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open Forum mystery RP


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Vulcan sat still as he heard the proceedings, He may have been new to the forums , but this was like his second home, his big bucket of icecream when he felt down. This wasn't something he could take , but there was one question that hung in his mind, one he was sure this stallion need to answer for, slamming his fist on the table's surface...







A brown unicorn with a purple mane began walking towards ready to attack, his face seemed like his body was being forced to move against his will. "Brad...ly" The stallion spoke once more as if attempting to warn the question mark.

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THAT did it.  


The stallion looked at Vulcan with wide, shocked eyes... then his face shriveled up, and he turned away from the others, hiding his muzzle from their view.


"He... is infected."


There was a moment of silence before he spoke again.


"He cannot resist an enigma like the message I am certain you all received; he was among the first taken.  Though only a Sectional, he was utilized to spread the message, just as the others were.  Whoever is truly behind this, he uses Randimaxis as a messenger - the eye of his avatar haunts any available glass surface, passing out cryptic messages and harassing those who become lost here.  I have not seen him for so very..."


The words to follow were choked up, and the stallion simply went quiet, save the occasional sniffle.  He didn't turn around for a few moments, and his powerful-looking shoulders shook a bit before a long and sorrowful sigh issued from the workhorse in front of them.  


"... he is MY creator, Mr. Vulcan."

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@@Randimaxis,@@DwhitetheGamer,  @


As soon as the stallion had said this he instantly knew why he looked so familiar.  


"Y-you're one of the Blackwaters aren't you?" He implied as he stood from his seat.





"LUTHER" interrupted a voice from the building's speaker system. "I must say....It took me quite a while to find you..." Spoke the voice, it's tone cracked by the speakers. "You must be quite desperate to resort to hiding here~" it Taunted.

Edited by Vulcan
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Luther Blackwater, patriarch of the Crystal Mountain Blackwaters and owner of the Blackwater Quarry, turned instantly at the sound of the voice over the speakers; he had indeed been crying - however, there was not a trace of the sorrow or sadness he showed earlier... the look on his face was one of firm determination.


He turned to look at the group as a whole, then nodded at them.


"GO.  Should I escape, I shall find you again.  Remember to use the links to PM travel to another section.  My family will help you - seek them out, Mr. Vulcan!  Now... RUN."


He wheeled back to face the ceiling, glaring daggers at the speakers.


"And so, you have found me.  I shall not hide any longer, foul thing.  You have taken my creator, you have taken my quarry, you have scattered my family to the farthest recesses of the Forums, but one thing you will NEVER take from me is my pride... and my pride is DONE hiding from you."


He took an aggressive stance, and raked his hoof across the floor as if to charge, nothing but confidence on his muzzle and in his manner as he spoke to... whatever it was.


"Come - this Blackwater shall not fall without a fight!  BRING... IT... ON!!!"

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That long speech.


What else was there to say?  I felt pity for the stallion, as his brethren were fighting an impossible fight.  I knew it would lead up to this, where we, the creators from outside the forums, had to do this on our own.  I clenched my fists and slammed them down on the desk in anger, thinking there had to be a power source for me to help these OCs.


My thoughts were interrupted by a voice in the speakers.  I turned to the sound, obviously angry.  I knew I couldn't do anything just yet, so I grabbed Vulcan and Little Pip and headed for the links.


"Make a connection!" I shouted when I reached the links.

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@DwhitetheGamer@ - @anyone I missed 


The links were set into the floor near the end of the DMV, next to a water fountain.  


Holding onto each other, they took hold of the link and




They landed in a place that stank of rancid popcorn and spoiled cotton candy.


As they looked around, the first and foremost thing they noticed was the room was filled, wall-to-wall, with what appeared to be classic arcade game cabinets.  They were lined up, side by side, covering all four walls - which meant there was no visible door, either.  There were rows of them in the center, as well.  Upon closer examination, the games had some very strange, yet familiar names:








... and similar fare.  


The floor was covered with stale and half-rotten snacky-type things, such as candy wrappers, crushed potato chips, and popcorn scattered everywhere.  There was not a soul in here that they could see; all the cabinets were on, but no one was playing them at all.


The air here felt recycled and stale, and the lighting was only provided by the various neon signs lining the walls.  The signs themselves were shapes and forms like ponies, music notes and emoticons... but they emitted a low buzz, and their colors were pastel and bright, but annoyingly so.


Other than themselves, they seemed alone... for now.





There was no light... yet.  But there was definitely sound, as someone was speaking nearby.


"Whoa... craaaaaaaa-ZY, foaly - the night sky seems to have given us a teardrop that drip-drops from that sponge of the cosmic sea from that world on the other side of the smoky-screen above... I surmise that the wise eyes of the surprise here defies reason - but call me a trowel, 'cause can certainly dig it, mare.  As I said... craaaaaaa-ZY."


Who the hell was THAT?

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"Ey? Did'ya say something about me fighting a troll? Well, nothing like that's happened, as far as I'm aware. Just woke up next to that thing lying over there and had myself covered in stinking ooze."


"Of course, all trolls on the internet are filled with stinking ooze. They're toxic, after all. Thank goodness you didn't taste it; it's quite ridiculously salty..." Something clicked in my head. "You didn't fight the troll? But then... who did?"


