of Life: for an island with little water the quality of life is pretty good as the island produces the majority of it's own food

Millitary Power: they may seem like cowards when the refuse to fight but if war is brought to woodborough the army won't let them reach the first bridge... So in theory when invading they are quite weak but if they are defending then they become a moderately good army

Misc: not much...

Edited by The Pixelated Pony
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Sighs, today wasn't a good day for roleplaying/internet. I haven't yet had the chance to write any of my posts yet, though I will try for tomorrow.


I'm sorry for the wait.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@The Pixelated Pony


To be honest, that soundsw a bit more 'Rational'.... so that would bring your population down a bit....I mean all the 'all races' and harmony stuff =D


other than that, ud be ok


Though A bit more info about the mil =p


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@The Pixelated Pony


To be honest, that soundsw a bit more 'Rational'.... so that would bring your population down a bit....I mean all the 'all races' and harmony stuff =D


other than that, ud be ok


Though A bit more info about the mil =p

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Just FYI, I'm joining as well.


@@The Pixelated Pony


1) Population 35 million, the country is on several "small" islands, and there's "few towns"? To be honest, none of that connects very well. Taiwan, Cuba, Sri Lanka, not even Haiti AND the Dominican Republic combined has 35 million people, and they're considered large islands with a whole lot of small ones. This is also considering that several of these countries have high-population cities. Based on your description, the population shouldn't even surpass 500 thousand, and even that's pushing it to unrealistic levels.


2) If the islands are so disconnected that their culture starts to vary significantly, I honestly doubt if they even have an organized military. Island hopping, even for pre-industrial nations, are still effective and the islandic provinces would find it VERY difficult to get supplies around.


3) Population doesn't match resources, either. 35 million citizens on small islands, scarce on water supplies? Without enough water the country is good as dead. Even importation won't save it. And most of the time, food crops are determined by the supply of water, so low water = low food = low ponies anyway.


4) History and culture is really vague.

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Just FYI, I'm joining as well.@@The Pixelated Pony


1) Population 35 million, the country is on several "small" islands, and there's "few towns"? To be honest, none of that connects very well. Taiwan, Cuba, Sri Lanka, not even Haiti AND the Dominican Republic combined has 35 million people, and they're considered large islands with a whole lot of small ones. This is also considering that several of these countries have high-population cities. Based on your description, the population shouldn't even surpass 500 thousand, and even that's pushing it to unrealistic levels.

2) If the islands are so disconnected that their culture starts to vary significantly, I honestly doubt if they even have an organized military. Island hopping, even for pre-industrial nations, are still effective and the islandic provinces would find it VERY difficult to get supplies around.

3) Population doesn't match resources, either. 35 million citizens on small islands, scarce on water supplies? Without enough water the country is good as dead. Even importation won't save it. And most of the time, food crops are determined by the supply of water, so low water = low food = low ponies anyway.

4) History and culture is really vague.

First of all my country! My rules! Second, small island nations often have floating towns off shore. Third, bridges link all three islands. We're talking about a country that is a figment of imagination. From a thirteen year old no less and in a world that already makes no sense compared to ours I mean flying horses? Magic? Hello? Fantasy world! And saying that the population should barely pass 500 thousand? Look at the majority of ponies they are pegasi meaning cloud space can be used to form housing. And when you say "varies significantly" that's just putting words in my mouth I said varies from island to island not specifying how much variation there is. And low food? No, crops can be grown in seawater and given the fact that the country is three islands there is an abundance of crop growing water but none is drinkable water. Even then seawater can be made into water to drink and bathe in. So there. But yes your fourth fact is right.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Millitary-wise a ratrional can field a max of 15% of his population in the army.


So that would be 5mil


Also, we need to know what wepons they use =)



Since ur landlocked, I think you should go around exploring too. Thats what scientifics are about, expansion millitarily or diplomatically


@@Once In A Blue Moon


Our ships can meet if ya wanna =p

  • Brohoof 1


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Hello everypony! :)  I was part of the original MLP nations, and I'm exited about joining this reboot! Here's my nation information:


Name: Medeis

Government: Magocracy - The government is run entirely by unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies are generally forbidden from holding office. The leader is known as the High Magi, and his/her rule is absolute. The High Magi rules for life, and may only be lawfully overthrown if he/she loses in a magical duel to another unicorn. When the High Magi dies, a magic competition is held to determine the strongest magic users in the land; any able bodied unicorn may participate. After this competition, the ponies of Medeis vote on which one of the winners of the competition they want to become the High Magi. Any resident of Medeis may vote, including earth ponies, pegasi, and diamond dogs. After the High Magi is elected, the other winners of the competition become Magi, a position of great power and responsibility. Magi are usually in charge of the day to day operations of the country, but the High Magi has the final say in all things. The High Magi may promote a unicorn to the rank of Magi if he so desires, as long as the would-be Magi is a competent magic user, and he may also remove Magi from office.


