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open The great Equestrian harbor RP

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@,@, @@Nova Wings,


Deathmark couldn't offer much support when he was pinned under fire, but after several minutes the firing eased, so he peeked out the corner and saw his downed captain. He also saw the other captain, so he decided to start a hostage situation. He pointed the bow at the other captain "Do not lay a single hoof on her mate, or your brain will get an additional hole" Threatened Death 

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Audacia rolled over, The worn out planks that made up the decks floor had creadet a large gash on her left cheek. Cringing in pain she couldn't open her eyes, "​I'd rather die then surrender t' a weakling' like ye.​" she said with a very low almost incomprehensible voice, Only to stall time for True shot to be able to sneak up on Façade.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Nova was back on his hoofs, he heard Deathmark's threat, and drew this enchanted pistol.

 "You even try that 'mate', and both you and this sorry scrap of timber will have more holes then a changling. But by all means lad, try me, I've been waiting for a real fight."

Just to enforce his point, he cast a low level spell bolt at Deathmark to force him back into cover.


Signature by: Princess_Moonlight

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Captain Dark Façade stared long and hard at the pony at the other end of his blade. She looked awfully a lot like Audacia, but Façade knew she just had assaulted his ship. "Who are you? And no bull either. Cause see this blade? I'll make it go into every crew member's gut, and then I'll kneelhaul their sorry asses under my ship again and again until you give me a name." Façade realized he had thrown out all pretenses that he was part of the navy. He pressed the blade of the cutlass against her throat, not enough to draw blood, but enough to hurt a bit. He clicked his flintlock and aimed straight at her gut.

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Audacia spit some blood to her side, "Façade, Get ye head out of ye arse, Ye know very well who I am." She said with annoyance and anger in her voice. "​Get that sad excuse of a cutlass out of me face. It's not me fault ye dressed up as landlubber." She was only getting angrier by every second passing.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Have our crew blow this tinderbox if the captain doesn't surrender" Façade muttered, and then he stood up, and picked up a knife, and one of his cutlasses. Façade breathed in the smoke, enjoying the smell. He walked over to the other captain.




"Surrender or die captain..." Façade trailed off, not knowing who the other captain was. He pointed his blade at her throat.

  Your orders are my command! As Night slowly trotted away he shouted for the other crew menbers

@@Missklang@@Nova Wings


You two! Cap'ts orders, blow this raft to smytherins if t' captain doesn't surrender. Missklang, follow me!


Night walked belowdecks to a corner, and asks Missklang, while holding a explosive


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Façade threw the cutlass over the edge of the ship, and smiled, "Nice mess Audacia, but it's not my fault you didn't recognize the obvious fact that that ship over there is not even part of the Navy. And I still see that you talk like trash." Façade offered a hoof to his old captain. "Surprised that I finally made a captain of myself?" He smirked, "I claimed this particular Jacket off an admiral, and it's rather comfortable. Blue and gold is a bit overrated. And before you ask— yes they educated me."


@, @@Nova Wings,


Façade signaled to Nova and Night to return to their posts.


Façade found a sturdy board, and laid it between their ships. He stepped upon it. And felt a gust of wind, heavy with the smell of the sea.

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@@Nova Wings,@, @, @,  ((Damn this got ahead of me.))


Gloom was pushed overboard in the excitement and was now climbing his way back on the ship. Using every curse he knew. When she reached the top he saw Audacia  talking with what looked like another captain. He grunted as he climbed back on deck drenched in water. Then he walked over to the others and gave the other captain a anger filled punch to the gut, really making sure that it was strong enough to make him puke. "I don't give a shite who you are, but you pissed me off."

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Façade smiled, "First rule of hitting another pirate, make sure they haven't already survived hundreds of punches to the gut. Second, make sure that they don't have bloody knuckles." Façade socked him, and then brought his back hooves right into the pony, Façade picked up his tricorne, and set it right upon his head. "And as for having the gall for attacking me, here's a gift." Façade went down to his quarters, grabbing a nicer admiral's jacket, he tossed the jacket to Gloom.

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Deathmark was left speechless with the turn of events, but he quickly accepted it and moved on. He went up to the other captain and extended a hoof "The name is Deathmark mate, what do you go by?" Asked the former assasin, as he still tried to comprehend this situation

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With a grunt Nova just rounded up the spent flintlocks and headed below deck, just as he returned he saw Façade tossing a navy jacket onto a pony laying on the deck.

With a shrug he trotted over to the pony to help them up.

  "Let me guess, you trotted right up and hit the capt didn't ay?"


Signature by: Princess_Moonlight

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@,@@Nova Wings,  


Gloom grit his teeth and took the other ponies hoof and got himself up. "Aye, but he hits like a nancy. It's hard to keep your hoofing while covered in water." He then put the jacket on and nod at Façade in thanks. "Second rule of hitting a pirate, be ready for retaliation soon." He half unsheath his knife and black dagger. "I was a captain too for a while. Mad dog Gloomfuy of the Wrath. But now I'm quartermaster for captain Audacia."

Edited by Gloomfury
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Façade gripped Deathmark's hoof and shook it. "I'm Captain Dark Façade, but you sir, may call me Façade." Façade adjusted his ragged admiral's jacket. He found his flintlocks, and put them into their places, he pulled one out, and hoofed it over to Deathmark. "Here ya go, and before ya say no, let me explain. You' can't shoot a bow at close quarters, so take it"

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Audacia now resting over the fence of the ship drinking fro ma bottle of ale, Turned her head and looked around her ship, Ironically enough covered with pools of blood. She walked up to a fallen crew member of hers, She snorted and spat out a large amount of blood over board before returning to the fallen pony. Looking down at the lifeless body she was seemingly mourning, But after a few seconds of staring she pushed the corpse of board down into the sea, Coloring the once cyan water red. "Would someone clean up this bloody mess?!" She exclaimed before throwing the still half full bottle over board and heading for her private quarters.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@, @@Nova Wings,

Façade signaled to Nova and Night to return to their posts.