A light tap filled my mechanical ears. I flipped around and was almost taken aback by the cloaked pony with a leaf amulet, sheathing a bow and stalking over to the corpse. She quietly flipped the corpse over before yanking out the arrow and, upon opening a secondary hatch, rolled the corpse out of it. Faint amounts of rage and hate spiraled out of the hole, and I was able to glimpse a small sign in the distance below us... a clover, next to a sign that said 4chan-


Luckily, the hatch slammed shut before I realized what it was and my eyes wandered to the topics of conversation below, as they would probably have gotten me thrown out of my job for mentioning them in a roleplay post. Although it was more of the pony who ejected the troll back into the harsh space of the internet that had my eyes. I could almost swear that it was...


"... Lilith?"


The pony looked and me and nodded once. With a raised hoof to indicate silence, she said, "Hello, my creator. They are watching us outside of this space. Silence and speed is key. Be safe..." She then leaped up into the apparently non-existent rafters and disappeared. Thoroughly intrigued, I resumed my train of thought to the question mark, who's spin cycle was apparently ending. Having missed that part of the conversation, I flipped out my tablet and consulted his post before continuing.


"Who are you, anyway, If ye don't mind me askin'? I'm... Bradley, I suppose."


"I make it a habit to not share my name over the internet, despite the super-odd situation that we're in..." I paused for a second, looking around. "Err... Call me Amphrose. Magos Amphrose is my screen name here. I'm a sectional here. Who... is apparently not in his section, seeing how I have no power here. Do you happen to know where we are? It's quite clean, so maybe the testing forums?"

I quietly peered outside.It appeared to be a large hallway of some sorts, with random code and names of destinations on the doors. Poniverse Events... Canterlot... way down the road, hidden by a barrier of code that it seemed hid it from other viewers laid the Staff Area, with one door that led to the lounge, one to business, and one that had a large symbol with an S on the door. "Odd..." I commented, as I reversed my view. Turning my head, my eyes immediately fell onto the rather large door that stated ROLEPLAY WORLD on it. A smile creased my face, obscured by my robes and machinery. Familiar territory.


Putting two and two together, I realized that we were in the community index. Intriguing.


I turned around to say my farewell- and perhaps invite along the strange question mark named Bradley, who was obviously a member- when I was met by another strange sight.






What appeared to be an OC was taking an aggressive stance and shambling over towards the mystery man (pun intended). I materialized a different weapon- it so happened to be a melta gun for whatever reason my weapons decided to be related to Warhammer 40,000- and took a step closer. In the corner of my eye, I could see Lilith readying another shot. The figure bore a striking resemblance to Fhaolan's profile picture, but, upon looking at the figure's eyes, he realized that this must be an OC of his- especially since it seemed to be moaning his name.


"I suggest you talk to him," I stated, "because if it attacks you... I don't want to blast it to pixels if I can help it."

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"I make it a habit to not share my name over the internet, despite the super-odd situation that we're in..." "Err... Call me Amphrose. Magos Amphrose is my screen name here. I'm a sectional here. Who... is apparently not in his section, seeing how I have no power here. Do you happen to know where we are? It's quite clean, so maybe the testing forums?"

Confusion hit me gently like a truck. A Sectional? Testing Forums?... What? Was this some sort of weird facility? Why would I be here... Wait a moment... That kinda sounds like something from MLPF. Does that mean that... I got sucked into the forums? Along with this person?... This is all too weird.


"Well, nice to, uh, meet you, Magos." I greeted them, finally knowing their name. Kinda. "And no, I do not know where we are at the moment. Honestly, I'm not sure as to what this place is." I admitted, still spinning 'round and 'round...


"I suggest you talk to him," "because if it attacks you... I don't want to blast it to pixels if I can help it."

"Wait, what's out there? I can't see anything in this damned washing machine..." I said a little panicky, admittely. This thing wasn't gonna stop anytime soon, and apparently there was a threat out there that my new -... friend, i suppose?- Doesn't want to harm.


After analyzing the situation, I concluded that there was only one way to get out of this situation. Pure brute force.


Sliding back to the back of the washing machine -As well as I could, anyway, considering that it's spinning around constantly-, got myself ready, muttering a couple war-cries I learned from Baldur's Gate, I launched myself towards the hatch, ready to-Oh, no, I stopped. Wasn't ready yet, eh? So, I pushed myself to the back of the war machine, Shaked my upper, er, body a little bit, muttered the same war cries, and launched my body hard against the hatch. It didn't open, unfortunately, though the glass did break, sending me out with a start. 


Flying for just a moment, I landed face-thing first onto the floor, slid along for a short moment, and stopped quite awkardly with my gloves in weird posititons. Staying there for just a moment, contemplating how this came to be, I quickly... Floated... up so I was, er, hovering upright. I was as wet as a fish, and had so much glass sticking out of my suit that I could very well be mistaken for a hedgehog.


Ignoring all of that for the moment, I used my glove-hands to hold the flappy parts of the front of the suit, held myself up accordingly, and turned my head-shape to take a look around. Everything seemed normal, except the corpse was now gone, and there was a stranger which had metallic tentacles for a face and was pointing a... gun, I believe, at something. "Charmed to see you" I said to the stranger, assuming it was probably the same person that was speaking to me just moments ago. I could also feel something watch me from the shadows, but ignored it in favour of whatever my new friend was aiming at.