Category: Magical!


Flag: A black orb surrounded by a field of solid purple. The flag has a black border from which several black tendrils try to reach their way towards the black orb at the center across the purple field, but the tendrils never touch the black orb in the center.


Ruler: High Magi Crystal Tower

Environment: Medeis is located in a vast, inhospitable wasteland. The country is almost entirely comprised of jagged mountain peaks and gravelly wastelands. Travel on foot is almost impossible, and the land is usually traversed by air, teleportation, and underground tunnels. There are a few volcanoes to the far east, but most ponies avoid living anywhere near those. Weather is not regulated by pegasi in Medeis, and storms come and go as they please.

Two Primary Resources:

Coal: The mountains of Medias are filled with large veins of coal, although the ponies of Medias very rarely mine any of it.

Gems: There are sizable veins of rare gemstones scattered all throughout Medeis, thanks to the nearby volcanic activity. Gems from Medeis are well known for their purity and size.

Two Resources that are Scarce:

Food: The harsh, rocky terrain of Medeis is not suitable for farming or raising livestock. Although some mushrooms are grown underground, not enough food is grown to support the entire country. Most of the food is generally imported into Medeis from other nations.

Wood: There are no forests in Medeis. Although most residents of Medeis have found ways to live without wood based products, what wood they do need must be imported. Paper especially is in high demand, and fetches a pretty penny.


Religion: When asked what their religion is, most ponies will frown, not even knowing the meaning of the word. For better or worse, the large majority of ponies believe in no gods or deities, preferring to trust in themselves and their leaders. Any missionaries sent to the country are likely to do very poorly.   


But that isn't to say there is no religion at all within Medias. There is a cult operating within Medias. Their members include high ranking officials from every branch of government and body of authority within Medias, and their existence is completely unknown to all but a select few. They don't believe in any gods, and they don't hold to any morals. They believe that the reality everypony lives in is an imperfect prison, a dark hell created to punish everypony. They also believe that there is a perfect paradise just outside of reality, a place where suffering doesn't exist. They plan to destroy the imperfect reality so that they may ascend to paradise. They pursue this goal with fanatic devotion, and will use any and all means to accomplish it. They are only known as The Nullity, and they are always trying to gather more power. The operate in small groups known as cells. Between cells there is only very limited communication, and the members of one cell have no idea what the identity of any ponies are in any other cells. There is no doubt that when Medias discovers other nations, they will try to spread their influence to these nations as well...

General Race Composition: Medeis is mostly comprised of unicorns and earth ponies. Very few Pegasi live in Medeis. Many diamond dogs also live in Medeis. The nation has a population of roughly 450,000.

General Race Description: The unicorns of Medeis are well known for wearing silly hats. The more ridiculous the hat, the higher the unicorn's social and political standing. It is considered an extreme faux pas for a unicorn to not wear a silly hat in public. Is is usually up to the individual unicorn exactly how silly they want their hat to be, but care must be taken. If they choose a hat that is sillier then their current social standing will allow, they will be openly mocked by other unicorns for thinking too highly of themselves. Wearing a hat that isn't silly enough is considered an insult to yourself and everypony around you. The High Magi is known for wearing a extremely old and silly hat. This hat is regarded as a symbol of the position of High Magi, and has been around for thousands of years. Other races besides unicorns may wear silly hats if they so desire, but very few do. Most unicorns also wear ornate robes when they go out in public, although the other races wear nothing at all.


Two Primary Nation Traits: Studious and Cunning


Two Nation Values: Loyal and Intelligent

Culture and Description: 


The ponies of medias mostly keep to themselves. They value their independence greatly, and react violently to any attempt to encroach upon their freedoms. They are distrustful of other ponies, and very distrustful of outsiders. However, once you do gain their trust they will never betray you. 


