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Sapphire had cast a rather good transcript spell she had been given, the pencil was powering though the pages of the note pad, describing everything going on from speech and actions to descriptions of the ponies in the room. Something drew her attention the spell started to describe another pony present @@Unicorncob, hold on everyone is here? she recast the spell and again the pencil continued with it's work. ok?! Her attention was drawn to the room where no pony stood at least that she could see, then the pencil stated on another @@Child Of Darkness, description now Sapphire was visibly alert and had a hoof on her sword, she was deciding of whether to act or keep quiet for now but she was ready to go, there where two invisible intruders in here.

Scarlett noticed the sudden hostility in the room and looked for the source. Finding the source to be a pony with a notepad and pencil, she looked at her and gave a look of knowing, and then mouthing the words "leave it." She too had noticed the other entities in the room, but honestly didn't see them as a threat. The only thing emanating from them was a small amount of fear and excitement, probably from hiding.

Edited by Vinyl Shimmer DJ


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*Scarlett begins the presentation*


"All right, so. To begin this presentation I will start with the basics. You will all most likely know this already, but I've prepared a small video to summarise anything you might not know."


[OOC: Imagine all the information in this video is being presented by Scarlett]






The video shuts off and Scarlett continues "Right, so that should cover the basics. Now, instead of sugar coating this I'll put it simply. We have no idea what this gate address does. We have no idea where it will go. We will be sending a MALP through to check the environment, but due to the sheer amount of power needed to dial this address we expect we will only be able to dial it once."


"So, are there any questions? I know this presentation wasn't too long but this should have covered all the important information."


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Listening to the presentation had Amber in positive awe with her mouth agape. "Wow...I never knew how amazing these Stargates are..." She was practically breathless, her head filled with wonders of travelling the galaxy, something that, many years ago, wouldn't have even been possible. "You can count me in, no matter what." She saluted, grinning like a filly who'd just received the biggest cake in the universe for her birthday and she could eat it all.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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*Time skip thing to tomorrow*


Scarlett stood in the gate room, staring at the thing that would soon be a portal to somewhere else. She walked over to the intercoms, took a breath and spoke into it "could all relevant personally please make their way to the gate room, we shall be dialling shortly."


Art by DoeKitty

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Amber peered up from the daisy sandwich she was munching on. It was pretty dry, and lacked much flavour, but it was hard to be picky when you were living off of imported foods for weeks on end. The intercom announcement, however, had her smiling instantly. She dropped the sandwich down on her desk half eaten, and grabbed a small notebook. After scribbling down a few things, she grabbed in both hooves and shoved it into her suit's pocket and dashed towards the stargate room as requested.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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The pegasus raised her head and yawned, having enjoyed a nice nap in between a pair of cargo boxes and keeping refuge in the shadows the narrow space they provided.


Her ear flicked as she overheard the announcement to report to the stargate room. She smirked.


Time to go to work.


She sneaked up to the door, pressing the hoof pad to open it before switching on her armour's cloaking device. After spending the night there, no doubt it was fully charged.

She slunk out into the hall, creeping and hovering over personnel on her way to the gate room.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The announcement over the intercom had the scientists in the sub level labs in a good mood. It was time to see if all these resources had been worth it. The lead scientists, Dr. Ivan, was also due to watch the dial.


Specter: "Hey! You're not planning on going without me are you? This is the technology of my people and I intend to see it work and everyone survive. These gates are dangerous you know."


Ivan: "I'm aware Specter. It's just that you're not listed amount facility AI. As far as anyone outside this lab knows, you don't exist. If you want to come along fine. Just ghost me. And stay hidden unless I tell you otherwise. Understood?"


Specter: "Yes yes understood. I'm like a ghost, they'll never know I am here."


Specter activated his invisibility and started following his scientist friend. The two of them made it to the gate room within a few minutes of the announcement.


@@Ethan Sawyer


"You the one who will be dialing? My name is Ivan, lead researcher for the technology of the ancients. I'll be recording data values during the dial. Nice to meet you."

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"You the one who will be dialing? My name is Ivan, lead researcher for the technology of the ancients. I'll be recording data values during the dial. Nice to meet you."