Moving my... Screw it, I'll just call it my head. Moving my head towards the direction the gun was pointing at, I saw a pony. This was no regular pony, however. Well... It was, but it was special to me. In anycase, this pony, was of my creation. This pony, was Drakk. Drakk the unicorn, of which I had put so much work into, detailing and creating. Needless to say, If I had a face, my eyes would be popping out of their sockets. "... D-Drakk? Oh lord, Oh neutral lord, is this really a thing?!" I managed to say, pointing my arms at my OC. He was... Beautiful. I could finally see my creation brought to life. Though, he was indeed shambling about like a zombie and mumbling my screen name, but still! 


"Oh Drakk, it's so darned wonderful to see you!" I said merrily, my hovering having a slight jump to it. Opening my arms, I moved towards the unicorn. "Come 'ere, oh amazing creature you!" I shouted out happily, ready to give him a hug!




"W-What's he doing?! Doesn't he realize that I'm gonna hurt him!? RUN, YOU BUMBLING BUFFOON!" Drakk thought in his mind as his mortal shell moved on it's own accord towards the Question Mark. He was getting close now... He would be in attacking range any second now! "Oh, Drake, Why does my creator have to be an ignorant idiot? Why?!" Tears were running down his face as he realized that he was brought to existence by a moron.




"Yay, I'm gonna hug him! I can't imagine how fluffy his fur is gonna be!" I thought to myself joyfully as I bound towards my creation with open gloves. "He's opening his own forearms aswell! He's even opening his mouth in a toothy smile! Oh, I brought my OC up right!" I smiled to myself.



But then, I noticed something. He was just holding up one forearm, and smile was showing an awful amount of teeth. Maybe he wasn't going in for a hug...? That was when it became apparent that it was not a hug, but rather a swing made at him. Quickly, I floated back in regards to my own safety. Sure, The Mystery Lord was indeed immortal and couldn't really be scratched, but I've no clue if I carried with me all of his powers. Huh... I should test that out at a later time. 


Anyway, I gotta do something about Nega-Drakk, and I really, really didn't want my new friend to shoot him dead. He was my creation, after all! My child! I'm not gonna have my kid die on me!


Then, I felt something to the right of my suit. Looking there, I saw... The cane that was taped to me? Wait, how did that not annoy me in the washing machine by poking my sides?... Live Mysteries aside, pun intented, I ripped off the tape that was sticking the cane to my suit and held it in my right ha-glove.


Taking time to examine it, I noticed it had a brown shaft with a big, nicely made Ruby attached at the top. Focusing my attention back at Drakk, I simply floated over to him, no battle stance or anything, and hit him repeatedly on the head with the cane. "Bad Unicorn! Bad Drakk! You don't hit try hit your creator!" I reprimanded him with in a disappointed tone.




"What in the... What is he doing?! He's treating me like a dog! Ouch, I felt that!" Drakk wondered as his body recoiled every time his creator hit him with that brown stick. His body was retreating, staying away from what caused it pain, even whimpering and giving off sad puppy-dog eyes. You know the ones.


"Sit!" He heard Bradley say. "He... he's actually treating me like a dog. He is seriously treating me like a pet. I... I don't..." His body growled a bit, realizing the stupid situation, and got into a battle stance again. Getting ready to bite the Mystery Lord, Drakk's body lunged forward only to be hit on the head with the cane, along with having "Bad Drakk! Bad Oc" yelled at him.


"Sit!" Bradley said once again, a bit more forcefully this time. Drakk's body, not taking kindly to orders, growled once again and tried taking an aggresive stance, before the Question Mark raised the cane again threateningly. Immediately, Drakk's body sat down on the floor with its rump, his forehooves on the ground infront of him while his back hooves where sticking out. Suddenly, Bradley pat him on the head gently while saying "Good boy" repeatedly.


Drakk, at this point, had receeded into his mind to view good, old memories before he turned insane. There was even a sign that said "Not Home" if you looked closed enough into his brain.




"Now, that's a good unicorn!" I said joyfully as I patted Drakk on the head while scratching him behind the ears with my other glove, having him pant and kick the floor with one of his back hooves. My cane had been placed in a pocket that was located in my suit, which, surprisingly, fit the whole cane in despite looking like the only thing it could handle would be a miniature notebook. Or half a pencil.


Eventually, I stopped scratching my OC's ears, resulting in him whimpering a little bit in disappointment. "Come now, Drakk. Follow me" I said as if I was talking to a child, admittedly. He got up, though, and went up to my side, looking up at me with... Childlike wonder?... Alright then.


Anyway, I turned to... Magos, I believe their name was, to speak a bit more. Perhaps say our final goodbyes and part ways. "Well then, that was a fun experience. Nice to see you face to face, friend." I said to... Him, I think, once I reached him. "Well, I thank you for keeping me company while I was washing, aswell as alerting me to my creation," I took the time to rub Drakk's head a bit."here. Anyway, I believe this is where we part ways. I have a whole new world to expore!" I said with wonder as I swept a glove around me. "I do hope we meet again, however. You are a nice character" I said with quite the grin. But, uh, the grin wasn't visible. Since I don't have a face and all. Kinda removes the ability to do any expressions.