The arts are well developed in Medias, and you can hardly go anywhere in one of their underground cities without seeing masterfully carved statues, colorful mosaics, and impressive architecture. They also have many famous poets, novelists, philosophers, and other masters of the literary arts. They are known for their grand plays and operas, most of which can take an entire day to watch. Unfortunately they are somewhat lacking in musical advancements, as the scarcity of wood makes many kinds of musical instruments extremely difficult to obtain.


The population of Medeis are very superstitious about Lord Venenifer. They believe he still haunts his old labyrinth, and will someday come back from the dead to claim dominion over the land once again. Merely saying his name is considered extremely bad luck.


Buildings: Most of the cites of Medias are underground to protect them from invaders and the harsh lands above. Very few buildings are above ground.


One major city is actually almost entirely above ground, the trade city of Permutatio. It is a fairly large city constructed of simple stone buildings, and has a large harbor which connects to the ocean. A short above ground roadway connects to a nearby underground city. The city is encircled by short stone wall, which protect the harbor as well.


The underground cites that Medias is known for are not lighted, every citizen must carry around their own light source. Each of the underground cites have their own underground water sources. They are well ventilated by a network of very small tunnels leading to the outside. These tunnels are labyrinthine in nature, and are too small for even the smallest foal to crawl through. These air ducts are cleverly concealed on the surface, they are very likely to go unnoticed unless somepony knows exactly what to look for. These air ducts can be sealed from inside the city in an emergency. There is only one exit to the outside for each underground city, and that exit is underneath a very large, well defended castle. The cities are never dug shallower then a mile underground, inside the bedrock of mountains. Most of these cities are very expansive, as they have been dug out over thousands of years. The pathways inside the cites are easily navigable and clearly labeled, even somepony who's never been there before can find their way around. Most of these cities are connected to each other by large underground labyrinths. These underground mazes are designed so that only somepony who knows how to navigate them can go through them, they are also designed ensure that ponies who don't know the layout will get lost and starve to death. While these tunnels form a large, complex maze, there is actually no " solution" to these mazes. The only way through them is by cleverly hidden secret doors. Inside some of the walls of these mazes are traps designed to collapse or flood the tunnels if the walls or ceilings of the maze are dug through. Even if one knows the tunnels by heart, they take at least a week to navigate, because the underground cities these tunnels connect are often far apart.



The underground military base under the High Magi's Tower is built much differently from an underground city. It is built in a very maze like fashion, and you can't get anywhere without going through several secret doors. Its ventilation system does not connect to the outside but instead is connected to a very large underground garden, which uses the plant life to exchange the old carbon dioxide laden air with new oxygen laden air. It is not connected to any other cites through underground tunnels, and it is significantly smaller then a normal underground city. Medeis' most elite troops are stationed in this underground stronghold, and all the dark servants stay here when not on missions. There are only two above ground exits, one that is only accessible from inside the High Magi's Tower, and one that sits underneath a very large, well defended castle. The stonework of this castle is reinforced with iron bars, and all of the doors and gates are solid iron. The entire underground structure sits underneath a very deep crater lake. The structure is designed so that if the uppermost tunnels are somehow breached and water starts to flood the underground base, all the water will be directed into a large natural cave system by a series of drains, leaving most of the underground base dry.

The High Magi's Tower is built in the middle of a large crater lake near the center of Medeis. The tower has very narrow windows, but they are narrow enough that nothing but air and light can get through them. A large portion of the tower is underwater, and it connects to an underground military base. The tower is constructed out of magical crystal, which has been enchanted with powerful interlocking spells that have been put in place over more then a thousand years. It is extremely resistant to physical damage, to the point that artillery just bounces off of it, and all but the most powerful explosives wouldn't even scratch it. It would take an extreme amount of physical force to break the crystal that makes up the tower. The tower is resistant to magical damage, but a powerful magical blast could overcome the tower's magical defenses. The tower does not stop teleportation. The tower is tall but also very narrow, it's much smaller on the inside then it looks from the outside. It contains Medeis' most valuable treasures, a large library, a few magical artifacts, the High Magi's throne room, and living quarters for the High Magi.


Foreign Policy: The ponies of Medias are very mistrustful of ponies from the outside, and generally do not allow ponies from the outside to travel through the nation. A minor exception is Permutatio city, where foreigners are allowed to bring goods to trade. 

