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open The great Equestrian harbor RP

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Sapphire was shocked by Banners selflessness, it was not needed though. She moved in front to a few feet of Facade, then put on her helm her armour shone in the morning sun, She cleared her throat. "Mr Facade, you're not a captain, you are hereby under arrest for the crimes of but not limited to Piracy, Murder and Ponynapping blah blah blah. Surrender now and you and your crew will live." As those words left her mouth the pistol balls from Facade's musket pistols fell out the barrels and to the deck. Sapphire's horn glowed a vibrant blue "what are bullets against magic? yes you can fly pegasus but against magic you are nothing, Surrender NOW!" 


@Darkhaert 2099@The Down Trotten,@@Yoshikupo

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@, @@Yoshikupo,


Façade laughed. He straight up laughed. "You know the perks of being a Captain of the Centurion? The fact I have a unicorn inventor/torturer named Missklang. So back off. And before you try to list off my crimes against Equestria, I think you should consider the fact that I actually am part of the Navy or was." Façade clicked the hammer down, prepping it for firing. "And if you don't know, I have about six pistols on me. Meaning you'll both be dead before you can say 'sonic rainboom'." Façade smiled charmingly. "There is a reason I was on here. I did some good with this supposed black soul. Besides, nopony misses the rich idiot to gets his money off the work of others."

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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"I hoped you'd pick the fun option" Sapphire lowered her horn a massive glow comes from her as she fires a massive blast that carves through everything in it's path as it continues out to sea. "what if you have you unicorn, they are no match for a Royal Guard! MARINES NOW!" the 2 dozen ponies burst from the lower deck...




  On 2015-11-10 at 1:37 AM, EmeraldBolt/Sapphire said:
@Darkhaert 2099, @The Down Trotten,@Yoshikupo, 

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"Aye, first, I don't use ifs. Thought I smelled marine filth, never wash do they?" Façade half flew/half tackled Sapphire. He aimed the flintlock in her face. "Remember that story about Butternut? Well, his name actually was Dark Façade, and the admiral that tried to escape, well I'm wearing what's left." Façade launched up into the sky. And then nosed dived under the water. he wasn't done yet.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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(OOC @@Missklang, I'm just guessing i'm untied at this point)


With the sound of clattering hoofs, Nova ran out on deck facing the 'privateer' ship. He could see the 2 squads of marines, Oh this is gonna be fun!

Pulling out his custom duel barrel flintlock, Nova took aim at the group a marines. Runes on the side of the flintlock began to glow as he fed his magic into the spells, with a keen eye Nova zeroed his aim and fired. The lead ball zipped through the air, missed all targets, and detonated into an explosion of smoke and pressure, the blast sent all with in rage staggering back and blinded all the marines in thick smoke.

  "Alright fillies! Who else wants some!"


Signature by: Princess_Moonlight

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@@Nova Wings,


Façade swam under the boat. And he launched out of the water and landed on the poop deck. Right after everything exploded. He decided he would get his hooves on a set of hoof blades, but as of now he had two cutlasses. He sliced up one guard who decided that thought it wise to attack him.


@,@@The Down Trotten,@@Yoshikupo,


Façade shook out his mane from all the salt water. He looked up and saw Barrel, he'd make his way over to him. After he cleaned up Sapphire's mess. He stuck both cutlasses into the neck of one marine, only to slice another marine. "Hey you Idiots! Got anything thing better? Façade felt himself get stabbed, and he ignored the knife sticking in him. He then saw Sapphire, "Never call me mister again," Façade then felt the blood and saw blackness rush him. He then passed unconscious. "Shit" said Façade as he passed out.

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Sapphire noticed that the Enemy leader collapsed a few meters from her. "Pirate Scum, I'm gonna finish you off". a pirate stepped in front of her and swung his cutlass, he missed as Sapphire ducked under his blade, then ran him though in one motion taking him to the ground. She whispered in his ear "Celestia have mercy on you pirate, you'll need it". She stood up and started to move towards Facade when she glanced to the other ship, in time to see a cannon go off right at her she threw up a blue bubble that surrounded her body. As the cannon ball struck her shield the power need to stop it knocked her out cold. "pirates..." 