  • Brohoof 2

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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What an odd person. I thought to myself. And who would do that to an OC, anyways? Pixels or not... I sighed, realizing that not as many people shared my appreciation for violence. Perhaps he wasn't bad enough to perform a Genocide Run of Undertale without shedding tears, but... sheesh, there's no need to crack the skull of your OC who obviously was acting against his personality. I looked him over again with his almost completely alien mood swing, and decided, maybe it isn't the best idea to invite him along. But then I shook my head slightly. No, this particular plot demanded it. Besides, there's always people around here- even if it's just a lurking Troblems or Jeric- so something was definitely up. Perhaps I could use an ally.


"Well, perhaps we can head to same way, if you just got here yourself. I... err... was just going to head out to my section and see what's happening. Company would be nice, if you want to tag along."


I suddenly felt something fade from my mind and, upon reflecting on it for a moment, I realized that Lilith had left the area. To where she went? I didn't know. But perhaps I would find her where I was headed...

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I would've raised an eyebrow in surprise if I had any. They wanted me to accompany them? Now, that's interesting. Normally, it's not such a good idea for me to travel in any group, the reason mostly being that I weird everyone out. Though, a Companion in a strange, new world could definitely be useful, since I don't really know anything about this place, other than that it might resemble MLPF. 


Taking a slight moment to gather my thoughts, I stared at my new friend, thinking about it. At first, I was thinking of going out on my own, or rather, with Drakk following me around, but honestly, this could be a viable option. Travelling with a friend. Well, two friends when you think about it.


I hummed for a slight moment. "Hmm... Alright then, why not. Travelling in a group is most likely the best option in an unknown location filled with corpses that ooze a stink worse than death and wandering OCs. Very well, I accept proposition." I concluded to Magus, having a would-be smile on my face, if, you know, I had a face.

  • Brohoof 2

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@ - @


"Oooooooooooooooh... well, what do we have here, boys and girls?  It looks like there are TWO (count 'em) TWO new contestants on YOUUUUUU BET YOUR ASS!"


The voice was somewhat tinny and digitized, but it was loud enough to hear clearly.  The source wasn't obvious at first, but a section of the ground slid aside in a square, somewhat in the same fashion as how the troll was gotten rid of.  Rising up from the hole came a flat-screen monitor, surrounded by dramatic steam as it rose.


On this monitor was a jet black screen, but in the center was a large eyeball, glancing around wildly at complete random.  It was twitchy and erratic, seemingly in the midst of a seizure or something similar.  The eye suddenly locked directly onto Magos.


"... and YOU!  Sectionals belong in their own section, Amphy - what are you doing out here?"  The line came out in a condescending, almost sing-song tone of voice.  "We really should make sure you get back... get back... get back to where you once belonged, my sweet little Warhammer fanatic!  In fact..."


From behind the monitor came a high-tech looking water cannon, red ichor dripping from the tip.


"Why don't we give you a nice, fresh coat of 'Go Faster Red' to help rush you along; what do you think? "


Maniacal, insane laughter echoed from the monitor's speaker, and the cannon focused its aim on the Sectional.

  • Brohoof 3

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Vulcan stood in awe, his mouth agape and his eyes wide open in excitement. He couldn’t help but jump for joy at the glorious Forum games. “This is my paradise” He proclaimed seriously with tears in his eyes despite the worn aesthetic of the place.  “Oh goodness, where should I play first? Ship the member above you? The Banned Game???” He cried with excitement before realizing he was diverting too much time away from situation.


“Easy Vulcan focus on the mission” He slapped himself back into focus before hearing the feint “ding” of a machine that appeared to beckon to him. “Is that? …no….it can’t be…..but it is” He thought to himself with disbelief as he walked towards the machine, the old arcade machine looked overused, it had a CRT screen with a strange keyboard where the control would have been. On its side where phrases painted in action bubbles of varying colors with text like “Who are you?”, “Samurais or Ninjas?”, and “What time is it where you live?” on its top was a sign than Vulcan knew all too well and that he couldn’t help but smile…


{Answer the Question above you}


He placed his palms on the strange keyboard that look like it had been made in the late 90s when a hoof appeared from the Screen. grabbing Vulcan's palm as he jumped back in surprise. A face emerged soon after, it smiled at Vulcan as if it knew who he was and greet them three.




“Hi! How are you?”

Edited by Vulcan
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I was about to respond when a voice pounded out from what seemed to be an invisible surround sound speakers.

"Oooooooooooooooh... well, what do we have here, boys and girls? It looks like there are TWO (count 'em) TWO new contestants on YOUUUUUU BET YOUR ASS!"

I looked into the screen. "Err... Randi, is that you? That eyeball pic's still creeping me out, and you're talking like a maniac. You alright?"

"... and YOU! Sectionals belong in their own section, Amphy - what are you doing out here?"

"I'd much like an answer to that question myself," I responded, somewhat confused. "Perhaps you could..."

"We really should make sure you get back... get back... get back to where you once belonged, my sweet little Warhammer fanatic! In fact..."

"Oh, look, a Beatles reference. How quaint. Are you just going to be condescending this entire time?"
Then the water cannon pulled up. My eyes widened. Red, evil-looking ichor or not, liquid and tech-priests do not match.
It was about this time that I truly realized something was wrong as the cannon focused towards me.