History: Medeis was founded by a powerful unicorn that went by the name Lord Venenifer. He was a cruel tyrant, who ruled over his people with an iron fist. He ruled the land from his underground labyrinth for hundreds of years until he eventually died of old age. When he died, it left a large vacuum of power which threatened to throw the entire nation into civil war. The most powerful unicorns in the land then convened to discuss what should be done to keep the country together. From this meeting came the basis of the current government. The first High Magi was determined by the first ever competition, and the land remained whole. But the peace did not last long. In these times, earth ponies were treated as little more than slaves. The earth ponies begin demanding more rights and threatened a rebellion if their demands were not met. Unwilling to risk an open rebellion, the High Magi of the time begrudgingly agreed to allow earth ponies more freedom. He allowed them a say in the government by making the rank of High Magi an elected position, and gave them almost all the same rights as unicorns. This prevented a rebellion, but it did not fully disperse the tension between the two races.

Quality of Life: The ponies of Medeis barely get enough food to survive. Even the upper class only eat just enough food to survive. Food is very expensive, although an effort is made to ensure that even the poorest ponies get enough to eat. Starvation, even among the upper class, is a common way to die. However, almost all ponies have homes and jobs, and do not want for water or warmth. Most ponies can easily afford the basic necessities of life and have enough money left over to buy luxuries, it is only food that is difficult to obtain. 

Military Power/Magic: The number of ponies in the military can vary wildly, as every citizen is trained almost from birth to be able to serve in the military. In times of peace the army is very small, but in times of war roughly half of earth ponies can be drafted into the Home Guard, and almost all of the unicorns can become War Wizards should circumstances prove dire enough.


The full plate armor the Home Guard is equipped with is covered in wicked spikes and sharp blades. They can move in the armor almost as quickly as a unarmored pony, but they are rather clumsy while in the armor. They usually rush into battle charging directly at their enemies, counting on their armor to protect them. Once inside the enemy lines, they use the spikes and blades on their armor to deadly effect. The armor can deflect most arrows, but a few hits with a crossbow can bring one of them down. Bullets tear through their armor like it was made out of cardboard, as well as most magic. Their armor protects them from most melee weapons, as sharp edged and piercing weapons such as swords and bayonets can't pierce their armor. Heavy blunt melee weapons are effective against their armor, however.


War Wizards (and therefore almost all unicorns in Medias) can levitate small and medium sized objects at will. They can fire a powerful magical energy beam from their horn two times a day. This magical energy beam has rather long range, about half a mile. It can sear through most any armor, and can catch flammable materials on fire. The energy beam has little effect on any fire resistant materials. They can teleport once a day. They can create magical constructs. In combat War Wizards generally wear ornate robes that allow them freedom of movement, trusting on their magic to protect them. They will also carry with them a small pouch of sharp metal spikes, which they will magically throw at ponies in battle using telekinesis. Most unicorns can magically throw these spikes with roughly the speed and force of an arrow, very talented unicorns can magically throw these spikes with the speed and force of a bullet.


A small number of unicorns are trained in making magical barriers. They can make a barrier once per day, but can only have one barrier active at a time. These barriers can cover an area up to the size of a large building, but they can also be much smaller. These barriers let only light through; sound, air, magic (You can't teleport into or out of one), and solid matter cannot pass through them. They are resistant to most forms of physical damage, however a concentrated barrage of cannon fire could bring one down in short order. A large explosion would also shatter the barrier. A large amount of magical energy directed at the barrier would also break it. The pony generating the shield does not need to concentrate on the shield, once it is cast it stays up on it's own without the need for any more magical energy from the unicorn who created it. The unicorn who created the barrier can take it down at will. If the unicorn who created the barrier dies, the barrier will come down.


Unicorns can create magical constructs, which is basically a floating chunk of basketball sized crystal. All a unicorn needs to create one is one day of uninterrupted magical casting and a basketball sized chunk of crystal. This crystal will float around on its own, roughly five meters above the ground, although it can go as high as ten meters. They can fly almost as quickly as a normal pegasus can. The unicorn who created the construct gives it one command, no longer then one sentence in complexity, and it will carry out this command to the best of it's ability. This command cannot be changed, even by the unicorn who created the magical construct. The construct cannot operate indefinitely, it needs to be recharged with magical energy on a weekly basis or it will crumble to dust. Magical constructs can "see" about half as well as a normal pony can, only they can see 360 degrees at once. Magical constructs attack by ramming into ponies they've been ordered to attack. Magical constructs are easy to destroy, a hit with a blunt weapon or a good shot with a crossbow or gun will destroy them instantly.


