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searching The wasteland adventure


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Sorry guys. I only play cs .-.


Annyyways, correct me if I'm wrong, but the situation right now is...


Second sight is standing very near summer


Reader's dragon pony oc (shadow something I think ) is holding summer at knifepoint

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Yeah, so dragon pony. I'm not wrong. And if she was held in the air by the next with claws, her next would be spaghetti by now. Any of you currently writing?

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Sum up of what happened while you were gone: Raiders escaped, Second sight joined the group after betraying raiders, we raid the raider's store room ( how ironic ), we exit the cave. This is a VERY general sum up

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First - A little to OP character for me, but watever I've seen worse





Don't you think his a little to OP? He's some kind of mutant? And is he the one who Atacked Cyan or it was Enzo coz im confused 

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Wait, second sight is op? He has no dedicated combat abilities other than escapes and diversions

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Sorry if you put this in your OC page, but im reading what all of you was posting right now - How did he get it, how are he using it coz his earth pony, do it make coffe 

Im now on 23 Episode of FoE, and didn't come across something like that - this is non canon?

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Short answer: MAGIC


Long answer: Basically, it's a new limb for him, nerve endings which are magical and artificial in nature. Of course, just having an armour plated hoof, but i found the premise of repairing your own hoof quite interesting




But seriously, not like it has blasters or anything


He studies magic, although he's an earth pony

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