"Why don't we give you a nice, fresh coat of 'Go Faster Red' to help rush you along; what do you think? "

"IwouldlovetostayandchatbutIreallymustbegoingnow," I rushed out, and then I turned tail and very, very quickly flipped around to the other side of the door- whether with or without Bradley- and braced the door shut behind me. Well, at least that's over.
Taking a breath, and looking up, I found an identical copy of the same cannon staring at me in the face.
"Oh crap..." I breathed before diving underneath of it.
The red spray was behind me practically the entire time. It was like a laser from one of those games- if you stopped moving, you were dead, but it couldn't catch you if you kept moving around. Out of exasperation, I blindfired my melta gun behind me, unleashing a short ranged heat ray that, despite me not looking, managed to hit the screen with the eyeball and reduced it to a dripping glass and metal hole- which gave me just enough of a break that I needed to leap into the door with the roleplay section and...
A blurt of binary code later, I was standing in a large, hilly area that was overcast and quite gloomy. There was grass and trees here, though they looked like they were dying, and an ominous wind was blowing. Several portals with signs next to them, denoting where they went to, scattered the landscape,and, directly across from them appeared to be small houses that apparently made up the OOC section. A few of them were locked, and had thick, heavy chains across them. A few houses were large, and had titles that denoted them as the roleplaying guidelines and RP mentoring. An even smaller amount of them were surrounded by a barrier of red coding that seemed to render it invisible to others. But, despite the weird landscape and the apparent rush of power, that wasn't what drew my attention.
It was the fact that a familiar character was face down on the grass next to a less familiar pony- light blue coat, with a dark blue mane with odd patterns in her hair- who was looking her over that drew my attention.
Initially, I was confused. What the hell is a character from a video game- Ibuki Mioda, nonetheless- doing here? But then I realized- if I turned into my profile picture, why wouldn't others turn into the same? And if the others could turn into the same, then that would make this Ibuki Mioda-
"Matron! Troblems! A face- er, hairstyle- that I both hopefully recognize and isn't immediately trying to short me out! Are... you alright?"
After this outburst, I stopped and looked at her more closely. She seemed to not be in a state to talk at the moment, so I turned to the odd pony standing next to her. "Well... um... hi. How are you doing?"

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I looked around in the new area with a little confusion.  It reeked of Popcorn and other stale smells.  But the moment I looked at the top of the machines, where signs could be seen, I knew all too well where we were at.  The Forum Games.


I shook my head at the current scenery.  "Whoever's doing this is going to pay dearly." I said, smacking my fist into another hand.


I saw Vulcan go up to a machine.  It was the "Answer the Question Above you" game.  When he touched the keyboard, a pony appeared and went for his hand.  I went over to his side while she asked how we were.


"Hi.  I'm good.  Do you know what had happened to this place?"

  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The eyeball on the monitor took on an angry look as the cannon tried to catch the other Sectional in its blast.  "Hold still, you little ork-loving..."  came from the speaker on the back of the monitor as it swiveled, chasing Magos as he skittered out the door, slamming it behind him and bracing against it.


The eye on the monitor seemed to shudder in anger.  "Grrrrrr..."  It glanced at The Mystery Lord, blinked, then simply said, "I'll deal with YOU later - I've got a MAGGY to catch!"  With that, the monitor zipped back into the floor, and the hatch closed swiftly behind it.


When the cannon popped up outside behind Magos, the corrupted Secional's voice called out, "PEEKING BOOS!"  The cannon fired, and a stream of crimson ichor spewed out.  Magos ran as the cannon followed his actions, leaving an evilly glowing trail behind.  Wherever it touched, the ground turned tarry, and little veins of blackness ran through the area around the liquid scar.


Magos might not have had a clue what was happening here, but at least his Dexterity score was up to snuff.


"All around the digital bush, the Randi chased the Maaaa-gos!"  Randimaxis' little ditty warbled out, punctuated by maniacal, almost pained-sounding laughter.  The monitor had returned out here now, lined up behind the cannon as if the corrupted staffer was aiming it by iron sights.  This could have continued forever - or at least until Magos collapsed - but Randi wasn't the ONLY one armed, here.


Firing his Melta blindly behind him, Magos made an attempt to take the cannon out.  Of course, his aim was off... and the blast struck the monitor instead.  It gave him enough leeway to jump through a doorway, and one could almost hear the umpire calling 'safe!' as the door slammed shut behind him.


As the monitor began to liquify, the mad sectional screamed bloody murder.  "AAAAH!  I'M MELLLL-TIIIIING!  MELLLLL-TIIIIING!  OH, WHAT A WORLD!  WHAT A WOR-..."  >BZZT!<  The speaker shorted out mercifully as the monitor went dark.  It was plastic slag; the cannon went inert, and slid back into the floor quickly, the hatch snapping shut.






The mare sitting next to Troblems looked up as Magos entered the area.  Strangely, there didn't seem to be as much of the decay here that the rest of the Forums was experiencing, though signs were evident.  There was a small campfire where Troblems and guest were sitting, and the blue mare regarded Magos coolly as he adjusted to his new surroundings.