Medeis knows how to create golems, which are large magically animated pony statues made out of rock. It takes a team of specially trained unicorns about a year to create one golem. The golem is slow and clumsy, and it takes them about 30 seconds to move one meter. They are very strong, and have the power of about ten regular earth ponies. They are "programmed" upon their creation to do certain things and act a certain way. Any unicorn can change this programming, provided they know a password, which must be spoken to the golem. Golems can hear and see as well as the average pony, and can speak in a gravelly monotone, but they possess no sense of smell or touch. Golems must be recharged with magical energy twice every year. Golems are tough to destroy, since they are made out of solid rock. Almost all regular weapons won't hurt them, however a few good shots,with a cannon or several good shots with a powerful catapult should destroy them. Explosives are very effective against golems. There are roughly 200 golems in operation as of this writing, they are mostly used for heavy manual labor or guarding key areas of cites and strongholds.


Medias possesses powerful magic which can make large areas of land float, the biggest area of land they can do this to is about the size of an acre. They do this by drawing a large magical circle over a promising patch of land, and then hundreds of specially trained unicorns will gather around the circle and combine their magic to make the patch of land break away from the earth. They will generally build castles on top of these floating islands and use them as aerial fortresses.  These fortresses can move through the air, but do sovery slowly, moving only one kilometer a day. These castles can land, and posses a special drawbridge to allow easy passage to and from the castle when it lands. In the center of the castle is a large crystal which contains all the magical energy powering the castle's flight. This crystal must be charged with magic daily by ten unicorns, and the castle will plummet to the ground if the crystal is uncharged or destroyed. The castles are armed with ballistas and catapults, and are heavily guarded by a team of War Wizards. As of the time of this writing, there are only 5 of these floating castles in existence.


A general picture of a floating castle: 


Medias has a  form of long distance magical communication consisting of a large slab of pure, clear crystal. These slabs are magically connected to a massive master crystal slab located in Crystal Tower's throne room. Crystal Tower can see through the various crystal slabs using the master slab, and anyone looking through one of the various crystal slabs can see Crystal Tower through the master slab. These crystal slabs can also transmit sound to the master slab, and the master slab can transmit sound to any crystal slab. Communication is instantaneous, and It is very difficult for the communication to be intercepted. However,  Crystal slabs are rather rare, and they can be shattered with enough force. There are only ten in existence as of the time of this writing, and they are very hard to replace if broken. They are never used in battle, as they cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hooves. Image quality is murky at best. Words and complex pictures (like maps) cannot be shown through the crystals, as they will be rendered indiscriminately fuzzy because of the poor image quality. Communication between crystal slabs is impossible, a crystal slab can only communicate with the master slab. The master slab can communicate with any crystal slab, but the master slab can only communicate with one crystal slab at a time. Only specialty trained unicorns can use the slabs. The slabs must remain powered by the unicorn the entire time the slab is in use. It is possible (but unlikely) that a very powerful magic user could intercept the signal linking the crystal slabs to the master slab, and spy on the communications.

Unknown to all but the Magi, their exists a special branch of the War Wizards, called the Dark Servants. They are trained extensively in dark magic, and are experts in stealth and assassination. There are never more then about 100 of these at any one time, as the training process to become one a dark servant is arduous and long. As their name would suggest, they are used almost solely as servants, but they have been known to guard very important ponies or be used as special agents on the battlefield. They have all the regular powers a War Wizard has, They can also cast four dark magic spells, but they can only have one spell active at a time. For instance, they can't cast any illusions while they have somepony under suggestion, and vice versa. They can only cast two dark magic spells per day. They can do levitation while they have these dark magic spells active, but they can't teleport or shoot magical beams. The four spells are:


Charm: This spell can only be cast on one pony at a time. That pony will be convinced that the dark servant is their best friend in the world. The servant can then talk them into doing stuff that they won't normally do. However, the charmed pony won't do anything that goes directly against their moral code. For example it would be very difficult, if not impossible to talk somepony into murder or violence unless they are naturally a violent pony. The dark servant can end the spell whenever he/she wants to. Once the spell is ended the pony will not know that they've been charmed, but they will no longer think that the dark servant is their best friend. Ponies with high willpower (The ponies who rule nations will always have enough willpower to fully resist this spell) can resist the effects of the spell, although they won't know that somepony has tried to use magic on them.


