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private After Destiny


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"W-what? U-um..." Her blush deepened, staring up at Solar with a look of almost complete shell-shock. She searched Solar's eyes for answers...anything! "Anything else on...m-my mind..." 


Was there anything I want to tell Solar?


Of course there is! And you know it!


But that isn't what she means! You've made enough of an idiot out of yourself for one day Amber, don't screw even more stuff up!


Well she'll find out anyway! Have you even see how much you're blushing right now, girl?


B-but...agh! You're unbelievable!


No, you are!


You are!


I am so gonna smash your face--


Amber shook her head. Thinking was definitely not going well in the current situation. "Uhh..." She looked up at Solar. She blinked. Two blinks. Three blinks.


Before common sense got the best of her, she moved in and locked lips with Solar. She didn't care anymore. Screw it.


"Mmf?!" Solar mumbled, taken by surprise by the sudden kiss. She had no idea this was coming!


...but she didn't fight it.


Her eyelids fluttered closed as she began returning the kiss, her wings ruffling with pleasure at how it all felt. The rush of blood, Amber's soft lips pressing on her own.


It was like what she thought pure bliss felt like.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Mmf?!" Solar mumbled, taken by surprise by the sudden kiss. She had no idea this was coming!


...but she didn't fight it.


Her eyelids fluttered closed as she began returning the kiss, her wings ruffling with pleasure at how it all felt. The rush of blood, Amber's soft lips pressing on her own.


It was like what she thought pure bliss felt like.


Amber heated up when Solar began to return it. Her forehooves wrapped around Solar's neck and she brought her down closer, running one hoof through Solar's mane as she pressed on. She never wanted it to end.


Amber didn't know exactly how long she had wanted this moment; no longer did she care. This pegasus had came into her life, saved her from burning to death, saved her from herself after her morphine crash and now was here, right in front of her, her beautiful lips connected with her own. Amber felt her heart skip a beat. 


That's probably not healthy in our condition.


Shut up! You're ruining the moment!



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Scarlett eventually got up and checked the panel to the side of the vent. Now lit up, it started displaying information on the air filtration information and statistics on the amount of oxygen. From what she could see, it would filter enough oxygen to survive for a while but more would be needed in the other filters to make the entire system more efficient. She began to make her way to the gateroom.


Art by DoeKitty

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Amber heated up when Solar began to return it. Her forehooves wrapped around Solar's neck and she brought her down closer, running one hoof through Solar's mane as she pressed on. She never wanted it to end.


Amber didn't know exactly how long she had wanted this moment; no longer did she care. This pegasus had came into her life, saved her from burning to death, saved her from herself after her morphine crash and now was here, right in front of her, her beautiful lips connected with her own. Amber felt her heart skip a beat. 


That's probably not healthy in our condition.


Shut up! You're ruining the moment!


Solar cooed softly from feeling Amber's hoof brush through her curly mane. It felt so comforting.


She had no idea Amber was returning her feelings all this time. Her first friend on this ordeal, the one who snapped her out of her depressed states, and the one who's stuck by her all this time.


She felt like she was in heaven just feeling Amber's warm lips press against her own.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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On her way to the gateroom Scarlett stumbled upon a corridor intersection. She had been through it a few times to get to different parts of the nearby area but it was only now that they weren't in immediate threat of death that she noticed the room to the side. Pressing the button next to the door, it opened and let into a small room. It was no more than 2 square meters, with small alcoves no more than half a meter deep on the four sides. There was a console in one, a small bunk in another, and a Kino dispenser in the third. This was the only room on the ship with some form of bed in it that wasn't one of the classic bed rooms.


Art by DoeKitty

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Solar cooed softly from feeling Amber's hoof brush through her curly mane. It felt so comforting.


She had no idea Amber was returning her feelings all this time. Her first friend on this ordeal, the one who snapped her out of her depressed states, and the one who's stuck by her all this time.


She felt like she was in heaven just feeling Amber's warm lips press against her own.


Amber never wanted to break the kiss. But breathing was kind of a thing she had to do. She pulled away, breathing hard with a bright red glow on her cheeks. She licked her lips. Yep, still taste like Solar's. She grinned with pure glee, feeling like she could do anything, that she was empowered. She licked Solar's muzzle, giggling.