@The Down Trotten,@Yoshikupo,

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@, @@Nova Wings, @@Yoshikupo, @


Combat. This was his first taste of combat, unless you count the battles he had with the sea itself.... But the sea didn't fire bullets. Kicking the small table on its side, he took cover the the majority of the battle. Watching as some of his crew was killed, not only anger but confusion welled up in the merchant. Why?... Why do some ponies have to take everything?


As smoked filled the deck, and his eyes watered and he coughed as his lungs were filled. With some flops on the deck, reached his ears, he strained to see who had fallen to the sword now. Lo and behold it was the pirate captain. This was a bit of luck, even if he wasn't dead, it was a hefty card in his hoof 


Crawling over he hefted the pony up and held him like a shield, and with a sigh pointed a dagger to his throat 


"Oi! Pirates! Take one more shot and your captain dies! Back of now, and you just might live. Any more nonsense and he's as good as dead" he hadn't killed anyone before and he wasn't going to start now but he'd be damned if they knew that 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@Gloomfury,  @,



The dim sounds of gun shots could be heard all the way to the dead pool sailing peacefully, "​Oi, Ye heard that lads? Sounds like Facade got himself into the trouble eh. Serves t' bastard right, True shot, Take a look, And please tell me his ship be in flames and sinking'!" Audacia exclaimed with a smug facial facial expression. 


(OOC, Gloomfury, You still here?)

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@@The Down Trotten,@,  

Never underestimate a unicorn.

Nova focused on his captain, reaching deep into his magic he teleported with a flash of light. He was now standing over Facade, the force of his teleportation spell knocking back the pony threatening his captain.

  "Ye be a rather large fole for threatening the captain, especially when cannon be pointed at ya."

Taking his duel flintlock Nova fired off a single shot, right into the other ponies back leg, not enough to kill, just enough to keep him out of the fight. Levitating Facade onto his back, Nova called on his signature spell. with a flash of magic a pair of translucent pegasus wings appeared on Nova's sides, putting all his strength and magic into his wings, Nova took off  heading back to the Centurion.


Signature by: Princess_Moonlight

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@@Nova Wings,


Pain. Suddenly there was pain shooting through his leg, and with a thud he gasping on the deck. He had been beaten about before, but never shot. That added with the fact he was losing he only hope for a peaceful resolution, he groaned in pain as he attempted and failed to stand back up. Crawling to the held m he shouted with a voice restraining pain "Give em a broad side boys! IF they want to to fight, then so be it!" 


Leaning on the ships wheel, he began to pilot his ship. If they were going to kill his crew, when he hadn't raised hostilities, then fine. Why did he expect better from pirates? 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@,@@The Down Trotten, @,

Nova landed back on the Centurion, just as the cannons from the other ship fired. the point blank shots rocked the ship, causing Nova to loose his hoofing, dropping the unconscious captain as well.

  "All gunners, aim as low as you can, and FIRE!"

The Centurion's guns fired, ripping holes into the other ship just above the water line. Nova wasn't sure if his captain would approve, but right now he wasn't in a position to arguer.

   "Break off! We need to withdraw!"

One of the crew ran up.

   "The fillies we found are on that ship!"

   ".......DAMN IT!"

Taking flight again, Nova flew to retrieve the fillies, he was a pirate but he wasn't a foal butcher.


Signature by: Princess_Moonlight

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@@Nova Wings,


Façade's unconscious form flew from the ship as it was rocked again by another barrage of cannon fire. He hit the water, and was shocked awake. He sunk under the waves, and breathed in water. He felt the water fill his lungs, and he flailed about wildly, he tried to swim back up, but he was too heavy. Façade gave up, and sank. Darkness closed in.