Illusion: This spell can only be cast on the dark servant themselves. This spell can make the dark servant look like almost anything. If they so desire they can appear to look up to twice as big or down to twice as small as they actually are. The spell does not affect the smell of the servant, nor does it affect the sounds the dark servant gives off. If somepony bumps into or attacks the servant the spell will be ruined. The dark servant can end this spell whenever they want to.

Self-Explosion: The dark servant gathers up all their magical energy and releases it a large magical explosion, killing themselves and anypony around them instantly. It takes them about ten seconds to gather this magical energy, and once it is started the dark servant cannot reverse the process. The only way to stop the explosion is to sever the dark servant's horn from their body before the ten seconds are up; even the dark servant's death won't stop the explosion. It can clear a room that is around 8000 feet squared, which is 20*20*20 feet, but substantial damage to a buildings structure won't be made, meaning furniture and windows will be gone, but the basis of the walls and interior support are fine.


Necromancy: The dark servant can turn dead ponies into zombies. It takes one day of chanting and necromantic rituals to create one zombie. The dark servant can control about 200 zombies at one time. While controlling zombies, dark servants can use their regular spells, but they can't cast any dark magic spells.


Zombies can be created by dark servants. They are slow, and can only manage a slow shuffle, even a crippled pony could outrun them. They are clumsy, and are incapable of using weapons in combat. They cannot climb or jump, and stairs prove impassable to them. The cannot think for themselves, and can only follow orders the dark servants telepathically give them. Zombies look horribly decomposed, most ponies who don't have military discipline will run in fright when they see them. Although no limit upon how far this telepathic communication can travel between zombies and the dark servant controlling them has been measured, dark servants generally stay close by their zombies so they can effectively command them in battle. Although it is widely believed that zombies can turn other ponies into zombies via biting, this is false; although any injury inflicted by a zombie is very likely going to become infected by regular bacteria. Zombies are about twice as strong as a normal pony, and they attack by kicking and biting their enemy. Zombies are tough to kill, as the dark magic animating them is spread throughout their whole being. All their limbs must be chopped off, and their head must be severed to fully kill one. Burning them is effective, as well as immersing them in acid. Crushing them to death works well. If a zombie is hit by a magical blast it will die instantly, as the magic will interfere with the dark magic animating them. Explosions are rather ineffective against them unless they are hit at point blank range. Zombies do not need to sleep, eat, or rest to survive. Unicorn zombies can't use magic, and pegasus zombies can't fly. If the dark servant controlling the zombies dies then all the zombies die as well, unless the zombies have been set loose. Zombies that have been set loose aren't under the control of any dark servant, and they randomly roam around killing anything that moves.

Ghouls can be created by a dark servant over the course of a month, and during that month the dark servant has to concentrate solely on raising the ghoul, and can do nothing else short of things they need to do for their own survival. (sleeping, eating ect.) Ghouls can move almost as fast as a normal pony. They are clumsy, but they can use weapons in combat. They cannot climb, but they can use stairs and can manage a clumsy sort of jump. Ghouls retain most of their memory, personality, and intelligence when they are reanimated, although they become much more bloodthirsty and violent. Ghouls look noticeably decomposed, but can look normal with the help of makeup. The dark servant who raised the ghoul has no control over the ghoul whatsoever. Ghouls are about twice as strong as a normal pony. Ghouls are tough to kill, as the dark magic animating them is spread throughout their whole being. All their limbs must be chopped off, and their head must be severed to fully kill one. Burning them is effective, as well as immersing them in acid. Crushing them to death works well. Explosions are rather ineffective against them unless they are hit at point blank range. They don't share a zombie's weakness to magic, and they will only take normal damage from a magical blast. Ghouls do not need to sleep, eat, or rest to survive. Unicorn ghouls can use only telekinesis and can only levitate half the amount of stuff a regular unicorn can, no matter how powerful a unicorn they were in life. Pegasus ghouls can only manage a very slow, clumsy sort of flight. A ghoul is not affected by the death of the dark servant that raised it. Ghouls need to be charged with magical energy once a week.

