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Meson Bolt

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hello! i would like to know when did you start being a brony? can we have details?


Well, it is quite a bit of a story, so yes. ALL the details! (Or as many as I could remember)


I'm a huge Sonic fan. And well, you honestly can't browse through ANY Sonic fanwork without seeing something comparing him to Rainbow Dash. In all honesty, I saw so much of Rainbow Dash in fanwork that I thought she was the main character of MLP. But since I was all "That stuff is for little girls" (lol, so closed-minded) I didn't watch the show.


My interest was... meh-piqued when I saw AnimatedJames' Sonic vs MLP shorts and Death Battle's Starscream vs Rainbow Dash episode, and both of those compelled me to watch the very first episode of MLP that I've seen -- Sonic Rainboom -- for purely educational purposes. If my memory serves correctly, I at first found the voices and characters quite annoying. But I managed to sit through it and get to the Rainboom part, calculate and quantify everything, then it was off to theory land. I didn't even give the show a chance.


Well over the course of a couple summers ago I got bored what with the lack of school and a job, so I started looking into cartoons. The first one I watched was Sonic X, and even if I forced myself to like it, I have to admit that it was pretty bad. After finishing the first season I was kinda done with the series, so I looked for another cartoon series to watch. Liberty's Kids (anyone remember that?) was the first thing I looked to, but I got bored of those pretty quickly, so I tried My Little Pony. But I didn't know where to start... I guess at that time typing in "My Little Pony Season 1 Episode 1" into Google search just didn't seem appealing. So I found the next best thing -- the Equestria Girls movie.


Yeah, for a newcomer to the show, EQG1 just seemed... awful. First I had to deal with the realization that *le gasp* Rainbow Dash wasn't the main character. Secondly there was a slew of characters who, although I sorta knew about them, I really had no connections or information on. And finally, everything wrong with the movie itself -- Brad (not to sink any ships, just sayin'), the whole high school premise, Sunset Shimmer, etc. I quit about halfway through the movie when the dress-up sequence began.


EQG alone kept me away from the show for about another four months until my boredom set in again. Out of a seemingly desperate desire to watch a cartoon show, or at least have something to look forward to every day, I started watching the show. After watching the first episode, I distinctly remember my first thought about it.


"This is WAAYY better than Sonic X!"


(Not to hurt any Sonic X fans, just my opinion)


Well from that time forward, I was hooked. By the time Season 5 had started, I had shot through the four previous seasons. It was kinda hard to have to sit and wait until the next episode appeared, but when they did I gobbled em' up like candy.


I guess you could say that I became a brony on May 20th, since that was the date that I officially announced on a forum that I was a brony. And, surprisingly received quite a positive response, which I liked a lot. I knew there would be haters, but hey, everyone's got differing opinions. Thus, my descent (or ascent?) to brony-ism was complete.





Well SOMEPONY @@AmberDust decided to deflect my slew of questions back at me! So, here I go, I guess...


1) Favorite pony and why?


Fave is easy -- Rainbow Dash! I find our similarities almost spot-on (you wouldn't tell by meeting me online, it'd have to be an IRL thing). Not to mention that she's the pony who brought me into the show, and the coolest, and the fastest, and the most epic-ultra-awesome-amazing-whatever pony! And the cutest IMO.  :dash:


2) Best pony and why? (I ask separately because favorite isn't necessarily best)


Wow, this one's hard. My answer is still Twilicorn, with Pinkie Pie coming in at a close second. But with so many good AJ appearances recently, I might have to re-evaluate...


3) Could you please describe your first OC ever?


First OC ever? Well, that'd go to a dinosaur named Albino, based on the Miniclip.com game Dino Run (yeah we were pretty desperate back then). But if you meant first "good" OC, (good as in "has a backstory, personality, etc") that'd go to a Corporal Timothy Thompson. His series of 12 short stories was based on the Space Empires franchise.


4) **first MLP OC?


A grey, black, and orange Earth Pony named Volatile. He starred in my first MLP fanfic ever, involving him, Applebloom, Zecora, and Princess Luna. His special talent is making dangerous potions.


5) How about your first fanfic ever?


Very first fanfic ever goes to my Dino Run series, but since that was crappy, I'll spare you the cringe (unless you really wanna know... then ask me again!) The first book of my TT series involved a crashed supercarrier on an unexplored planet, where the six or so lone survivors had to battle it out with the angry natives.


6) What brought you into MLP?


Refer you to previous post, I'm to lazy to type it all again.


7) What brought you here to MLP Forums?


Rainbow Dash's Rainboom Theory, oddly enough.


8) Do you consider yourself a brony/pegasister? If so, which type of brony/pegasister would you consider yourself? (Moderate, hipster, or creative)


I consider myself a brony. I don't care about all the negative connotations that go with the term, I am what I am, and I'm a male fan of the show. If you don't like it then, well...  B) deal with it.


9) Have you attended any cons? If so, which was your first, and which was your favorite?


Never, I'm pretty anti-social.


10) Any questions back for me yet? Just checkin'!


...Asking questions to myself? Ahh, no...


11) Alright, the questions from here on out are gonna get weird. Ready?


Well since I already know what questions there are, then yes!


12) Have you ever asked a question that you yourself would not be comfortable answering? If so, would please you ask it to yourself now, and answer it honestly?