Scarlett turned round to face the scientist and let out a sigh of relief "Oh thank goodness, someone who will actually understand what I am saying if something goes wrong." She stood up straight and said "Sorry, hello Ivan! My name is Scarlett, and I'm the one who gets blamed if something goes wrong. Nice to meet you.


She pointed to the console she was using and said "You can monitor everything from there if you want, I'll just load up the DHD on my tablet."


Art by DoeKitty

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Sapphire had a restless night, waiting for the gate test to begin and had little sleep, as she attempted to discover the intruders that were present the other day, how could Scarlett just ignore the two possible threats in the room, wait a minute maybe just maybe hmmm... Sapphire had been waiting hours for a response from command about her suspicions when the message came back it read "We don't believe that Scarlett has been compromised she has passed too many security checks for such a thing, however you are hereby given permission by the Princesses to take command of any and all resources and personnel to investigate your suspicions and deal with it as you see fit, take this to the base commander and show him." the bottom of the message carried the royal seal something only given by one of the four.



The head of the base was unhappy to now have superior for now, however that was not Sapphires intent and told him so nevertheless detecting the intruders was impossible, so she sought the only course of action, she deemed she could do be ready for when something happens, the entire of the base's security staff was on red alert, until further notice and she had ordered a large detachment of guards to be brought to the facility they however would not be there for some time.



Sapphire entered the gate room after the announcement and was followed by a dozen guards who took up positions around the room, she walked to the last place she stood yesterday and again cast her recording spell and watched all of the activities that the others were performing.

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And with that, Scarlett accessed the gate from her laptop and began dialling the gate. She said "Chevron One encoded" as a low buzzer sounded as the Stargate began to dial. She then said "Well that's always a good sign."


*Stargate Chevron Thud*


She turned to Ivan and said "Power levels appear to be holding" before continuing with the countdown "Chevron Two encoded. Chevron Two, locked!"


*Stargate Chevron Thud*


"Remember, this first dial is just a test to see if we can make a connection. Chevron Three encoded. Chevron Three, Locked!"


*Stargate Chevron Thud*


"If we do make a connection, we will send an automated reconnaissance drone through. Chevron Four encoded. Chevron Four, locked!"


*Stargate Chevron Thud*


"That means we'll be able to see what's on the other side. Chevron Five encoded. Chevron Five, locked!"


*Stargate Chevron Thud*


"Then we close down again, assess the data we've received and perhaps, send the away team. Chevron Six encoded. Chevron Six, locked!"


*Stargate Chevron Thud*


"And this is the point at which we could make a connection with a gate from the same galaxy. Chevron Seven encoded. Chevron Seven, locked!"


*Stargate Chevron Thud*


"Here we come to the point at which we can dial another galaxy! Chevron Eight encoded. Chevron Eight, locked!"


*Stargate Chevron Thud*


Scarlett began to emanate pure joy, she was so happy that it was finally working! "And this, is the start of a new era! Chevron Nine encoded! Chevron Nine, uhh..."


The power around the base begins to friz as lights flicker off and on. The entire base begins to shake.


"Chevron Nine…Chevron Nine…will not lock. This shouldn't be happening!"


Taking a quick look at the diagnostics she decided they should stop. She tried to halt the dialling yet it would not stop. She turned around and shouted "Can someone get the gate power override?!"


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@@Ethan Sawyer


Ivan: "Oh this is bad, this is very bad! Specter! Break stealth and go fix that gate before it brings the whole base down around our heads!"


Specter: "Affirmative." Specter broke his stealth and rushed for the gate. "Activating override codes Gate. ERROR: Partial data corruption. Limited access granted. Rerouting power from Chevron 1-8 to puddle stability. Stabilising energy manipulation. ERROR: Damaged data found withing 9th Chevron. Archiving for later management. Activating forced shutdown procedure. You may want to grab something. This is going to make some noise."


With the gate stabilising, Specter forced the gate back into a state for deactivation. Creating a shock wave that could easily knock someone off of their hooves. "Gate shutdown successful, crisis averted. Commencing slow reboot in repair mode. Estimated time of completion: 32 minutes 17 seconds. That was close."


(I did a thing. Finally.)

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The pegasus arrived at the gate room, cloaked and watching the proceedings. From how everypony was acting, namely, in a panic, things weren't exactly going to plan.