Medeis boasts a small navy, with roughly 5,000 sailors. Thanks to their lack of wood they use boats carved from volcanic stone lighter then water. They don't have any frigates, as they prefer light and fast ships. Most ships have at least one War Wizard on board, although military ships can have as many as 500. 




Medeis Anthem:


Medeis Battle Theme: 


Nullity Theme:

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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@@The Pixelated Pony, Millitary-wise a ratrional can field a max of 15% of his population in the army. So that would be 5mil Also, we need to know what wepons they use =)@@CrimsonWeb,  Since ur landlocked, I think you should go around exploring too. Thats what scientifics are about, expansion millitarily or diplomatically @@Once In A Blue Moon,  Our ships can meet if ya wanna =p

Swords axes medevil stuff

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@Once In A Blue Moon,    Our ships can meet if ya wanna =p


My two steamers will be heading South, so they would need to meet either a long-range patrol early in the voyage or fellow emissaries a bit later on, but that would be interesting.


If you ping me with a mention when your ships spot mine, I'll put in the next post. 

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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My two steamers will be heading South, so they would need to meet either a long-range patrol early in the voyage or fellow emissaries a bit later on, but that would be interesting.


If you ping me with a mention when your ships spot mine, I'll put in the next post. 

I sent 2 3-ship expeditions south too, one can meet ya along the way


@@The Pixelated Pony




Full annexation demanded  :muffins:


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Perhaps is it just the shear detail of your nation sheet, but I am a little concerned on the balance of your nation when compared to the rest of us. :o  :adorkable: 



I will try to get together a post and send it in this evening. I will make sure to mention Gentleman Blaze when I make the post, as to see how to draw a connection. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Perhaps is it just the shear detail of your nation sheet, but I am a little concerned on the balance of your nation when compared to the rest of us. :o  :adorkable:

Dont worry, hes ok.... and isnt millitaristic anyway XD


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Perhaps is it just the shear detail of your nation sheet, but I am a little concerned on the balance of your nation when compared to the rest of us. :o  :adorkable:

Ah, I understand where you're coming from. :grin2: Yes, my nation does have a lot of neat magical tricks and toys. However, It's balanced out by a severe, almost crippling drawback, which is my very small population. Most countries, especially scientific ones, are able to easily field armies bigger then the entire population of my nation. That, combined with their superior technology, would quickly spell doom for my small nation in a real war.

  • Brohoof 1

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Second, small island nations often have floating towns off shore. Third, bridges link all three islands. We're talking about a country that is a figment of imagination. From a thirteen year old no less and in a world that already makes no sense compared to ours I mean flying horses? Magic? Hello? Fantasy world! And saying that the population should barely pass 500 thousand? Look at the majority of ponies they are pegasi meaning cloud space can be used to form housing. And when you say "varies significantly" that's just putting words in my mouth I said varies from island to island not specifying how much variation there is. And low food? No, crops can be grown in seawater and given the fact that the country is three islands there is an abundance of crop growing water but none is drinkable water. Even then seawater can be made into water to drink and bathe in. So there. But yes your fourth fact is right.

Either way, the application is approved by the OP, but I'm still going to counter some of your arguments. Just offering constructive criticism. :P


I would want to make my biggest point: being in a fantasy world still has its rules and does not excuse you from logic or reason. If that's the case, anyone can do anything because "we're in a fantasy world", and, for Sue-nations, is a very poor excuse. There are still limits to what ponies and non-ponies can do.


– Off-shore towns are still ultimately bound by space. Building floating towns bigger than aircraft carriers requires years, possibly even decades. It takes around four to five years to set down an aircraft carrier and make it functional back in the 20th century...now imagine, as a rational nation, doing that several times over, with far less developed technology. Magic won't help on this one; they're far too massive to. It would likely suffer from poor soil to build on. (Landfilling or even making a floating fort is not something a rational can do, either, and unicorns aren't gods.)


– Of course, there are monarchs who "ruled" as young children and teens, but you honestly can't trust them to competently run a country. Derby's going to end up as a figurehead, at most, and she would have a group of advisors or ministers actually ruling the country until she is mature. I honestly would say, based off of our history, having child-monarchs generally leads to a lot of corruption and conflict, but still...


– Even the skies have their space limit. Maybe in the literal sense, they have a lot of space, but resources and locations are significant limiting factors that keep them from spamming cloud-cities all over the place because they want to. And if, somehow, 20 million pegasi somehow manage to be housed, what about the other 15 million?