"Oh sweet celestia, I freakin' love you." She gave Solar a broad smile, her eyes twinkling.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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She looked around the room for a moment, seeing that this was probably the room meant for whoever was in charge of engineering on the ship when they eventually came to claim it. That never happened of course, so now she saw it as the perfect opportunity to monitor the ship and keep her belongings in the same place, as well as have easy access to the systems if anything went wrong. She had no idea what kind of access this console had, so she's have to check later.


She saw the lights flicker a little, but she didn't want to take any chances. Dumping her suit and saddlebag into the room and closing the door, she made her way over to engineering.


Art by DoeKitty

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Amber never wanted to break the kiss. But breathing was kind of a thing she had to do. She pulled away, breathing hard with a bright red glow on her cheeks. She licked her lips. Yep, still taste like Solar's. She grinned with pure glee, feeling like she could do anything, that she was empowered. She licked Solar's muzzle, giggling.


"Oh sweet celestia, I freakin' love you." She gave Solar a broad smile, her eyes twinkling.


Solar began panting once the kiss was broken, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling. Her cheeks were blushing bright red, and she was just staring into Amber's twinkling eyes. It was obvious they were both feeling the same thing.


She giggled from the lick on her muzzle, giving her snout a little wiggle in response. "I love you too!" She smiled back.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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On her way to the engineering room, she realised that even though the ship hadn't jumped into FTL the lights had still flickered. Assuming this wasn't a normal thing, once she made it tot he engineering room she jumped into the main console. She began checking round what little systems she could access. And then she saw something that was rather disturbing to her.


Art by DoeKitty

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Solar began panting once the kiss was broken, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling. Her cheeks were blushing bright red, and she was just staring into Amber's twinkling eyes. It was obvious they were both feeling the same thing.


She giggled from the lick on her muzzle, giving her snout a little wiggle in response. "I love you too!" She smiled back.


"Oh celestia...I was so afraid that you wouldn't feel the same." She sighed in disbelief. "I-I mean I know we kinda flirted and stuff, but I didn't actually imagine- like, after seeing me after the drugs w-wore off..." She choked on her words, a lump forming in her throat. "J-just please don't leave me like this...n-not like this. I d-don't want to lose you because of this tartarus-damned addiction.."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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She ship did not have much power left. And that was a problem. No power meant no air, or more importantly, no engines of life support of any form. Fearful that the Destiny may malfunction, she quickly grabbed the radio she had left on one of the secondary consoles, switched to the channel of anyone on the planet "You need to get back to the ship right now!"


The gate was still open from the other end, which thankfully meant the ship wasn't using energy on the gate. 


Art by DoeKitty

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"Oh celestia...I was so afraid that you wouldn't feel the same." She sighed in disbelief. "I-I mean I know we kinda flirted and stuff, but I didn't actually imagine- like, after seeing me after the drugs w-wore off..." She choked on her words, a lump forming in her throat. "J-just please don't leave me like this...n-not like this. I d-don't want to lose you because of this tartarus-damned addiction.."


Solar rolled her eyes, a playful smirk on her face.


She's so silly... and it's freaking adorable.


Without warning, she shushed Amber with a quick kiss on the lips.


"Why in Tartarus would I leave you over that?" She asked, winking at her new marefriend, "I'm gonna help you kick that addiction, I promise."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlett's next step to reduce power usage was to stop the various teams around the ship messing with systems. She radioed everyone around the ship that was exploring and explained that they needed to stop. She started seeing power usage drop around the ship, but there were still a few teams that were not responding. She made her way over to where the console said there was still a lot power being needed and found a couple of ponies messing with a metal plate.


"Look at this" a stallion said while presenting a torch. He clicked the button a couple of times to demonstrate that there was no power in it before placing it on the plate. After a few moments and a low droning buzzing sound, the stallion picked the torch up and clicked the button and the torch came on. "We found these plated, the Ancients probably used them to charge things. We just modified it to work with human technology, but if you leave anything on there too long it fries the battery. We still need to fix that."


Scarlett responded simply by saying "That's good an all, but you need to stop. This ship is running out of power quit fast. Can you make sure the rest of the teams exploring the ship stop please?"


Art by DoeKitty

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Solar rolled her eyes, a playful smirk on her face.