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@@Yoshikupo,@@Nova Wings, @,


Barrel cringed as he heard the crunch of wood and metal. They would be taking on water, but if he knew his ships, then at least the shots were too low to actually cause casualties  "Reload the chain shot damn it! I want their sails in tatters!" he barked form his station "Banner, make sure those mares are safe! I don't any any civilian casualties! If they die, so help me every last pirate will burn to the bottom of the ocean!" 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten, @@Nova Wings,

Banner stopped fighting for a second to hear Barrel tell her to make sure the ponies they got were safe "got it!" she yelled fleeing from the rest of the marines to go to the captains cabin to find a unwanted guest there. "What in Celestia's name do you want with them?!" She yelled to the pirate then saw the ponies how didn't know what was going on behind him "if you touch them then the amount of times I kill you will never end" she gave a menacing glare and was ready for any attack, even a gun shot.

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@@The Down Trotten,@@Nova Wings,


Façade thought that his death would have been more glorious, or at least, not as pathetic as drowning. He realized he must be dying. 'No!' He thought to himself. He forced his eyes open, and started to swim upwards. Then he thought he saw something in the water. A long serpent. Then he blinked, there was nothing. He broke surface, and vomited up all the water in his lungs. He saw his ship, and swam towards it. It was partially on fire. He climbed up the edge, and vomited again.

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@@Nova Wings,@@Yoshikupo,@@The Down Trotten,


Façade shook himself, and saw the enemy boat. "That cursed idiot, always the nosy ones. Always got to be so damn nosy." He shuddered, he wasn't feeling anything. He saw Barrel, on the deck on the ship, then he hollered to the crew. "Aye mates, We're crashing and burning this rig! Aim of starboard at the center of the port side of their ship! Time the cannons for three seconds, four inches of wick! Upper half, load deadshot. Forge Taskmasters, heat up the deadshots!" Façade gained control of the Centurion, and angled her better for a full barrage of death.

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Sapphire regained consciousness in a daze. She looked at her surroundings a semi circle was visible from the cannon ball as it exploded into her shield, she raised her self to her hooves. "Sweet Celestia that was... was?...um". She looked to see the enemy ship on a collision corse. She ran to the ship's wheel trying to get Celestia's Judgment out of the path...

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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  On 2015-11-12 at 4:21 AM, Darkhaert 2099 said:

@@Nova Wings,@@Yoshikupo,@@The Down Trotten,

Façade shook himself, and saw the enemy boat. "That cursed idiot, always the nosy ones. Always got to be so damn nosy." He shuddered, he wasn't feeling anything. He saw Barrel, on the deck on the ship, then he hollered to the crew. "Aye mates, We're crashing and burning this rig! Aim of starboard at the center of the port side of their ship! Time the cannons for three seconds, four inches of wick! Upper half, load deadshot. Forge Taskmasters, heat up the deadshots!" Façade gained control of the Centurion, and angled her better for a full barrage of death.

Night heard the captains orders, even though he didn't tell him to do anything, he still wanted to help out....


As he galloped below decks to Missklangs quarters, he looked around, seemingly nopony was around and muttered Sorry Missklang, but we've got to sink their ship...


Not pulled out Ice Mourne and brought it down as hard as he could on Missklang's door, surprisingly, he thought the door would have had magic wards or what not, but the door splintered. And with a kick, the door cracked open, and Night went in...



Night trotted in, the room as pitch black, so he summoned his Frost Core, which lit the room in a dim, blue ominous glow.


He picked at the drawers, some locked, some unlocked, but finally found what he was looking for...


Missklang.... I knew you were hiding something. But this? You must be hiding many things, for you have a Royal Alchemyst's component box


As he found a saddle to tie the Box to him, he galloped up decks, the big box dragging him a tad bit, but now, Night saw the horrendous scene that broke out...



His first thoughts were about the safety of the mare, and her fillies, but they were nowhere to be seen. Then he quickly remembered what the captain said. He instinctively pulled out the Oil of Vitriol Carefully poured a few drops on a cannon ball, and almost instantaneously, heard fizzing, he cursed and remembered cannon shot was made from metal, and this was nothing to play with.