"Whoa, there - your vibe for this existence is harmonic, but the ripples you're causing can, like, wake the not-so dead, foaly... she paid the Sandmare for a trip to Slumberland, and I won't be the ladle that dips into her mind-soup first.  That cake might be a lie, but a slice of 'Ally Pie' might be right for the fight, dig?  Out of that section of pie comes a Sectional guy who looks like he's trying to defy the status-quo by NOT being totally nutzoid."


She gave Magos an easy, soft grin; there would be no issues with her, as far as the Sectional could tell.


"So, is the microscope in your mind focused on, like, the Forum slide?  Because foaly, you've come a long way - and last I checked, this isn't Kansas, and I'm no Toto, dig?  But shall we allow the societal label exchange between us?  Dig it - this fresh breeze sings the wail of Smooth Groove, but the wind cries 'Groovi'... and how does your wind-tunnel of identification sing, foaly?"


Great.  Troblems was asleep, and all he had to talk to was some kind of pseudo-Hippie pony.  Perfect.

  • Brohoof 3

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@, @@Randimaxis,  

She woke up to people talking. A lot of it. After the driving, she wasn't really interested in waking up, no matter what her husband had to say about needing to get the truck back. They could just pay the stupid late fee. Characteristically flailing at her husband with her arms in her usual 'shut up' motion, she realized it wasn't his voice she was hearing. Bolting straight up, she noticed it wasn't her name that was being used. Well, it was and it wasn't. They were using....her internet handle?


Whomever it was that was talking to her, and both seemed to be oddly recognizable to her, she spent a long moment trying to reconcile what exactly was going on. "We're not in Texas anymore, Toto," she mumbled incoherently to Pascal, her dog. Taking a minute to scope her surroundings, she noticed one thing that was conspicuously missing. Her beloved pup who had been at her side when she had fallen asleep was now missing. "Oh shiiiiitaki mushrooms, am I?"


Finally collecting her thoughts, she noticed her leg itched. Looking down to scratch it, she cataloged what she was wear, which was very different from what she had gone to sleep in.

  • Brohoof 4


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@ - @


The mare turned and looked over at Troblems when she began to mutter.


"Craaaaa-ZY... here we are, engaged in the phase where our names are to blame, and the waterfall of words has splashed upon the slumbering staff-maiden, snapping the twig of sleep she was laid upon.  Like, salutations - have yourself a piece of peace and chill; can you dig it, mare?" 


Seated next to her was a blue mare wearing a black jumpsuit and a matching beret, while across from her was a tech-covered... man?  Person?... In a red cloak and cowl.  A familiar-looking cloak and cowl, to be exact...


And yeah, Texas?  Forget about it - nowhere NEAR here, as far as she could tell.

  • Brohoof 3

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"Hi.  I'm good.  Do you know what had happened to this place?"


The Mare looked at him with puzzled eyes as she completely went through the screen and toppled a bit over the ground before finding her balance. She had a cloth-like coat, a straight dark brown mane, and a cutie mark of the forum's default avatar. "Don't you know Mister? " She wondered after all everyone would have known. "No one's been in the forum games for hours..." She added with a hint of loneliness in her tone. She walked a bit towards them both


"Hold on a sec, How did you two even *get* here? Didn't SHE stop you?


As the mare had said this , the CRT screens among the other arcade monitors began to flicker without their notice.

Edited by Vulcan
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@@Randimaxis,  @,



I floated and stared at my newest friend running away from a hyped-up eyeball on a monitor chasing, uh, him with a red spray-paint shooting cannon. You know, If I hadn't recently transformed into a question mark and washed black ooze off of my suit by using a washing machine, this would easily be the weirdest thing I've encountered this week. 


The eyeball seemingly shuddered with rage as Amphrose ran away, before directing it's vision towards me. Wait a second... That's an eyeball surrounded by the void and shown on a screen... How exactly does that work? Is it a webcam that's filming an actually skittering eyeball, and if so, how is it controlling the cannon and monitor, since it's just an eye? Or is it a screen-capture of some sort, and the real creature behind the monitor has actually just put up a recording of a twitiching eyeball for intimidation?...


"... Is that Randimaxis?"


Staring into nothingness for a moment, I felt something touch my... floating ball, as bad as that sounds. Jumping a little, I looked down to see what caused the intrusion... Oh, right. Drakk is here. And he's nuzzling me with that muzzle of his, and... Whimpering. Reaching down with my glove, I started scratching his right ear, to which he responded by sticking his tongue out and panting, aswell as hitting the floor with his left back-hoof... You know, I never really noticed how his dark cape makes him so.. So darned... Cute. Lord, I just want to hug the fluffiness out of him.


Shaking my head-thing, I looked around to see what's up. Apparently, the eyeball, no, wait, Randi had left, probably to continue chasing Amphrose. For some reason.


Continuing my search while listening to Drakk's cute panting, whih was similiar to a puppy's, I saw several doors with... Signs above them, I believe? They had some weird writing which I could no recognize. I shrugged somehow, despite lacking shoulders. "Probably magic." I mused to myself, causing Drakk to look up at me, which caused me to look down at him, aswell as realize that I had stopped scratching behind his ears. Oh well, probably for the best. Don't want him to grow an addiction to ear-scratching. Lord, that would be awkward to write in his character sheet. "Has a crippling addiction to scratches behind the ear and tummy rubs." I chuckled at my silly thoughts, causing Drakk to instinctively trying to raise his eyebrows at me, causing me to chuckle once again at his failings.