She could pop in and lend a hoof, but what would she know about this scientific stargate stuff?


Instead, she hopped into the air to avoid being bumped into, and watched the others get things under control. Surely they were far more qualified.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"What in the dark abyss is that!" pointing to the entity, everyone in the room looked at her and she tried to ignore that. "GUARDS SEIZE THAT, that THING! and the pony too!" Sapphire drew her blade and ran towards the entity, I shall see you in custody or defeated either will do for you She came into melee range of Spectre and Ivan "stay where you are!" the rest of the guards of the room either had their weapons drawn and aimed at the pair or were closing on both of the two of them...


(that should liven things up a bit hehe...)

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"What in the dark abyss is that!" pointing to the entity, everyone in the room looked at her and she tried to ignore that. "GUARDS SEIZE THAT, that THING! and the pony too!" Sapphire drew her blade and ran towards the entity, I shall see you in custody or defeated either will do for you She came into melee range of Spectre and Ivan "stay where you are!" the rest of the guards of the room either had their weapons drawn and aimed at the pair or were closing on both of the two of them...


(that should liven things up a bit hehe...)

Scarlett saw the scene unfold in front of her and decided that this would probably be a good time to reveal that her horn was working. She quickly cast a protection spell over both Spectre and Ivan and grabbed the guards in her magic. Facing the pony in charge of the guards she said "I don't think you should do that."


Art by DoeKitty

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Amber rushed into the room as the conflict was just beginning. Her pace had quickened more and more as she kept hearing alarms and all manner of noises coming from the stargate room.


Her eyes opened wide when she saw all the guards closing in on two figures she didn't fully recognise. She cautiously stepped in to the room, and put a hoof back so it was resting on the butt of her pistol.


"What's going on here?"



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Ivan: "This is not the reception I had hoped that you would be getting when you revealed yourself. I had hoped for more of a stunned silence and wonder filled atmosphere at the fact that they came face to face with a living Ancient AI."


Specter: "I have no idea what could have caused this reaction. I saved them all from certain death. At least they could be thankful. Honestly."


The two of them just stayed back and decided to not say anything to anyone else unless asked. Their lives where in danger, so silence is the best option right now.

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Amber rushed into the room as the conflict was just beginning. Her pace had quickened more and more as she kept hearing alarms and all manner of noises coming from the stargate room.


Her eyes opened wide when she saw all the guards closing in on two figures she didn't fully recognise. She cautiously stepped in to the room, and put a hoof back so it was resting on the butt of her pistol.


"What's going on here?"

Scarlett snapped to face Amber and quickly said "Stand down. Now."


Ivan: "This is not the reception I had hoped that you would be getting when you revealed yourself. I had hoped for more of a stunned silence and wonder filled atmosphere at the fact that they came face to face with a living Ancient AI."


Specter: "I have no idea what could have caused this reaction. I saved them all from certain death. At least they could be thankful. Honestly."


The two of them just stayed back and decided to not say anything to anyone else unless asked. Their lives where in danger, so silence is the best option right now.

She turned to Ivan and said "I was wondering if someone else knew about the entity. Specter was it?" She turned to face Specter and as she did she muttered "There was always the emergency power shut off."


Now facing Specter, she tried something she hoped was understood by Ancient technology. She flashed her horn in a series of pulses, hoping to use binary to communicate with it. The message was simple. 'Hide.'


She moved to the gangway leading to the gate, and stood facing the rest of the room "I think we all need to take a moment to calm down. I'm going to remove the freezing spell now, but if someone even tries anything on Ivan or the AI, you can expect a similar reaction from me."


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Understanding the binary that was said to him, Specter turned back to Ivan. "Yeah, I'm going to vanish now. Don't worry, I'll be close. Sort of. Oh I don't know, I can't predict the future."


Ivan: "No need to get so moody. Just at least be in the same room as I am for now."


Specter: "Fine fine. I'll do that."


Specter vanished into thin air, leaving Ivan alone. Sort of.


Ivan: "So... what happens now? Am I in trouble for not announcing the existence and activation of unauthorised and unknown ancient tech?"

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Scarlett snapped to face Amber and quickly said "Stand down. Now."