Night quickly rolled the shot off decks, into the water and hopefully causing no further damage to ship, despite knowing its name, Nignt dubbed, the Relator.


He ran back to cannon, where he found Phosphorus, as used a random cloth laying around to smear it around the cannon ball, and loaded it into the cannon.

As he lit the fuse, Night quickly ran to the mouth of the cannon, and lights the cannon ball ablaze..





Night watched the flaming shot fly off, hitting the enemy ship and slowly setting it ablaze too. And quietly said


Morietur in Incendium, Requiescat in fragmentum...


The fire kept burning, as it was almost impossible to put out, as the sticky phosphorous now also stick to the deck of the ship, and the composition is very water tolerant, so in a way, the ship was doomed to die of fire...


As Night prepared another shot, this time grapeshot, and quickly fired it on the mast of the enemy, the same results, but this fire spread quite fast, as the mast incinerated to crisp...

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True Shot saluted and took out his binoculars, and looked at the ships in the distance. The equestrian ship was heavily damaged. He made a low whistle "I'll be damned, Dark fought off the equestrian ship... Should we crash the party?" Asked True Shot as he looked down at Audacia for an answer

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@,@,@@The Down Trotten, @@Nova Wings,


Façade watched the ship burn, and prayed that Nova had gotten the mare and fillies. He took a deep breath of smoke, and smiled viciously. He grabbed his sword and looked at himself. He saw the gold braiding on the admiral's jacket. With his teeth, he tore all the embroidery. His coat's edges were now ragged at hell, and he grabbed an actual broadsword and a blunderbus in his hooves. He had the ship near the other ship. He then jumped onto the hellblaze. He picked up several crew members, and dumped them overboard, he wasn't going to kill everypony. Non quite.

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Nova glanced around, the ship was on fire, more so then he wanted. Well... plan B then.

Lighting his horn, Nova drew the fire its self into himself, feeding his magic from the flames power. That's the beauty of having elemental magic, you can feed off of it and grow your magic, at a cost obviously.

With his magic now restored and boosted, he teleported into the captain's quarters finding the mare and fillies.

   "Don't know why the captain let you off on this wreck," Nova said as he levitated the fillies onto his back. "But we're taking you back until we can find some place not on fire to let you off."

With a snap of magic Nova teleported all of them off the doomed ship and back to the Centurion, they appeared in Facade's cabin, where Nova promptly collapsed unconscious.

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Signature by: Princess_Moonlight

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@@The Down Trotten,@,


"I'm giving you one chance Barrel! You too Banner, and whoever else is on this damn boat!" Façade shouted as a wreath of flames surrounded him. He found a bucket of water, and took his sash and dunked in the foul smelling bucket. "Damn, this is foul! What do they do? Crap on the deck?" He gagged as he wrapped the thing around his face. He held in his vomit. "Banner! Barrel! You need get out of here!"

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Barrel was in short beside himself. From the helm of his ship he stared at the crazy Pegasuses that started this mess "You crazy rat! I was going to let you go! Then you had to pull your pistols out and start hostilities, endangering the fouls, You put on my ship! Now your sinking her!" he looked over to Sapphire, who was clearly dazed.


Growling in frustration Barrel thought, there were of course enough life boats for whatever was left of his crew, but that would mean they'd be at the mercy of pirates. Who had proven to be bloodthirsty and cruel.  But what other choice did he have? "Damn it! Sapphire, I hope you can think straight enough to go and get Banner from my cabin, get those young ones and gather the men and get the heck off this boat... Now if you excuse me, I need to go have a discussion with the captain...." 


Not giving his crewmare time to argue, he hobbled to the deck and began pushing his crew to the life boats, until he was face to face with Facade "If you have any scrape of honor, you'll take me in exchange for safety of my crew, you savoy?" 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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