She's so silly... and it's freaking adorable.


Without warning, she shushed Amber with a quick kiss on the lips.


"Why in Tartarus would I leave you over that?" She asked, winking at her new marefriend, "I'm gonna help you kick that addiction, I promise."


"Please...I don't want- I don't want..." She whimpered, her lips trembling. "I don't want to go back to the morphine...I can feel my whole body just...shutting down whenever I take it. I c-can't keep going through that. I mean~ w-what if next time I...?" She didn't even want to say it. Instead, she just sat there in Solar's embrace and enjoyed the moment while it lasted.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Scarlett began to make her way back to the engineering room and decided to spend a while reading through trough the systems to see if she could power down and of the active systems. She glanced back at the FTL timer for a moment and realising that it said that the off ship team had less than three hours to get back onto the ship.


Art by DoeKitty

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After Lightning checked to see how things were going with the air filters, he went to help with the sand coming through the gate. But all that time, he was anxious and couldn't help but think about what had happened to Amber. after 15 minutes, he couldn't wait any longer. I have to talk with her, he thought. So, when he reached the cabin where Amber and Solar were, he walked in to these words:


"I don't want to go back to the morphine...I can feel my whole body just...shutting down whenever I take it. I c-can't keep going through that. I mean~ w-what if next time I...?"


"Well, there won't be a next time," Lightning said as he boldly entered, "not on my watch."

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"Please...I don't want- I don't want..." She whimpered, her lips trembling. "I don't want to go back to the morphine...I can feel my whole body just...shutting down whenever I take it. I c-can't keep going through that. I mean~ w-what if next time I...?" She didn't even want to say it. Instead, she just sat there in Solar's embrace and enjoyed the moment while it lasted.


"Hey, hey, relax," Solar cooed, giving Amber's mane a gentle stroke with her hoof, "You're gonna be okay, I promise."


...sweet Celestia, her mane is so soft.


"I just told you I'm gonna help you kick the habit," She assured her, smiling, "You'll never get another hit of morphine again."



"Well, there won't be a next time," Lightning said as he boldly entered, "not on my watch."


"...can we help you?"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlett got up and walked to the gate room where all the crates and supplies that they had brought with them were located. 'Someone should sort these out and find a place to put them' she thought to herself before looking for and finding the crate containing tablets and laptops. 'Thank God for bigger on the inside crates'.


She noticed something behind the crate and taking a look saw it was a big server tower. 'Who the he'll pulled that through?


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After Lightning checked to see how things were going with the air filters, he went to help with the sand coming through the gate. But all that time, he was anxious and couldn't help but think about what had happened to Amber. after 15 minutes, he couldn't wait any longer. I have to talk with her, he thought. So, when he reached the cabin where Amber and Solar were, he walked in to these words:



"Well, there won't be a next time," Lightning said as he boldly entered, "not on my watch."


"Eh?" Amber muttered, slowly turning her head. There was another pony standing in the doorway, helmet removed and staring at her with a grin. She squinted. While her vision was still blurry, she could make out some basic features. cyan coat, yellow mane, those weird glasses...Wait. She did a double take, scrutinizing his features again, things becoming clearer. No.


Her mind began to cloud over. Distant flashbacks. Horrible flashbacksWhat kind of sick joke is this?


The stallion emerged further into the light, and the resemblance was uncanny. It was him.


"Get out." She growled under her breath, unable to even look at him. "Get out right now." Still nopony in the room moved. Just silence, aside from her heavy breathing. "I SAID GET OUT!" She practically screamed, biting down on her tongue. Her hoof violently pointed towards the door behind him. If anything, she was steaming.

  • Brohoof 1



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Scarlett's focus was drawn away from the unusually placed server and technology by what sounded like Amber shouting. She stood up and began briskly walking towards where the shouting came from, and with a little searching to find wherever she had been taken and found a pony standing just inside the door.


Art by DoeKitty

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Flame had been gathering "Wet sand" like Scarlett and that one blue pony had been telling him to. After fishing picking up all the sand he could fit in his hooves a wings, Flame entered the gate. Upon entering Flame heard the voice of amber screaming. Putting the sand in wings Flame ran toward the yell and eventually found the source.