Façade found a sturdy board, and laid it between their ships. He stepped upon it. And felt a gust of wind, heavy with the smell of the sea.




As Night walked back to bunk, to put back his satchel of Toys, he said to himself

Why didn't I pack any Aqua Regia? I could have killed them all. Oh well, I guess Cap'tn is talking with that other mare, wonder who she is...




Night sit his satchel down on his bed and walked to Missklang's bunk, not to his suprise, it was locked, he knocked.


Missklang?! I need some help with a few things...


He took a bottle of special Profana Aqua, which he packed with him, and drank half of it, which he capped and put it back in his saddlebag...

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Sapphire woke as usual before dawn, and went up on deck. "well Celestia's late today..." she turned to the crew who were on duty. "TURN OUT THE GUARD!" a hurry of activity took over Celestia's Judgment ((OCC:) believe that is what we want, subject to change) as ponies moved to positions and the marine detail ran on deck. Sloppy she thought, the marine detail now stood to attention before her. " two and half minutes, really?". The marines looked at her with tilted heads. "what?, that is bad for the EUP even if it's up to marine standards. Drop and give me fifty!"...


...when the marines had finished. "now one by one I shall test your melee skills." One by one the marines attempted to land a blow on Sapphire, all missed or were parried. Some got close but none were correctly or at least properly trained. "this is gonna need some work, ok marines. Until I say otherwise we shall continue the exercise every morning until you get better. Now world any pony like to test their metal against a Royal Guard?" 


@@The Down Trotten@@Yoshikupo

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Façade finished talking to Deathmark, and turned to Gloom, "I'm fully aware of who you are, and while I'm not the best punch, I'm the best shot with flintlocks and knifes, and I know swordplay. So step off, we need not anymore harm." Façade adjusted his ragged admirals jacket, and then he loaded his flintlocks. Watching Gloom. "And the empire calls me insane, sheesh."

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Trueshot looked at the pistol, then threw it in the supplies closet. He had his hiddenblade, and close quarters bow combat, so he doesn't need it. He looked at some of his head crew members. Some stil had their eyes opened in shock, so he closed them "May your spirit find peace in the afterlife brother" Said Trueshot. He looked up, and decided that he needed some time for himself. 

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Mr. Barrel stifled a yawn as he walked out onto the deck, he had reluctantly relinquished the helm late at night to get some sleep. He couldn't afford to be sentimental. He had to be well rested for when they actual did find these pirates. With a small sigh he cleared his throat "And how are we today, my fine crew?!"

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten, @,

"sir we are doing fine today sir!" Banner answered the military question as the rest of the crew followed along, sagging only by a second at most. Banner looked at Sapphire with a look of determination "If I'm not ruining training then I'll spar with you, I think I'll at least be better than any of these new marines" she said as the other marines looked at her with a slight bit of jealousy and determination to be as good as her or better

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"excellent a Challenge. Let us cross swords then, and I'm not using magic to be fair to the earth ponies. No offence." Banner drew a cutlass and Sapphire drew her longsword with her magic "um" Banner attempted to say. "yes I know this is my fighting style, I meant no magic of any other kind." The crew gathered around to watch...


...Banner struck first with a quick thrust that was parried, using her momentum Banner followed though and went to strike Sapphire, only for her sword to move into the way. Sapphire stepped back. "you're quick, good offence what's your defence like?" before she had finished her sword was already moving towards Banner, she ducks the blow and moved forward to to strike and as her cutlass comes down to hit Sapphire, Banner feels a point in her back. "A draw" comes from the crowd. "impressive Banner not many would have know to duck that one, very good. WELL THIS IS NOT A SHOW BACK TO WORK PONIES!" Sapphire extends her hoof to Banner again. "nice sleep? Same goes for you Captain get enough Zzz?"


@@Yoshikupo,@@The Down Trotten,  

(OCC Hope that was not God-thining wont do it again if it was)

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Following his captains orders, Nova returned to the lower deck and the gun battery. moving to the bow of the ship he began repairing and maintaining the ships small arms.

  "So this this other ship is an 'ally' of sorts then," Nova mused to himself. "Regrettable that we wound up killing some of their crew, but 'occupational hazard' I guess."


Signature by: Princess_Moonlight

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Missklang?! I need some help with a few things...


Missklang approached from behind. And coughed to get his attention


"I'm right over here Shadow. I was adjusting canons. They would fire shortly after a brief delay so I rushed to stop them. As it appears we are just too well disguised. It's a compliment if looked in a right way. Especially by a pirate that have an eye for that sort of things. What's is that you need my help with?"

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@, @@The Down Trotten,

(I was semi wanting that outcome so your fine but ask first next time)

"yeah, surprised I got it this well on a ship...then again I was never on a ship before" she takes her hoof "your not bad yourself, but that was what I expected from you" she stretches when she gets up "so I'm guessing I should be doing something as well...I don't exactly know if anything has changed from this promotion though" she looks at Barrel

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@@Missklang, @,


Façade went down below under the deck to check upon the cannons and such. As he walked over to a larger cannon, the floorboard squeaked loudly and Façade stopped. "What was that?" Façade pulled up the squeaky board, and looked under it. There was a large collection of bottles and such under the board. Then he heard whimpering, and pulled out all the bottles. Under it was a mare and three fillies, scared as all get out. "You've got to be bucking kidding me..." Façade muttered, "Missklang! Mr. Night! I request your presence immediately! We have a problem!"

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