– Changing seawater into drinkable fresh water is still difficult...again, for a rational. Converting like that is only something we managed to do large-scale in the modern age, and even then has yet to be a main source of getting water. Even with magic, you still have to somehow have enough unicorns as laborers to provide water to a whopping 35 million equines. And while there are a few seawater crops, they're not very reliable sources of it all the time.


@@The Pixelated Pony,


Millitary-wise a ratrional can field a max of 15% of his population in the army.


So that would be 5mil

A big issue I see with Nation-RPs is that too many people focus on their military and imperialistic gains. Yes, having military as 10% to 15% is still a max, but is a very bad idea, even for a traditional. It's going to pretty much kill your commercial gain, your agricultural gain, and your resource gain. Keeping an war-equivalent armed force in peacetime is not cheap; they use up the country's food, steel, cloth, labor, you name it. Expect your country to be a famine-struck North Korea if you're going total-military.


And as another note...China, with a population of 1.35 billion, has a military and police force combined that only goes to 7 million. North Korea in total has 7.7 million (and is in a far worse state). A medieval-themed traditional country won't even get close to that number, which is why I'm very surprised when someone in this RP claimed they have 9 million warriors. (like, WTF?) 9 million warriors...cut up, say, 10 to 15 million for being young ponies and foals. That's literally having at least one parent being a warrior, which leaves almost no remaining labor left for farming, trading, or manufacturing. Good luck with that, within a few months your country is good as gone.


In peacetime, you really only need a moderately sized military. It shouldn't take up more than 5% of your population, and if you can try to keep within 5% military even in war. Even wars in the 19th century had armies of less than a million each country. Of course, there are large scale wars, but the army counts on these are cumulative. You can't raise a million-man army immediately, nor can you maintain that much at the same time. During wars there are bound to be soldiers that are sent home, fall ill and such, so very rarely are there more than a current million-man army during the 19th century and before. You don't need that much.


And a traditional country needs to be an actual country with set cities. So you can't go total nomad, let along with a massive amount of ponies which would be nigh impossible to control and maintain.


As a closing statement...yes, it's your country in the end. But what you do to your country would also affect other countries and in turn other RPers as well, so even in a Nation RP you need to be logical and actually do a bit of research so you don't end up creating arguments during the RP and make it less entertaining than it is.

Edited by Sealand
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 Sientifics have them maxed out at 9%, rationals at 15 and hordes at 25. Especially hordes, were most of the population relied on hunting/looting to surviv. The 25% is the amount of adult capable ponies one has. Since most hordes DONT really have an economy, it isnt cripppling. Migratory / horde tribes usually had no actual jobs, they were soldiers/fhunters/blacksmiths in the same time. Most scientific nations are in famine, but some nations were under millitary control (look at prussia), where the army had ENOURMOUS influence in what goes around. THis would mean that, if they wanted to. THey could technically usw their power to hit the economy for their purposes. And regarding millitantcy..... thats why i cant wait for Equestria to come in alreacdy... a world isnt only war =o


Yeah, but those 'warriors' arent full time. Look at the Vikings. They were normal citizens that just took arms in time of war, uring peacetime they just did..... whatever vikings did in peacetime. My point is that the only nations with actually proffessional armies are the scientifics and, maybe a small contingent for the rationals. Most of the others are just levy type troops, raised during war.


Look at the mongols =p

Traditionals are semi-tribal semi-nomad. This would mean a large amount of small villages spread on a MASSIVE territory. Its very probable that they would act in a clan base. With certain families controling large area and responding to their leader.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Quick note: through post-30160-0-72884500-1446889271.jpeg this method which I learned to do on Thursday seawater can be made drinkable extremely fast of course the series of glass tubes are hard to make but once you've done one more can be created. I'm sure that the ponies working on the water treatment devices are capable of creating at least three or four. However glass is prone to cracking so there is our water treatment problem.

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Quick note: through attachicon.gifimages-3.jpeg this method which I learned to do on Thursday seawater can be made drinkable extremely fast of course the series of glass tubes are hard to make but once you've done one more can be created. I'm sure that the ponies working on the water treatment devices are capable of creating at least three or four. However glass is prone to cracking so there is our water treatment problem.

Problem is, distilling also leaves behind many important minerals the body needs from water =/


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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