Amber swiftly retracted her hand and froze up at the sudden burst of authority. She wasn't prepared to be shot down so quickly and it took her a few moments to regain her composure, standing with a bit more respect than before.


"Sorry ma'am." She backed away to the edge of the room, staring at the where the AI had just been with pure wonder.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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@@1Bit,@@Child Of Darkness,  


"Grrrr, what I the hay are you doing Scarlett?! I'll have you in the brig for this!" Sapphire stood looking at Scarlett both knew what was about the take place as Sapphire lowered her head and her horn started to glow brightly, what was going on in Sapphire's mind was anger and a large amount of it. This, this scientist had stopped her and the others embarrassing her making her furious the spell she was charging was probably going to blow a hole in a wall if she missed 

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Amber swiftly retracted her hand and froze up at the sudden burst of authority. She wasn't prepared to be shot down so quickly and it took her a few moments to regain her composure, standing with a bit more respect than before.


"Sorry ma'am." She backed away to the edge of the room, staring at the where the AI had just been with pure wonder.

Scarlett quickly replied "It's fine, and stop with the ma'am please."


@@1Bit,@@Child Of Darkness,  


"Grrrr, what I the hay are you doing Scarlett?! I'll have you in the brig for this!" Sapphire stood looking at Scarlett both knew what was about the take place as Sapphire lowered her head and her horn started to glow brightly, what was going on in Sapphire's mind was anger and a large amount of it. This, this scientist had stopped her and the others embarrassing her making her furious the spell she was charging was probably going to blow a hole in a wall if she missed

Scarlett snapped to face Sapphire "You'll have me in the brig? Who do you think designed the brig! Anyway, what's even going on here? From what I saw, a robot of Ancient design just appeared and saved our lives."


Scarlett saw her horn glow and felt a level of rage that could only be from a military pony "Whatever you are doing, I advise you stop."


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The pegasus watched from the air as the chaos went down in the room. Obviously, these ponies did not have everything under control.


Oh, the time to be a technological engineer, or whatever the buck these ponies do.


*beep beep beep*


The mare looked at her wrist and noticed that the battery meter for the camouflage system was flashing red. She'd be exposed soon.




Thinking fast, she dove beneath the catwalk and switched off her camouflage to let it recharge. Hopefully the shadows would cover her black stealth suit.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The pegasus watched from the air as the chaos went down in the room. Obviously, these ponies did not have everything under control.


Oh, the time to be a technological engineer, or whatever the buck these ponies do.


*beep beep beep*


The mare looked at her wrist and noticed that the battery meter for the camouflage system was flashing red. She'd be exposed soon.




Thinking fast, she dove beneath the catwalk and switched off her camouflage to let it recharge. Hopefully the shadows would cover her black stealth suit.

Scarlett, still staring at Sapphire felt a little bit of fear creep into the room. Using a little bit on hidden magic which she had not used for years, she quickly pulsed a scan around the room. After finding there was an extra pony in the room, she quickly sent some of her magic to recharge whatever it was hiding the pony before hand. She knew it would be bad enough dealing with one invisible entity and a scientist, never mind a second. Hopefully nobody would notice.

Edited by Ethan Sawyer
  • Brohoof 1


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Amber's view passed between everyone in the room and she stepped forward into the middle of the group.


"I think if we all just calmed down, put the weapons away..." She gestured to all of the guards. "...then we can sort everything out with a bit more of a level head, yeah?" She turned to Scarlett, curiously. "But I think the real question is what happened with dialling the 9th Chevron?"



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Scarlett, still staring at Sapphire felt a little bit of fear creep into the room. Using a little bit on hidden magic which she had not used for years, she quickly pulsed a scan around the room. After finding there was an extra pony in the room, she quickly sent some of her magic to recharge whatever it was hiding the pony before hand. She knew it would be bad enough dealing with one invisible entity and a scientist, never mind a second. Hopefully nobody would notice.


The mare, after some impatient tapping at her suit's cloaking system's activator on her wrist, blinked as she watched the battery meter shoot right back up to 100%.


How the--?!


She glanced around herself, and below in case anypony had seen her. But no one was even nearby, let alone looking her direction.

Shrugging, she reactivated the system and veiled herself once more.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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