"Silly unicorn, you don't have eyebrows!" I stated to him, reaching into my pocket to grab my cane. The moment the OC saw it, he started backing away and whimpering, looking at it with terror as if it was some demonic being from Tartarus here to crack his skull open. I bit down the urge to explode into full-blown laughter at his expression, instead settling for calming him down. "Woah, calm down there, buddy! Not gonna hurt ya..." I said, holding my empty glove up peacefully and keeping the other one close to the ground. Slowly, Drakk started straighting up, and trotted to me cautiously. Smiling, or trying to, I rubbed his head a little.


"Well then, Drakk, seems we're on our own." I muttered, raising my left glove to scratch my beard, before realizing I had no beard, and got a little sad. I had grown attached to that fluffly thing that lived on my face... It warmed me up at Winter...


"Oh well!" I said loudly and cheerfully, clapping my gloves together. Then I looked at my gloves. I watched my gloves intensely, as if something was amiss. Something was not right...


"... Where'd my cane go?" I muttered, confused, before I noticed a sound coming from my side. Slowly moving my head-thing, I saw the unicorn chewing on a brown stick with a ruby on top. I blinked. Or tried to, anyway. Then, I simply setted for chuckling. Silly OC...


"Anyway, we gotta get a move on!" I finally concluded for the second time, weighing my option  "So... 4 doors to go through, any of them having the exact same chance of literally being hell." I said calculatively. 




Drakk layed back spiritually, relaxing on the couch he had conjured as he watched his body chew on a stick like a dog. He had given up at this point, only returning to see what kind of crazy shenanigans his creator could come up with.


At the moment, he was watching Bradley simply floating there, doing absolutely nothing. 5 minutes ago, he spoke a single line about 4 doors. Then, he just stopped... Functioning. Even the virus occupying his body watched the Mystery Lord curiously a with a tad of confusion...


"... I think he's dead" Drakk thought to himself. There was literally no other explanation for it. He was just floating there, and doing nothing. This was getting boring fa-"


"Eenie Meeny Miny Moe, Catch a Question By it's suit, If it riddles, take it's cane, Eenie Meeny Miny Moe!" Bradley suddenly sang out, pointing a glove at a different door every time a new syllable showed itself, eventually stopping at one. "And that's where we're going, Drakk! Get ready for an adventure!" He spoke joyfully, pointing a glove up in the air while having the other on his hip.


Drakk stared. Drakk blinked. Drakk stared again. "... I'm going back in" 




"Wow, that took surprisingly long to come up with!" I thought to myself as I marched over to door number 3, my cane hitting the floor every so often. I stopped. I looked at Drakk, who was following me with my cane in his mouth. I looked at my right glove, where I was holding my cane...


"... Nope, nothing wrong here" I concluded as my new body floated over to and beyond the door, having no clue what lied beyond. Unbeknownst to him, the sign above the door actually read "Octavia's Hall".

  • Brohoof 1

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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I didn't show it, but I was surprised when the pony stepped out of the screen.  Next I had a look of pity when the pony said that no one has been here for hours.


"I don't blame ya.  I'd be lonely if I was stuck here with nopony showing up for hours."


The next words from the pony caught me off guard, but again, I didn't show it.


"Who?  The Hooded One?  The moderators of this forum?  In the case of the former, we managed to escape.  The latter, no, we haven't met yet, though my gut tells me that we'll meet soon enough."

  • Brohoof 2

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The Mystery Lord and his trusty companion Drakk were greeted by what sounded like a piano playing hesitantly, but that sound stopped as soon as they appeared.


It was a very, VERY large auditorium the two of them were dropped into.  


Though it was obvious that this place was made to hold quite a lot of people (or ponies), it seemed as if it was specifically designed to still feel like a personal experience between the audience and the performer.  Lining the walls of the place were thousands of what appeared to be picture frames, each and every one holding a piece of artwork from various artists known on the Forums.  There were rows upon rows of bench seats, all facing the stage, where a grand piano sat alone.  


Above the stage, on a huge banner, were the words:




But this is where the rest of the details come in... and they are NOT pretty.


The place was an absolute MESS.  Many of the frames on the wall were skewed, torn or crooked, and graffiti covered every reachable inch.  Nothing intelligible could be read in the graffiti; it simply looked like someone decided to spray paint lines through as much of the art as possible.  


A few of the benches had been uprooted and tossed aside, while more were warped and even just broken.  Except for two spotlights, the stage lights were all busted in heaps on the floor, and the curtains meant for performances were shredded and slightly burnt.  Even the banner above had scorch marks on it.


All over, there was garbage strewn about, and the smell wafting through the place was a combination of char, rot and Crylon.  A pipe was sticking out of one wall, merrily spraying water all over the steps leading to stage left and ruining the mud-stained carpet.


Beyond this, there were lines of jet black... something... in different paths along the floor, walls and even the ceiling.  The marks looked suspiciously like the ones left behind by the 'ichor cannon' he'd witnessed earlier.  It almost looked as if someone had tried to swat flies with it.


The last note played on the piano was still ringing through the Hall as the two of them arrived... but there was no sign of anyone else there, aside from the two of them.