I was chatting to this girl online once and asked her what breast size she had. If I had to answer it, I'd probably say... um, zero?  :pout:


14) Has anyone ever (justly or unjustly) accused an OC of yours of being overpowered, overly-generic, or (God forbid) a Mary Sue? (or whatever the male variant of that is)


Yes. Most notably my OC's Volatile, Firetail Taragon Jr., and Meson Bolt. Oh yeah.


15) How many times have you gone online to solve personal problems? What was one of the times?


Um, way too many times for me to count.


16) What is your phone ringtone? Just curious, you don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Current ringtone is this:


Although this is probably gonna take over:


17) Funniest typo or mispronunciation you've done?


Playing games with my friend Mitch while I had a cold. I'll let you guess how that went.


18) Celestial Empire or Luna Republic?


Praise the moon, long live Luna!


19) Do you still use chalk to draw, or has modern technology made chalk obsolete?


I don't use chalk at all, but that doesn't make it obsolete. It's great for graffiti.


20) Did you know that I'm okay with it if you deflect any of these questions back at me?




21) Most annoying sound you've ever heard?


My cat snores. It may seem cute, but after about two seconds it gets really annoying.


22) Any pet peeves you'd like to share?


People not eating pizza crust. Seriously, man up...


23) Did you remember to answer question 13?


The question 13 is a lie!


24) On that note, are you superstitious about anything or in any way?


Not really. I am kinda paranoid about people mugging me in my bedroom, so I keep an aluminum bat handy. But other than that, nope!


25) How tall are you? It doesn't have to be an exact measurement, a generalization will do.


5'11" and still growing.


26) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your singing voice?


Eh... 5ish. I can sing well enough, but I don't think I'm that good at it.


27) Know any good nerd jokes?


What do you get when you put root beer into a square glass? Beer.


28) Does it bother you when I tell you that I found another OC with the exact same name as yours?

Never actually found another Meson Bolt, so... nope.


29) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this questioning session?

I'll let the reader decide.  :P


30) Will you ask questions on my "ask a pony" thread? mlpforums.com/topic/143568-ask-meson-bolt-that-is-if-you-want-to/

Kinda what I'm doing right now...


31) Want any more questions?

Maybe? If I get the chance?

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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quite interesting indeed, so you are also a sonicfan, i used to like Tails and Rouge myself, now i would like to know, why do you think people needs to create OCs?

  • Brohoof 1


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I am actually a huge Sonic fan. The first Sonic game I ever played (admittedly for like three minutes) was Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. After about ten years I got Sonic 1 on mobile, and loved it.


People create OC's for several reasons. A lot of people want to write themselves into a story, so they create a persona (or ponysona) that either looks like them or has a similar personality (or both). Some people create OC's to share a story they've had in their mind, or to share a story based on real events. And then some people create OC's just because "everyone else does". Personally I only create OC's if I'm planning on using them in a fanfiction.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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This is my OC Violet Dollmaker, she would like to ask you a question:


post-18984-0-84942300-1430191574.gif Violet: hi! i was wondering, have you ever heard of Role Play or RP? have you been on one? what kind of RP you like?

Edited by Kiki
  • Brohoof 1


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I do roleplay every now and again, but it's not something that I'm really into. Most of the RP's that I do are either post-apocalyptic or science-fiction based settings.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Hi! :) If you could have one super power, what would it be? ^-^


Huh... It's hard to choose just one. If I had to though, I'd go with invisibility, since it's more of a passive ability and I can sneak up on people.


I'm a terrible person, I know.

  • Brohoof 1


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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  • 7 months later...



(and if it's not something creepy stalker-type related)


hmmm...now that's going to be tough :wat: 



Where did you get your fancy scarf? ^_^  

  • Brohoof 1


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Where did you get your fancy scarf?

It was a gift from a special pony. No, not a "special somepony", just somepony close to me. Can't tell ya who though. :P


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Hi there!

What is your favorite place in the entire world?

... Probably my bed, honestly. XD

How many times have you booked the Empress of boops? O:

I think you mean "booped", and... I really don't know. I lost count at 5,491, so...

Hey Meson, I have two questions.


1. Do you like pie?


2. Can I has hugs?

Yus, I very much like pie. And yus, you can has hugs! *hugs* xD


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Yeah, I know it's not a real "villain" villain, but since the show is all about friendship, I'd assume that loneliness is the real villain of the franchise. The feeling like you're unable to make friends, or that you have none at all, is stronger than any magic spell, earthquake, or cyclone.


... I'll have to admit though... Tirek had me and Spits kinda uneasy...


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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  • 2 months later...

My favorite artist? Hmm... that's a good one.


I really dunno, since I've got a lot of friends there. I really like UltimateNightcore, but then there's also oOLITTLEKITTYOo (friend from an old Sonic RP forum), Spirit--Productions, TyandagaArt, etc.


Probably UltimateNightcore though... :P


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Who spiced up that avvie? (Great job to whoever did that.) ^^


Yeah, it looks pretty great, doesn't it? :P


Not to toot my own horn, but ah... yep... I made that. :proud:

  • Brohoof 1


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Yeah, it looks pretty great, doesn't it? :P


Not to toot my own horn, but ah... yep... I made that. :proud:


How long did it take? ^^

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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How long did it take? ^^


I dunno... maybe an hour? It took me a while to figure out what I wanted and how to get gifcreator.me to work... :P


Also, the file size had to be smaller than 150kb... so there's that.

  • Brohoof 1


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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