@@Ethan Sawyer,@@1Bit, @@Unicorncob,



"Is everyone alright? I heard screaming and according to my therapist that's a bad thing.  Also I got some more sand."

Edited by The Real 1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Scarlett poked her head into the room where Solar and Amber were sitting. She assumed that Amber had been shouting at the pony that she was currently leaning over to see inside the room. Wanting to find out was was wrong, she said "Amber, what's wrong? Blue, is she all right?"


Art by DoeKitty

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"Eh?" Amber muttered, slowly turning her head. There was another pony standing in the doorway, helmet removed and staring at her with a grin. She squinted. While her vision was still blurry, she could make out some basic features. cyan coat, yellow mane, those weird glasses...Wait. She did a double take, scrutinizing his features again, things becoming clearer. No.


Her mind began to cloud over. Distant flashbacks. Horrible flashbacksWhat kind of sick joke is this?


The stallion emerged further into the light, and the resemblance was uncanny. It was him.


"Get out." She growled under her breath, unable to even look at him. "Get out right now." Still nopony in the room moved. Just silence, aside from her heavy breathing. "I SAID GET OUT!" She practically screamed, biting down on her tongue. Her hoof violently pointed towards the door behind him. If anything, she was steaming.

Scarlett's focus was drawn away from the unusually placed server and technology by what sounded like Amber shouting. She stood up and began briskly walking towards where the shouting came from, and with a little searching to find wherever she had been taken and found a pony standing just inside the door.

Flame had been gathering "Wet sand" like Scarlett and that one blue pony had been telling him to. After fishing picking up all the sand he could fit in his hooves a wings, Flame entered the gate. Upon entering Flame heard the voice of amber screaming. Putting the sand in wings Flame ran toward the yell and eventually found the source.


@@Ethan Sawyer,@@1Bit, @@Unicorncob,



"Is everyone alright? I heard screaming and according to my therapist that's a bad thing.  Also I got some more sand."

Scarlett poked her head into the room where Solar and Amber were sitting. She assumed that Amber had been shouting at the pony that she was currently leaning over to see inside the room. Wanting to find out was was wrong, she said "Amber, what's wrong? Blue, is she all right?"


"Solar, stay with Amber. Flame, Scarlett, I need to talk with you both outside. I never thought it would be this way, but I guess it's too late for that." Lightning stepped outside of the cabin.


"Okay, I need you both to listen. CAREFULLY.  *deep breath* I attended Corbulo Academy in the same squad as Amber. One day, during a physical examination, which involved an obstacle course and live rounds, Amber sped ahead of all of us, even though she was team leader, and left us behind. I got hit in the flank BAD, and I was taken for immediate surgery. I was then transferred to another squad, and I never saw her again. I've always hoped that I would see her again, to tell her that I forgave her for what happened. That's why I went in. I dunno why she reacted as she did." Lightning's head hung as he told the story. As he did, he thought, what did I do wrong? Why was she so mad at me? "I guess we'll find out soon."

Edited by Mario3D13
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Scarlett moved to the other side of the door frame so she could see and listen to Lightning but still see into the room. Awaiting a response from Solar, she listening to Lightning all while taking frequent glances into the room.


She muttered to herself "I told them not to use live ammunition" as she turned to Lightning after he was done speaking and said "So she assumed you had died right? And now she thinks something's wrong with her as somepony she thought was dead 'appears' right after a bad case of withdrawal?"


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switched to the channel of anyone on the planet "You need to get back to the ship right now!"


"yes, Scarlett ok then." She looks around at the few snakes of ponies going back and forth. "THAT WAS THE CALL PONIES, EVERYONE GRAB ON LAST LOT AND HEAD BACK." The ponies who had sand quickened their strides towards the gate and the one's without ran to the spots. Sapphire walked to the gate then looked for the various ponies to come back through she stopped the last pegasus, "would you be so kind?" pointing upwards, she took off and looked around, "no. i'm the last one ma'am." as she looked around for anyone else. Her and the pegasus then pass back through the gate.


"Crystal, can you come with me?"


"Yes Sapphire." Crystal walked after Sapphire as the others dumped the rest of the sand Sapphire in the meantime walked off looking for Scarlett wondering why she had to leave so early. 


@@Ethan Sawyer

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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