  • Brohoof 2

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As he had said this a woman's voice , calm yet terrifying crackled through the screens..."ATQAY~..." She called the mare as the screens around them flickered.


"You have quite the gut Mr. Dwhite" bantered Vulcan as the young mare let out a quick "meep"  and hid fast behind the 2.


"Come on Attie *Static* Don't you want to join us?"  continued the voice it's tone distorted and cheerful , as the arcade machines around them began to shake and move. 


"What are we gonna do?!" Panicked Vulcan as he looked at the young pony. 




"Same >.<" 

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I looked around, this time showing the shocked look on my face as the machines magically came to life.  I hated not having Sonic's moves, for I would've quickly taken down the machines.  Then again, it would be against the will of the pony who's now with us.  I came to one conclusion.


"We run away from here, and we're going to another part of the forum.  I'm headed to the Role Play World forum.  If you guys wanna join, that's fine.  But if not, head to another section as quick as you can.  We'll meet back here, and if you see any broken machines, you know what happened."


I then took off as fast as I could away from the scene, without any more word, and grabbed the links.  One binary code montage later, I was in the Role Play World section.  I looked around.  The place was as gloomy as all can be, with everything looking like they were dying.  I searched around until I found what looked like an anime person and a hooded robot.  I immediately recognized them as Matron and Magos.


@, @,


I ran straight up to them, calling them.  "Matron!  Magos!  We got huge trouble on our hands!" 

  • Brohoof 3

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"Whoa, there - your vibe for this existence is harmonic, but the ripples you're causing can, like, wake the not-so dead, foaly... she paid the Sandmare for a trip to Slumberland, and I won't be the ladle that dips into her mind-soup first. That cake might be a lie, but a slice of 'Ally Pie' might be right for the fight, dig? Out of that section of pie comes a Sectional guy who looks like he's trying to defy the status-quo by NOT being totally nutzoid."


I took a breather as the pony began... almost rapping to me? It was a unique style that Randimaxas had mentioned to me after accusing him of being a hippie. Beatnik, I think the exact name was. Odd. Either way, it took me a few seconds to translate her words to English. "Sorry," I mumbled, still rather shocked that one of my friends just tried to potentially kill me. Infect me? I don't know...




"So, is the microscope in your mind focused on, like, the Forum slide? Because foaly, you've come a long way - and last I checked, this isn't Kansas, and I'm no Toto, dig? But shall we allow the societal label exchange between us? Dig it - this fresh breeze sings the wail of Smooth Groove, but the wind cries 'Groovi'... and how does your wind-tunnel of identification sing, foaly?"


"Ah. Well... hello, Groovi. I am... Amphrose. Magos if you want to use my internet handle."


I remained silent as Matron apparently woke up, but then another voice came from over the hills.




"Matron! Magos! We got huge trouble on our hands!"


Another person, I commented to myself. Well... perhaps they will be a fitting servant of the Omnissiah, should their-

Full stop.


What? Omnissiah? I could tell myself many things, but I was not really a techpriest... I knew the Omnissiah didn't exist. Putting it down to a stray thought- much how I often absentmindedly inserted things into my posts that I edited out before I posted it- I shook my head and sighed before looking at the figure approaching me.


It was deep blue, and had an odd cutie mark and slicked back hair that looked like spines. Normally, I would be oblivious to what this pony was- that is, if I wasn't knee-deep into Sonic Adventure 2's Steam Release. I smiled slightly. "Hello there... did you happen to bring the 7 Chaos Emeralds with you? No? Eh, that would be too easy anyways." Releasing another sigh, I huddled back down by the fire. "Well... I have no idea what's happening here other than the fact that one of my friends is trying to kill me and we all got teleported into what appears to be MLPForums incarnate. Are you more knowledgeable in this? Also..." I beckoned him closer before whispering, "Troblems- Matron- just woke up. Be... gentle with it."

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"I suppose it's only for the best" Vulcan gulped as he grabbed the thread pony by the hoof and took off jumping on top of the machines as he headed towards the link above him. The screen that once flickered appeared to have a corrupted being with a single wing of glowing light climbing out of it.


 "Where are we going?!!" The mare screamed as she was dragged by the strange creepy faced smiling man. "I have no idea!" Vulcan replied with a maniacally insane grin on his face as he reached for the long metal chain that hung from above before missing and falling flat on his face. the winged creature creeped slowly out of the screen, as the static in the monitors began to overload the screens. 


"This isn't the time for games..."


"Do something!" Attie panicked as she shook smiling faced man. "I'm trying!" Vulcan replied as he got to his feet and unraveled the bandages that covered his left arm revealing horrible scars and tissue damage.

"Please work"

"Please work"

"Please work"

He chanted hoping that he had his avatar's powers as well and focused his mind towards his arm, all the while the being crept closer towards them,  a strange ringing like that of an audio feed back loop getting louder and louder. "Hurry..." She panicked, tugging his coat as Vulcan's arm began to thin out into a rope. "Yahtzee" he grinned as he spun the arm around before flinging it towards the chain, all the while the winged entity readied a sword with a golden hilt and flung it towards them. Vulcan closed his eyes ready to be cut in half before feeling the metal chain with left arm...











Vulcan as The creepy smiley faced avatar with a santa hat fell from the auditorium's ceiling on to what appeared to be a question mark.

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