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open Cutie Mark Crusaders College Days


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Sweetie belle walks up to the school. her two friends staggering closely behind. other students we whizzing around trying to find out where their classes were going to be. Sweetie Belle told her friends " come on I want to get a list of our classes to see if we got into the same ones and then we can head back to our dorm."(OOC)(If you are a RP a Teacher you can have them getting ready for the class and that kind of stuff). Sweetie Belle walked up to one of the mares at the table in the lawn and the mare said "Name?" Sweetie Belle responded enthusiastically saying " Sweetie Belle". Then the mare shuffled threw her papers and pulled out a folder containing Sweetie belle's files. the mare then handed it to Sweetie belle. Sweetie Belle grabed it with her magic and then trotted of to her other two friends. " I will wait to open my class list until you two get yours and we get to are dorm. we have done everything together and this shouldn't be any different. Sweetie Belle smiled and then put the packet into her saddle bag.

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Sparkle walked into her class room and opened up the cupboard behind her desk inside were multiple folders, some old coffee cups and several boxes. She opened one of the folders and read her lesson plan. Today she would be teaching her students about a basic introduction to robotics this worried her. She didn't like teaching not because of the environment but because most of her lessons were spent with her explaining robotics as it wasn't an extremely easy subject for a pony to just pick up and learn, no it had to be gradually explained with utmost patience even when questions we're asked. She aadjusted her glasses and pulled out a small book andbbegan to read. At about the halfway point of the book she leaned back so far on her chair that she fell backwards and landed flat on her back looking up at the ceiling and lights that were hanging down from it. Standing up she threw a photo which had cracked when it followed her to the floor until it hit the wall and shattered. "Useless piece of junk" she muttered before correcting her chair and continuing to read

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Drakk sighed as he trotted down the empty hallway, a cup of coffee held in his magic. He had dark bags under his eyes, and an angry frown was plastered to his face. There were a couple scraps of paper and junk crumpled up on the ground, which he picked up with levitation, having the growing mass of stuff follow him from behind.


"Ugh... Can't believe Quick convinced me to take this job.." he thought to himself as he dropped the ball of scrap into a nearby bin. "... Could've just picked a random contract, but nooo, I just had to be forced into teaching..." He grumbled to himself as he took a sip of his coffee. "...Atleast the pay is good."


.After a couple more turns, he reached a hallway which had several doors going alongside it. Going to the first one to the right, he read the sign above the door. "43", it read. He sighed and turned the handle with his hoof, opening the door and stepping into the classroom. It was pretty plain, with a wooden floor and white walls. The students' desks were averagely sized, and were designed to have a pocket in them to store important materials. The teacher's desk was considerably larger, and had several books lying atop of it.


"Atleast they prepared everything for me..." He mumbled as he eyed the blackboard behind his desk, a bunch of crayons laying on a platform under it. Trotting over to his desk, he read the titles of the books they had prepared for him. "Basic Equestrian for the Average Equestrian... Magic Theory for Dummies... And the Hoofhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I'm guessing this last one is for between breaks." he thought to himself before he took a look at his lesson plan, which was clipped onto a billboard to the left of the blackboard. "Lets see... First up, Equestrian, a small break, and then some Magic theory and practice. That sounds fine." He mused for himself. Drakk then trotted over to the blackboard, levitated a crayon, and started writing and preparing for his first lesson.

Edited by A Questionable Santa

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Vinyl trotted down the hall will pushing her DJ setup down the hall with her magic."gotta give these students a show on there first day". She thought to herself as she walked into her classroom. It was nearly arranged with all sorts of computers and a recording studio in the back but also had a range of classical orchestral instruments as well as she was sharing the room with her best friend Octavia. She trotted over to her office that a grey coated mare with a treble clef on her flank was sitting at a desk and then she saw Vinyl and got up and greeted her with a hug and said "you ready for the first day". Vinyl looked back at Octavia and said "yeah I have this really nice musical setup for the students which include a combination of electric and classical music so we both get are share". Octavia then said"Alright why don't you read the file with the list of our students. Vinyl levitate the file that was on the desk over to her. She opened it up and started to read the list trying to see if there was Anypony from Ponyville that she might recognize. She caught more on two name. She had Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle in her class and she also had Diamond Tiara "Well this is gonna get interesting"she thought to herself and then put the file down and went to go and finish up her setup

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Professor Bill Neigh was sat on his table next to the window. On his desk lay several books and papers, 'Celestial Academic Journey', a letter from the Lunar society, 'How to baffle your students with mathematical Astronomy....' and other books.


Bill Neigh was scribbling something onto a piece of paper. He adjusted his glasses for the third time and with great enthusiasm, turned the page over. Suddenly, he stopped!


 'Eureka! I am en route to finally unifying gravity and magic. I can finally explain how a black hole is similar to the Crystal Mirror.' His voice died down under the noise of students changing classes. He frowned and looked outside.


'Oh great! I have a class I have to teach next...' thought Bill. 'I do not see why a senior research professor like myself has to teach a FRESHMAN group'


He glanced over his list of students. His eyes caught hold of the Ponivillians. 'I just will do what I did last time. Teach them so advanced things, they will rather be banished to the moon than continue my class.'


He chuckled at his brilliant plan. 'It always works', he thought. 'Those fillies and foals think they're ready for college. Ready for astronomy, ha ha ha...'  chock, chock.


Bill tried to fill his glass but knocked it over. Before long, students were looking up at his window, wondering what the Professor was doing now.


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Sweetie Belle trotted up to a door with a cluster of ponies around the doors window. She had astronomy first with diamond tiara and scootaloo and Apple Bloom but scootaloo was nowhere in sight. Probobly running late or won't show up at all. She checked her saddle back quickly to make sure she had her books and notepad and then trotted through the door

Edited by SilentFlight
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Apple Bloom was already sitting in her desk. She waved at Sweetie Belle. 'I saved a seat for you Sweetie. Professor Bill Neigh ain't here yet.'


Her bag was neatly tucked under her table and she held her pen in her mouth. She looked around the class room and saw that she was the only one with a notepad. She took a deep breath; she prided her self over her note taking. But then she turned to Sweetie Belle and frowned. 'Hey wait a minute! Scoots ain't here either.'


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Sweetie Belle sat next to applebloom and then turned to her and said"yeah I don't know where scoots is she wasn't in the form when I left she might have went morning flying or something and lost track of time. But she better get her before class starts otherwise we will have to cover for her."

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@@SilentFlight, @@4april,

Scootaloo was exhausted from her morning flight she let out a yawn as she entered the dorm. she made straight for the showers but stopped in front of a clock to see how much time she had left before her astronomy class. "OH HORSE APPLES I'M LATE!!" Scoots exclaimed as she ran to her room grabbed her saddle bag and ran out toward the School.


Diamond sat Behind Apple Bloom. In front of Diamond was her Astronomy text book which she was flipping through casually looking at the pictures of star charts and galaxy formations.


Scoots entered Bill Neigh's Astronomy Class she was completely exhausted She quickly found Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and sat next to Sweetie Belle."Sorry...I...Am...Late." Scoots said in between gasps.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Finally you're here" said Sweetie Belle looking at the exhausted scootaloo bolt into class."professer north was just about to start his lectur. Your better hope he didn't see you bolt into class like that I heard he isn't quite fond of students being late

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Emerald had finally arrived at the Collage, it was an impressive building Nothing like Twilight's castle but quite impressive. She got out her time table and looked for what she was stating at, well it seems i'm a bit late for Astronomy, OK then she replaced her notes in her pack and spread her wings and flew into the building looking for the correct class room. 



Here it is, she walked into the room to see some students sitting down and the teacher not to be found, sloppy She spotted Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara "well hello girls nopony told me you were attending collage this year?" Emerald sat at a desk a few meters away, "I'll let you little ones socialize together you don't want an older guard pony cramping you style".

@@SilentFlight@@Scare Effect,@@4april


wonder where there teacher is?


(OOC please check my OC in sig as Emerald knows ponies from Ponyville)

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Again do we trot

past currents like trout

Of student bodies like water

To the breeding ground of knowledge


like bears of a river

again do we filter

The acute from

obtuse angles


Though under prepared are we

a test we shall contrive,

To build from there

The rest of the year


Behind the walnut throne

To lounge we are thrown

off our hooves

onto fibrous aire.


For students we wait

Beyond window's stare

plainly we bare

our hopes to our nearest star

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Bill Neigh grunted as he walked through the doors of his classroom. The students were already sitting in their respective desks, with their equipment outside. He trotted to the platform, took a chalk with his hooves and began writing: Astronomy 101.


'Good Morning class. As you might already know, I am professor Bill Neigh, the senior research professor for Astronomy here at the University Of Canterlot.'  He stopped writing and turned to his class.


'So, what are we going to learn, we will be focusing on Celestial Astronomy this term as well as stars and constellations.' He then walked down the hall in between the students.


'Now', he said in a sharp voice. 'I will get special permission from the principal for something you will find really memorable.'


The students started whispering to each other.  'Some of you in this room will have a chance to study the effect of the Annual Celestial Rising with me.'



Apple Bloom looked at Scootaloo and saw the confused look on her face. 'What's the Annual Celestial Rising?' she asked softly.




Bill Neigh looked around, quite pleased with the confusion he had created. 'This is a good way to start the class', he thought.


'The Annual Celestial Rising is nothing but the scientific name for the Summer Sun Celebration. And your task till the next lesson is to find out about it.'


'I would ask your History professor, Maths professor and hit the Canterlot Library if I were you', said Bill.


He then walked out if the class, chuckling to him self.

Edited by 4april


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Redshell trotted into the main building not worried about being late when he was alone he changed his form into a gold eyed unicorn with a emerald Green coat and a plasma blue mane and tail "first day, don't screw it up" he continued down the halls passing many ponies


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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With our dreams shored

In the Sun's core

Away we peel

from the land ethereal


And head the class,

prepare our students for math

How do we relate this

to the common pony?


Oh well, little care have we

Either we teach and they meet

or they fail and repeat

Either way we teach


To the hallway we head

And observe our students

Durst we stop one and speak

Words friendly and meek?

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@@4april, @@SilentFlight,

Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom and Shrugged. "I have no clue Apple Bloom maybe it has something to with the stars in the sky or maybe a celestial event or something." The Scoots turned to Sweetie Belle. "Do you know what it is Sweetie Belle?"Scoots asked her friend.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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'To be honest, Professor Bill didn't really give us time to process what he said. Maybe that is how he teaches?' said Apple Bloom. 'Maybe we can ask some other students in the class. Like Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon.'


Apple Bloom's eyes scanned the class for familiar faces. 'Look, we could also speak to Emerald or Redshell.'


@@Scare Effect, @@redshell, @, @@SilentFlight,


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Sweetie Belle looked at scootaloo and said "I don't really know. He said ask are history or math teacher but I don't have them today I got music theory next I could see if the teacher might know anything about it not I will have to find out tomorrow from my history teacher

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Apple Bloom sighed. 'If this is how college is, I ain't no liking it one bit' she told herself. 'Perhaps I should have just spent my days bucking apples.'


She looked around and found that she wasn't the only one confused. Emerald, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and every other pony was thinking about what happened.


'I don't think we have much left to do here then. Shall we go to our next lesson?'


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Rain trotted up the steps of the main entrance. Her late arrival had been unintentional so she was behind everyone else by atleast a week but it shouldn't be too much of an issue. I know I can play catch up pretty easily, I have done that most of my life ever since high school, she thought retrospectively. I found my way down to admissions office and handed over my bits for the first semester after an exchange of files. My first year would be scary, but I should be fine. I lived without friends before, how hard could it be now? As I headed over to the bookstore on the other side of campus, classes were ending and students were begining vacate the classrooms. ​I would need to find out my dorm arrangements as well before I started too, ​I thought momentarily. All these things would be done within time, I might even would actually know where I was going. ​I just hope the ponies here are friendly...

Edited by Sriracha
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Sweetie Belle walked with her friends outside or the Science hall where she had just finsihed the interesting class with Proffeser neigh. she notice a confused looking teal pegasus and then she told her friends. "i will catch up with you gus later" Sweetie belle then trotted over to the mare and said " hey do you need help with anything, oh and my name is Sweetie Belle what is yours."

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Momentarily taken aback by the surprise mare that had approached me, "Oh...I was just trying to find the way to the bookstore. Would you know where it is?" I asked returning to the present. Most ponies wouldn't have even acknowledged me never mind offering to help where I came from. "The signs help but I guess I could use a hoof. Oh, and my name is Rain, nice to meet you Sweetie Bell," I said smiling slightly apprehensively.

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Sweetie Belle said"nice to meet you the book store is right over their and by the looks of you schedule you have music theory next which is where I am going so why don't we go and get you books and I will walk with you to class and maybe grab a drink after if you want

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